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Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 Projects Essentials Implementation Boot Camp Training Courseware Project Billing Overview

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The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracles products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

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Overview of Oracle Project Billing

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Oracle Project Billing Program Agenda

Contract Projects Multi-Currency Billing Agreements and Funding Project Revenue Invoices E-Business tax Interfacing Invoices to Oracle Receivables Customer Retention Billing Interproject Billing Accounting for Revenue and Invoice

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Contract Projects

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Contract Projects Overview of Contract Projects

A contract project is used to track activities, cost, revenue, and billing for services performed for and reimbursed by a customer.

Types of Contract Projects

Time and Materials

Fixed Price

Cost Plus

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Contract Projects Project Classes and Project Types

Project Classes

Project Types Bid and Proposal

Indirect Overhead Construction


Cost Plus Contract Fixed Priced

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Contract Projects Project Type Setups

Project type setup steps specific to Contract Projects are:

Billing Information Billing Assignments Distribution Rules

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Contract Projects Billing Information tab on Contract Project Types

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Contract Projects Billing Assignments Tab

Project Type Assign billing extensions to the project type

Contract Projects The extensions will apply to all projects associated with the project type

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Contract Projects Distribution Rules Tab

Distribution Rule Cost/Cost Cost/Event Cost/Work Event/Event

Definition Accrue revenue and bill using the ratio of actual cost to budgeted cost (percent spent) Accrue revenue using the ratio of actual cost to budgeted cost (percent spent), bill based on events Accrue revenue using the ratio of actual cost to budgeted cost (percent spent), bill as work occurs Accrue revenue and bill based on events

Work/Event Work/Work

Accrue revenue based on events, bill as work occurs

Accrue revenue as work occurs, bill based on events Accrue revenue and bill as work occurs

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Contract Projects Contract Projects Flow

A contract project is the primary billing unit at which you specify the following information: Basic Project Information Customers Revenue accrual method Billing method Billing cycle Other billing information

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Contract Projects Basic Project Information

Project Name


Long Name

Access Level

Project Number

Public Sector

Project Organization


Project Type

Project Status

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Contract Projects Assigning Customers

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Contract Projects Customer at Top Task

Navigation : Options>Task Detail>Billing Information>Billing Setup

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Contract Projects Invoice Formats Concepts

Formats control: Creation of invoice lines when generating an as-work-occurs invoice. This includes: How to summarize expenditure items into an invoice line Which fields to display on the invoice line Order in which to display the fields on the invoice line

Formats for Labor Nonlabor Retention Invoice formats defined during implementation

Can create formats to:

Summarize at project or task level Summarize labor by category, job, employee, or site Summarize nonlabor by category, type, resource, or site Include text in invoice line Include bill rates, amounts, units

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Contract Projects Invoice Comment

You can optionally enter a free form invoice comment to appear on the invoices you generate for the project.


xxxx xxyz

$xxx $xxx

Thank you for your order

Invoice comment

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Contract Projects Burden Schedules for Revenue and Invoicing

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Contract Projects Standard Bill Rate Schedule

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Contract Projects Bill Rates and Discount Overrides

You can assign and override a jobs standard bill rate for a project or lowest task by rate or discount. When you override a jobs standard bill rate by rate override, the new job bill rate becomes the jobs bill rate for this project or lowest task.

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Contract Projects Cascading Billing Schedule Overrides (New R12.1 Feature)

You can now streamline the process of updating billing schedules information either for all tasks in a project or for all subtasks of a task. When you update bill rate or burden schedule information at a project level, you can choose to copy the updates to the project tasks. When you update the billing schedules information for a summary task, you can choose to copy the updates to all subtasks. In addition, when you choose a copy option, you can select whether to apply the updates to all tasks, or to exclude tasks.

Updating the information at Project Level

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Contract Projects Cascading Billing Schedule Overrides (New R12.1 Feature) (contd)

Updating the information at Task Level

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Contract Projects Billable Transaction Control

Limit To: Enabled (Inclusive Control)

Expenditure Category Labor Labor

Expenditure Type




Marlin, Amy Clerical Marlin, Amy

Yes Yes

Task Level No

In this example, Amy Marlin can charge labor. Clerical labor is not billable. Billability for her other labor charges is determined from the task billable status. Nothing else is chargeable (inclusive control).

