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Volume 41, Issue 27

A Beacon and A Bridge

July 8, 2013

Sunday, July 7

Welcome to Our New Members! Josh & Marcie Anderson with sons, Liam and Evans Baptism of member, Lauren Lucas

Mission Statement
Growing Disciples of Christ by Seeking God, Sharing Love and Serving Others

Core Values:
Welcoming Outstanding Worship Outreach Different Traditions Mission & Ministry On the Move Nurturing Transforming 2013 Areas of Focus
Prayer - Presence - Peace

Commissioning of the Mission Group going to Africa

(Pictured on right: Park Owen, Laura Wasson, Mary Welsh Owen, Caroline Drury, Sarah Drury and Renee Porier)

Congratulations to George Keith, who was just elected as the New Deacon Chair. He will serve a two-year term.

Join us Sunday evenings for a New Sermon Series at The Bridge: Fairy Tales & Faith!

The current Elder Chair, Trudy Carpenter, will serve the 2nd of her two-year term during the 2013-14 fiscal year.

The Kingdom of God, Part 1: Citizenship by Rev. Justin Gung, Minister of Families & Young Adults
Flags and fireworks, parades and patriotic tunes, hot dogs and apple pie: Hopefully, despite the wet weather, you were able to enjoy the fourth of July. The birthday of our great nation is a time to salute the Red, White, and Blue. It's also a natural time to reflect on the concept of citizenship. A few days ago, I received a letter from Pensacola, Florida. Despite what one might assume, the author of this letter was not there to deep-sea fish or sip cold beverages on the beach. The author is inmate 16777 in the Federal Prison there. Despite its Florida address, Federal Prison is no vacation. It is a tightly secured facility where no person would ever want to live. Inmate 16777 is a friend of mine. I've known his family for years and served as a character witness in his trial. In his letter to me, he writes, "I made a horrible mistake and am paying my debt for it now This experience has given me time to think and resolve some personal issues that I most likely would have never bothered to resolve otherwise." The apostle Paul once wrote a letter to a group of Christians living in the city of Philippi, a prominent Roman colony located on the Egnatian Way. Interestingly, Paul wrote this letter while locked behind bars. (In the course of his ministry, he was incarcerated more than once. Biblical scholars are fairly sure that he wrote this letter while imprisoned in the city of Rome.) In the first chapter alone, Paul mentions his incarceration three times. He also notes the imperial guards who watch him like hawks. Isn't it interesting that Paul, the human author of vast portions of the Bible, was a prison inmate? This is proof positive, I think, that "God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." (1 Corinthians 1:27) Paul carried several passports, so to speak. He was a member of the nation of Israel. (In chapter three, he talks about being a member of the tribe of Benjamin.) Paul was also a citizen of the Roman Empire. (In fact, this citizenship afforded him the right to trial, which is the reason he was in Rome.) But above association with the nation of Israel and the Roman Empire, Paul had something of infinitely greater worth: Citizenship in the kingdom of God. To the Philippians, he writes: "But our citizenship is in heaven, from which we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ." (3:20) Paul's ties to the nation of Israel gave him great pride. His ties to the Roman Empire gave him great privilege. But his citizenship in the kingdom of God gave him infinitely more.
The Spire is published weekly by: Woodmont Christian Church 3601 Hillsboro Road Nashville, TN 37215 Visit our Webpage: (615) 297-8563 fax: (615) 297-9319 email: Kim Adair, Editor Copyright 2013

