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Contents page

Content page of tables Dedication Acknowledgement Executive summary 1.0 Chapter One
1.1 Relevant brief history of background to the proposed business 1.2 Reason for starting the business. 1.3 Owner and manager exceptive (qualifications) 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 Owners Manager and Vice manager Engineers Builders, Plumbers and Electricians

1.4 Product capitalization or source of funds 1.5 S.W.O.T analysis


Chapter Two: Marketing plan and operation plan.

2.1 Marketing objectives. 2.2 Target markets. 2.3 Marketing strategy. 2.4 Competitor analysis.

2.5 Operation plan 2.6 Serves to be produced 2.7 Tools and suppliers 2.8 Optional for products activities


Chapter Three: financial plan and Milestone schedule

3.1 Management and staffing 3.2 Project financial statement.



I dedicate this work to my family;

Parents Mr& Mrs Mutseekwa

Sisters Delone, Wongai


Ruvarashe, Josephine


Acknowledgement is due and warmly extended to my supervisor Mrs Chidavanyika for willingness to adjust the routine of this tight schedules and patiently read my numerous manuscripts. She provided me with vital comments and expert advice helped in the compilation of the project. I would like to thank sincerely the businessman who also helped me in making my work come together Mr Mbona. Finally, l wish to thank my parents, sisters and friends for their moral support.


Executive Summary











architectural and Construction Company (MACC) this company is therefore to improve the infrastructure , road networks. The aim of this is to prove good and better house plan, road plans, dam plans etc. The company will have its office and warehouse in Mutare at 1524 Chimanimani Rd Paulington Mutare.

Providing cheap and affordable price and cheap service to the area so that everyone should be able to construct a building to his/her desire. Also to be a best of the best construction and architectural company which produce best quality service to the people around the community. To construct and design more

beautiful building and infrastructure that are attractive to people so that

touristy my enjoy to visit our country. Truly speaking also to be benefited from the profit of the company and also to benefit the community. But to a greater extend this company will benefit the community in which it is established. The


rate of unemployment is high in the country therefore this company will be able to employ people as many as it can. As a company which want to start offices and a warehouse will be constructed so that our tool and instruments are safe as well as our paper work. The customer of the company will be all over the country. The prices will be affordable to all different kind of people and the type of the building or

structure to be constructed. The money that is required so that t6his company can start to run is about $1 000 000. My financial funds will be the banks. The owner will be me Zivai Mutseekwa and l has a qualification of civil engineering at a level of ND years. class three (3) and l has been working for five

Chapter One : Description of the business and Ownership and Management structure.

1.1 Relevant brief history of background to the proposed business


As a businessman, l want to start this company because of the shortage of construction company in our country. Many construction company have relocated their companies from this country to other country with good economy( South Africa, Botswana, Namibia). Shortage of engineers, architectures in our country cause the decline of our infrastructure development and lack of new attractive infrastructure to be constructed. If took for example the Sakubva location in

Mutare the road is full of pot holes and thats the reason why l want to introduce the Mashingaidze architectural and Construction Company (MACC) so that it can work with the Council of Zimbabwe and other company to improve the Infrastructure of our wonderful country..Zimbabwe. my focus is on

improving the infrastructure form buildings to structures (dams, bridges, roads) around the country.

1.2 Reasons for starting the business. This country is a beautiful country but one thing must be done to make it perfect is to improve the infrastructure and the road network. Therefore the country will be improve cause the architecture which will be provided with


the MACC company are well qualified for designing plans for the building.

and their first standard

To give adequate man power which will be working as engineers, architecture, builders, carpenters, electrician and plumbers. The manpower company will be providing

so that our country will be improved in terms of infrastructures is therefore providing the people with everyone in the country will be able

and road networks. The company

reasonable and affordable prices so that

to (build) construct his/her building to his desire. To work in hand to hand with the department of engineering , of municipality council of Zimbabwe if

given the opportunity to do so. People must do things to their desire so thats a good reason why the company is readily to start, so that the people will construct building to their favorable desire.

The economy of my country have declined for the past three or four years so the company will do all the procedures to improve the economy of the country by paying all the tax which will be needed. Unemployment is

becoming a big problem in many countries including this country (Zimbabwe) therefore the company will provide employment to the community which it is located. The company has a aim of been a country wide so it maybe able to employ many people as it can. Not to bit about the bushes am also starting this company for my on benefit. I want to boost my economic- social life by have profits from this company. I have been striving for my best in my life but l think this is my opportunity to be a successful entrepreneur.

1.3 Owner and Manager Expertise (Qualification) People (Engineers, worker) which will be working on this company will be qualified for their jobs. The organ gram below will have all the qualification of the people who work on the company. I will start with the owner (Zivai

Mutseekwa) , followed by the manager, vice manager, engineers, builders, plumbers and electricians.