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Contract Projects Credit Receivers

You can assign credit for project revenue to

employees using credit receivers.

Credit receivers can be used for the following: Reporting. You can define custom reports to use with credit receivers. Transferring sales credit information to Oracle Receivables. You can use sales credit information for sales commission reporting in Oracle Receivables.

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Contract Projects Profile Options

PA: Licensed to Use Project Billing

Set profile option to indicate if Oracle Project Billing is licensed

PA: Maintain Unbilled Receivables and Unearned Revenue Balances

Set profile option to maintain unbilled receivables and unearned revenue balances

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Currency Multi-Currency

Multi-currency allows you to enter transactions in currencies different from the functional currency of the expenditure operating unit. You can enable multi-currency billing for an operating unit and for a project.

Multi-Currency Billing

Operating Unit


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Currency Currency Screen in Projects

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Currency Billing Transaction Currency

Type of Transaction Events (manual and automatic) Expenditures with markups or burden multipliers (multi-currency billing enabled) Expenditures (multi-currency disabled) Expenditures with bill rates Expenditures with bill rate overrides Expenditure with labor billing extension that calculates the amount Transaction Currency Event transaction currency Expenditure transaction currency Project functional currency Rate schedule currency Override currency Billing transaction currency provided by the extension

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Currency Invoice In Any Currency


Choose currency

Create invoices

Create invoices in any currency as agreed upon by the customer

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Currency Currency Attributes

If you want the project customer to be billed in a currency other than the project currency, enter the following currency attributes for the project customer: Rate type Rate date Exchange Rate

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Currency Recalculating Invoice Currency

To change the invoice currency, select an invoice that is eligible for recalculation and select Recalculate. The Recalculate Invoice Currency window displays the following fields: Project Currency Invoice Currency Invoice Processing Currency Invoice Rate Type The project currency The invoice currency you desire The currency used to check against funding and evaluate hard and soft limits. The rate type to be used for the invoice recalculation

Invoice Rate Date

Date to be used for rate calculation

Invoice Rate

The currency exchange rate

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Currency Funding Revaluation

Funding revaluation allows you to periodically revalue your project funding, taking into account the effects of currency fluctuations between funding and project functional currency.

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Currency How To Revaluate Funding

PRC: Revaluate Funding for a Single Project

PRC: Revaluate Funding for a Range of Projects Submit processes to revaluate funding

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Agreements and Funding

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Agreements and Funding Overview of Agreements

Agreement Total $500K Funded $300K

$150K Project A Bid & Proposal Project B Time & Material

$50K Project C Fixed Price

$100K Project D Cost Plus

$50K Task 1 Subtask 1.1

$30K Task 2

$70K Task 3

Subtask 1.2

Subtask 3.1

Subtask 3.2

Subtask 3.1.1

Subtask 3.1.2

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Agreements and Funding Process Flow of Agreements and Funding

Create Agreement Funded Contract Project

Create Project

Enter Approved Revenue Budget Generate Revenue Create Funding Baseline Generate Invoices

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Agreements and Funding Defining an Agreement


Customer: Bigmart

A hard or a soft limit for revenue and/or invoice Funding

Currency amount

Organization that owns the agreement

Tasks Tasks

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Agreements and Funding Agreements Entry Screen

Agreement Screen with new R12.1 features that are marked in circles

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Agreements and Funding New R12.1 Features in Agreements Entry Screen

Start date: to more accurately control the duration of the agreement Customer order number and accounting reference: to track your customers references for the agreement Billing sequence number: to control the order in which agreements are used for billing purposes Advance Required checkbox: to control if an advance payment is required before invoicing can occur 15 additional descriptive flexfield attributes (bringing the total to 25): to track any other information Apply Receipt Button: to choose the receipts to associate with the Agreement. Unapply Receipt Button: to dissociate the receipts with the Agreement. View Receipts Button: to view available receipts of the customer A client extension is available to determine which customers are required to provide an advance payment. Based on the outcome of the extension, the advance required flag will be enabled or disabled.

