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w w w . a b d u l k a l a m . c o m ndia today has a mission
of transforming itself
into a developed nation
FEBRUARY 9, 2008 T H E P U L S E O F I N D I A with a value system. This is
a great challenge. This can
Teachers are beacons in a student's life. be achieved through our
youth power.
Great teachers are no less than Youth has the power of
ideas, ambition, enthusiasm
a gift to us from God. and ability. This resource of
the youth is an important
building block for trans-
oped nation.

She puts smiles on slum kids

By Catherine Latis But her first turning point had in the age-group of 2 to 6. What
If you have an aim in life,
do realize that spent time
cannot be recovered, and
hence precious time has to
come when she was barely 16 started off as a shelter for out-of-

hen women of her age be used for achieving the
were busy shaping their years old and saw a classmate of school children has become a full-
hers lying on the road, after he got fledged community development goal.
careers, this Bangalore Have confidence to win,
girl gave up her globe-trotting into bad company. ``I realised that programme for not just the chil-
any child, rich or poor, can go dren but their parents too. There have confidence to defeat
career to shape the lives of under- the problems and succeed
privileged children, back home. astray, if they are not guided is an embroidery unit, candle-
properly. It was then that it stuck making unit, driver's licence train- and have a righteous heart.
It was in the summer of 2002, You will definitely succeed
that Krupalatha Martin Dass, who me that there were so many chil- ing for youth. There are volun-
dren around me, who could meet teers from the Overseas Womens' in all your missions.
was on a four-week vacation to
the same fate as this,'' she says. Club (with expat women) who Teachers are beacons in a
India, decided to throw away her
high-flying business and teach teach children at Sukrupa. student's life. What they can
slum children in the city she grew Her model is unique because it give? In an integrated way
up: "It was impulsive. I did not targets each child's talent and it can be said, that enlight-
even go back to pick up the encourages him or her to pursue ened human beings can be
rest of my belongings in the it. Her boys train at the Dhanraj created by the teacher by
US. I decided to stay back, Ballal Hockey academy run inculcating two unique
because I realised there by Hockey Olympian Ashish characteristics.
was much more to do in Ballal. This again, because One is by building capaci-
life than travelling across Krupa personally goes to the
ties among the students to
the world finding business.'' slums every morning to bring
inquire, to innovate and be
And her inspiration was the boys for training. ``I drop
them back by 8 am to ensure creative, and by encourag-
her own home. “My mother ing entrepreneurship and
who could not become a teacher, that they do not miss school. The
idea of exposing them to various moral leadership.
began to get children at home dur- The second is by develop-
ing weekends. My home was filled FRIEND, MENTOR: activities is to ensure that they
have something to fall back on to ing the moral value system.
with children, who sought my Krupa with her happy brood. The noble life practised by
mother's assistance in their les- lead their lives,'' she says.
And so began Sukrupa, the Social service perhaps runs in the the teacher indeed becomes
sons. We even had lepers at home
who would be given food. As a organisation that she floated, family. Her brother Sathya Martin, a beacon light to the stu-
child, I woke up to this scene, which picks children from three a software professional-turned- dents.
everyday. So I grew up to be a slums at Anandnagar, artist too chips in by designing Let us hear the tribute
socially conscious human being.'' Kuntigrama and Chamundinagar sarees at their embroidery unit. given by the great teacher
“At 21, I got into business, which to bring them into the fold of edu- And at the four-storeyed building Albert Einstein to the
took me all over the world. I lived cation. in the narrow lanes of teacher: "The ideals which
in the US for five years. Travelled Krupalatha personally visited Cholanayakanahalli near RT have lighted my way, time
across Europe, Brazil, Japan and the slums and brought children Nagar, 200 children and more than after time, have given new
many other countries. I was happy. home. On the first day, there were 1,000 families are secure about course to face life cheerfully
I learnt Spanish, Italian, German, 40 children. But the end of the their future. And so is Krupa.
have been kindness, beauty
French.'' week, there were 100 children, all (
and truth."
This is the mission of a
teacher. It is a God-given
Lead India 2020: The sutra is student power gift to the student to have
great teachers who can give
Dr N. B. Sudershan Acharya people literate in AP by imple- the learning module and the
Join our mission menting Dr Kalam's oath that way of beautiful life.

