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The present political state of the Philippines has stirred the minds of the public creating varied opinions as to where the government is heading. In its political history, the Government had experienced dramatic changes that affected the lives of Filipino people. From the dictatorial rule of Ferdinand E. Marcos and the effects of Martial Law towards the restoration of democracy by People Power, the country have chosen leaders that will lead the country towards political and economic prosperity. The Presidency of Corazon Aquino and Fidel V. Ramos were met with various reforms and programs that aim to strengthen the Philippines as a developing country in Asia. However, the wake of the Estrada Administration and its eventual ouster from power had tested the countrys political stability. This was followed by the Arroyo Administration which aims to lift the deteriorating economy of the country. The Arroyo administration however, was bombarded by allegations of massive corruption and electoral poll cheating. These series of events have all been a factor to the countrys demise in its image which created public distrust to the Government. With the subsequent rise of President Benigno S. Aquino III into power, the people have greatly generated expectations in hopes that the present administration will be an avenue towards hope, prosperity and unity. The Aquino Administrations clamour for change had been elaborated in the Presidents two State of the Nation Address (SONA). Many people who have heard the first and the second SONA have different views with regards to how it affected the public. Others have reviewed the first SONA as an indication of what is to follow in the Aquino Administration, while many agree that the second SONA is more substantive than the first. Thus,

it is important to compare and contrast the two State of the Nation Address of President Aquino in order to come up with a conclusion as to which of the two addresses gives a more satisfying impact to the public at large.

The 2010 State of the Nation Address

The first State of the Nation Address of President Aquino last 2010 was awaited by millions of Filipino. This marked his first address to the public since his election to the Presidency. This is also his first time to elaborate the programs and reforms for his term. Perhaps the most distinguishing feature of the first SONA is that it is spoken in plain Filipino language. This gives an impact to the public because the tone and the delivery of the President on his speech create an aura of sincerity. It also magnifies the Presidents charisma with every flow of words he uttered. It could be well said that this gives the President a positive impact especially on how he handled his speech. The context of the first SONA of President Aquino revolves around different issues. However, these issues are woven in a specific principle of governance. Borrowing its own words, this principle is the principle of tungo sa tuwid na daan. The usage of this catchy phrase as a principle in his SONA catches the attention of the public because it hints an idea on the stance of the Aquino Administration. A stance based on heading to the right path. Again, the introduction of this principle by the President is a plus factor. The only hard part is that the action of the President remains to be seen at this time because his Presidency had just yet began or it is still in its early steps. The President reported that in its first three weeks of service, the administration have discovered many anomalies that tend to confuse the people of the real state of the country. He cited that the previous administration of Arroyo had spent more than the flow of income in the country. This message of the President could be cited in two ways. First, that the President is

serious in its effort to crumple corruption and its sincerity is bounded by the interest of the people. Secondly, it could also be criticised that the Aquino Administration is still dwelling on the past rather than letting the country move on with its implementation of programs and reforms. This strategy of the President caused a lot of fuzz especially among political opposition. However, the public per se agrees that the duty of the President is to the people and not to other bulwarks of big time politicians. Although the President had only been for three weeks

during this time, it is with great responsibility that he was able to report a contrasting statistics of the Philippines debt in the world economy especially in times where great powers such as the United States are in the midst of an economic crisis. The President stressed that the Government in the previous administration had managed to release big amounts of bonuses to the Heads of Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) while ordinary worker are struggling for the minimum pay. With this, he recommends the creation of a law that will safeguard the release of big bonuses to GOCCs employee. Aside from this, he reported that the previous administration had managed to implement programs such as the DPWH projects that are not part of the plan which tends to defeat the purpose of the program. One issue also hurled by the President at the previous administration is the supply of rice under the National Food Authority (NFA). He accused the previous administration of incorrect information of the state of supply of rice in the Philippines. He emphasized that there is no real shortage of supply in the Philippines. He stated that the announcement of shortage of rice is due to people who prioritize their personal interest rather than the interest of the public. Because of these anomalies, the President is forming a Truth Commission which will spearhead the investigations of illegal activities of the previous administration. This information

