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Torio, Maria Janel R. BS Psychology 3 Reflection Paper: Hope for the Flowers: Somewhere Beneath the Gardens..

Things we are truly looking for are sometimes just right in the palm of our hands. The story Hope for the Flowers in my opinion is a story about curiosity, striving to reach a goal or to answer what is the unknown. It is also about love that some people see as a weakness while others see it as strength. The story shows to sides of the story. One part of it or should I say one of the characters shows the nature of man of being curious and in search for more in life than what is given. The other side of the story shows of humans being capable of contentment in this case it is love that causes them to be content. Although this story is supposed to be a gentle story, if we reflect it to our world we could see the possible harsh nature of our society. In the story, Stripe thought joining the pile of caterpillars who were trying to reach the top would make him different. He thought that it would answer his questions then he met Yellow, someone opposite of him. At first she was like him, in search of her purpose until she met Stripe. She knows that meeting him was her answer. She was contended. Stripe loved being with Yellow however he was still wondering what was at the top. So he left, leaving Yellow and all he has known. Back at the pile, he became more brutal even will to push the others out to keep them out of his way. When got to the top, he realized that his search was worthless and that what he was searching before was already found but he regrettably let go of it. Yellow, on the other hand, realized that even though she was contended she realized her purpose by becoming a butterfly. At first it was hard for her because there is no turning back and a part of the world she had known would be change forever but with her courage and her crave of filling the answer of her question of her existence she finally decides to finally let go of her past and begin to renew her life, making her cocoon, for her process to become a butterfly. However even through her form and her view has drastically changed, a part of her still hasnt changed. She still loves Stripe. Love, if it is strong enough, no matter how much change in time especially within ourselves that love would last for a lifetime. That love might even made Yellow a much better living being for not only that she had achieved to find out her purpose of existence but also because she became more patient and even though Stripe could no longer recognize her physically, through her actions she made Stripe realize that she is indeed the caterpillar Stripe knew and loved. Yellow made Stripe be inspired to be enlightened himself. Most of us see that stepping out of the box or getting out of the shell is the best way to learn more about ourselves. I think staying where we are right now could actually a good thing. We spend too much attention of doing different things, taking risks for the sake of knowing that we forgot what really our own purpose is. It is like we keep looking for our missing cellphone or wallet that we didnt realize it is just right beside you. They say that money makes the world go round. We work to get money for our health and needs but what was the reason of the sickness? Too much work. We do it to pay for our needs and wants to survive but do we live? In my opinion, not really. Sometimes we pay too much attention on power or fame like who gets the best grades or have the most money. Stepping out of the box isnt really much of a different path anymore. Its been becoming a trend. Its not like Im saying that it is bad but what Im saying is that what is different and unique if everyone is doing it? Some people say take the road less taken but now that road is mostly taken now. It is quite ironic in my opinion. There are times where even stepping out of the box isnt really the answer. We rush too much that we just run not walk and look the flowers. In society today, we do things too fast.

In society today, even children are forced to mature at an early age. Our parents even tell us that we have to grow up so we would have better life. Some people do rebel from their family to defy their familys wishes for them. Others fulfilled their answers while most got more lost than they already are. We see people on newspapers, TV or even the World Wide Web, famous people being rich, successful and powerful because they took a risk to do it. But we lack to remember that things like that rarely happen. Most dont get that lucky break no matter how similar you did it. We gamble everything and sometimes rely on luck thats why we got lotteries, hoping we get lucky. Its not my point that it is humans disadvantage to be deviant and not conform to the norm and it is always good to conform but what Im saying here is that it is natural for us humans to take risks for the sake of that one big break. We Filipinos are mostly common with that kind of belief. To me, my perception in this story is that in relation to me I am like Stripe in a way that I get curious with things I dont know. I get to wonder about things most teenagers are wondering about. To be honest a lot of those Ive tried I regretted it. There are times in my life that I try to do something just for the fun of it. Most dont always get on my way. We makes mistakes in our life and thats life but in my perspective my mistakes are just me being stupid and reckless and not able to see that what I was about to do or Im doing would be something that I couldnt fix or take back. I rush some things that actually needs to take time .There are times that I thought I would be happy for what I have done but at times some at the end of the day I realized how much I regretted it. There are times that I choose my decisions through feelings not my logic that I forget the consequences of the actions. Some of the outcomes are great while most are not so great. Experience doesnt make us learn. It is our mistakes that give us lessons. Mistakes dont tell the lessons in plain black and white. To see the lesson within the mistake, you have to read between the lines and figure out puzzles. I admit that I rarely see them that way. I see them as a hindrance, a flaw or a punishment so I mostly do self- pity or cry. I admit that I failed to be that ideal person. However, those mistakes did change my life but I am not saying that Ive changed for the better or worse. Another part of Stripe that is somewhat similar in me is that he not appreciating everything he had. I admit I lack appreciation for what I have. I am at times high maintenance which means I want high standard of things. I want better clothes, more delicious food or more quality gadgets but of course I dont always get what I want. Sometimes it is not always things that I dont appreciate. I dont really appreciate myself. I get insecure when I see pretty girls with their boyfriends or if they are single guys giving them those gifts like chocolates, flowers, stuffed toys or even being serenaded by guys in front of the whole school. Every girl like would love to get that kind of attention especially from someone who you really like. I never get that attention. I always wonder if maybe I was thinner, fairer skinned or have pretty hair guys would notice me. I want to be a butterfly with all those flowers for I am just a caterpillar. Appreciate what God has given you that was most people say. Isnt it a bit hypocritical to say that though? We do commercials or campaigns about us girls should appreciate ourselves but what does society want? It is the prettiest who gets best. Even the prettiest do hard work just to stay pretty. One weight gain would even cause headlines. Society is cruel. We fail to appreciate what we have because society achieve for us to be better even going under the knife just to get that acceptance. Ideally, we must accept who we really and what we have but in reality it is hard to actually accept what we have for society pushes us not to and if we dont conform to the societys standards we get teased, bullied or some even assaulted. The ideal world truly is far from reality Yellow, on the other hand, represents things I am not. She is a butterfly within even if she doesnt know it. Although she has doubts in her life as a caterpillar she was able to appreciate her life. At first it was hard for her to let go but she knew when she was with her love, Stripe, she was happy and contented. When Stripe left her, she still stay faithful and waited for Stripe to come back for her. Even as a