1.3.1 Owner
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Am the owner of the company and am qualified for many jobs. I did may Civil Engineering National Diploma at Mutare Polytechnic. This National Diploma I took it in 2013 and l has been in the field for two years. I

also did Construction and Block laying at National Diploma at the same institute. I have the job experience of been a Block laying for eight years. Truly speaking I have never operate big business like am about to start. Not been a businessman before for a big business is my weakness but I will work on it. 1.3.2 Manager and Vice Manager This two candidates they have the same qualification but there working experience is different. But the manager is ahead by a Bachelor of honors in Civil engineering. In similarity they all have Bachelor in Business Management. and

1.3.3 Engineers There will be several engineers on this company who are qualified in

different fields and have different job experience in different fields.

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First we will have two Civil Engineers, One Electrical Engineer One Land Survey Engineer

Architectural Engineer

All of them they have Masters field.

in there area of specialization of the

1.3.4 Builders, Plumbers, and Electricians This workers they all have National Diploma in there area of specialization. They also have working experience from the range of five to teen years in filed work.

1.4 Production Capitalization or source of funds .

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Source of funds will be some banks, loans, donations and sponsors. Am hoping that the named collages above will be willing to help to invest in this company. But as for now I will be relaying on the bank, so that it can give me some bank loans. If I get any sponsor who can donate the money so

that I can start this business it will be my pleasure to accept such kind of a offer. As planned the company 2014. must start to run by the 1st of January

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1.5 S.W.O.T


STRENTHS many people who are in the company are qualified according to there jobs *the current owner is qualified for the civil and construction division *manpower will be taken in the local community *low prices which attract the customers *good customer care

WEAKNESS OPPORTUNITY *to join some big company. *having a Sponsor


* the current owner haver an National Diploma in civil Engineering and lack lack of big management Expirence *lack of sponsor and donor to the business

THREATS * changes in Political economic in the country. *competitions between ourselves as business man

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I am going to run this business and I am going to face some threats, weakness, opportunity and also the company and I we are going to have strengths in the running of the business.


As the strength s of the company many, people will be working on the company will be highly qualified. All the Engineers have masters in their area of

specialization. For example the manager have a Masters in Civil Engineering. Also the owner of the business (company) is qualified for the Civil and Construction

field. Therefore he is able to manage and have an idea what he want to start and the desire of people because he has been working in the field for more than five years. Manpower will be taken from the local area. As our country we have many people who are unemployed. Therefore thats where our man power will come from and this will promote the employment of people unemployment. and less


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The owner of the company has an National Diploma in Civil Engineering as an advantages but he does not have any qualification or idea of how does business can run. As the source of money is became an weakness because it makes the

owner of the company starts late or open his company late. But this type of weakness can be overcome by been given loan from the bank. If the owner get a loan the problem will be 100% solved.


Opportunity can occur through the business run. This opportunities are, join big brand company so that the company will quickly be connected to the world. Also sponsors can promote our company if it runs well from the very start. This opportunity will grow if we can start the business earlier. Thats why we are proposing the loans in the banks so that we can start the company.


Threats are always

available every where you go. Whether political, social, etc. environmental changes. This will cause or

they may be political- economic

affect some small business and also big business. As inflation or corruption will be
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hitting the nerves of the business. Also competition between the business can affect the other neighboring business around

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Table 1.0: qualification and working experience



EXPIRIENCE experience of 5

National Diploma in Field civil engineering years


Block laying Bachelor engineering in civil 5 years working as and an a 2 civil

experience manager years as

National diploma in business management and

engineer 4 years of working experience in 8 years of working experience

Vice Manager

Masters in business management

Architectural engineer

Masters Architectural designing

Electrical engineer



4 years of working

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electrical Electrician engineering Electrician Nation Diploma Plumber National Diploma have

experience 2 years of working

5 years of working experience

Land survey engineer

Bachelor owners degree

and in

3 years

Quantity survey

land engineering


3 years

National diploma

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2.1 Marketing objectives

As a business which is producing goods or products you must have aims and goals. I want my products to be country wide. The products must be known

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country wide or world wide. Products will be cheap and affordable to all customer of my business. To have money so that I have a good looking life.

So provide good and suitable services to the community or the country as a whole. The company will be having durable products. Not to produce fake products for the people in the nation. The name of the company I want it to be marketed. The MAC company I want it name to be famous like other brands like Muhammad Mussa . this procedures to this achievement are advertising and giving the customer durable products.

The company must have many branches.

Therefore I want this company to be

big. In five years to come the company must have been spread all over the country . if an opportunity arises I will want to have branches in other

countries near our country Zimbabwe.

2.2 Target Market

As an company they have come up with marketing targeting. Which are companies which will what to build there offices or to improve there

infrastructure. People are also marketing target, who want to build there homes
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and extent there houses. This company is targeting every one who want to construct. Therefore the target is wide and this means that the many

customer will be available and profits return fast. The business will grow fast.

2.3 Marketing strategy

Companies which I will be competing with are many, under construction business many people where rapidly running enough equipment to make there for this business but they do not have products good enough to the people

(Customers). The companies which I will be competing with they are only based on two construction area which is only (construction) bricklaying and roofing. Whereas the company will be covering the whole of construction work. For

example building bridges, flats, stadium, etc

Therefore the company is going to provide the customer with good products form A- Z. it will be providing the customer with what they want for example plumbers, electricians, brick layers etc. as the company to be effective in the competition lowering the prices of the products. The prices of the company will be lower than that of the other companies.