Paul knew that in this world, he may be a prisoner, but in the world to come, he'd be a princean adopted son of the King and a full member of the household of God. From prisoner to prince! That sweet truth was the greatest reality in his mind. It was a greater reality, in fact, than the bars that held him. That sweet truth gave him immense hope and, I believe, allowed his spirit to be free, though his body was in chains. In this patriotic time, we can learn a few things from this prison inmate. Firstly, though we "pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America," our highest allegiance should always be pledged to the kingdom of God. And if the two are ever at odds with each other, we know to which authority we should submit. Secondly, though we elect our rulers in this land, we do not do so in the kingdom of God. Heaven is no democracy. God is God not because we elect him to be or allow him to be. God rules by his own authority and we are blessed to live beneath his omnipotent hand. Finally, we carry dual-citizenship, as it were. Yes, we live in this world. But our ultimate citizenship is elsewhere: "Our citizenship is in heaven, from which we await a Savior" And when that Savior returns to consummate his kingdom, we will all be princes and princesses, adopted children of the King, and full members of the household of God. It's just like we sing in the "Hallelujah Chorus" of George Friedrich Handel's Messiah: "The kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever!" God speed that day! God speed the day when all that is wrong is finally made right and everything sad becomes untrue. God speed the day when the imperfect is replaced by the perfect and we awake in God's country: the kingdom of heaven.

The Nashville Food Project Now by Tallu Quinn, TNFP Director

It was five years ago that I assumed posts at both Woodmont and what was then called Mobile Loaves & Fishes. Five years! It's been a privilege to serve this congregation and I've been so inspired by the multiple ways Woodmont extends its arms out into the community in love and compassion. On July 1, I transitioned out of my role as minister of Mission and Outreach at Woodmont. I will be leading Sunday morning worship less often and will no longer have a staff role on the Outreach and Mission T.R.I.P.S. committees. I will continue on in a single role as director of The Nashville Food Project. Our program has expanded so much that it needs a director with just one job. For those of you who figured this out before me, thanks for your patience :) If any of you would like to get involved at The Nashville Food Project this summer or in the upcoming year, please be in touch. We have kitchen, garden and truck opportunities for individuals and for groups (small groups, Sunday School classes, youth, young adults, families). These opportunities range in type from low-commitment (drop in, one time) to greater commitment (ongoing, recurring times). If the garden is of greatest interest to you, consider volunteering before the end of October, before we put the gardens to rest for winter. For more information, please visit our website ( or access volunteer opportunities at Hands on Nashville ( And since growing season is in full swing it might be worth mentioning that The Nashville Food Project stewards two gardensone at Woodmont and one called Wedgewood Urban Gardens, located close to the fairgrounds. Later this month, the food project will be hosting a potluck dinner to show off that garden and celebrate our work. You are all invited to join us on Thursday, July 25, at 5:30 p.m. at 613 Wedgewood Ave. We will provide the entre and all tableware. Please bring a side dish to share. (You may also want to pack a blanket to sit on and bug spray.) We encourage carpooling, and in the event of rain, please check our website for notice of cancellation. All children are WELCOME and Lulah will be there! RSVP to me ( or via our website. It is one of the greatest blessings of my life to serve in ministry alongside all of you. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Patterns of Music by Michael Graham, Director of Music Ministry

Analyzing music and recognizing patterns have always been rather easy for me. When I was a teenager, I kept noticing a descending bass pattern with a similar chord structure in a lot of the pop songs of the day. You'll find it in such oldies as In a White Room by Cream, 25 or 6 to 4 by Chicago, and While My Guitar Gently Weeps by George Harrison. There are many other examples. Musical clichs are abundant in every genre and time period. The V-I cadence of the baroque and classical period, and the ping-pongy major 2nd of R&B phrase endings in the 1980s (almost always on the word "love") are good examples. Effective? For a time. Worn out? Eventually. There are clichs in life, however, that never get old. Such phrases as, "Let me help you," or "Tell me about it," or "Thank you," never get tiring. We should sprinkle "I love you," liberally throughout the day where it is appropriate and stock encouraging clichs in our repertoire. We do not have to reinvent the wheel to remain a positive, loving force in the lives of those around us. Simplicity and concern do the trick every time. Thank you, Lord, for the clich of love. "Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up." Proverbs 12:25 ~Michael