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Agreements and Funding Project Versus Top Task Funding

Project-Level Funding

Top Task Funding





Top Task

Top Task

Top Task

Top Task

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Agreements and Funding Allocating Funding Amounts


Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

Project 4

+200 -100

+500 +100

+300 -200

+100 -100

For example, one agreement can fund many projects.

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Agreements and Funding Revenue Budget

Budget 1

Version 1

Version 2

Budget 2 Version 1 Version 2

Create multiple budgets and multiple versions for each plan type

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Agreements and Funding Creating Baselines

Enter Budget



Create Baseline

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Agreements and Funding Funding a Baseline Without a Budget

Baseline Funding Without Budget

Optionally enable a project to baseline funding without budget

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Agreements and Funding Defining Agreement Templates

Agreement templates are used to fund project templates. One agreement template will fund one project template. When the project template is copied to create a project, the agreement template is, at the same time, copied to create an agreement that is funding the new project.

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Agreements and Funding Creating a Project Using Quick Agreement Funding

1. Set up a project template and enter a customer name.

2. Set up an agreement template with the same customer name used in the project template.

3. In the agreement template, fund the project template.

4. Create cost and/or revenue budgets for the project template.

5. Baseline the budgets.

6. Copy the project template to a new project.

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Agreements and Funding Date Effective Funds Consumption

A new attribute on the Project Type form allows the customers to enable date effective funds consumption. When this option is enabled, cost and event transaction dates must fall within the agreement start and end dates to be billed against an agreement. In addition, transactions are only billed against the agreement if the full transaction amount can be funded. This applies to both revenue and invoice generation. When the option is not enabled, revenue generation supports partial billing for transactions.

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Agreements and Funding Defining Agreement Type Setup

You define agreement types to help you distinguish internal agreements from those with your external customers. You associate payment terms with your customer invoices to determine your customers payment schedule. You specify payment terms when you define agreement types and agreements in Oracle Projects. These payment terms are used for each invoice that is funded by a particular agreement.

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Generating Revenue

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Generating Revenue Project Revenue Overview

Contract project revenue is the amount recognized as income to be received for work performed on a project.

Revenue received Work performed on a project

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Generating Revenue Methods of Revenue Accrual

Oracle Projects supports three basic methods of revenue accrual.




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Generating Revenue Hard Limit Processing

Accrued revenue is the total amount of revenue accrued under the funding limits.

For projects that hit a hard limit, Outstanding Revenue to Accrue = Potential Revenue Accrued Revenue

You can report the outstanding revenue amount by project using the Potential Revenue Summary Report.

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Generating Revenue Project Percent Complete

Use the Percent Complete window to enter the percent complete for a project or task. Percent completion information is used for revenue accrual and billing, and for reporting purposes. Oracle Projects does not calculate project or task percent completion, but uses the percent complete amounts that you enter.

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Generating Revenue Revenue-Based Cost Accrual

Cost accruals are the accounting transactions to account for expenses in the same accounting period in which revenue is generated. In Oracle Projects, cost distribution and revenue generation are two separate processes. Consequently, it is possible to account for expenses (costs) and revenue in different accounting periods. You must determine your accounting procedures and setup to ensure that you match expenses to revenue.

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Generating Revenue Entering or Reviewing Events

Enter or review events


Top Task

Top Task

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Generating Revenue Cost-to-Cost Revenue Calculations

With cost-to-cost revenue accrual, revenue is calculated based on a ratio of actual costs to budgeted costs. This method is typically a more conservative revenue accrual method than the as-workoccurs method. Basic Formula: Revenue = Actual Cost x Total Budgeted Revenue

Total Budgeted Cost

This method relies on up-to-date budgets and uses the current budget. The calculation is performed at the level of funding (project level, top task level).