butterfly, her love was unchanged and waited once more for Stripe to become a butterfly himself so he could see life the same as she sees it and that they could be together again. Most see it as a bit naive, I admire it in a way. Not many people are as faithful as Yellow. Im in a situation that in a way that I need faith in my life not in a religious way but faith in myself and my love one. I am currently in a long distance relationship right now and I hope that our relationship would last. I trust him to be faithful with me as I am faithful with him and wait for him to come here so we could be together. This is the end of my reflection.

Torio, Maria Janel R. BS Psychology 3 Reflection Paper: The Little Prince: Somethings Special What you think makes it special make the thing itself special. The story of the Little Prince is a story in my opinion a story of appreciation, friendship and imagination. It is a story that makes us see that realize that everyone has a different perception of life and how we see things. In the beginning of the story, the young version of the narrator made a drawing of a boa that ate a whole elephant but the adults see it as a hat. Because of the discouragement of the adults, he made himself change and conform. Children even in a very young age could be the wisest. Children have the most pure thoughts no bias or influences from what society shows. They even ask a lot of questions sometimes important and sometimes random however the simplest questions actually are the hardest to answer. As we grow up we begin to change and sometimes become bitter because of our past. In our society right now, we are discouraged to act as a child because our society sees it as immature and irresponsible. But opening up our child-like imagination and creativity actually gives us appreciation of life and have courage explore beyond the norm and even question the norm itself. The little prince somewhat represent the old childhood we once loved and knew. Once we encounter even just one mistake, discouragement or something that hurt us that we were forced to grow up, move on and change. We become bitter and serious in life. We become afraid to be spontaneous, look stupid or even ask questions because of the looks from our family, friends, classmates or even a common stranger you just saw few seconds ago. In the part of story of the Little Prince where the little prince arrived on earth and found out that his flower was just a common plain rose common to this planet, he became heart-broken. There is truly pain is some truths. At the time when the little prince asked why plants have thorns and the pilot answered that the thorns were only grown by plants out of spite. It made the little prince cry because it reminds him how his flower was all alone and couldnt how he couldnt protect her. We sometimes say things we didnt mean that we unknowingly hurt others. It is true that truth hurts but it can also set you free. When he met the fox and tamed him that he realized that once you met someone or have something important or made an impact in your life will be unique in the entire world. He realized how much he cared about his flower and how much he value about friendship. It isnt about having someone or something that you could rarely get. It how we cherish it and how it impact our life I think society makes us to conform on something to be acceptance. It is nature that we are curious beings and always ask the question why but we also crave acceptance from our society. We sometimes even defy the norm just to get attention. I want answers and for our questions to be answered. We want our own answers be heard. Because of our craving for acceptance and acknowledgement, we fail to appreciate what we have. We choose to keep quiet. If dont conform, we are labeled as deviant. In school people who dont stick to the status quo were usually teased and bullied. They were made fun of, laughed at, assaulted or even being isolated by the class. People today encourages us to be different so we can make a difference but a lot of people still are closed- minded of what others view the world. They want to stick to the norm that they are willing to outcast someone with a different mind or even forced them to be normal.

