SROW2 Character Guide

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============ INTRODUCTION ============ Hi, this is FullArmourEva00/EvangelionZeta. Yeah, I've finally decided to try my hand at FAQ writing.

^_^ Basically, this guide is a meant to be a "complete" listing of information regarding the characters from Super Robot Taisen Original Generation 2, which was released by Atlus in the USA on November 21, 2006. This won't be a complete listing of everything. Most particularly, there will be nothing on stats for a few reasons. Firstly, OG2 features the PP system, which allows you to increase stats whenever you want, as long as you have the PP for it. Secondly, while I've never checked for myself, I have heard that the character's stats are not consistent every playthrough, and may vary. Lastly, I am far too lazy to bother levelling all the characters to the same level and list their stats. >_> If you want stats, wait for a future update or something. =============== VERSION HISTORY =============== Version 1.0 (07/11/06): First "complete" version of the FAQ, with everything except for stats listed for most characters. Version 1.01 (07/11/06): Fixed a couple of errors people on the GameFAQs board pointed out. much else though. Version 1.1 (22/12/06): Added some stats, fixed up a couple more errors. ====== FORMAT ====== Mecha:The mecha the character pilots. Relationships:An interesting hidden attribute, first brought to light among the English SRW community by JL Lee from the GameFAQs Message Boards (correct me if I'm wrong?). Basically, when a character has a relationship with another character, they will have a slight boost in stats. Lovers will have attack power boosted, friends will have dodge and hit rates boosted and rivals will have critical hit rates boosted. Relationships CAN be one-sided. For example, Princess Shine has level 3 love for Rai, yet Rai has no love for Shine. ;_; Ace Bonus:A bonus the character gets when they reach 50 kills. These generally affect character stats, although there are exceptions. Will Gains:How various actions affect the will of the character. Not

Attack Hit:The character's attack successfully hits the enemy. Attack Missed:The character's attack misses the enemy. Dodge Success:The character successfully dodges the enemy's attack. Dodge Fail:The character is hit by the enemy. Ally Defeated:An ally is defeated. Kill:The character defeats an enemy. Spirits:The listing of the character's spirits, with the SP required in brackets. For now, I won't be listing the effects of the spirits, but if I have the time I'll update this FAQ with them eventually. Stats:Character stats at level 50, with no modifiers. I've heard stats vary each playthrough (perhaps it's like Fire Emblem?), so what I have may vary from your game. Terrain Ratings:The listing of the character's terrain ratings. they are Air, Land, Water and Space. In order,

Comments:A few comments I will make about the character. Generally, it will be limited to the above information, although I may occasionally make reference to character stats. Rating:A rating I give the character between A+ and C. A+ means that you'd probably be stupid NOT to use them. A means they're very good, and it's really worth considering them. B+ means they're above average, but not really that essential. B means they're average. C+ means they're below average. C is generally reserved for battleships. ^_^ As a rule, I generally don't give pilots who are primarily there for their spirits anything over a B. =========== MASOUKISHIN =========== -----------Masaki Andoh -----------Mecha: Cybuster Relationships: Level 2 Love (+8% damage):Lune Ace Bonus:Damage +5%, Accuracy +10% Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit -1 Attack Missed +0 Dodge Success +2 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Potential Infight Combo Attack

Spirits: Focus (15) Alert (10) Luck (40) Valor (35) Spirit (35) Strike (10) Terrain Ratings: A/A/B/A Comments: Improved from OG1. Decent natural skills and will gains, but Cybuster probably won't be getting hit enough to take advantage of some of them. EXCELLENT ace bonus, which makes up for Masaki's weak accuracy stat (one of the problems in OG1), and his spirits are much better too now that Strike doesn't cost 30 SP. >_> I'd recommend getting him Gunfight if you have enough PP, since some of Cybuster's more important attacks (Hi-Familiar, Cosmo Nova, Cyflash) are shooting based. Rating:A -----------Lune Zoldark -----------Mecha: Valsione Relationships: Level 3 Love (+12% damage):Masaki Ace Bonus:Damage +10% Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit -1 Attack Missed +0 Dodge Success +2 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Gunfight Off. Support Revenge Spirits: Strike (20) Alert (10) Focus (15) Gain (15) Valor (35) Spirit (35) Terrain Ratings: A/A/B/A

Comments: Like Masaki, Lune really isn't going to get hit enough to take advantage of her +2 will gain for failing to dodge. On the other hand, she has a KICKASS ace bonus (that's +22% damage when she's next to Masaki, +44% with Attacker and +64% with Revenge o_o), a good spirit list and a nice selection of natural skills. She doesn't kick as much ass as Masaki, but she still kicks ass. ^_^ Rating:A === SRX === ------------Villeta Badam ------------Mecha: Gespenst Mk. II R, R-Gun Relationships: Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Ryusei, Rai, Aya, Mai Ace Bonus:Critical +20%, SP +10 Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit +0 Attack Missed +2 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +3 Kill Natural Skills: Gunfight Focus Def. Support Spirits: Scan (1) Focus (10) Accel (5) Alert (10) Valor (40) Strike (10) Terrain Ratings: A/S/A/S Comments: Excellent will gains, great natural skills (Focus!), mixed spirits (good costs for focus, alert and strike, but scan is useless) and a rather average ace bonus (unless you really need criticals for whatever reason). Honestly, Mai is probably better in the R-Gun, although Villeta has an easier time surviving earlier on thanks to her S terrains.