Celebrating 70 Years of Woodmont Christian Church - Sunday, July 21 st


Youth Volunteer Pool Party

Looking for a way to give back to your church? We have the perfect opportunity for you! We are searching for people who can serve as potential youth sponsors. If you think you might be interested in serving as a mentor in our youth group, please join us for a casual Happy Hour and Pool Party at the Carpenter's house! Coming to the party doesn't commit you to anything but just lets us know that you might possibly be interested in volunteering with the youth at some point. If you'd like to recommend someone who could serve as a potential youth sponsor, please pass along this invitation to them! Who: When: Where: Why: Anyone interested in volunteering with the youth group This Friday, July 12th at 6:00 p.m. Home of Bill and Trudy Carpenter (4005 Newman Place, 37204) Join us for a casual pool party to talk about different ways to volunteer as a youth sponsor in the coming year

Please RSVP at

Sunday School July 14th

9:30 a.m.
Disciples Class (105) - Led by Roy Stauffer "Wheat & Tares" Challenge Class (200) - Led by Bob Herrick "Acts of the Apostles" Young Adult Class (Boardroom) - Led by Rob Quinn "Amos" Spiritual Journeys Class for Women (The Bay) Led by Anne Alexander Stauffer "Renewing Your Spirit - Setting Your Boundaries in Our Digital Society" (see more at right) Spiritual Journeys Class for Women Sundays @ 9:30 a.m. in The Bay
What can the Scriptures teach us about healthy boundaries in our Digital Society? We are having fun learning! Please join us in The Bay Room this summer for our Spiritual Journeys Class for Women at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. Topics we will explore: A right time to text and another to not; A right time to tweet and another to not; A right time to hit send and another to hit delete; A right time to friend and another to unfriend; A right time to link in and another to unhook; A right time to post and another to refrain; A right time to email the message and another to deliver in person; A right time to Skype and another to simply phone; A right time to blog and another to simply journal; A right time to Google and another to simply wonder; A right time to Evite and another to call; A right time to shop online and another time to hit the mall. A digital twist on Ecclesiastes 3:2-8 by Anne Stauffer.

11:00 a.m.
Second Hour of the Spiritual Journeys Class (The Bay) (Open to Men Also) Led by Anne Alexander Stauffer Reflections Class (200) - Led by Roy Stauffer "Hypocrites or Holy People?" Points of View (105) - Led by Ralph Parsons and Doug King "Sermon Discussions" College & University-Aged Young Adults (107) Led by Allen McDonald

You are not alone If you need a confidential and caring Stephen Minister to talk with when you go through life's transitions or difficult times, call Kathy Patten (838-4957).


2013Summer ReadingList

2013Summer ReadingList

AndraMoran *Brim:CreativeOverflowinWorshipDesign byAndraMoran&SuzanneCastle TheLittlePrincebyAntoinedeSaintExupry WishfulThinkingbyFrederickBuechner MessengerbyLoisLowry HomelessBirdbyGloriaWhelan CarlaSchooler *IAmNotButIKnowIAmbyLouieGiglio Grace(Eventually):ThoughtsonFaithbyAnneLamontt TheBarbarianWaybyEdwinMcManus TheLifeYou'veAlwaysWantedbyJohnOrtberg ClayStauffer *+EnoughbyAdamHamilton AmericatheBeautifulbyDr.BenCarson ThomasJefferson:TheArtofPowerbyJonMeacham OnGod'sSidebyJimWallis TheNewDigitalAgebyEricSchmidtandJaredCohen HowWillYouMeasureYourLife?byClaytonChristensen +IntroducingtheBiblebyWilliamBarclay SoRich,SoPoorbyPeterEdelman FarrellMason *SanctuarybyBeccaStevens APrayerforOwenMeanybyJohnIrving GospelMedicinebyBarbaraBrownTaylor TheEnergyofPrayerbyThichNhatHanh ThePoweroftheMythbyJosephCampbell JustinGung *LoveDoesbyBobGoff TraumaandRecoverybyDr.JudithHerman TheWillofGodasaWayofLifebyDr.GeraldSittser +ASevereMercybySheldonVanauken GenerousJusticebyTimKeller MaryClareCarpenter *TearSoup:ARecipeforHealingafterLoss byPatSchwiebertandChuckDeKlyen +TheScrewtapeLettersbyC.S.Lewis +Man'sSearchforMeaningbyViktorE.Frankl TheTruthAboutMoneyLiesbyRussCrosson MichaelGraham *EveninginthePalaceofReason:BachMeetsFrederick theGreatintheAgeofEnlightenmentbyJamesR.Gaines Temperament:HowMusicBecameaBattlegroundfor theGreatMindsofWesternCivilizationbyStuartIsacoff LifeofPibyYannMartel