ead India 2020, a movement
born out of reverence for Dr The Lead India 2020 2nd National Movement is each one teach ten.
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, is work- working to integrate like-minded organizations at This module will be replicat-
ing to fulfil the vision, mission and the national level for exchange of views and ed in all other states. Already,
aspirations of Dr Kalam. 2,50,000 students have been
mutual co-operation in the areas where Lead trained in two districts of
Lead India activities aim to ignite India 2020 is working. These include illiteracy,
the hidden potential of youth, who discrimination vis-a-vis girl child / women, Medak and Karimnagar.
comprise 54 % of the population of greener environment, and eliminating the mis- About 1,000 youth have been
India, to help India to lead the match between industries and unemployed trained in West Godavari and
world by 2020. Ranga Reddy districts.
youth by imparting vocational training at the vil - Training programmes are
The Lead India 2020 2nd lage level. Proverb
National Movement 'Aap Badho, being conducted in
Desh Ko Badhao' (progress and We invite like-minded organizations to email Ananthpur and Khammam Pocket
make the country progress) pro- their details to us at districts also.
gramme launched by Dr Kalam on with 'IMTP' in the subject line. For more informa- We invite every reader of bil-
15-08-07 at Medak is scheduled to tion, please visit us at lionbeats to contribute the The man being carried
patriotic beats of your heart to
train one lakh students per district.
It aims to cover 23 districts of AP, involving 23 lakh join Dr Kalam in leading youth to lead India to lead does not realize how far
the world by 2020.
high school students from government schools in AP away the town really is.
by the end of December 2008. (The writer is National Coordinator & Founder Trustee of — Nigerian proverb
In turn, these 23 lakh students will make 2.30 crore the National Council)
S U C C E S S U N L I M I T E D FEBRUARY 9, 2008