Rating:B+ --------------------Raidiese F. Branstein --------------------Mecha: R-2/SRX Relationships: Level 1 Friendship (+5% hit and evade):Ratsel, Leona Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Ryusei, Aya, Mai, Villeta Ace Bonus:Accuracy +10%, Evade +10% Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit +0 Attack Missed +2 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +3 Kill Natural Skills: Genius Hit and Away Spirits: Focus (15) Accel (5) Strike (10) Snipe (10) Valor (40) Fury (20) Terrain Ratings: A/A/A/A Comments: Kicks just as much ass as the rest of his family. Great relationship list, great will gains, great spirit list, great everything, basically. Notably, his ace bonus basically adds an extra 10% hit and evade to genius, which is quite scary. He's pretty much overshadowed by Ratsel in everything, but that doesn't mean he doesn't kick ass in his own right. Too bad he's basically SRX fodder for the better half of the game. >_> Rating:A+ ----------Ryusei Date ----------Mecha: Arblade, R-1/SRX Relationships: Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Rai, Aya, Mai, Villeta Level 2 Rivalry (+10% critical):Kyosuke Ace Bonus:Telekinesis Weapons Damage +10%

Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit -1 Attack Missed +0 Dodge Success +2 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Telekinesis Potential Combo Attack Spirits: Focus (15) Alert (10) Strike (15) Luck (30) Valor (35) Zeal (70) Terrain Ratings: A/A/B/A Comments: Well, Ryusei is almost exactly the same, although he has Combo Attack now. Nice list of relationships and will gains, although his defence is a little low, meaning he'll have to rely on the SRX's defence quite a bit when gaining will. Natural skills are pretty good, especially with the inclusion of the awesome telekinesis skill, which is helps him survive early on in the game. Spirits are generally good, but Zeal is a little too expensive to be worth using. Still, none of this really matters in the second half of the game, because then you'll be using him in the SRX, which has THREE pilots and awesome stats. ^_^ Rating:A ------------Aya Kobayashi ------------Mecha: R-3/SRX Relationships: Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Ryusei, Rai, Villeta Level 3 Friendship (+15% hit and evade):Mai Ace Bonus:Accuracy +10%, SP +20 Will Gains: +0 Attack Hit +0 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +1 Ally Defeated +5 Kill

Natural Skills: Telekinesis Def. Support Off. Support Focus Spirits: Alert (10) Pray (15) Focus (15) Attune (30) Valor (40) Renew (60) Terrain Ratings: A/A/B/A Comments: Decent ace bonus that adds SP (good for support pilots), good skills (notably telekinesis and Focus), EXCELLENT support spirits (Renew is very useful), but her will gains are horrid. Still, she's useful for what you need her for, as she'll spend pretty much all of her appearances as a support pilot for the SRX. However, during the few times you're forced to use her in the R-3, she's pretty average, and is more of a burden then anything else (although R-Formation is kind of nice). Rating:B ------------Mai Kobayashi ------------Mecha: R-Gun Relationships: Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Ryusei, Rai, Villeta Level 3 Friendship (+15% hit and evade):Aya Ace Bonus:Accuracy +10%, SP +20 Will Gains: +1 Attack Hit +1 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +1 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Telekinesis SP Regen Fortune Off. Support Attacker Spirits: Strike (10) Focus (15) Attune (30)

Alert (10) Valor (45) Zeal (55) Terrain Ratings: A/A/B/A Comments: She's an, uh more combat-worthy version of Aya, I suppose. Great natural skills, balanced will gains, good relationships, a rather combat-based spirit list (with a slot wasted by a very expensive attune) and the same ace bonus as Aya. Late game, she's probably the better choice over Villeta for the R-Gun, although getting her enough will might become a problem as she gains about half the amount that Villeta does (unless you kill a lot of stuff with her). Rating:B+ ==================== SUPER ROBOT TAISEN 4 ==================== ---------------Irmgard Kazahara ---------------Mecha: Grungust Relationships: Level 3 Love (+12% damage to enemies):Ring Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Kyosuke, Excellen Ace Bonus:Love Costs 45 SP Will Gains: +0 Attack Hit +3 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +2 Dodge Fail +0 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Potential Infight Sense Spirits: Strike (10) Alert (10) Spirit (35) Valor (40) Focus (15) Love (60) Terrain Ratings: A/A/A/A

