Parent Provider Agreement (Includes Email)

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_______________ will begin to receive FDC services from Ismat Shehzad at 7


Daisy Court, Plainsboro, NJ 08536, on ___________ Parents Email Address ________________




To Wednesday






How many months do you expect to bring your child? ______________ I have applied for a waiting list in another center or place:
If yes: What is your expected date of joining the other facility? ____________

Yes No

Childcare Days are Monday through Friday. My timings are generally 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. Early drop off option is between 7:00 AM and 7:30 AM Late pick up option is between 5:30 PM and 6:00 PM (This option can be arranged in advance for a fee of $10.00/half hour each day) There will be a late pick up charges of $5.00 for every 15 minutes after the end of your childs day. This will be strictly enforced.


5 days....$250.00/week more than 1 day.$65.00/day 1 day..$70.00/day drop-in care..$10.00/hour Full-Time: Part-Time: $ $ per week per week

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These are my paid holidays

New Year's Day President's Day Other Martin Luther King Day Good Friday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Recess (Thurs. - Sun.) Christmas Day & Day After Christmas 3 of my Religious Holidays If a holiday falls on a Saturday, FDC will close on the Friday before. If a holiday falls on a Sunday, FDC will close on the Monday after.


Tuition is payable in advance or on the first day of each week. Any changes (additional days, late fees, etc.) must be paid in the following weeks check. There will be a $5 late fee if tuition is not paid on the first working day of the week. There will be a penalty of $25.00 for any checks that are returned for any reason. Alternate Care Arrangements: Parents should make arrangements with a back-up care giver or have an alternate care plan for days when FDC is closed. Deposit: A deposit of $ 225.00 is required to secure your childs place in FDC. This is due upon your signing of this contract. Please provide at least 4 weeks of advance notice if you intent to leave my FDC. Failing to do so will result in withholding of your deposit. Charges: The weekly payment will be fixed; it will not be adjusted to the number of days your child comes for care in one isolated week. There will not be a reduction of any sort for sick days, holidays, or vacations. Fees may increase each year in September.

In the interest of all children, it is best to keep a sick child at home if they have any of the following conditions: Severe pain or discomfort or behavior changes Temperature above 100 degree, Diarrhea, vomiting with in a 24-hour period. Yellow eyes or jaundice skin, Red eyes with discharge, Sore throat or serve coughing or serve runny noise Difficult or rapid breathing. Skin rashes, excluded diaper rash, lasting more than 1 day. Infected untreated skin patches. Swollen joints or visibly enlarged lymph nodes or stiff neck.

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Colds will be judged according to their severity. An ill child must be able to participate in all planned activities for the day or he/she is not well enough to attend childcare for the day. If a child should become ill during the day, you will be called and asked to make immediate arrangements to pick-up your child. In the event you are unavailable, your emergency contract person will be notified to immediately pick up. A child may not return to childcare until they are free of fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. for 24 hours. If your child is placed on antibiotics for any reason, they must remain at home for 24 hours before returning to childcare. This policy will be strictly enforced as it really helps all our children remain healthier. If a child contracts any of the following diseases, please report it to us immediately. The child may not return to FDC without a doctors note stating that the child presents no risk to himself/herself or to others.
TABLE OF EXCLUDABLE COMMUNICABLE DISEAES Respiratory Illnesses Chicken Pox German Measles Hemophilus Influenzae Measles Meningococcus Mumps Strep Throat Tuberculosis Whooping Cough Gastro-Intestinal Illnesses Giardia Lamblia Hepatitis A Salmonella Shigella Contact Illnesses Impetigo Lice Scabies

Prescription and over-the-counter medications can be administered to attending children. The parent must complete a medication permission slip, provide the medication in the original container, and discuss any possible side effects or reasons.

Toilet training is based on each child individually. Generally, children who are ready for toilet training should be: Dry between diaper changes, dry at naps, dry at night Capable of lowering and raising their pants Be able to express the need to go to the bathroom Exhibit control of their bladders and bowels. When your child is successfully trained at home, based on the criteria listed above with only occasional accidents, then your child is ready to train at childcare .

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1 complete change of clothes that is labeled with childs name 1 sweater or sweat shirt for changeable weather that is labeled with childs name Package of disposable diapers, wipes and diaper ointment or Vaselinewell let you know when we need you to send in more. Pack & Play style portable-crib for children under approximately 2 years old. Crib sheet and blankets for crib or nap mat-labeled with your childs name. This will be sent home at the end of each week to be laundered. Toys From Home: Toys and books from home should stay at home. FDC is fully equipped with books, toys and learning materials for all levels of development. If your child would like to bring a security snuggle item for quiet time, he or she may. Snuggle items should stay in the childs bag until quiet time.

As a parent enrolling my child in FDC, I agree to: Inform the provider of changes in my home or work addresses, and telephone numbers. Inform the provider if someone other than the parents will pick up my child. Inform the provider if my child contracts a contagious disease. Pick up my child immediately if notified that he/she is ill. For provider: Discuss your childs daily activities and routines with you. Provide a safe, healthy, stimulating environment for your child. Notify you immediately if your child is seriously injured, or by the end of the day if the injury is not serious. All families enrolled in my Family Day Care Home have to register once a year at contract time. It will be in everyone's best interest if we maintain open and honest communications and treat each other with respect. If you ever have any concerns about your child or the care your child is receiving, please share it with me so that we can reach a satisfactory solution for everyone. Your cooperation is appreciated for always picking up your child at designated time. I believe that this is a partnership in which we share the same goal-the healthy development of your child in a loving, learning home environment. Thank you for considering my Family Day Care Home for providing care to your loved ones.

The signature of the Parent(s) to this contract also indicates that they agree to abide by the written policies of the provider. The provider may change written policies form time to time. Page 4 of 5

--------------------------PARENT'S SIGNATURE

--------------------------PROVIDER'S SIGNATURE

---------------------DATE CONTRACT SIGNED

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