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CDI 2 Childhood Depression Inventory -2 (CDI 2) Maria Kovacs (2010)

Cochrane & Chiasson

Purpose & Uses Used in both educational and clinical settings Assesses cognitive, affective and behavioral signs of depression in 7 to 17 years olds Used by clinicians and counselors to help: 1) Assess self-reported key symptoms of depression, such as childs feelings of worthlessness and loss of interest in activities, 2) support early identification and diagnosis, and 3) conduct clinical research. Used in early identification of depressive symptoms, diagnosis of depression and related disorders, monitoring of treatment effectiveness, & monitoring changes in symptoms over time Theoretical/Conceptual Basis The CDI was originally developed because of the need for standardized assessment tools in the study of depressive disorders among children and adolescents (past focus had been primarily on adult selfrated inventories) Because there was overlap between the manifestations of clinical depression in children and adults, an adult scale was originally used as a prototype (the starting point for the CDI was the Beck Depression Inventory) Original scale construction was completed in four phases. Cumulative research on childhood depression was used as the conceptual basis for the CDI-2. Key Features 28 multiple choice items On a 3-point scale (0: no symptom, 1: mild symptom, 2: definite symptom) Select the statement that best describes his or her feelings Designed for schools, child guidance clinics, pediatric practices, and child psychiatric settings Scales: 1) Emotional Problems & 2) Functional Problems Subscales: 1) Negative Mood , 2) Negative Self-esteem, 3) Ineffectiveness, & 4) Interpersonal Problems Administration & Scoring The CDI-2 includes 4 separate forms: A) CDI 2: Self-Report (SR), full length, B) CDI 2: Self Report (SR), short version, C) CDI 2: Parent, & D) CDI 2: Teacher Time scale * the past two weeks Age Range * children aged 7 to 17 years Administration Time * approximately 15 minutes for the CDI 2: SR, 5 minutes for the CDI 2: SR (S), 10 minutes for the CDI 2: P and 5 minutes for the CDI 2: T. Reading Level * grade level of 1.7 for the CDI 2: SR, 1.5 for the CDI 2: SR(S), 2.0 for the CDI 2: P and 2.2 for the CDI 2: T. Administration Setting * individual or group setting * completed in its entirety in a distraction-free environment User Qualifications * B-Level (psychologists, school psychologists, clinical social workers, physicians, counselors, psychiatric workers, and psychiatric nurses) Options * 1) Paper-and pencil administration & scoring, 2) Online administration & scoring, & 3) Software Scoring Explanation & Interpretation of Results The Meaning of T-Scores and Percentile Ranks

CDI 2 T-score 70+ 65-69 60-64 40-59 <40 Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4 Step 5: Percentile Rank 98+

Cochrane & Chiasson

Classification Very Elevated Score (many more concerns are typically reported) 93-97 Elevated Score (more concerns are typically reported) 84-92 High Average Score (typical number of concerns) 16-83 Average Score (Typical number of concerns) <16 Low score (fewer concerns than are typically reported) Step-by-step interpretation guidelines: Interpret the Scale Scores: calculate raw scores then convert to T-scores 1a) The Total Score is an overall index of depression symptoms (see above) 1b) It is important to consider item-level analysis (scale and subscale scores) Examine the Overall Profile One must consider the CDI 2 scores in relation to one another. Examine Item-Level Responses Review the individual items that contribute to an elevated T-score. Integrate Results from Multiple Sources Integrate your assessment with information from other sources, taking into account measurement error. Report Results

Technical Characteristics Normative Samples: CDI 2: SR (&S): * 1,100 Children ages 7-17 * equal number of girls & boys *sample similar to US Census CDI 2: Teacher: * 600 Children ages 7-17 * equal number of girls & boys * sample similar to US Census CDI 2: Parent: * 800 Children ages 7-17 * equal number of girls & boys * sample similar to US Census Psychometric Characteristics: The CDI 2 has very good reliability (internal consistency and test-retest coefficients) and concurrent, construct, and predictive validity. Clinical Applications The CDI 2 is a useful tool in the entire assessment process. It can be used to elicit required details from respondents to shape treatment plans, and to measure treatment outcome; however, the CDI 2 must be used as part of a dynamic evaluation process that synthesizes several types of information with careful clinical judgment. (CDI 2 Manual) STRENGTHS Cost effective & efficient Discriminates MDD or DD from others with and without psychiatric conditions Sensitive to changes in depression over time Mature instrument Good measure of symptom severity Good temporal reliability and internal consistency WEAKNESSES Lacking sufficient discriminant validity Lacking longitudinal studies Lack of standardized and replicable methods for child and adolescent disorders

CDI 2 References

Cochrane & Chiasson

Kovacs, M. (2010). CDI 2 Childrens Depression Inventory 2. Retrieved from Kovacs, M. (2010). Childrens Depression Inventory 2nd Edition, Technical Manual. Multi-Health Systems Inc. North Tonawanda, NY.

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