Comments: Excellent spirits, suitable will gains, good natural skills and a nice list of relationships. However, the most notable thing about Irm is his BROKEN ace bonus, which lets him use Love for a measly 45 SP. Yes, seven spells all at once for the same cost that Mai, Rio and Lat need to cast Valor. That's simply insane, and it really puts Irm in the upper tier of the SR pilot list. It's a shame the best you can really give him is the Grungust (which while nice, isn't really top-tier in this game), or he would've been A+ for sure. Rating:A -------Ring Mao -------Mecha: Huckebein Relationships: Level 3 Love (+12% damage to enemies):Irm Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Radha, Rio, Ryoto Ace Bonus:Accuracy +10%, Evade +10%, Critical +10% Will Gains: +0 Attack Hit +0 Attack Missed +0 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +0 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Off. Support Hit and Away Focus Sense Spirits: Strike (10) Focus (15) Alert (10) Valor (40) Rouse (50) Enable (70) Terrain Ratings: S/A/A/S Comments: Ugh. I really, really hate Ring's will gains. Yes, I know they were the standard will gains for the older SRTs, but the fact is, they SUCK in this game. Pretty much everything else is excellent (although she probably won't get enough will to use Sense on many stages), which makes the terrible will gains all the more disappointing. If you use her, I'd recommend either giving her mech will boosting items (she doesn't have enough skill slots to allow for a will boosting skill) or putting her in the Ash Saber (as the Sword

Breaker only needs 110 will) equipped with strong low/no-will weapons, like the G-Impact Stake, Boosted Hammer, etc. Rating:B -------------Gilliam Yaeger -------------Mecha: Gespenst Relationships: Level 3 Friendship (+15% hit and evade):Sanger, Ratsel, Kai Level 1 Rivalry (+4% damage):Lamia Ace Bonus:Evade +15% Will Gains: +1 Attack Hit +1 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +1 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Foresight SP Regen Hit and Away Off. Support Spirits: Resolve (10) Focus (10) Strike (10) Valor (40) Alert (10) Zeal (55) Terrain Ratings: A/S/A/S Comments: One of the four Aggressors, known for their ability to kick ass. Gilliam is probably the best pilot you'll get mid-game, with the only other contenders being Lamia, Rai and Leona, although Gilliam has a slight advantage over them due to the fact that he gets SP Regen and two S rankings naturally. Anyway, great spirits, will gains, natural skills, etc. Only thing he really needs is a good mech or good weapons. I normally enjoy giving him the Ash Saber (it's a Shadow Mirror mech after all) equipped with the Graviton Launcher so the Sword Breakers don't run out of ammo really quickly. ^_^ Rating:A+ ========================== SUPER ROBOT TAISEN ADVANCE ==========================

-------------Lamia Loveless -------------Mecha: Angelg, Vysaga, Ash Saber Relationships: Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Excellen (after stage 28 only) Level 1 Rivalry (+5% critical):Kyosuke (before stage 28 only) Ace Bonus:Shooting +5%, Accuracy +10% Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit +0 Attack Missed +2 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +3 Kill Natural Skills: Potential Counter Sense Spirits: Strike (10) Guard (20) Focus (10) Valor (40) Alert (10) Zeal (55) Stats: Mel:176 Rng:177 Hit:280 Evd:271 Def:159 Man:175 Terrain Ratings: A/A/A/A Comments: Well, I might be slightly biased (Lamia is always my top ace after all), but Lamia kicks some serious ass. Excellent will gain set and GREAT spirits (probably one of my favourite lists in the game). Her stats are pretty much balanced between range and melee, but her ace bonus leans towards her using the Angelg, although the Vysaga's brokenness might make up for it. Natural skills follow the nature of the Angelg, which can take hits at lower will levels and dodge hits at high levels. Lamia's only downside might be her storyline influenced relationships, which are rather average/below average. Still, relationship bonuses are probably the least important thing to have, so it doesn't really matter. Use her, and user her well. Rating:A+

======================== SUPER ROBOT TAISEN ALPHA ======================== -----------------------Ricarla "Carla" Borgnine -----------------------Mecha: Land Grief Relationships: Level 2 Love (+8% damage to enemies):Yuuki Ace Bonus:Accuracy +10%, Kills +10% Will Gains: +0 Attack Hit +3 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +2 Dodge Fail +0 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Telekinesis Fortune Def. Support Off. Support Spirits: Assail (25) Focus (15) Strike (15) Rouse (40) Valor (35) Love (60) Terrain Ratings: A/A/A/A Comments: Well, Carla is certainly interesting. Weirdass will gain set, average/below average ace bonus and relationship, average/above average natural skills and a...unique spirit set. Lack of alert or guard hurts, so you'll have to use Love if you want to evade an attack, because Carla's evade stat isn't great. She has freakishly high defence (sometimes even more then Tasuku o_o), so try and stick her in a Super Robot or something with good armour that can take advantage of her assail (Giganscudo Duro might work). I guess you could keep her in the Land Grief, but it's rather underpowered by the end of the game. Carla is probably the worst pilot you'll get late game, but like the other Alpha originals, she's still usable. Rating:B ---------------Leona Gashustein