In some ways, we also sometimes are like the little prince. We cant help but be vulnerable to things especially when things dont go our way. We cry, get mad, curse, scream and throw things when we get upset because something went wrong or not according to your plan. We try so hard to be mature that we forget the childhood that once gave us joy and creativity. We choose to be serious and practical in our choices because that is what society ought us to do. Also our similarity to the little prince is that we dont appreciate and cherish enough what we have and sometimes when we realize that that thing or that someone is gone that is the only time we see how important that thing or someone in your life. It is true that regret is always at the end. The simplest things are actually the best things that make us happy. We crave for things we want but do not need and what we need we sometimes take them for granted especially for people who have good fortune on their side. Take pride of what we possess not we have. We are proud just like the rose. We refused to let anyone see us as weak. We are vain and want to be admired. We love attention and sometimes even exaggerate our positive sides and hide our own flaws. We see flaws as weakness because we all want to be perfect but of course nobody is perfect. Love however makes us in some way less imperfect to the eyes of someone. A mothers love would never see her child as ugly for she sees her child as her own bundle of joy and would do everything to protect and cherish her own. The little prince love for the rose was strong that he couldnt see any flaws only beauty. Though, his love was shaken when he found out that the rose lied to him of being a rare flower but he still knows that he love his rose and she will be always be special to him. We also tend to be very hard working and persistent but sometimes when we hit something on the way or stumble. We tend to give up and walk away. It is a sad truth that most end that way that they wont pursue anymore. This is a cruel world and just like Charles Darwin believe, this is the survival of the fittest. We are born to be competitive and if you cant keep up with the heat you cant go anywhere other than where you are staying. I actually know someone like that. He was my father. He was once a pretty successful doctor. He made good money enough to support our needs and buy what we want. However, suddenly he got sick and gave up hope of getting better. It is sad for me that the father I once knew now changed doing nothing but nothing, dependent on us taking care of him and doing all chores. Its tragic how one step back can make us ruin everything we built. My conclusion in this story that there is always a child in us. We just keep it hidden in us because of the judgments of people around us. It is okay to be different and say our opinion. It is im portant for us tobe careful of our words so that we wouldnt hurt anyones feelings unconsciously because you never know how one single word can change a person. I have some few experiences of it and it changed so much of me. I remember when I was a child I didnt care about my appearance at all. I used to only care about food and having fun with friends but when my classmates suddenly make fun of me I became aware of my flaws. I believed that what I looked that time isnt beautiful. I saw myself as ugly. I have become insecure and depressed. But just like the little prince I met friends who help me once again to be more like myself again. Ive become more confident and more open. I ve even saw more of the world around me than before. Ive realized than even though we fall or stumble the is always something or someone ready for you to hold on to. It is up to us to pick it up. It is important to us to listen though. We all are different and unique. We need to open up our minds for so many great ideas of others are being ignored because of our closed mindedness. I believe that the world would improve through our creative minds and opinions.

We are all beautiful in our own way. I believe that even though we cant all have the standards of what is believed to be beautiful our uniqueness has its beauty. We should appreciate what we have, what we can do because it is only up to us to choose to use it, get rid of it or hide it from the world. To change our life lies within us.

Torio, Maria Janel R. BS Psychology 3 Reflection Paper: Jonathan Livingston Seagull: Soaring Knowing something isnt supposed to make us proud; it is to make us humble enough to know youve learned. This is a story about tradition, status quo, close-mindedness, pride and being true to yourself. The story begins with a seagull named Jonathan who only wanted to learn how to fly while other seagulls just eat. Other seagulls find him weird. Even his own parents felt ashamed of him. Jonathans passion for flying was so strong that he would let himself starve and let everyone mock him. He was proud to be the fastest flying seagull in their flock. There was once in his life when he had faced failure that he had almost gave up his passion of learning more about flying. He tried to conform and be the typical seagull his flock and parents wants him to be however even though he tried he didnt felt complete so in the end he went back on his flying. At the time he was successful on his flying he was excited to tell the news to his flock that he has been enlightened but in the end he was disowned and abandoned by his own flock. It is quite true in our nature as human beings that we developed the belief that the known or the traditions. We are usually afraid of what is unknown. Some hate what we dont really understand. One example of this is religion. We learned bias and become stereotypical. This starts misunderstanding that even one wrong look would lead to an argument. There is not much unity anymore. Even one mistake can lead to bigger consequences. In the old Christian times, if you made one deviant behavior against the church you will be excommunicated by the church hence being labeled as an outcast. One example is if you are an adulterer, not only are you isolated by your community but also that you have to wear a letter A sewn in all your clothes so that people could see that you are an adulterer. Families and friends can be the best supporter to your decisions and the worst ones to bring you down to what you want to do in your life. They are the ones who introduced you to the world. They are one of your biggest inspiration and motivation however if you decide to do something different from norm it is something difficult to face. Your family and friends who supports you in what you do would be your biggest joy while the ones who are not would give one of the biggest heartache. At first we were dependent on our family and we learn and grow, we become more independent. We start to defy our parents orders and follow our own path. No matter how close our relationship with our family it is still our life and we should decide what we want in life. Even with our familys influence in us society still influences us that those influences might support or against your known beliefs. It is up to us to embrace those new influences, be against it and stick to your known beliefs or a little bit of both. Any would not be wrong.

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