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the lily w w w . a b d u l k a l a m . c o m

would like to address my
young student friends
today. In your student JANUARY 23, 2008 T H E P U L S E O F I N D I A
life you have to acquire the
trait of righteousness in the
heart. In our language we Whatever be the depth of the lake or pond,
call it Dharma. This whatever be the condition of the water,
Righteousness in the heart
is built by parents and the lily comes out and blossoms.
teachers. With righteous in IT’S POSSIBLE
the heart you will develop
and evolve beauty in the

Mera Bharat Mahan

character. The beauty in the
character of a young person
brings harmony to the home
and joy to the parents.
Harmony in the home
spreads to the society and any a time we is universally known that
the nation. Order in the
nation leads to peace in the
world. Righteousness in the
M have heard our
beloved coun-
try, India, being called a
Three young Indians share
their anguish over what they
see around them. Why don't we
teenagers are stubborn and deter-
mined… This is a call to all fellow
teens out there: channel this stub-
heart of the youth of the Third World country. bornness and determination into a
nation finally leads to peace Most of us just ignore feel shame at being called a fire to help our country reach
in the world. Young people the statement, or even worse, join Third World nation? Doesn't great heights.
have to develop courage. the critics in poking fun at our All the children of Mother India,
the poverty and if you are listening: Dream! Dream
The courage to: Motherland.
 Think differently, There are many jokes passed illiteracy in our villages of India achieving a better,
 To invent, through the Internet, making fun disturb us? Why don't we try stronger, stabler, more respectable
 To travel an unexplored of Indians and India. We take it in position in the world. Dream of
path, a light-hearted way: After all,
to be better than the best? India prospering, not only eco-
 To discover the impossi- what harm can a joke do? I agree can contribute to our country in a nomically, but in every true aspect
ble, with you, it is not worth picking a meaningful way? How many of us of the word 'prosper'.
 To combat problems and fight about a silly joke… but do we are even aware of the problems Dream of India as a country free
succeed. realize what in light our country is persecuting our country? from the stigma of being 'Third
Youngsters should also portrayed to the world? Many of India's youth are either World'. And dream of India
have a thirst for knowledge. Why don't we feel shame at living abroad, or are too 'small' to becoming not a developing, but a
You can acquire knowledge being called a Third World coun- make a difference, being from developed country. As Walt
from home, good books, try? Because, being brought up in low castes or having gone Disney said, "If you can dream it,
teachers and coming into a country completely alien to through some kind of trauma in you can do it!"
contact with good human Indian culture and heritage, we their lives. But the worst kind is So dream each night of India's
beings. When the knowl- don't realize the seriousness of the those youngsters who don't even eminent success in the near future,
edge acquired is used with situation. care to think of the well-being of and aspire each morn towards it.
righteousness and courage, Sure, we hear of poverty, our country, our Motherland, A plea to every Indian in the
we will have empowered droughts, floods, child-marriage which has given us an identity of world: Stand up to the
and enlightened citizens, and the rest in the news. We read nationality. world…say, 'Yes, I am an Indian,
who are required for the about political problems. The reason why we children are and I am proud to be one!'
growth of the nation. And we hear from quite a lot of called the health, wealth and
Friends, India today has a people, that the strength of a strength of our country, is because —Lakshmi Sudhakaran
mission of transforming nation is its youth. But how many we have the strength, will, capaci- Class VIII; Peepal Grove School,
itself into a developed of us 'youth' even imagine that we ty and determination to dream. It Andhra Pradesh
nation with value system.
This is a great challenge.
This can be achieved
through our youth power.
Youth has the power of
No development I want prosperous
ideas, ambition and ability.
If people think big, a
nation becomes great. The
gaps please villages
young population of India

he India of my dreams is a country that

hough India is called a 'country of
has self-esteem and confi- stands shoulder to shoulder with other villages', is it true in the real sense?
dence. The challenge in the countries that are highly developed. I I feel the answer is an obvious big
missions of the developed don't think that we are a poorly developed NO.
India calls for an important, country. We are fine, but we can be better or It's not because there are very few vil-
cohesive and focused efforts the best. lages, but because the development, the
of the young. For success in Small things, such as not spitting on the road/pave- infrastructural conditions there, are pitiable.
any mission what we need ment or fixing a faulty elevator permanently, can help A large part of our population lives in urban
is indomitable spirit. improve the impression India would have on visitors. areas, not attracted by the glitz and glamour of
Being an NRI, I did not have a good first-hand cities but more due to lack of opportunities and
impression when I stepped into the public gents toilet facilities in villages.
at the Chattrapathi Shivaji Airport in Mumbai. The The underlying poverty and illiteracy just add
India of my dreams would also be a place where insult to injury.
hygiene would not be an issue anywhere, and all cities The prevalent and still-dominant casteism, the
and areas would be equally developed. The India of religious disharmony and deep-rooted corruption
Proverb my dreams would not have development gaps add fuel to the fire.
Pocket between places. I am not saying that people are not try- I dream of an India where development is not
ing. People are trying, but the number of people trying only on paper and and in political leaders' election
is less than a quarter of the population. If every Indian speeches, but is pursued in the right perspective.
citizen would believe in the saying - "Just One Can I dream of an India - the country of villages -
Make a Difference", then the day is not far when every where villages become seats of development. If
To bend a bamboo one of us can hold our heads high in a room full of peo- India is to be a superpower, by no means can we
start when it's a shoot. ple from all over the world.
__ Shrisha Sethi
undermine the importance of villages.
— From Malaysia
8th Grade, New International School of Thailand, Amar Saurabh
Bangkok, Thailand Class XII, Rose Public School, Darbhanga, Bihar
S U C C E S S U N L I M I T E D JANUARY 23, 2008