---------------Mecha: Guarlion Custom, Huckebein, Huckebein Mk. III Trombe Relationships: Level 1 Friendship (+5% hit and evade):Ratsel, Rai Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Lefina, Russel, Katina Level 2 Love (+8% damage):Tasuku Ace Bonus:Accuracy +10%, Evade +20% Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit +0 Attack Missed +2 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +3 Kill Natural Skills: Telekinesis Attacker Hit and Away Spirits: Accel (5) Focus (15) Fury (20) Strike (15) Valor (40) Alert (10) Terrain Ratings: A/A/B/S Comments: Basically think of her as Ratsel-lite, or a female version of Rai. Awesome list of relationships, a superior version of Rai's ace bonus, excellent will gains, fantastic natural skills and a more expensive version of Ratsel's spirit list. Just like the rest of her family, she kicks ass, and she's easily one of the best RR pilots in the game. One of the best candidates for the Huckebein Gunner or the Ash Saber, although I prefer her in the former since it needs Telekinesis for its strongest move and others may need the Ash Saber more. Rating:A+ -----------Ryoto Hikawa -----------Mecha: Huckebein Mk. III/Huckebein Mk. III Boxer Relationships: Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Ring, Radha

Level 2 Love (+8% damage):Rio Ace Bonus:Damage Dealt +5%, Damage Taken -5% Will Gains: +0 Attack Hit +0 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +1 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Telekinesis Def. Support Sense Spirits: Focus (15) Alert (10) Mercy (5) Strike (15) Valor (40) Zeal (60) Terrain Ratings: A/A/B/A Comments: Rather average RR pilot, although it's odd that his melee is now higher then his range o_o. Decent spirits (except for Mercy) and above average natural skills. His will gains are pretty bad, and it's going to be hard to build will for him on stages with smaller amounts of enemies. On the other hand, he has a fairly interesting ace bonus, although the damage reduction might not be that useful considering his defence is quite poor. All in all, a decent pilot, although I think he's more useful as a sub-pilot for the Huckebein Gunner then as the main pilot of the Boxer. Rating:B ------------Yuuki Jegunan ------------Mecha: Laz Angriff Relationships: Level 2 Love (+8% damage):Carla Ace Bonus:Evade +10%, Critical +10% Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit +0 Attack Missed +2 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +3 Kill

Natural Skills: Telekinesis Hit and Away Off. Support Sense Spirits: Focus (15) Strike (10) Alert (10) Accel (5) Valor (40) Drive (45) Terrain Ratings: A/A/A/A Comments: Another good RR pilot. Excellent will gains and natural skills, above average ace bonus and a spirit list that would probably work for both a RR and a SR. A worthy candidate for the Boxer (thanks to Drive and his good melee stat), but the Laz Angriff can also work for him if you upgrade it sufficiently. Rating:A --------------------------Brooklyn "Bullet" Luckfield --------------------------Mecha: Huckebein Mk. II, KoRyuOh Relationships: Level 2 Love (+8% damage):Kusuha Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Sanger, Excellen, Kyosuke Level 2 Rivalry (+10% critical):Yuuki Ace Bonus:Accuracy +10%, Critical +10% Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit -1 Attack Missed +0 Dodge Success +2 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Telekinesis Infight Spirits: Alert (10) Strike (15) Gain (20) Focus (15) Valor (35) Spirit (35)

Stats: Mel:177 Rng:174 Hit:273 Evd:273 Def:145 Man:171 Terrain Ratings: A/A/B/A Comments: Pretty standard Super Robot pilot, with good morale gains, natural skills, spirits, etc. There's not much to comment on, but he gets an A for being good overall AND for having a kickass shared mecha. Rating:A -----------Rio Mei Long -----------Mecha: AM Gunner Relationships: Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Ring, Radha Level 2 Love (+8% damage):Ryoto Ace Bonus:EXP +10%, Kills +10% Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit -1 Attack Missed +0 Dodge Success +2 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Telekinesis Potential Battle Will Spirits: Alert (10) Gain (15) Valor (35) Strike (20) Focus (15) Accel (5) Terrain Ratings: A/A/B/A Comments: Sadly, Rio is probably one of the worst Alpha originals, tied with Carla. Spirits and will gains aren't bad, although strike is rather expensive comparatively. Her ace bonus really isn't very good, and her natural skills

are probably the weakest among the Alpha originals (Fighting Will is probably one of the worst skills in the game). All in all, while you can still use her, there's really no reason to when you have so many other pilots that are better. Rating:B ------------Kusuha Mizuha ------------Mecha: Grungust Type-2, RyuKoOh Relationships: Level 2 Love (+8% damage):Bullet Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Ryusei Ace Bonus:Support Defence +10%, EXP +10% Will Gains: +1 Attack Hit +1 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +1 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Telekinesis Def. Support Focus Spirits: Strike (15) Guard (25) Focus (15) Valor (45) Zeal (60) Love (65) Stats: Mel:176 Rng:174 Hit:275 Evd:261 Def:152 Man:168 Terrain Ratings: A/A/A/A Comments: She's definitely improved over her appearance in OG1, partially thanks to her kickass mech. She has a nice (though somewhat expensive) list of spirits, a great list of natural skills (she happens to be one of the most powerful telekinetics in the game) and her will gains are good. On the other hand,

