Bahrain Media Roundup: Read More Read More

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8th July 2013


Turning Up the Volume on Human Rights in Europe
When Catherine Ashton, the European Unions foreign policy chief, and Stavros Lambrinidis, her human rights envoy, recently visited the Gulf state of Bahrain, there were high hopes from democracy activists that both would speak out about that countrys human rights record. During the two-day ministerial meeting with the Gulf Cooperation Council, hosted by Bahrain, Mr. Lambrinidis spent much time discussing human rights with ofcials and nongovernmental organizations. He also visited Jaw Prison, where many activists are being held for participating in pro-democracy demonstrations that were crushed in 2011 by the Bahraini government. Despite the meetings, democracy activists criticized the E.U. ofcials. In their view, they did not speak out loudly enough against Bahrains suppression of human rights. Read More year to go before completing his sentence on charges of Tweetinginformation about protests.Nabeels jailing was a shock to those of us who follow Bahrain closely. For the year before his arrest, Bahraini authorities had harshly cracked down on protesters calling for democracy. Thousands of people had been arrested and many of them were tortured. Read More described below contain graphic imagery. Citizen videos from Cairo on Sunday and earlier today help paint a picture of the violence at a pro-Morsi vigil in which dozens were killed. Were curating them on our ongoingWatching Egyptplaylist. Videos from July 7th and 8th so far have documented the march toward the Republican Guard headquarters,men taking cover behind barricadesand as can be seen below a rooftop sniper and injured protestors being carried away: Read More Bahrains 29-month uprising is dominated by street clashes between mostly Shiite protesters and security forces for the Sunni-led monarchy. But homemade explosives and rebombs have increasingly been used in ambush-style attacks against police. More than 60 people have died in unrest since Bahrains majority Shiites renewed demonstrations for a greater political voice. Read More Yasir Dhaib, 19, died and two other ofcers suffered multiple injuries in the blast when security forces tried to prevent thugs from attacking a police station in Sitra. The homemade device exploded at 10.16pm on Saturday in an area known as Wadyan and police are still hunting those responsible. Read More

This Week in Human Rights Video: Egypt in Turmoil and Crackdown in Bahrain
Our most active playlists this week on the Human Rights Channel detailoccurrencesin Egypt, Bahrain and Syria. For the latest in veried, citizen video about human rights issues worldwide follow us on Twitter @ythumanrights. A warning that video in each of the playlists

Bahrain No More Stable as Nabeel Rajab Marks One Year in Custody

Exactly a year ago tomorrow leading Bahraini human rights defender Nabeel Rajab was arrested in his home by masked men. He has been in custody ever since and has another

Bahrain: Policeman killed, 3 injured from separate attacks in restive Gulf nation
Bahrain says twin attacks have left a policeman dead and three injured in the latest sign of targeted strikes by anti-government factions in the restive Gulf nation.

Bahrain tightens security over fresh violence

Bahrains police were out in full force yesterday (July 7) following an explosion which killed a policeman and outbreaks of violence in two districts in the kingdom.

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