RoyStauffer +LifeTogetherbyDietrichBonhoeffer +Man'sSearchforMeaningbyViktorFrankl +*NearingHomebyBillyGraham AmericatheBeautifulbyBenCarson +ChristianityAfterReligionbyDianaButlerBass TalluQuinn Roots,Shoots,BucketsandBoots:GardeningTogether withChildrenbySharonLovejoy SmallisBeautiful:EconomicsasifPeopleMattered byE.F.Schumacher DoingLife:ReflectionsofMenandWomenServing SentencesbyHowardZehr *Given:PoemsbyWendellBerry ProdigalSummerbyBarbaraKingsolver WhatArePeopleFor?:EssaysbyWendellBerry ThomSchuyler TheMansionontheHillbyFredGoodman AWalkintheWoodsbyBillBryson +TheRoadLessTraveledbyM.ScottPeck TrumanbyDavidMcCullough *TheKnowledgeoftheHolybyA.W.Tozer TreyFlowers *"ThouDearGod":PrayersThatOpenHeartsandSpirits byMartinLutherKing,Jr. PurposeDrivenYouthMinistrybyDougFields *BrimbyAndraMoran&SuzanneCastle *TheHeartofChristianitybyMarcusBorg *+TheWoundedHealerbyHenriNouwen

*StockedinSpireBooks +InWCCLibrary(Room208)forCheckout

Woodmont T.R.I.P.S. Committee The "T.R.I.P.S. Committee," Woodmont's mission committee, will be having it's first meeting of the new fiscal year this Sunday, July 14th immediately following the 11:00 a.m. service in the Boardroom. We will be electing new officers for the coming year. If you are interested in joining the committee or just wish to find out more information about it, please join us in the Boardroom.

New Member Get-Together

Tuesday, July 30 at 6:00 p.m. at the home of Mart & Denise Sesler

(2402 A Sunset Place, 37212)

Reservations requested. Please RSVP to the church office at 297-8563.

Sunday, July 7 A New Sermon Series Began at The Bridge: Fairy Tales & Faith!

THIS WEEK AT WCC: Tuesday - Friday, July 9-12 9:00 a.m. - Noon - Vacation Bible School Sunday, July 14 9:30 a.m. - Children's Moment 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Children's Church 5:45 p.m. - The Bridge Service 6:30 p.m. - After The Bridge Soup

7/15 - Ava Hagelgans 7/16 - Drew Masters 7/17 - Julia Hermann 7/17 - Gentry Anne Hollis

Sunday, July 7
Children's Moment at 9:30 Service

2 yr old Sunday School Class

5 yr old Sunday School Class

Bulletin Board
Opportunities at Woodmont
Wednesday, July 10 6:15 a.m. Men's Small Group (107) 7:00 a.m. Men's Bible Study (105) Younger Men's Bible Study (BR) 9:00 a.m. - Noon Vacation Bible School (All Kids Commons Rooms, DH, The Bay, 100, 105 & 107 ) 5:30 p.m. Birthday Sunday Planning Meeting (BR) Thursday, July 11 Library Workday 9:00 a.m. - Noon Vacation Bible School (All Kids Commons Rooms, DH, The Bay, 100, 105 & 107 ) 7:00 p.m. Restore Classes (200, Youth Rooms) Friday, July 12 9:00 a.m. - Noon Vacation Bible School (All Kids Commons Rooms, DH, The Bay, 100, 105 & 107 ) 6:00 p.m. Volunteer Youth Pool Party (Off-Campus/Carpenter Home) Sunday, July 14 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Worship (Sanctuary) 12:15 p.m. T.R.I.P.S. Committee Meeting (BR) 4:45 p.m. WCC Knitters (GH) 5:45 p.m. The Bridge Service (DH) 6:30 p.m. After The Bridge Casual Dinner (BR) Monday, July 15 4:00 p.m. "The Geezers" Men's Group (BR) Tuesday, July 16 9:00 a.m. Women's Prayer Group (CS) 6:30 p.m. Young Adults (Off-Campus)