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Generating Revenue Events with Cost-to-Cost Revenue Accrual

The cost-to-cost revenue accrual method calculates revenue based on the actual cost of work performed. Manual events are additional revenue not included in this ratio.

To account for manual events, the cost-to-cost formula is: Revenue = ( AC (BR ER)) BC AC = Total actual costs BC = Total budgeted costs BR = Total budgeted revenue ER = Manual event revenue

With this calculation: Total Revenue = Automated Revenue + Manual Event Revenue

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Generating Revenue Revenue in Foreign Currency Description

Pre-Release 12

Release 12

Post revenue to General Ledger in project functional currency only

Post revenue to General Ledger via Subledger Accounting in project functional currency and invoice transaction currency

View Unbilled Receivables and Unearned Revenue balances on Billing Workbench in project functional currency only

View Unbilled Receivables and Unearned Revenue balances on Billing Workbench in project functional currency and project currency

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Generating Revenue Revenue in Foreign Currency Setup and Process


Enable Multicurrency Billing Box Checked

Invoice by Bill Transaction Currency Unchecked Revenue Transaction Currency = Project Functional AND Invoice Transaction Currency Setup Customer Invoice Currency

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Generating Revenue Revenue in Foreign Currency Setup and Process (contd)

Record Transactions

Generate Revenue

Generate Invoice

Interface Invoice to Receivables Interface Revenue to Subledger Accounting

Interface Receivables Invoice to Subledger Accounting

Revalue Account Balances in General Ledger (AR/UBR/UER) at Period End Automated process
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Generating Revenue Revenue in Foreign Currency Setup Project Billing Currency

Invoice by Bill Transaction Currency Box Unchecked

Enable Multi Currency Billing Box Checked

<Enter slide note>Option to Select Revenue Transaction Currency

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Generating Revenue Revenue in Foreign Currency Setup Project Customers

Invoice Transaction Currency = CAD (Project Functional Currency = USD in this example)

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Generating Revenue Revenue in Foreign Currency Revenue Event Creation

Event Currency = Invoice Transaction Currency = 150,000 CAD in this example

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Generating Revenue Revenue in Foreign Currency Revenue Transaction Currency Review

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Generating Revenue Revenue in Foreign Currency Billing Workbench

Amounts Displayed in Project Currency Unbilled Receivables Amount in Project Currency

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Generating Revenue Revenue Flow

Generate Draft Revenue

Review Revenue

Release Revenue

Interface Revenue to GL

Tie back Revenue

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Generating Revenue Generating Draft Revenue

PRC: Generate Draft Revenue process for a Range of Projects

PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project Submit processes to generate draft revenue

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Generating Revenue Reviewing Project Revenue

You use the revenue review windows to review detailed information about project revenue. You can view the following information: Amount Revenue category Event description Information about the distribution lines of a revenue item Agreement providing the revenue funding Date the revenue was interfaced to Oracle GL Distribution warnings encountered while generating draft revenue

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Generating Revenue Revenue Process Flow to GL

Costdistributed expenditure items Events Adjustments

Generate draft revenue

Oracle General Ledger

Interface to General Ledger GL interface

Revenuegenerated expenditure items Revenuegenerated events

GL journal import

Tieback revenue

GL journal entries

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Generating Revenue Extensions

Revenue-Based Cost Accrual Extension

Cost Accrual Billing Extension To extend the revenue and billing functionality, you can optionally implement client extensions.

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Generating Revenue Profile Options

PA: Interface Unreleased Revenue to GL

Submit process to control processing for revenue and invoicing

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Generating Invoice

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Generating Invoice Invoice Concepts

Hard limit processing Accounting dates Billing amounts Methods of invoicing Percent complete Events

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Generating Invoice Hard Limit Processing for Invoices

Example of Invoice Hard Limit Task 3.0 revenue budget = $1,000 Funded by an agreement with hard limit = Yes Additional eligible items exist, but none of them with bill amount for $60 or less. This table presents the Billed Expenditure Items: Task Employee Exp Type Qty Units Bill Amount

3.1 3.2 3.3

Marlin Gray Marlin

Professional Field Equip Professional

6 5 6 TOTAL

Hrs Days Hours

380 60 560 1000

Invoice Warning: Invoice has reached the hard limit.

