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predicament is worsened by Subject's tendency to resort to fantasy activity and day Oreamrngln coprng wittr life's adversities.

Scores on Pa1 Persecutory ldeas further suggest distortion of one's perception about people and reality. This

young man somehow believes that the world he lives in is dangerous and threatening, causing him to be on guard always, suspicious as he is of the motives of other people. Likewise, scores on Pa2 Poignancy speak of
a person who is very sensitive and high strung, thus, the tendency to pick up other people's actions against him. Conversely, the ego seems to be deeply troubled by feelings of misery and dejection. Young as he is, Subject

sees life as hopeless and uninteresting, as indicated by his scores on D1 Subjective Depression and D5 Brooding. This pessimistic percepticn and negative feelings seem to stem from issues and conflicts at home as revealed by a significantly elevated score on Pd.' Familial Discord. Subject somehow believes that love,
support, and care are not present among members of the far:riiy. Subject further reported his great dislike and resentment about the family's disciplinary practices, further pointing out that autonomy and freedom are not practiced in the family. These emotions and sentiments influence his day-to-day functioning as shown by his scores on D2 Psychomotor Retardation,

Physical Malfunctioning, and Da Mental Dullness. These scores

speak of someone who finds life boring, dull and uninteresting, and sees himself as inadequate and
incompetent to do things... thus, the lethargy, passivity and what others perceive as laziness and indifference to

one's responsibilities.

Scores on Si1 Shyness

Self-Gonsciousness communicate preoccupation with one's behavior and appearance. On the other hand, scores on Pda Social Alienation, Sc1 Shyness, Si2 Sociat Avoidance, and Si3 Alienation- towards Self and Others, all suggest estrangement, isolation and distancing from other
people. Bereft of the needed emotional attachment to connect with others, this young man appears insensitive, detached and emotionally unavailable to other people. His interaction and relationships can be superficial with self-serving motives. Additionally, scores on Pd5 Self-Alienation implies detachment from one's own self. Thus,
the difficulty in understanding himself, and the lack of awareness of what is going on within himself

Content Scales in general suppcrt the aforementioned results, particularly the significant presence of depression on the Clinical Scale. Despondent, Subject sees life as boring and unhappy; he appears to be
rundown by sadness and fatigue. He holds a highly critical, degrading and demeaning attitude towards his own abilities and self, eroding and whittling away his confidence as reflected by his score on Low Self-Esteem. Consequently, he is uncertain and ambivalent, hesitant and undecided about doing things or even trying out something new. Scores on Anxiety further suggest fears, cioubts, and anticipation of negative events. This anxiety is further heightenediintensified by the individual's obsessive tendency as implied by his high score on

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