Mailbag Mars on India's horizon transmitted to a tracking station in

 When we can make the best telephones, t will be a red-letter day for
the best radars, the best rockets, the best India's space programme. S PA C E TA L K India.
satellites, the best helicopters, the best small Sometime between 2012 and Former ISRO chief
2015, if all goes well, India will By Srinivas Laxman
cars, the best motor cycles, the best buses, Krishnaswamy Kasturirangan,
make its presence on Mars. And who initiated the moon mission,
the best software, the best newspapers, the
with this, one of the major space has stated that an Indian mission
best medicines, the best railway transporta- dreams of Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
tion, the best education, the best movies, the
to Mars has to be a natural follow-
would be fulfilled. up to the lunar flight.
best communication systems, the best food
This complex project has Significantly, Indians have
products, then why can't we have the best
already been included in the played a key role in NASA's mis-
democracy without corruption, crimes, acci- Indian Space Research sion to Mars. Take the case of the
dents, child labour, malnutrition, etc? Organisation's (ISRO) 11th five- 40-year-old Gujarat-born aero-
The answer is, we are not united in removing year plan. It will kick off when space scientist, Prasun Desai, who
the evil spirit of India - Politicians. Wipe them ISRO invites some of India's top works for NASA. Prasun was
scientists to participate in a brain- The cost? Rs three billion. With
off and help India to become the best nation among the Indians who had an
storming session later this year such a huge price tag, the most
by 2020. Let’s join together and work for the obvious question which some crit- active role in NASA's mission to
Best Nation — India. about the feasibility of launching Mars in January 2004 when the
an unmanned mission to Mars. ics may ask is whether a poor
— Sree Kumar country like India can really two rovers, 'Spirit' and
If this project receives the go- afford to spend a whopping Rs 'Opportunity', landed on the sur-
 I am a 24-year-old software engineer. Here face of the planet. Prasun was
ahead from the scientific commu- three billion on this mission?
is a idea through which we can perhaps responsible for their entry,
nity and of course, the govern- These nay-sayers do not realise
implement many pending activities for which ment, the much-awaited flight descent and landing. Now, he is
that such missions will be intellec-
we look to the government. When I go out on will lift off from the Satish tually very rewarding and give a involved with the 'Phoenix' mis-
weekends I find friends loafing around, want- Dhawan Space Centre, tremendous boost to scientific sion to Mars which is slated for
ing to do something creative, adventurous or Sriharikota, around 2015. In fact, research in India. They will go a touchdown on May 25, 2008.
funny. Trekking, rafting, mountaineering, etc Dr Kalam wants the unmanned long way in reinforcing India's Indians will again have a key
are on their list. How about starting a club mission to eventually lead to a reputation as a global space role in NASA's next mission to
which clubs such adventures with different manned flight with the first power after the moon mission. Mars, called 'Mars Science
activities? A weekend can be spent setting up Indian landing on Mars by 2030. Laboratory', which is scheduled to
Why this interest in Mars? The
footpaths for our roads; on another weekend, ISRO chairman G. Madhavan Indian mission is expected to blast off in September 2009 and
we can cycle to a village, visit schools there Nair has been quoted as saying examine the attributes of the land on Mars in July 2010.
and provide amenities. Another weekend can that: ``Mars is definitely on India's Martian atmosphere and the plan- So, like the race to the moon, get
be spent planting seedlings on the highways. horizon.'' He has even said that et's sub-soil and terrain. It will ready for an international race to
Takers, anyone? the rocket which will be used for hunt for water and find clues Mars with space-faring countries
the flight will be the three-stage whether there is life on Mars. like Japan and China joining in.
— Maithra R. Jadhav
Geo Synchronous Satellite Launch Nations are vying with each other
 The simplicity of your paper is what catch- Director of the Ahmedabad-
Vehicle (GSLV). That the Indian to land on Mars. Can India lag
based Physical Research
es the eye. Thank you, Kalam Sir and all oth- space community is serious about behind in this competition? No,
Laboratory, Dr J.N.Goswami,
ers involved in bringing this e-paper out. the Mars mission is clear from a certainly not.
who is the principal scientific
— Suddha Satwa Laik statement made by Dr Nair at a investigator of the Indian moon
conference in Washington on Jan
 Ironically, Indians, when they go abroad, mission, 'Chandrayaan-1', said The writer is a Special
31, 2008, that this mission will lift that the Mars project will be an
don't spit or throw rubbish anywhere — unlike off in 2012. Correspondent with The Times of
in India! I feel a system of imposing fines will orbiting flight, which means that India, Mumbai and is the author of
help us keep our country clean. It can be After launch it will take any- the spacecraft will not land on the the book Dr Abdul Kalam: Dreams
thing between six and nine surface of Mars. It will fly around to Reality. You can reach him at:
innovative: 1. Everybody (irrespective of sta-
months for the Indian spacecraft the planet and take pictures of the
tus / designation) should pay the fine, what- to reach the Red Planet. surface of Mars which will be
ever area of the city (better to start with major
cities first) he / she is found guilty of throwing
rubbish in. 2. The fine amount should be suf-
INDIA: AN OCEAN Finally, a
ficiently big enough to discourage offenders
(eg: Rs 50 on spitting, Rs 100 on throwing
garbage, Rs 200 on urinating in public
Born 60 years ago, I'm filled with opportunity, positive note
Attaining my youth, I shall now reveal my Identity,
places). 3. The constable who catches a per- When we talk about our country,
I am Proud, Capable, Reliable & Gritty,
son red-handed should be given 80% of the the first line that comes out is full
collected revenue. Why? Firstly because this
Through each of my mighty drops, I will maintain my dignity, of complaints. Complaints about
will encourage cops to be loyal towards their Don't call me a mere Country, simply heading Indian Ocean, politicians, complaints about the
duty and secondly, this will definitely be an I am Deep India, India — an Ocean. system, and about every other
extra source of income and will increase the My son Army is world's second largest one, thing. We complain about the fail-
socio-economic level of lower grade police-
ures of the country in every
My son Air Force, 4th largest being run, aspect, whether science or sports.
men. 4) Lastly, there should be a dustbin near & Daughter Navy, like aerial brother, has still something to be done,
every bus stop. But for first time ever in my life I
Even then, Discipline, Calm & Peace — From me one should learn, have come across someone talk-
But there are difficulties in achieving this: the
What if I have never taught my children aggressive motion, ing about the positive India, and
main hurdle is that a large number of police- that makes me feel great. All
men will be required to achieve the desired I am the yet powerful India: an ocean.
thanks to billionbeats.
result (although we can use other bodies also) I am no more a delicate mother of wisdom,
I would like to share some of the
and secondly, there will be the problem of I am also the father to calculus, trigonometry & number system, positive points about the country I
rotation of duty, so that they won't be reluctant I am the largest Democracy & the most diverse kingdom, have felt in my small life. I
to work on the same routine again and again. A site of deep & vivid cultures & still welcoming western, remember the post-Kargil scene in
These ideas might be not sound practical My sources are My People's emotion & devotion, the country. Every Indian con-
enough to achieve results at once, but in the tributed whatever he could. The
Call me India, India: an ocean. common man and the celebrity,
long run we can improve the condition of our
villages, cities, states and our country within
Under the tricolour, my economy is growing, everybody chipped in with his
5-10 years of time. A better & just future, to everyone I am bestowing, /her effort to uplift the nation.
— Sumit Sharma My progress in science & technology, everyone is knowing, That's not all. I remember the time
What I must achieve in future, my past & present are showing, of the earthquake in Bhuj and the
 While I am sure billionbeats will help the tsunami in South India. People
youth to share thoughts and lead the country Not just moving, moving ahead with rampant motion, were filled with passion to help
in the right direction, I would like to put for- I am the happy India: an ocean. the nation fight these calamities.
ward an important point: I agree, youth play I challenge the world in every stream, From all this, I can clearly see that
an important role in developing the nation, but I am rising as the best — to regain my esteem, everybody wants to help the
it's not possible to achieve this development nation to grow, but it's just the
This is not my dream, but belief & deem,
without roping in the rest of the population. guidance that is lacking. I think
Along with youth, the general public should
The hour is not far when I'll be Dominant — I'll be supreme,
this paper can give that by chang-
be made to come forward, to learn, and made I will prove my very right notion, ing our perspective. It can help us
aware of means of achieving our goal of hav- For I am Courageous India: an ocean. to shed our feeling of inferiority
ing a wonderful and bright nation. — By Devwrat Dube
and to have respect for the nation.
— Naveen Hiregoudad INDIA OF MY DREAMS — Saurabh Maheshwari
billion beats is designed and uplinked to from Bangalore every fortnight. Chief Editor Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, National Affairs Editor Anantha Krishnan M,
Content Editor V. Ponraj, Copy Curator Vinaya Hegde, Creative DesignV. Jayaprakash, Stills Robert, INSPIRATION The Bold Billion

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