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Generating Invoice Overview of Accounting Dates

All Invoices are accounted for using these dates : GL date: Date accounted for based on GL periods PA date: Date accounted for based on PA periods

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Generating Invoice Methods of Invoicing

You specify the invoicing method based on the distribution rule that you select for the contract project.

Supported Distribution Rules

Distribution Rule Work/Work Work/Event Cost/Work Cost/Event Cost/Cost Event/Event Event/Work Revenue Method As-Work-Occurs As-Work-Occurs Cost-to-Cost Cost-to-Cost Cost-to-Cost Event/Milestone Event/Milestone Invoicing Method As-Work-Occurs Event/Milestone As-Work-Occurs Event/Milestone Cost-to-Cost Event/Milestone As-Work-Occurs

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Generating Invoice Percent Complete

You can enter the percent complete for a project or task. Percent completion information is used for revenue accrual and billing, and for reporting purposes. Oracle Projects does not calculate project or task percent completion, but uses the percent complete amounts that you enter. The Percent Complete window includes the following features: You can maintain percent complete information at all levels of the work breakdown structure (WBS), including at the project level. Percent complete history is maintained by the system.

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Generating Invoice Event Billing

You enter events at either project-level or top-level tasks.

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Generating Invoice E-Business Tax Integration Description

Oracle E-Business Tax is a Centralized tax application Single source for tax content and rules Oracle Projects is integrated with Oracle E-Business Tax to: Utilize the common tax engine Uptake common tax terminology and lists of values

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Generating Invoice E-Business Tax Integration Benefits

Single application for setup and maintenance Setup the tax classification codes and projects tax default hierarchy using one single application. Utilize the common tax engine for tax code determination on project invoices. Improved tax processing for internal invoices Subscribe the provider and receiver operating units to the tax regime with Configuration for Taxes and Rules as Common Configuration. Define the tax setup only once for the Global Configuration Owner.

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Generating Invoice E-Business Tax Integration Setup and Process

Oracle E-Business Tax: Integration E-Business Suite Applications Transaction Data Oracle E-Business Tax Interface APIs Content Repository Services Tax Content Services Tax Determination Services Tax Administration Services Transaction Tax Data

Record Repository

Partner Tax Content Interface Tax Partner

Partner Tax Services Interface

Tax Content

Tax Services

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Generating Invoice E-Business Tax Integration Setup Application Tax Options

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Generating Invoice E-Business Tax Integration Setup Billing Workbench Invoice Details

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Generating Invoice E-Business Tax Integration Setup Internal Invoices

Tax Regime Define tax regime. Subscribe the provider and receiver operating units with Configuration for Taxes and Rules as Common Configuration in Oracle E-Business Tax. Tax Setup Define tax setup for the tax regime with Configuration Owner as Global Configuration in Oracle E-Business Tax.

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Generating Invoice E-Business Tax Integration Dependencies and Interactions

E-Business Tax Oracle Projects depends on Oracle E-Business Tax for the following: Setup projects tax default hierarchy Tax engine for tax code determination on project invoices

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Generating Invoice Customer Retention Billing

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Generating Invoice Implementing Billing Retention

Setting Up Billing Implementation Options Defining and Enabling AutoAccounting for Revenue and Billing Defining Invoice Formats Accounting for Unbilled Retention

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Generating Invoice Invoice Flow to AR

Revenue distributed costs

Generate draft invoice

Approve/release invoice Events Interface to Receivables

Oracle Receivables

AR interface


AR AutoInvoice

Tieback invoices

AR invoices

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Generating Invoice Generating Invoices

PRC: Generate Draft Invoices for a Single Project Submit process to generate invoice for a single project.

PRC: Generate Draft Invoices for a Range of Projects Submit process to run multiple invoice generation processes

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Generating Invoice Interfacing Invoices to AR

Oracle Projects interfaces invoices to Oracle Receivables. This flow uses the same type of processes as costing and revenue: Interface, Import, and Tieback. You can use an Interface Streamline option to interface invoices to AR.

