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List of Figures v
List of Tables vii
Acknowledgements ix
A Personal Story xi
About this Book xiii

PART ONE The Need for a New Approach – The Thinking Challenge 1
Chapter 1 Preparing the Ground 3
Chapter 2 From Individual to Organisational 19
Chapter 3 From Managing to Leading 35
Chapter 4 New Conceptions of Leadership 53
Chapter 5 Switching the Leadership Mindset to the System 67

PART TWO Applying the New Approach – The Intervention Challenge 79

Chapter 6 Leadership and Management Development 81
Chapter 7 Leadership and Organisation Development 99
Chapter 8 Leadership and Learning 125
Chapter 9 Leadership and Competence 145
Chapter 10 Leadership and Culture  169
Chapter 11 Leadership and Decline 187
Chapter 12 Leadership and Systems 203
Chapter 13 Leadership and the Shadow 223
Chapter 14 Leadership and Accountability 249

Conclusion 267
Appendix One: Systemic Leadership – an Overview 275


Appendix Two: The Systemic Leadership Toolkit 281

Bibliography 283
About the Author 287
About the Publisher 289
Glossary 291
Index 297


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