Consumer Behaviour & Counterfeit: MSC 504, 5 Trimester, IBCS

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Consumer Behaviour & Counterfeit

MSC 504, 5th Trimester, IBCS

Consumer Behaviour
the study of the processes by which customers come to purchase and consume a service influenced by: psychological factors personal factors social factors cultural factors

The Consumer Purchase Process

Marketing Factors Purchase ProcessPersonal and Environmental Factors Product Price Place Promotion Psychological Personal Social Cultural

Problem Recognition
the consumer must become aware of the problem or need may be automatic (such as in the case of the need for food or sleep) or due to a lifestyle change (newlywed, new parents, retirement) the product provides a solution to the problem (eating relieves the hunger)

Information Seeking
co n su m e rs se e k i n fo rm a ti o n p ri o r to fi ndi n g the product that meets their needs th e i n fo rm a ti o n se a rch m a y b e l ong a n d d e ta i l e d , o r sh o rt a n d l i m i te d dependi n g o n th e n a tu re o f th e n e e d ( such as buying a car versus buying a ca n d y b a r) a s co n su m e rs b e co m e m o re exp e ri e n ce d i n sh o p p i n g th e y re l y m o re o n th e i r m e m o ry fo r re tri e vi ng i n fo rm a ti o n ra th e r th a n a cti ve l y

Evaluation of Alternatives
the information search will result in enough information for the consumer to comparatively evaluate various products products are compared to identify the best

Purchase Decision
the decision to choose a particular product may be made based upon rational (logical evaluation of product features) or emotional (nonobjective evaluation of product features) motivations logical motives include items such as cost, quality, usefulness emotional motives may include fear, sociability, aesthetics, imitation of

Post-Purchase Evaluation
marketers must market after the sale as well to insure happiness and to reduce purchase anxiety purchase anxiety (buyers remorse) is fear on the part of purchasers that they have purchased the wrong product (especially crucial for

Three forms
Imitation, Faking and Pre-emption.

Imitation amounts simply to coping an established brand. For example a manufacturer in hongkong may produce cheap jeans and put on the RAYMONDS label for sale as a genuine RAYMONDS product.

FAKING refers to identifying the fraudulent product with a symbol, logo or brand name that is very similar to the famous brand. For example in rural markets of our country, CADBURYS are sold as CHAUDHRYS brand.

Pre emption
Countries where law permits wholesale registration of brand names, companies take advantage of having the same brand name of a successful brand for their own product completely unrelated to the original product. For example LUX banians

Myth vs Reality A brand is NOT what the company says it is. A brand is what the consumer BELIEVES it is

Imitation or counterfeiting
Environment Behaviour

C o n fu si on

abandon/postpone clarify buying goals seek additional information narrow down the choice set share delegate the decision

too similar stimuli too much stimuli ambigous stimuli complex stimuli


Student presentations
Topics Identify the brand image of the following brands
Airtel Lux Dove soap TVS scooty Raymonds Bacardi LG/Samsung Titan watches Woodland shoes Big Bazar Kingfisher airlines Lays Bingo

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