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Unofficial Referee Observers Report

rbitro Internacional & The Third Team




Group E, 23 June 2013, 17:00 CET Antalya (TUR) Match Officials Referee Assistant Referee 1 Assistant Referee 2 Fourth Official FIFA Referee Assessor Blog Referee Observer
1 2 3

Name Jonas Eriksson Mathias Klasenius Daniel Wrnmark Wilmar Roldn Lee Harmon Chefren


Mark1 8.2 8.5 8.3 8.3


Difficulty3 Normal Challenging Challenging Normal

Final mark according to evaluation scale. Mark if the final mark had not been influenced by a crucial mistake (only in case of a crucial mistake, to be held empty if no crucial mistake occurred). Difficulty has to be integrated into the final mark. Levels of difficulty are: normal, challenging and very challenging. 4 Blog-Referee Observer =Inofficial referee observer appointed by the blog administrator.

Evaluation scale
(for referee, ARs and fourth official)

Description of the Marks Excellent. Very good. Important decision(s) correctly taken. Good. Expected level. Satisfactory with small areas for improvement. Satisfactory with important areas for improvement. One clear and important mistake, otherwise 8.3 or above. One clear and important mistake, otherwise 8.0 8.2. Below expectation, poor control, significant point(s) for improvement. Disappointing. Below expectation with one and clear important mistake or a performance with two or more clear and important mistakes. Unacceptable.

9.0 10.0 8.5 8.9 8.3 8.4 8.2 8.0 8.1 7.9 7.8 7.5 7.7 7.0 7.4 6.0 6.9

Small description of the match (extra-ordinary incidents etc.):

Matchday 1 in group E of FIFA U-20 WC 2013. The match was played in Antalya, between Chile and Egypt. The referee appointed was Jonas Eriksson from Sweden, at his first FIFA tournament, so it was something like a debut. It was played in front of an attendance of 3,148. The conditions of the pitch were good. The match in its progress was not really challenging for the referee, until the last minutes of second half, in which several things happened. A crucial decision had to be taken.

Unofficial Referee Observers Report

rbitro Internacional & The Third Team

Crucial Decisions (refer to penalty kicks, sending-off situations etc.) Minute and Description of the Scene / Assessment of the referees decision Penalty appeal by Egypt. Contact in area between Lichnovsky (CHI) and Elhanafi 53 Yasser (EGY). Not enough for a penalty, correct decision by referee. Cuevas (CHI) is directly sent off with a straight RC for a foul on Saleh Gomaa (EGY). The referee evaluates the situation as serious foul play. The decision appears a bit harsh, because also the Egyptian player tried to catch the ball with 80 a dangerous tackle. Probably the referee decided to punish the Chilean player because he came later and he might have avoided to hit the opponent. The decision cant anyway be listed as crucial mistake, becaus e it can be explained strictly according to LotG.

Basic Observations (refer to the general application of the LotG, highlight the referees tactical approach, personality, match control, management of the teams and players, teamwork etc.). Please deploy short but precise and detailed sentences! Positive Points 1. 2. 3. 4. Control of the game having a good communication with players. Very good teamwork: assistant helped the referee in many situations reporting foul. Usage of the advantage. Management of added time. Especially in second half, 5 minutes were a correct choice, because much time was wasted due to injuries.

Points for Improvement The red card given is acceptable, strictly according to rules, but it can be also a point for improvement. According to the opinion of this observer, the Egyptian 1. player made a reckless tackle which forced the Chilean player to commit the serious foul play. For this reason, he was sent off. The situation might have been read in a different way. Anyway, as said it will be not count as crucial mistake. He should try to have a more consistent approach, nevertheless there werent 2. relevant or crucial mistakes, the feeling is that he can improve in his card management, paying attention also to the background of each situation.

Unofficial Referee Observers Report

rbitro Internacional & The Third Team

The referees character Physical Aspects Fitness / Stamina Always close to play without interfering with it Flexible diagonal movement Positioning at set pieces Efficient positioning, having a good angle of vision to play Close to the penalty area, if needed Tactical Approach Description very lenient lenient medium X Yes Consistency in the tactical approach / style The tactical approach suited to the requirements of the match / the match benefitted from the tactical approach of the referee Ability to adapt the tactical approach if needed X X So-so X No + Expected X X X X X X strict very strict -

Further observations (peculiarities of the referee revealing his character) The tactical approach was a mixed bag, very difficult to identify just saying lenient or strict. We must underline that almost in all the match, the referee was able to take the situation under control without cards and it was an acceptable choice. Also applying the advantage in several situations, the game benefitted from this style. But then when the first card of the match was showed, it was a harsh and straight red. So, his approach immediately changed. After that, in the last 10 minutes of the match, other YC were issued. The feeling is that, starting from the sending off, the referee decided to changed his style.

Unofficial Referee Observers Report

rbitro Internacional & The Third Team

Assistant Referee 1
Please assess the first assistant referees performance. Minute and Description of the Scene / Assessment of the ARs behaviour 1 7 35 40 48 79 Castillo (CHI) is correctly evaluated onside. Castillo (CHI) is flagged offside. Correct decision. Fuentes (CHI) is flagged offside. Correct decision. Henriquez (CHI) is correctly flagged offside. Kahraba (EGY) is flagged offside. Correct decision. Hassan Ahmed (EGY) is flagged offside. Correct decision.

Assistant Referee 2
Please assess the second assistant referees performance. Minute and Description of the Scene / Assessment of the ARs behaviour 10 30 57 88 Kahraba (EGY) scores starting from a regular position. Correct evaluation. Kahraba (EGY) is correctly evaluated onside. Very good NO FLAG. Henriquez (CHI) is correctly evaluated onside. Very difficult and superb NO FLAG. Castillo (CHI) is flagged offside. Mistake. The player is onside.

Fourth Official
Please assess the fourth officials performance. Minute and Description of the Scene / Assessment of the fourth officials behaviour Nothing extra-ordinary to report. Roldn executed well his duties as fourth official. Full time The benches were fair in their behavior.

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