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Nakedness and Lust I think we have forgotten certain things.

Whenever people withhold things from each other, which we all do, it creates a lust. People lust after money that they haven't got, power that they need, relationships that they crave and so on. If we remove the withholding process, then we remove the lust. Whether this is possible is another question as there are, somehow, some immutable laws which say what one has another needs, sort of thing. We all have different configurations around what we have got and what we need and this creates our lusts. People are always keen to make the point of how they are being screwed over, but slow to acknowledge that they do the same thing to others themselves. I just can't see how I could be a bad guy. Relax, that's your self delusion, you are a bad guy, realise that about yourself and learn from your teachers. We are all bad men and anyone who thinks they are not is delusional because in this world, it is bad to be good so none of us can win there. So, nakedness and lust. It seems like over the past decade or so there has been an ever increasing tendency towards revealing outfits and scantily clad folks. When I thought about this, the question is why and actually, is it healing of sorts, a collective healing. If you see someones face, you don't think, Oh my god, there is someone's face, but if someone walked down the street with just their flip flops on, then folks would be up in arms and it would be, Oh my God, he/she walked down the road with just her flip flops on, I am offended and maybe, even, the police would be called. This is how far along the road our cultural paradigms have influenced us. When we were apes back on the African Savannah, there would have been no clothes, that was nature. People would have been used to it and the offense factor instilled in us through cultural paradigms which are not our friends, would have been absent. My theory, then is that when we withhold nature, it creates a lust for it. If, then we are all as we are, very modest and so on, then it creates that lust in society, that memory to how we once were, probably 80000 years ago and in a lot of climes until a lot more recently, naked and free is a powerful one in our subconscious minds. What happens in this system, then is that all sorts of lusts form through the consequence of withholding things one for another. If nakedness had been a lot more prevelent and never seen as dirty and obscene, which can only make sense to a religious mindset anyway, then a lot of these lusts would never build up in society and they wouldn't come out side ways. There is an old Jewish paradigm which states, if the boy steels a bike, don't scald him, buy him two more. What this means is that we don't solve the problem by denying the things that the lust in consciousness has created. When banks withhold money from people, it creates a lust and so people steel money. Our society has been on the slide because of this process. If we had been bought up in a culture where none of these inhibitions had foisted themselves down through the cultural paradigm. If nakedness was not seen as anything other than the same as if a person walks down the street with their face unveiled, then a whole bunch of behaviour patterns would likely be expunged or at least lessoned in our society. Imagine if in our society ALL women had been required to wear burkhas from a young age and occasionally, a woman would break the law and venture out without her burkha on, in other words, her face uncovered. The reaction would be Oh my god, she showed her face in public. So, all these things are just cultural paradigms. I jst hope we are maturing a bit now, that this childishness can come to an end and in doing so, the cultural lusting that people have one to another can be curtailed and in so doing all these sideways acts such as rape can be lessened. If you never allow the lust to form in the consciousness of the world, then all these sideways behaviours would never happen. It is the same on the macro and micro scale. Ultimately we have all become power junkies. By withholding we have from people who need what we have, we feel like we have power over them. Sexuality has become anything but beautiful. More often, it is used as a weapon between people with one attempting to gain power over the other. These power plays in our society is weird and as Terrance McKenna correctly said, culture is not our friend. The process of disrobment, then, with more and more flesh being shown in out society is, actually, then, a healing. It is the back to the garden process where nakedness is normalised. I am not saying have it everywhere, but this system is designed to instill as many

neurosis' in people as it can and we have to take our power back out of these cultural norms and regain our natural humanity, not just to do with issues of nudity, but also as regards other resources which people withhold from each other so that they feel like they have their juvenile little power trip over each other. Yes, it is a sick world but we can make it better. If nakedness was normal, there would be no lust and sideways issues related to it would be less and never forget, lust is always a two way process, it takes two to tango. If you don't want to be lusted after, don't make yourself lust worthy. Perhaps, then, we need to start bring children up in a world where things that were frowned upon yesterday are normal today. For sure, we have created anti-nature paradigms, almost everything we do denies nature and that goes a long way to explaining our ills and frankly why there is so much unhappiness and despair. We deny our own natures. When we deny ourselves and each other, we can also expect to create the societal issues which go along with that denial.

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