of the creation of a Truth Commission by the President is another strategy to tackle the crusade against corruption. This is another indication that the President means business in its drive to fight the malady that has affected many Government officials. With this proclamation, the people have yet to see the teeth of what the President is talking. Yet, these statements have still clung to the minds of many Filipinos. Or, it has created anger among those under the cronies of the previous administration. Besides the throwing of issues that implies the negativity of the previous administration, perhaps the most memorable part of the SONA is his message to the Filipino people in the last part of the speech. In this part, the President is appealing to the Filipino people to join hands in what they have started. He highlighted that there are people who will destroy what the people has started towards the right path for the sake of power. He reiterated that people are tired of the same bureaucratic idleness and corruption. He said that his mandate was with the blessing of God and the People. He maintained that starting today, people can dream towards their wishes in life. This last part of his speech sounded the President in the person of other great men such as Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy who remarked words with spiritual fervour. Though this SONA had proved difficult because of great expectations on the public, still, the President has managed come out of it with sincerity beyond compare. In all, the 2010 SONA of President Aquino has delivered a clear message. Though it may lack concrete substance as to it programs and reforms as others perceive, the message is clear and it was felt by any Filipino.

The 2011 State of the Nation Address

The 2011 State of the Nation Address was given by President Benigno S. Aquino III last July 25, 2011 at the Batasang Pambansa Complex, Quezon City. Being the second SONA of the President, the public at hand have all waited in anticipation for this historic event. This is probably because the second SONA will be highlighted by substantial information regarding the Presidents program of works and reforms that is quite lacking in the first SONA. Also, there have been a lot of issues and events that the people want to know especially the Presidents stance on these issues. Also this SONA could be quite different from the first because the President had been in office for a year and that gives him the confidence and the plus factor that was not present during the first SONA. Surprisingly, the second SONA was opened by the President with a deep and direct reference to the corrupt people in the public service. He used the word wang wang as a reference to the corrupt practices of unscrupulous people who are in public service which is the cause of the poverty of the nation. He supported his statements that in his office, the self rated hunger rate in the country have gone down. He emphasized, just like in the previous SONA that the ordinary Filipino people now can dream and that hope is positive. This opening statement of the President in his second SONA somehow lacks the power that was in the first, mainly, because the speech seems to be a repetition of the first SONA. What was different in this first part of the speech is that it was filled with substantial data coming from the implementation of his programs and projects. However, we cannot help but notice that the moment the President talks about corruption in reality, the repetition of his speech from the first SONA becomes

irrelevant because the reality of corruption overshadows everything even in

the everyday life

of every Filipino. Take for example in the part where the President mentions the issue of second hand helicopters, the billion of debt accumulated from GOCC such as that of the Philippine National Construction Corporation. In here, the President elaborated the extent of gravity of corruption in the country. It is in these reports that the President gained a plus factor because the people are hungry for hope and for truth. On the economic side, the President reported that the rice productivity of the country is increasing. He stated that this is because the Government is ready and willing to help every Filipino farmer to have the right tools and products to gain this success in agriculture. His stance on agriculture is that the country will not focus on export but rather on the productivity of harvest in the country. With these projects reported by the President to the public, there is a clear stance of the government as to where the President is leading the country. The strength of this message is that farmers and office workers alike can understand what the President meant. It means that the message is clear without being capable of equivocal meaning. In terms of benefits to uniformed men of the country, the President is proud that at this time, they were able to implement the housing programs as promised last SONA. He even reiterated his support to the military. Thus, his administration is allocating a budget that will provide modern aircraft and ships for the military. Another issue answered by the President is the issue of sovereignty over the Spratly Islands. The President opened that the Philippines has no intention of inciting war against any country but it is the duty of every Filipino to defend its sovereignty in whatever means he can. This message of the President as Chief of the Armed Forces gives the Filipino people the feeling of security within our territory. It is another plus

