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Submitted to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, NAGPUR In partial fulfillment of the requirement of

M. Sc.- I (Computer Science) Semester-II Examination

Submitted by


Under the Supervision of

Dr. S.R.Pande
Associate professor and Head (Department of Computer science)

DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Shri Shivaji Education Society Amravatis

Congress Nagar, Nagpur-12. 2012-2013

Serial number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Topic Abstract Introduction Objectives History How cluster computers works Categorization of clusters Features of cluster computer Advantages and Disadvantages Implementation Future scope Conclusion References Page No 2 3 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 15 16 17


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Cluster is nothing but group of machines combined to perform the large data manipulation by treating that group of machine a single machine by using a large software system to control the entire hardware of the machine which is commonly called as Cluster Management Software. The whole idea is made and still evolving because to make the management of larger amount of data which can be in zeta byte or petabytes and so on. Hence the cluster computing encapsulates a combination of hardware platforms and software platforms in a single system to manage and store these all types of data that includes videos, audios, text formats, various types of related graphics etc. and gives the faster access to all of these data. We have also mentioned general categorization of clusters such as Load balancing clusters, High-availability (HA) ,High- Performance(HP).


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Now the world is moving with a very fast speed towards a new eras in technology, and other fields .During such effective movements different types of people like employs, scientists etc in addition with these different types of research institutes, organizations and private companies are working day and night. While they are working a tons of data are getting collected which is very important for them. But this data need to be stored and managed properly, hence for storing, effective management and fast access the clusters of the machines are formed. A cluster is a local computing system comprising a set of

independent computers and a network interconnecting them. A cluster is local in that all of its component subsystems are supervised within a single administrative domain, usually residing in a single room and managed as a single computer system. Clusters are usually deployed to improve performance and/or availability over that provided by a single computer, while typically being much more cost-effective than single computers of comparable speed or availability. A cluster can be either homogeneous (only using PCs) or heterogeneous (using PC and workstations).S A typical clusters are shown in following images


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The major objective in the cluster is utilizing a group of processing nodes so as to complete the assigned job in a minimum amount of time by working cooperatively.

Cluster computing can be used for load balancing as well as for high availability.

The main and important strategy to achieve such objective is by transferring the extra loads from busy nodes to idle nodes.

The main and important strategy to achieve such objective is by transferring the extra loads from busy nodes to idle nodes.

Cluster technologies have been developed that allow multiple low cost computers to work in a coordinated fashion to process applications.

Cluster operating systems divide the tasks amongst the available servers. Clusters of systems or workstations, on the other hand, connect a group of systems together to jointly share a critically demanding computational task.

These all subsystems and machines are connected through the network technology like LAN(local area networks).


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Greg Pfister is a computer scientist and worked a lot for cluster computing, according to him clusters were not invented by any specific vendor but by customers. The formal engineering basis of cluster computing as a means of doing parallel work of any sort was arguably invented by Gene Amdahl of IBM who published some papers on related topics about cluster computing in 1967. The first commercial clustering product was ARCnet(Attached Resource Computer NETwork), developed by Datapoint in 1977. Then Digital Equipment

Corporation(DEC) released their VAXcluster product in 1984 for the VAX/VMS operating system then after some time IBM S/390 Parallel Sysplex was unveiled . Consequently the history of early computer clusters is more or less directly tied into the history of early networks, as one of the primary motivations for the development of a network was to link computing resources, creating a de facto (i.e. in practice or actuality, but not officially established. It is commonly used in contrast to dejure (which means concerning the law) computer cluster.


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How cluster computers works

In the above arrangement of clusters the machines are arranged through the common high speed bus in a manner that they can communicate with each other and these can attached to a common PC or Workstation to manage these all. When the clusters of all these machines are formed then it may be treated as a single system. This is managed through a commonly known software is Cluster Management Software. A simple High speed LAN can be used to connect these machines through which these machines can be accessed via web or this machine can access the web. But in the large organizations the clusters that are formed can be either Homogeneous or Heterogeneous.
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Homogeneous clusters are those in which either PCs or Workstations will be used but not both are used. Heterogeneous clusters are those in which both PCs and Workstations are used. But in the large organizations clusters can be made of more than one storage devices attached to a single workstation and number of storage devices can be totally equal to or more then petabytes or more.


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Categorization of clusters
High-availability (HA)
High availability clusters are generally made in a manner that data loss at the time of failure can be avoided. This is done by using an extra backup storages for each of the storage machine. So that at the time of failure data recovery is easily done from that backup machine.