Released invoices Invoices Oracle Projects Oracle Receivables

Journal entries

General Ledger

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Generating Invoice Implementing Oracle Receivables for Oracle Projects Integration

Oracle Projects interfaces with Oracle Receivables to process your invoices and track customer payments. Oracle Projects predefines all of the information required for the Oracle Receivables AutoInvoice program to process Oracle Projects invoices.

Oracle Projects

Oracle Receivables

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Generating Invoice Defining Receivables System Options

If you have installed the standalone version of Oracle Projects, system parameters provide default values required for customer entry. Use the System Options window to view and update the system options used by Oracle Receivables.

Oracle Projects

System Parameters

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Generating Invoice Defining Transaction Types for Invoice Processing

Oracle Projects generates draft invoices and uses Oracle Receivables features to post them to Oracle General Ledger, and maintain and track customer payments on them. Oracle Receivables uses transaction types to determine whether the transaction generates an open receivable balance and whether it posts to Oracle General Ledger.

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Generating Invoice Defining Salesreps for Sales Credit

When you interface Oracle Projects invoices to Oracle Receivables, Oracle Projects assigns a primary salesrep to the invoice and interfaces sales credit lines for the invoice based on the projects credit receivers. Oracle Projects assigns the project manager on the project as the primary salesrep as long as the project manager is defined as a salesrep in Oracle Receivables.

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Generating Invoice Billing Adjustments

Billing adjustments include the following classes of adjustments:

Adjustments during invoice review Adjustments to existing revenue and invoices Adjustments at project completion

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Generating Invoice Invoice Cancellation

You can cancel a released invoice. When you cancel an invoice:

A credit memo is created. All expenditure items billed on the original invoice return to an unbilled state. The receivables account is reduced, the unbilled receivables account is increased, or the unearned revenue is reduced upon interface to AR.

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Generating Invoice Invoice Write-Offs

You can write off part or all of an invoice that cannot be collected. Use this feature for bad debts. When you write off an invoice, a write-off invoice is created (with a crediting amount) with the amount prorated across invoice items. The following table shows the resulting accounting transactions:

Function Invoice writeoff

Application Oracle Projects

Account Invoice write-off (bad debt)

DR 100




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Generating Invoice Regenerating Invoices, Revenue and Cost

You can regenerate adjusted revenue and invoice amounts from the Invoice Summary window for a single project.

Click the Run button.

Click the Regenerate or Delete Invoices option.

Click the OK button. A Streamline Request is submitted to the Concurrent Manager.

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Generating Invoice Invoice Line-Level Write-Off

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Generating Invoice Invoice Method at Top Task

Navigation : Options>Task Detail>Billing Information>Billing Setup

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Generating Invoice Invoice Concessions

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Generating Invoice Invoice Review in a New Interface

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Generating Invoice Client Extensions

Billing Extensions Labor Billing Extension Retention Billing Client Extension Automatic Invoice Approve/Release Extension AR Transaction Type Extension Output Tax Extension

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Interproject Billing

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Interproject Billing Interproject Billing Overview

Receiver Project

Payables invoice Costs Interproject Invoices Receivables Invoice Collect Costs Provider Project

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Interproject Billing Define Provider and Receiver Projects

Define Provider Projects

Define a provider project to perform work on the lowest task of a receiver project. The project must be a contract project but cannot use an intercompany billing project type. You can define a provider project in any operating unit that has been identified as a provider operating unit. Define a receiver project for inter-project billing so that work on some or all of the chargeable, lowest tasks is performed on separate projects.