she has a rather small list of relationships (everyone's scared of her health drink?) and her ace bonus really isn't that useful at all. Honestly, she doesn't deserve an A, but at least she's worth using now. Rating:B+ --------------Tasuku Shinguji --------------Mecha: Giganscudo Duro Relationships: Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Lefina, Russel, Katina Level 2 Love (+8% damage):Leona Ace Bonus:Lucky Activation +10%, Luck costs 15 SP Will Gains: +0 Attack Hit +3 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +2 Dodge Fail +0 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Telekinesis Lucky Def. Support Spirits: Strike (20) Luck (25) Accel (5) Guard (25) Valor (35) Love (70) Terrain Ratings: A/A/B/A Comments: Good Super Robot pilot. Weird will gain set, interesting ace bonus (being lucky is always good :p), good list of relationships and a decent spirit list. He lacks Alert, but his freakishly high defence stat is enough to make up for it, and against bosses, you could just use Love. His natural skills are quite good, although he's not the only combat-worthy pilot to have Lucky anymore (say hello to Arado). He should be able to do fine in the Giganscudo Duro, but I prefer him in the Huckebein Mk. III Boxed. ^_^ Rating:A =============================== SUPER ROBOT TAISEN ALPHA GAIDEN

=============================== -------------Sanger Zonvolt -------------Mecha: Grungust Type-3/DyGenGuard Relationships: Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Kyosuke, Excellen, Bullet Level 3 Friendship (+15% hit and evade):Ratsel, Gilliam, Kai Ace Bonus:Melee +10% Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit -1 Attack Missed +0 Dodge Success +2 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Potential Counter Infight Sense Spirits: Strike (10) Drive (45)) Guard (30) Resolve (10) Valor (35) Alert (10) Terrain Ratings: A/S/A/S Comments: Another kickass Aggressor. He's basically a Kyosuke with a VERY super robot oriented spirit list, except with the inclusion of the slightly useless Resolve. Otherwise, he's pretty much as awesome as he always was, with nice natural skills, a very ace bonus, great will gains and arguably the best relationship list in the game. Just make sure you take advantage of his relationships, because the DyGenGuard has rather inaccurate attacks, which means you'll be missing a lot unless you do something. I'd suggest keeping Ratsel next to him at all times, since you'll need the Ausenseiter to pull of Tatsumaki Zankantou anyway. Rating:A+ ========================== SUPER ROBOT TAISEN ALPHA 2 ========================== ------------Arado Balanga -------------

Mecha: Wild Wueger Relationships: Level 3 Love (+12% damage to enemies):Seolla Level 3 Friendship (+10% hit and evade)::Latooni, Ouka Ace Bonus:Melee +5%, Kills +10% Will Gains: +0 Attack Hit +3 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +2 Dodge Fail +0 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Fortune Lucky Def. Support Spirits: Alert (10) Strike (15) Guts (20) Focus (15) Valor (35) Spirit (30) Stats: Mel:180 Rng:150 Hit:268 Evd:255 Def:184 Man:152 Terrain Ratings: A/A/B/A Comments: Excellent relationships, a slightly below-average ace bonus, decent natural skills, the weirdass will gain set (which fits a tanker better) and a GREAT spirit list. Twin Bird Strike pulls him a B+. Just make sure you upgrade the Wild Wuerger's armour stat, because Arado isn't going to last very long with his terrible dodge stat. >_> Rating:B+ -----------Ibis Douglas -----------Mecha: Astelion Relationships: Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Sleigh

Ace Bonus:Potential +1 Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit -1 Attack Missed +0 Dodge Success +2 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Off. Support Support Plus Counter Spirits: Focus (15) Strike (20) Gain (10) Alert (10) Valor (40) Accel (5) Terrain Ratings: A/A/A/A Comments: Slightly under mediocre. Ace bonus and will gains are completely inappropriate, considering she is stuck in the Astelion which CANNOT take a hit. Spirits are nice, although strike is a little expensive comparatively. Skills aren't bad, although they aren't really great either (especially Support Plus, which would've been more useful in OG1). Her only relationship bonus is with Sleigh, who is only available on 2 stages briefly. The only way she could have been saved is if she had a kickass robot like Masaki, and sadly, she lacks that. We'll just have to wait until when she gets the Hyperion. >_< Rating:C+ ----------Sleigh Presty ----------Mecha: Calion Relationships: Level 1 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Ibis Ace Bonus:??? Will Gains: +1 Attack Hit +1 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +1 Ally Defeated +5 Kill

Natural Skills: Hit and Away Attacker Natural Skills 2: Predict Attacker Prevail Counter Revenge Off. Support Spirits: Accel (5) Focus (15) ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Terrain Ratings: A/A/A/A Terrain Ratings 2: S/A/B/S Comments: Well, uh, she's only around for what, one and a half stages (and she's never really too useful on either of them)? If you COULD keep her, she'd be fairly awesome (although it's weird she changes Natural Skills and Terrain Ratings later on O_o). Still, there's not much worth commenting for, because you'll hardly ever see Sleigh in OG2. >_> Rating:A ----------------Seolla Schweitzer ----------------Mecha: Wild Falken Relationships: Level 3 Love (+12% damage to enemies):Arado Level 3 Friendship (+15% to hit and evade):Latooni, Ouka Ace Bonus:Shooting +5%, EXP +10% Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit -1 Attack Missed +0 Dodge Success +2 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +5 Kill