Space, part of our lives now

riharikota: A huge crowd of has now become an indispensable cities. In addition they also pro- also zoomed into the area of med-

S men, women and children is

waiting impatiently outside
the vast space complex for an
part of your daily life. In its civilian
role it covers different fields.
In India, currently there are two
vide information about the state of
the environment.
An ISRO official says: "With the
icine with the launch of the
telemedicine project. As with the
educational programme, the
important event to take place. types of rockets; the highly-proven new data, we will be able to make telemedicine project has connect-
Then the moment arrives. The four-stage Polar Satellite Launch better decisions about how to sus- ed hospitals in rural areas with
countdown hits the zero mark, Vehicle (PSLV) which places tain and improve life on earth in those in cities. This has reduced
and immediately a mighty rocket remote sensing satellites in orbit, the future." the number of people in villages,
blasts off the launch pad. As it and the three-stage Geo- Let us now move on to commu- travelling to cities for receiving
zooms higher and higher, its awe- Synchronous Satellite Launch nication satellites. TV buffs should medical treatment.
some and ear-deafening roar Vehicle (GSLV), which carries be grateful to these satellites These communication satellites
echoes across the spaceport. two-tonne communication satel- because without them they would also provide weather forecasts,
Seconds later, the rocket comes and help in search and rescue
into sight, travelling in a yellowish operations. The Apollo lunar land-
plume of flames, gathering speed S PA C E TA L K ing flights went a long way in
every moment and flying faster By Srinivas Laxman improving the maths and science
than the speed of sound. Everyone scores of students in the US and
gathered outside the space com- India has about a dozen Insat-series communication were also responsible for the
plex watches the rocket, with awe satellites in orbit, and about half-a-dozen remote sens- development of a material known
and breaks into an instant ing satellites, making it the largest constellation in the as velcro which you use to stick
applause, the sound, of course, world. The data from our remote sensing satellites is something. Space has also encour-
being drowned by the thunder of used even by powerful space-faring nations like the US. aged the development of new
the vehicle piercing the clear blue computer technology.
sky over Sriharikota. lites. At present there are about a never have been able to watch their Space technology is also being
As people keep clapping looking dozen Insat-series communication favourite telecasts! That is not all. increasingly used for traffic man-
at the flight of the rocket, both out- satellites in orbit. And there are On Sept 20, 2004, space technology agement in cities through the glob-
side Sriharikota and on their TV about half-a-dozen remote sensing rocketed into the educational sec- al positioning system.
sets all over the country, how satellites, making it the largest tor in a big way when the India- So there you are - look forward
many are aware of the significance constellation in the world. The made Edusat satellite was placed to rocket launches because they
of the space mission? Not many data from our remote sensing in orbit by the powerful GSLV. will benefit you a lot. A time may
perhaps. Some may believe that satellites is used by various Edusat is India's first satellite come in India when a student
India is launching rockets carrying countries, including a powerful dedicated to the field of education. need not go to school or college
satellites only to impress the popu- space-faring nation like the US. Thanks to this satellite, schools in and his dad and mom need not go
lation, and that these launches are What are remote sensing satel- backward areas have been linked to office to work. They can sit at
devoid of any scientific value. lites? They mainly help in impor- to those in cities. As a result, stu- home and complete their assign-
Nothing could be indeed further tant areas like agriculture, water dents in backward areas have con- ments. Thank space technology for
from the truth. The main role of the resources, forestry and ecology, siderably benefitted by the lessons this.
rocket flight, as is the case with coastal management and urban which are imparted by teachers in
most space flights, is to bring the development. For example, high cities. This has helped to eradicate The writer is a Special Correspondent
benefits of space technology to resolution maps of Mumbai and illiteracy. Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam with The Times of India, Mumbai
your doorstep and attempt to New Delhi have been procured by launched a programme which and is the author of the book Dr
improve the quality of your day- the local urban development offi- linked Mumbai, Chennai and Abdul Kalam: Dreams to Reality.
to-day life. The clear message that cials for city planning purposes. Kolkata universities. You can reach him at:
a rocket flight conveys is that space They carry important details of the Likewise, space technology has