Define Receiver Projects

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Interproject Billing Interproject Billing Processing Flow

Enter Expenditures on Provider Project Invoice automatically created in Receiver OU Payables AP Invoice Import

Generate Draft Interproject (IP) Invoice Run Tieback from Receivables Approve AP Invoice/Transfer to GL Update PSI

Approve & Release Draft IP Invoice Interface IP Invoice to Receivables Interface Supplier Invoices to Projects

View Costs on Receiver Project/Task

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Interproject Billing Defining Interproject Billing

To establish an interproject relationship the following tasks must be performed:

A provider and receiver project must be created. The provider assigns the receiver as its internal customer (Customers and Contacts). The receiver must allow interproject invoices (Task Options). The provider and receiver must enable their respective provider and receiver roles. The provider must identify valid receivers. The receiver must identify valid providers.

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Interproject Billing Additional Setup Steps

Defining Expenditure Types

Defining Agreement Types

Defining Billing Cycles Defining Invoice Formats

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Interproject Billing Defining an Internal Supplier and Customer

In Oracle Payables, define a supplier for interproject billing transactions. Payables invoices will be sent to this internal supplier during the Tieback Invoices from Receivables process. For this supplier, you define supplier sites for each operating unit. In Oracle Receivables, define a customer for interproject billing transactions. This internal customer generates interproject invoices.

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Interproject Billing Implement Interproject Billing Extensions

Internal Payables Invoice Attributes Override Extension

Submit process to override the payables invoice attributes.

Provider and Receiver Organizations Override Extension Submit process to enforce and maintain your business rules .

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Interproject Billing Define the Supplier Invoice Charge Account

In Oracle Payables, you must modify the Supplier Invoice Charge Account process so that it returns a generic cost account for internal invoices. You can use different supplier types to differentiate between regular and internal invoices. You can further differentiate internal invoices between intercompany and interproject invoices by specifying the appropriate invoice source for Projects intercompany invoices and interproject invoices.

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Accounting for Revenue and Invoices

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Accounting for Revenue and Invoices AutoAccounting

The AutoAccounting feature in Oracle Projects derives values for account combinations based on project information for all accounting transactions in Oracle Projects. Consequently, the way you organize your chart of accounts affects your implementation data.

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Accounting for Revenue and Invoices AutoAccounting Rules

AutoAccounting Rules

SQL Statement



Parameter Parameter Parameter

Lookup Set Lookup Set Lookup Set

Lookup Set

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Accounting for Revenue and Invoices AutoAccounting Rule Mapping

AutoAccounting Rules

SQL Statement



Intermediate Value

Lookup Set

Lookup Set

Segment Value

Segment Value

Code Combination Segment

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Accounting for Revenue and Invoices Assign Rules


Function Transactions

Segment Rule Pairings

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Accounting for Revenue and Invoices Contract Project Accounting


Invoices Oracle Projects Oracle Receivables



Revenue Accounting

Invoice and Receipt Accounting

Oracle General Ledger

119 119

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Accounting for Revenue and Invoices Unbilled Receivables and Unearned Revenue

Revenue accrual and invoicing do not usually occur at the same time. You can: Accrue revenue before invoicing Invoice before revenue accrual Unbilled receivable is revenue accrued in excess of billing. Track as an asset to be converted later into a receivable asset. Unearned revenue is billing in excess of revenue. Track as a liability to be decreased later by a revenue transaction.

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Accounting for Revenue and Invoices Accounting for Revenue and Billing

Usage Revenue Revenue

Example: Time & Materials Project

Oracle General Ledger

Labor Revenue Implement revenue AutoAccounting functions to determine the revenue accounts interfaced to Oracle General Ledger

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Accounting for Revenue and Invoices Realized Gains and Losses

PRC: Interface Revenue to General Ledger

Submit processes to create a separate accounts for realized gains and realized loss accounts

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Accounting for Revenue and Invoices Invoice Rounding

When currencies are converted, it is necessary to round figures to the nearest currency unit. When an amount is converted from currency A to currency B (and rounded to the nearest unit), then converted back to currency A, a rounding difference can occur. This can occur during the following sequence of events: 1. 2. You generate a project invoice in invoice processing currency Oracle Projects then converts the invoice to the invoice currency (if it is different from the invoice processing currency). 3. Oracle Receivables converts the invoice to the functional currency for posting to General Ledger.

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Thank You !

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