Load balancing is handled by using faster LAN setups and by reducing extra hardware.

High- Performance(HP)
High processing clusters generally includes applications like data mining, parallel processing, weather modeling, etc. The best example of HP clusters is the NASAs Beowulf cluster


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Features of cluster computer

Now clusters became very famous and the are widely needed by various organizations due to their effective features which are as follows-

Easy to deploy
The cluster computing system is very easy to deploy. In this system software is installed as well as configured automatically. Using web interface, the cluster nodes can be easily added and managed and hence, reduces efforts and saves time.

Easy to manage
The system is very easy to manage as there is no need to edit shell scripts or XML templates. It changes node group definitions and maintain several software versions with ease. It takes the risk out of software and hardware upgrades as it supports them without upgrading the installer node.

As the cluster computing is an open system, it is very flexible. It supports real-world topologies and synchronizes the cluster files without re-installation. The system easily utilizes the power of advanced GPUs (Graphic Processing Units) for general HPC calculations. It can change software configurations at any time.

It is very east to add new, future hardware models and cluster node at any time. It is easily upgrade to Platform LSF which has proven scalability to 10,000+ CPUs. The commercial add-on-solution makes the cluster growth possible in size and sophistication.


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Advantages of cluster computers

Server clustering is specifically designed for high availability solution. In case, if a server is having a problem another server from the cluster takes over the server having issue. This ensures the high availability of the web applications.

Server clustering is completely a scalable solution. Resources can be added to the cluster accordingly.

Load handling and maintenance

If a dedicated server from the cluster requires maintenance, it can be stopped while other servers handle its load. Thus, makes the maintenance easier. The clustered servers can be configured and managed easily without any trouble.

Disadvantages of Cluster computing More space is required

Server clustering usually requires more servers and hardware to manage and monitor, thus, increases the infrastructure. Some web hosting providers may afford it.

Very expensive
It is not a cost-effective solution, as it needs a good server design which can be a bit expensive.


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They are used to store the secrete information about various military disciplines and can used as storage and backbone for super computers.

Health care
In the field of health either it is hospital or a pharmaceutical company these both will contain the tones of data to managed about their medicines and patients so here small clusters can be made.

In the field of education whenever we talk about the international level exams, lacks of students can simultaneously appear for the same exam hence in such situations servers and clusters can play the important role.

Social networking
Now it has become a very word for the world millions of users are at a time doing social networking there for to store and manage the huge crowd of data cluster are used.

Broadcasting is the one of the famous applications of clusters because tons of data are sent and received and simultaneously it is also get stored

Multimedia(like high definition graphics)

Multimedia is closely related to broadcasting because it makes users to explore them on the web.

Very use full in astronomy

Astronomy is the very closely related with the clusters one of its example is the cluster made by NASA for handling the satellite sent by them.


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Future scope

Petabytes of data can be stored at one place. Petabytes of data or more than it can be accessed quicker. More than one super computer can be combined in single cluster that will allow combining a large and vast amount of data to be stored and managed from a single area or from a single large system. In the astronomy more satellites like QURIOSITY (rover).


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The use of clusters of workstations to increase the throughput of hardware and software applications. There now exists a significant number of Cluster Management Software (CMS) packages to manage the high workloads and complex situations. The importance of cluster software can be seen by both the commercial and technical dimensions. HTTP protocols could clearly be used as part of CMS packages. Little software of this type has so far been developed at present but several of the packages reviewed until but they are under very fast development by experts.


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1. R. Buyya, ed. High Performance Cluster Computing, Volume 1: Architectures and Systems. Prentice-Hall, 1999. 2. R. Buyya, ed. High Performance Cluster Computing, Volume 2: Programming and Applications, Prentice-Hall, 1999. 3. J. Salmon, C. Stein, and T.L. Sterling. "Scaling of Beowulf-class Distributed Systems", Proceedings of the Supercomputing '98 Conference, 1998 4. K. Dowd and C. Severance. High Performance Computing, 2nd ed. O'Reilly and Associates, 1998 5. W. Gropp, E. Lusk, and A. Skjellum. Using MPI: Portable Parallel Programming with the Message Passing Interface. MIT Press, 1994. 6. C.H. Koebel, D.B. Loveman, R.S. Schreiber, G.L. Steele Jr., and M.E. Zosel. The High Performance Fortran Handbook. MIT Press, 1994.


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