factor for the President because it portrayed himself of being capable in handling international issues. One important part of the speech of President Aquino in his second SONA is the issue of unemployment rate. In his speech, he said that the employment rate had gone down from 8 percent to 7.2 percent. The President expressed his concern for those whose ambitions are nailed to go out of the country. This time around, he promised that jobs will be created for the people so that the rate of the unemployed will not remain stagnant as before. Aside from the unemployment issue, the President also tackled his program which is the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. He pointed that by 2012, 3 million Filipinos will be benefit from this program. This message by the President is based on its projects and programs since he was elected President. This is probably the substance that other critics of the first SONA are looking for. These substance could only mean that in the first year of the President, he had tackled basic issues that needs to be addressed or where ignored by the previous administration. The controversy arising from the election in the ARMM was also tackled by the President. He noted that it is his mission to ensure that the ARMM election will be handled with proper proceedings. That is why his stance will be on the synchronization of election in the ARMM. The President even exposed the anomalies discovered in the ARMM. He explained that ghost projects in ARMM are numerous and that this needs to be stopped. With this delicate issue of dealing with the people of Mindanao, the President succinctly delivered a message that is admirable. It showed his toughness in making crucial and delicate decision. It further showed his image that his decisions are not based on popular or conventional wisdom but rather a decision based on principle, the principle of tungo sa tuwid na daan.

The last part of the second SONA of President Aquino was probably a great parody and a counter to those who criticised the President for making his administration a personal vendetta for the previous administration. In this speech, he retorted to his detractors that it is personal not only to him but to all Filipino people because all Filipinos are victim of this crooked system. By sort of a joke, he then exposed the Billion coffee of PAGCOR. This expose had made the public awaken on the extravagance of other offices while other Filipinos starve in poverty. This statement of the President exemplifies himself as a leader with a moral duty to the public. Again, this puts him on top against his detractors. This had made the second SONA a highlight. It further augments the clarity of the Presidents drive to battle corruption. It could probably earn him a respect he doesnt have before towards other people. In summary, the second SONA is equipped with substance which was lacking in the first and though may sound repetitive, the honest content and appeal to the public overshadows this defect.





The two State of the Nation Address of President elect Benigno S. Aquino III is a historical event in my point of view. This is largely due to the past turbulent events that had occurred for the last 3 decades in which the people expect more to the President than it was before. Also, much of the public today expects more change because of the usual corrupt practices that is attributed to the Government. For me, the 2010 and 2011 SONA of President Aquino will serve as a guide to the public of what is to come in the ensuing years. However, if we are to determine which of the two poses more impact to the public at large, then perhaps we will meet a different opinion. As a supporter of President Aquino myself, I think that the first SONA gives the people a large impact than the second SONA. The reason for this is that first impression cannot be taken over by the second. By that simple reason, the first SONA gives us a fresh mandate with which the President expressly states in his address. Let us remember that this is the first official appeal of the President towards the Filipino people. With this, the President in his message gives us an impact of hope, change and towards the principle of right governance for the people. Although the message was lacking in substance but the passion of the Presidents message is what propels the minds of the public. His candid appeals towards his battle for corruption gives an effect of concern free from self interest. It is also important to note that this kind of speech by the President was not often seen in public during the campaign period. With this SONA, the President delivered what the people wants and the clarity of his direction in his governance. On the other hand, what weakens the second SONA is for me its impact. Though it was well equipped with substance that portrays his reforms and programs still the impact cannot be

matched as to that of the First SONA. If we listen attentively to the second SONA, we will find that the message of the President becomes repetitious to that of the first. That is why the second SONA seems to be incomplete. Aside from this, the President had not moved from ventilating his energy to the previous administration but rather dwell on it for positive feedbacks. It somehow showed that the President is trying to curtain its own mishandlings by showcasing every SONA the alleged miscalculations of the past administration. These views are the reason why the first gives a much lasting impact to the public. In all, both are relevant but in its impact to the public, the first SONA holds more weight.


Both 2010 and 2011 SONA of the President gives the people guidance in the reins of governance in our country. However, the impact of both will be based on the attending circumstances that affected the event. It could be a negative event or a positive event. These circumstances will eventually lead to how the SONA of the President is to be perceived. Nevertheless, the first SONA had an impact that was not superseded by the second SONA. This is the feeling of first seeing a great leader speaks to the public. Leaders such as Gandhi, Kennedy or Barack Obama have spoken in the public with strong and deep words that remain to the very soul of the public. This is what characterizes the first SONA of President Aquino. In his last part of the speech, he gave us the hope to dream again. To stand up for what is right. These words are what moves people. Even without talking of concrete reforms, the President in the first SONA has win the heart of the people because he give us a hope that in the future we will be a great nation. These words can transform people into great people, and probably into a great country. The question that leaves us now is whether these words of hope and change will be realized. The answer, we will soon know.


By Jean Paul C. Moreno

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