M a i l b a g
 Great minds don't need great positions to do. God has given each one of us calibre,  Children have a great role in shaping the  I would like to share a recent experience: I
lead a change. This is very well portrayed by knowledge and capabilities. Let us utilize our India of tomorrow. It is that mindset that the work in Oman. A few days back, we were trav-
the step of initiating a newspaper that tells us blessed resources to build a modern India. child of today develops that goes forward as elling from Ahmedabad International Airport to
about the positive people and their great - P. Babu Harindranath the attitude of the adult of tomorrow. So, it Saudi Arabia via Dubai. There was a big group
deeds and instills exuberance and a lot of  In our country, which suffers from life-long becomes very essential to hone these minds of American Gujaratis waiting for their flight.
positive energy in our sleeping, giant nation. appointed leaders of various political parties, very early and instill in them the spirit to Most of them were holding an American pass-
Our nation just needs a stir, and I feel billion we regret that the MOST deserving President make a better nation. port, meaning that they were already in
beats will act as a first step towards waking up could NOT be the PM of the country even - Anandh Ramesh America since many years. We believe that
the giant. once. Had it been so, then India could have  Hope APJ and billion beats will try to the people in America are highly disciplined,
- Ankesh Tyagi become super scientific power even by 2015! usher in a new India which will be a promis- we expect even the people from that country
May God grant Dr. APJ ... ing land for all the people without discrimina- to behave in the same manner wherever they
I would like to share the following with readers
tion on the basis of caste, creed, religion and go. To my surprise, two of the members from
of billion beats: 12 Months of Happiness,
poverty, and deserving merit is given proper this American group left their coffee cups on
 Prof.S.Chandrasekhar, the famous Nobel 52 Weeks of Good Health, the airport lounge floor itself as soon as their
value for jobs and higher education, If need
laureate (1983) in Physics, was a faculty flight was announced. I was sorry that these
365 Days of Success, be economically weaker meritorious candi-
member at the University of Chicago for near- people couldn't maintain their discipline when
8,760 Hours of Fun, dates shall not be denied opportunity at any
ly 60 years. In 1940s when he was based at they came to their motherland. And these
cost. Cost-based and not caste-based should
the university's Yerkes Observatory, in 52,600 Minutes of Good Luck, people keep talking of the bad management of
be our motto. Jai Hind.
Wisconsin, he drove more than 100 miles and God's Grace for all 3156000 Seconds in the country, corporation, government, authori-
- Ratnakumar Iyer
round a trip to teach a class of 2 registered 2008.. ties, etc, in India.
students. Any concern about the cost-effec-  I dream of an India that is very clean but I
- Siddhartha actually feel there aren't enough dustbins! All I always remember what respected Kalam
tiveness of such a commitment was erased in Saab asked his audience once: "Will you dare
1957, when the entire class - T.D.Lee and  Inspiration is what one needs to set on a of us are sensible enough to use a dustbin
chain reaction of helping others. I see the instead of roads and streets. Since you can to spit on the roads of Singapore? Then why
C.N.Yang - won the Nobel Prize in Physics! to do so on the roads in our own nation?" Jai
capability of triggering that inspiration, in bil- make the authorities sit up and listen to you,
- Dr Ambat Vijayakumar Hind.
lionbeats. I was very moved by the article "I why can't we just try it as a pilot project in a
Department of Mathematics, Cochin University want a disciplined Nation" by N. Priyanka in city, where we can keep dustbins at an inter- - Ketan Lakhani
of Science &Technology first issue. It will be great if you can include at val of say 200 mt. I am hopeful and confident  Congratulations on bringing out billion
 It is no use accusing the system or society least one article which are thoughts of chil- of the sensibilities of our people. It surely will beats. This will really make hearts beat faster.
for ills. If we take an oath to correct / improve dren. I am sure this eventually will trigger make a difference. It is a great initiative to showcase dreams of
ourself, there is no doubt that our nation will other children to think big. - Adeep Kaur. children/youth of our country, the potential
be a gem before 2020. - Rajesh Mudumbi  Before independence, newspapers were the power of this proud nation.
- Sushil Ahuja  After daily routine of reading newspapers means to spread awareness, vision, voices of - Shobhana.
 India is a blessed country and has got all in which stardom, cricket and tragedies are leaders, and instill the thought of  I see a lot of potential in motivating the
the resources that her people need. We, the highlights most of the times, I find it so Independence. Today once again, history is set youth to join the Armed Forces by publishing
brothers and sisters, must join hands to refreshed to read billion beats. It is all about to repeat itself. New Independence is being heroic deeds of our valiant men. Kindly do
rebuild India and be a model to the world. positive energy that flows. ushered in with your e-paper, billion beats. include these in billion beats.
There is nothing impossible that a man cannot - Nagashankar - Swayambodh Jain - Col P. R. C. Rao (Retd)

billion beats is designed and uplinked to from Bangalore every fortnight. Chief Editor Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, National Affairs Editor Anantha Krishnan M,
Content Editor V. Ponraj, Copy Curator Vinaya Hegde, Creative DesignV. Jayaprakash, Stills Robert, INSPIRATION The Bold Billion

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