Natural Skills: Off. Support Def. Support Hit and Away Gunfight Spirits: Focus (15) Guard (30) Strike (10) Snipe (10) Valor (35) Love (60) Stats: Mel:154 Rng:175 Hit:261 Evd:278 Def:142 Man:173 Terrain Ratings: S/A/A/S Comments: Another good RR pilot, with an OK ace bonus, excellent relationships, good natural skills and alright spirits (lack of alert hurts a bit for a RR pilot). Not godly, but she's good enough. Being able to initiate Twin Bird Strike is also a plus. Rating:B+ ============================ SUPER ROBOT TAISEN COMPACT 2 ============================ -----Alfimi -----Mecha: Persoenlichkeit Relationships: Level 3 Love (+12% damage to enemies):Kyosuke Ace Bonus:Off. Support and Def. Support +10% Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit -1 Attack Missed +0 Dodge Success +2 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Foresight Off. Support

SP Regen Combo Attack Potential Def. Support Spirits: Attune (5) Hope (50) Rouse (40) Enable (40) Pray (10) Love (50) Stats: Mel:171 Rng:181 Hit:288 Evd:281 Def:152 Man:176 Terrain Ratings: S/S/A/S Comments: Well, she's a one and a half stage only character (if you get the secret stage, that is), but at least she kicks some serious ass. AMAZING spirits (notably the incredibly cheap Enable, which I loved using 4 time in one turn on Sanger on the last stage), good will gains, an alright ace bonus and very good natural skills, although she lacks Attacker. Another overpowered character to have fun with. ^_^ Rating:A+ ----------------Excellen Browning ----------------Mecha: Weiss Ritter/Rein Weiss Ritter Relationships: Level 3 Love (+12% damage to enemies):Kyosuke Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Sanger, Bullet Ace Bonus:Off. Support and Def. Support +10% Will Gains: +0 Attack Hit +3 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +2 Dodge Fail +0 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Hit and Away

Def. Support Spirits: Alert (10) Focus (15) Snipe (10) Valor (40) Strike (10) Love (65) Stats: Mel:159 Rng:182 Hit:278 Evd:286 Def:131 Man:178 Terrain Ratings: A/A/B/A Comments: Well, she's Excellen. She STILL has the weird as hell will gain set, which doesn't really work well for real type pilots. Natural skills are fine, although you'll need to get her Off. Support if you want to take full advantage of her ace bonus. Relationships and spirits are good too, and she's easier to use now that she has Alert and Strike. A good pilot made better by her insanely cheap mech. Rating:A ------------Kyosuke Nanbu ------------Mecha: Alteisen/Alteisen Rieze Relationships: Level 3 Love (+12% damage to enemies):Excellen Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Sanger, Bullet Level 2 Rivalry (+10% critical):Ryusei Ace Bonus:Counter Activation +10%, Melee +10% Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit -1 Attack Missed +0 Dodge Success +2 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Fortune Counter Spirits: Accel (5) Focus (15)

Assail (15) Strike (10) Valor (40) Alert (10) Stats: Mel:185 Rng:159 Hit:277 Evd:246 Def:165 Man:182 Terrain Ratings: A/A/B/A Comments: Well, he's pretty much the main character of the game, so you know he has to be good, right? Good will gains, good spirits, great relationship bonuses and an alright ace bonus. His natural skills aren't great, but not totally useless. However, he has 4 free skill slots, so you have lots of freedom when assigning him skills. All in all, a great pilot, especially because of Rampage Ghost. ^_^ Rating:A ====================================== SUPER ROBOT TAISEN ORIGINAL GENERATION ====================================== -------------Radha Bairaban -------------Mecha: Gespenst Mk. II Relationships: Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Rio, Ryoto, Ring Ace Bonus:Dodge +10%, SP +20 Will Gains: +0 Attack Hit +0 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +1 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Foresight SP Regen Def. Support Spirits: Focus (10) Alert (10) Bless (30) Attune (35)