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Advertising is the other way which is going to be used to market the products of the company. The use of the business cards, flyers, posters, T.V advertising and radio advertising. This thinks will be done frequently so that people all over

the country will be able to get the message. also to influence customer so that they can buy our services we are going to pay the money in full. offer some discount if the customer

Free offer (promotion) will be available for example if

you want pay in full will lay the electrical wire for free. This marketing strategy will be given $2000 for the year 2013. Advertising will be divided in to sectors:

Advertising on T.V will take 50% of $2000 Advertising on radio will take 25% of $2000 Advertising with posters and flyers will take 15% of $2000 Advertising with business cards will take 10% of $2000 Fig 2.0: advertising of the company

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advertising of the company

business cards 10% posters and flyers 15% radio 25%

t.v 50%

2.4 Competitors Analysis

My competitors have some weakness and strengths. Therefore they may be an opportunity for the company to raise as a big company

Weakness of may competitors are they only offer construction of houses/small building and roofing. Where as this company will be offering the whole of construction. Many of the competitive company they maintain there company

as small but as for this company will be fighting for any opportunity to become

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a big company or even a partnership. The charging of the price of construction of this competitive companies are higher than the MAC company.

Strengths are there

will be massive completion because there company will have

the top known names as compared to the MAC company which will be a new company. Therefore extra effort is needed to fight against the strength. Therefore all in all this company will be undifferentiated marketing. It will be

including all people, companies, business who want to construct building as customers. Its customers are not limited as compared to other companies.

2.5 Operation Plan

The MAC company will have some inputs and outputs. This are shown on table 2.0 . this inputs will be materials which the company use when constructing building, structure, electrical tools, plumbing tools an

etc. but the company will

not provide outputs which are for sale but the products will be the outputs (e,g bridges buildings )

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Table 2.0: inputs of the company

Inputs Building materials Plumbing material Electrical materials Survey materials Architectural materials

2.6 Service to be produced











(skyscraper) or small buildings as houses we will be offering all services under construction. As on structures will be constructing even Dams, bridges. what we can offer our customer and its going to be warranted. This is

Also plumbing
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and electrical system will be provided by the MAC company to the client. Also plan drawing will be offered. Plans will be drawn according to the desire of the client.

2.7 Tools and Suppliers

The tools will be used are listed below on table 2.1 and their suppliers.

Table 2.1: tools and the suppliers

Tools Building Building materials Plumbing material Electrical materials Survey materials Architectural materials

Supplier Mohammed Mussa hardware Kelvins hardware Buffalos hardware

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2.8 Optional for products activities

As MAC company it have decided that if it is not permitted for the preferred location (532 Paulington, Mutare) it may be located in Rusape city area.

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3.0 Management and staffing

MAC company have all most

seventeen employment and as we come to next

year I hope they are going to be more works as our company will be growing. By the end of next year we will be multiplying by two the number of employees to be thirty four (34). As a company we have key people which are listed below

Civil Engineers Land survey Engineers Electrical Engineer Builders/ brick layer Plumbers Architectural engineer

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But well will be able to line some employees which are like people who will be mixing mortar or help some builders to supply enough materials to them for example supplying bricks, mortar to the builders.

Hiring and finding employee maybe a problem. It my affect the company because of their salaries which they will be calming. But as a businessman am ready to face such kind of challenges. Also lack of Engineers and technicians in our country will affect the system of the company because it will be hard and well experienced person for specific field. to find a good

Table 3.0: Head count

Personnel Management Blue collar Total

2014 3 18 21

2015 3 31 34

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Table 3.1: Monthly Salary (USD)

personnel Management

2014 3000

2015 3500

Blue collar
Engineers (5) Builders (6) Plumbers (3) Quantity survey Electrician (3) Security guard 2000 800 800 1000 800 400 2500 860 860 1500 860 400

Table 3.2: Labour cost (USD)

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2014 Wages and salaries Social security cost Labour cost Revenue 22800 1200 2000 -

2015 10480 1200 2000 -

Fig 3.1 salaries per month



80000 2014 2015 40000



0 jan feb march april may june july aug sep oct nov dec


Project financial statement

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The diagram below show the draft cash flow, statement by the end of 31 December 2014 of the business

MAC company

Cash Flow Statement

For the Year Ended Dec 31, 2014

Cash Flows from Operating Activities:

Operating Income (EBIT)


Depreciation Expense


Loss on Sale of Equipment


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Gain on Sale of equipments


Increase in Accounts Receivable


Decrease in Prepaid Expenses


Decrease in Accounts Payable


Decrease in Accrued Expenses


Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities


Cash Flows from Investing Activities:

Sale of Equipment


Sale of Land


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Purchase of Equipment


Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities


Cash Flows from Financing Activities:

Payment of Dividends


Payment of Bond Payable


Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities


Net Change in Cash


Beginning Cash Balance


sending Cash Balance


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