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Hari, tanggal : Mata kuliah : Selasa, 22 Januari 2013 Speaking I Dosen : Waktu : Bus Dewanto, S. Pd. 09:00 10:30

STUDENT A Situation 1 You meet an old friend at a super market. Show surprise and greet him/her warmly. Ask him/her how he/she has been. When he/she ask you back, tell him/her that you are just fine. Respond appropriately when he/she asks you about your parents. Ask him/her back about his/her family. When he/she starts gossiping about Caroline, tell him/her you have no idea about it. Ask him/her what happened to Caroline. Show a surprise and sympathy to Caroline. Ask him/her about Carolines children. Tell him/her that it is nice to meet him/her but you really have to get going because you have an important meeting at the office. Promise to make a call to have a longer chat sometime next week. Close the conversation nicely and appropriately... Situation 2 You just arrived at a police station to report that you were just robbed. A man at an empty bus shelter suddenly approached you and snatched your purse/wallet. Answer all the police officer questions appropriately. Describe the mans physical appearance and special physical features that you noticed. Describe your purse and what you had in it. Ask the police officer to help you catch the bad guy because there is something very important in your purse: your engagement ring. Thank to the officer and close the conversation nicely and appropriately... Situation 1


You meet an old friend at a super market. Show surprise and greet him/her warmly. Ask him/her how he/she has been. When he/she ask you back, tell him/her that you are just fine. Respond appropriately when he/she asks you about your parents. Ask him/her back about his/her family. Start gossiping about Caroline by asking him/her whether he/she has heard about Caroline. Tell him/her that Caroline asked for a divorce. Tell him/her that Caroline has no children yet. Express your sympathy. When your friend is leaving, ask his/her phone number and agree to meet again for lunch sometime next week. Close the conversation nicely and appropriately...

Situation 2 Someone just entered to your police station. Try to calm him/her down. Ask what happened to him/her. Ask his/her name, age and address. Ask where the incident happened and how the situation was. Ask him/her how the robber looked like. Ask him/her if there was a special physical feature such as tattoo, scar, or anything that he/she remembers from the mans body. Ask him/her to describe his/her purse/wallet and other belongings he/she had in his purse/wallet. Try to calm him/her down when he/she mentions about his/her wedding ring. Promise him/her that you and your team will do your best to help you. close the conversation nicely and appropriately...

Situation 3 You are having lunch at a restaurant. Raise your hand and call a waiter. Tell him that you are not ready to order yet and tell that you want to see the menu first. After checking the menu, tell the waiter what food you would like to have. When asked about what you would like to drink. When the waiter says that the drink you order is not available, ask him whether he/she has lemon punch. When the waiter asks you whether you want to have anything else, tell him/her that is all what you need and close the conversation nicely and appropriately.

Situation 3 You are a waiter at a restaurant. When a customer calls, ask him whether he/she is ready to order. When he/she is ready, first, ask him/her what he/she would like to eat; after that ask him/her what he/she would like to drink. Tell him/her that today the restaurant doesnt serve that kind of drink. When he/she asks you about lemon punch, tell him/her that you have it and ask him/her whether he/she likes it with or without tea. Ask if there is anything else. When he/she wants nothing else, repeat his/her order and tell that the order will be ready in ten minutes. After ten minutes, get back to the customer with the food and drink, say thank you for waiting and wish him/her to enjoy the meal. Situation 4 You are a hotel receptionist. A tourist ask for your help to give him/her a direction to the nearest bank to the hotel. Explain to him /her the way to the hotel. During your explanation, please make necessary pauses to check the tourists understanding. Try to give the direction as clearly as possible. Respond appropriately to the tourists inquiry if any. Close the conversation nicely and appropriately. Situation 5 Your friend, Student A, invites you to watch a music concert by your favourite band, NIDJI. Tell him/her that youd love to but you cant because you have a lot of homework. When Student A tries to persuade you, tell him/her that your homework is very difficult. When he/she promises that he/she will help you do your homework, it is up to you now: you can accept/refuse his/her invitation. Close the conversation nicely and appropriately.

Situation 4 You are a tourist in the city. Now you are staying at a hotel and need to go to a bank to cash a cheque. Politely ask the hotel receptionist whether he/she knows where the nearest bank is. Listen to his/her direction. In the middle of his/her direction, you make a necessary interruption. Give appropriate responses whether you understand the direction or not. Finally, close the conversation nicely and appropriately. . Situation 5 You have two free tickets to watch a music concert by NIDJI. You ask, Student B, your best friend to come with you. S/he refuses to go with you because s/he says that s/he has a lot of homework. Try to persuade him/her. Tell him/her that there will be a lot of fun there such as great door prizes and others. When s/he still refuses, tell her/him that you will help him/her do his/her homework. Close the conversation nicely and appropriately.

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