Pray (10) Enable (80) Terrain Ratings: A/A/B/A Comments: A useful support character, although her spirits are a bit expensive. Excellent natural skills, decent ace bonus (although how are you getting her to be an ace in the first place), nice relationships...there's really not much to say. She's probably the best candidate for a pure repair/resupply unit since she can actually dodge in the planes thanks to Foresight and Focus. >_> Rating:B ------------Russel Bagman ------------Mecha: Gespenst Mk. II Relationships: Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Leona, Tasuku, Lefina, Katina Ace Bonus:Damage Received -20% Will Gains: +0 Attack Hit +0 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +1 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Potential Off. Support Def. Support Spirits: Strike (20) Guard (15) Trust (20) Gain (15) Faith (30) Rouse (30) Terrain Ratings: A/A/B/A Comments: The other support pilot, except with a focus on defence instead of dodging. REALLY cheap spirits (except for Strike, but who uses that with a support pilot?), decent natural skills and an ace bonus that would've been nice if he could actually get it. >_> Just like the last game, he has a incredibly

high defence stat, so if you're going to use him, you'd probably want to give him a high movement unit with good armour (not sure if any of those exist though...). He's not as good as Radha as a support unit thanks to his low dodge and defensive focus, but if you really had to use both of them (or if you like to keep your units close together), then by all means do. Otherwise, he's a potentially good support character who really needs a mech to suit him. Rating:C+ -------------Lefina Enfield -------------Mecha: Hiryu Custom Relationships: Level 1 Friendship (+5% hit and evade):Daitetsu/Tetsuya Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Leona, Tasuku, Katina, Russel Ace Bonus:Command Bonus +5% Will Gains: +1 Attack Hit -2 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail -1 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Command Off. Support Def. Support Spirits: Strike (15) Gain (10) Trust (20) Bless (45) Rouse (50) Hope (70) Terrain Ratings: A/A/A/A Comments: Well, she's stuck commanding a battleship too, but she's much more useful then Tetsuya thanks to her more support-based sets. In fact, you could probably make into the Hiryu Custom into a nice little support unit by giving it two boosters/mega boosters, repair and resupply, keeping it in the middle of your units to support and give command bonuses. Rating: B

-------------------Ratsel Feinschmecker -------------------Mecha: Huckebein Mk. III Trombe, Auseinseiter Relationships: Level 1 Friendship (+5% hit and evade):Rai, Leona Level 3 Friendship (+15% hit and evade):Sanger, Gilliam, Kai Ace Bonus:Shooting +10% Will Gains: +1 Attack Hit +1 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +1 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Genius Gunfight Focus Hit and Away Spirits: Focus (10) Strike (10) Alert (10) Accel (5) Valor (40) Fury (15) Terrain Ratings: S/A/A/S Comments: I'd say OMGWTF sums him up pretty nicely. Elza-er, Ratsel is probably the best among the Aggressors, and possibly even the best permanent pilot in the game. Four AWESOME natural skills, a nice ace bonus, balanced will gains (works very well for the Auseinseiter, which has lots of HP), excellent relationships and probably one of the best spirit sets in the game (partially because it doesn't have that crappy no status effect spirit all the other Aggressors have... >_>). To top it all off, he gets access to one of the strongest combination attacks in the game. Now if only he'd get rid of those lame goggles... Rating:A+ -----------Shine Hausen -----------Mecha: Fairlion

Relationships: Level 3 Love (+12% damage to enemies):Rai Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Latooni Ace Bonus:Kills +20% Will Gains: +0 Attack Hit +0 Attack Missed +0 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +0 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Foresight Fortune Focus Off. Support Spirits: Alert (10) Cheer (25) Focus (20) Bless (50) Valor (40) Strike (15) Stats: Mel:169 Rng:166 Hit:277 Evd:175 Def:163 Man:156 Terrain Ratings: A/A/C/A Comments: Ugh. Well, she's pretty much a support pilot who can also initiate Royal Heart Breaker, but she shares Ring Mao's terrible will gains, which means using the Royal Heart Breaker quickly is going to be a pain in the ass early on. Spirits are decent for a support pilot, but she lacks both top tier support spells, Enable and Renew. Her Ace Bonus is rather useless (not that she reaches ace status much of the time anyway). She's also the ONLY pilot to have a natural C rating. Natural skills aren't bad, and having Focus naturally is always nice, though Foresight isn't going to be as useful as it could be considering how godly the Fairlions are at dodging. All in all, a disappointing pilot who tries to support and attack, but excels at neither. Rating:C+ -----------Kai Kitamura ------------

Mecha: Gespenst Mk. II, Gespenst Mk. II S Relationships: Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Latooni Level 3 Friendship (+15% hit and evade):Sanger, Ratsel, Gilliam Ace Bonus:Command Bonus +5%, Critical +10% Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit -1 Attack Missed +0 Dodge Success +2 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Command Attacker Combo Attack Spirits: Focus (15) Valor (35) Strike (15) Resolve (10) Guard (30) Drive (55) Terrain Ratings: A/S/A/S Comments: GESPENSTO KIIIIICKU! Well, sadly, Kai will probably be the guy you'll have the most trouble using early on, thanks to the lack of Super Robotish mecha aside from the Alteisen. He'll probably be stuck in an upgraded R-Blade/Gespenst Mk. II for the early stages, until you get the Grungust Type-2, which is when he'll begin to really start kicking ass. Anyway, great natural skills, super robotish will gains and decent relationships and ace bonuses. His spirit list is alright, but he kind of needs alert for boss fights. Kai's easily the weakest of the Aggressors, but he still kicks ass in his own right. Rating:A -----------Eita Nadaka -----------Mecha: Kurogane Relationships: None Ace Bonus:Critical +5% Will Gains: +1 Attack Hit

+1 +1 +1 +1 +5

Attack Missed Dodge Success Dodge Fail Ally Defeated Kill

Natural Skills: None Spirits: Trust (20) Focus (20) Cheer (20) Faith (35) Accel (5) Spirit (30) Terrain Ratings: D/D/D/D Comments: Uh, he's a support pilot for a battleship. He probably wouldn't deserve a ranking anyway, and unfortunately, battleships simply aren't very useful in this game. At least he has some support spirits. >_> Rating:C ----------Ouka Nagisa ----------Mecha: Rapiecage Relationships: Level 3 Friendship (+15% hit and evade):Arado, Seolla, Latooni Ace Bonus:??? Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit +0 Attack Missed +2 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +3 Kill Natural Skills: Genius Guard Counter Potential Gunfight Infight Spirits: Focus (10) Alert (5) Rouse (20) Strike (10) Valor (30)

Drive (50) Terrain Ratings: ??? Comments: She's only playable on one stage, but if you could keep her for the whole game...damn, just damn. Great spirits (5 SP Flash, 30 SP Hot Blood), good skills, excellent relationships, my favourite will gain set and a kickass mecha to boot. Rating:A+ --------------Tetsuya Onodera --------------Mecha: Hagane/Kurogane Relationships: Level 1 Friendship (+5% hit and evade):Lefina Ace Bonus:Damage Received -10% Will Gains: +1 Attack Hit +1 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +1 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Command Off. Support Def. Support Spirits: Strike (20) Guard (25) Guts (35) Snipe (20) Fury (30) Valor (40) Terrain Ratings: A/A/A/A Comments: Well, he COULD have been a fairly decent Super Robot pilot if it wasn't for the fact that he, uh, supports/commands a battleship instead and all. His usefulness is pretty much limited to how useful you can make the Kurogane, which means if you're anything like me, he's not going to be very useful. >_> Rating:C --------------Latooni Sabuta ---------------

Mecha: Fairlion Relationships: Level 1 Love (+4% damage to enemies):Ryusei Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Kai, Princess Shine Level 3 Friendship (+15% hit and evade):Arado, Seolla, Ouka Ace Bonus:EXP +20% Will Gains: +2 Attack Hit +0 Attack Missed +2 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +3 Kill Natural Skills: Genius Off. Support Def. Support Spirits: Alert (10) Focus (10) Strike (15) Faith (40) Valor (45) Enable (70) Terrain Ratings: A/A/A/A Comments: Sniper Loli is now Melee Loli, thanks to her funky new Fairlion and her lack of Gunfight. Spirits are definitely better, now that she has replaced scan. >_> Ace Bonus is rather mediocre, unless you really need her to gain experience or something. Relationships are another story though, as she has friendship with her fellow Schoolmates, Kai, Shine AND love with Ryusei. All in all, a great pilot, very suited to the Fairlion. Rating:A -----------Lee Rinjiyun -----------Mecha: Shirogane Relationships: None Ace Bonus:???

Will Gains: +1 Attack Hit +1 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail +1 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Command Off. Support Spirits: Guard (20) Strike (20) Terrain Ratings: A/A/A/A Comments: Well, ok, Lee is stuck in the worst battleship in the game, but even if wasn't would anyone seriously use him? Unlike some other temporary characters, you actually get to use him for more then one or two stages, but certain events within the story kind of put you off using him. >_> Rating: C ------------Katina Tarask ------------Mecha: Gespenst Mk. II Relationships: Level 2 Friendship (+10% hit and evade):Leona, Tasuku, Lefina, Russel Ace Bonus:Accuracy +10%, Damage Received -10% Will Gains: +0 Attack Hit +2 Attack Missed +0 Dodge Success +2 Dodge Fail +2 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: Counter Revenge Combo Attack Spirits: Strike (20) Valor (30) Assail (15) Accel (5) Alert (10)

Drive (55) Terrain Ratings: A/B/A/A Comments: For those who haven't worked it out yet, Katina is meant to be a Super Robot pilot. Super Robot ace bonus, SR will gains, SR-like spirits, etc. Notably, she has the cheapest Valor in the game (tied with Ouka, who is a one stage only character), which is definitely a good thing. Katina's a fairly good Super Robot pilot, but there's definitely better choices out there, like Irm, Tasuku, etc. If you use her, I'd recommend either the Giganscudo Duro, the Grungust Type-2 or the Gespenst Mk. II S. Rating: B+ -------------Sean Webley -------------Mecha: Hiryu Custom Relationships: None Ace Bonus:Critical +5% Will Gains: +1 Attack Hit -2 Attack Missed +1 Dodge Success +1 Dodge Fail -1 Ally Defeated +5 Kill Natural Skills: None Spirits: Mercy (10) Vigor (15) Luck (40) Guard (30) Valor (40) Alert (10) Terrain Ratings: A/A/A/A Comments: Not much to comment on, considering he's only there for support. His usefulness is pretty much limited to keeping the Hiryu alive. It's kind of weird that he has all As for terrain when Eita has Ds though. 0_o Rating: C+

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