Elders Prayer Corner

The Elders Request that the congregation join them in prayer for: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in God, so that you may overflow with hope VBS attendees and all of the volunteers this year who will give our children a fun week of love Our new leaders beginning their terms this year - Officers, Boardmembers, Elders and Deacons Our shut-in members who are unable to attend worship All our new members who bring their gifts to Woodmont Prayer, Presence and Peace


IN THE HOSPITAL: Penny Stelling, Vanderbilt Emily Duncan, Vanderbilt Jo Helen Railsback, friend of B. James Lowry, Vanderbilt NEW CONCERN: Mary Thomas, mother of Lynn McDonald CONTINUING CONCERNS: Sheila Mathias Rick Clark John Henderson George Spry Steve Smith Gary Thompson Hale Hooper Yot Williams Beverly Small Peggy Johnson Jeannette Miller, Claiborne-Hughes Health Center Robert Mathews, West Meade Place William Daniel, father of Lisa Rollins, Wisconsin Carl May, husband of Jackie May Betty Barlow, mother of Beth Sowell, Colorado Barb Vial, sister of Beth Sowell, Colorado Catherine Pease, mother of Mary Welsh Owen, Skilled Unit at Guerin Woods, Georgetown, IN Ty Coppinger, father of Shawn Haile Arthur Foley, friend of Nashville Tools for Schools Angela Sharp, friend of Jeremy Pratt
Continuing Concerns continued

Stacy Fletcher, daughter of Marcella Derryberry Colin Fletcher, son of Marcella Derryberry Mary Jane Ward, mother of Trudy Carpenter, Woodcrest CONGRATULATIONS TO: Donovan McAbee & Megan Hamilton, who were married at Woodmont on Thursday, July 4th by Tallu Quinn and Rev. Clay Stauffer! Steve & Betty McHugh, who celebrated their 55th Wedding Anniversary on Wednesday, July 3rd! MILITARY PRAYER LIST: Wade Gossett, brother of Becca Gossett Clay Perry, son of Tim & Diane Perry Dan King & wife, Ashley King, brother and sister-in-law of Stephen Daniel King THOSE SERVING ABROAD: Jesse Garrison, Peace Corp in Armenia Courtney Valk, Peace Corp in Republic of Georgia
*Please Note: Continuing Care Concerns will now only be listed for up to one month. If you wish to have a continuing concern remain on the list after one month, please renew your request each month by calling the church office.*

Let Us Know: Have information about someone in the hospital or with another ministry need? Please notify the church office during the week (297-8563) and Let Us Know.

Woodmont Christian Church

3601 Hillsboro Road Nashville, TN 37215 615.297.8563
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Date June 16 June 23 June 30 July 7 Sunday School 245 239 258 230 Total Atd. 710 712 742 665 Operating $ 40,973 $ 14,011 $ 20,829 $ 20,648

July 14, 2013
Communion Prep: Service Coordinator: Video Camera: Nora Rich 9:30 - TBA 11:00 - Nick Small 9:30 - Grant Smothers 11:00 - Nora Rich 11:00 a.m. Deb LaForge Jeremiah Pyron Rich Sanderson Bob Garrard Teri Diamond Monte Good Katherine Hartle Hope Walker 5:45 p.m. Rich Sanderson Adam Sloan David Stewart Jeremiah Weeden-Wright Stephanie Weeden-Wright


July 14, 2013

WORSHIP SERVICES: July 14, 2013 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m Rev. Trey Flowers, preaching Sermon Title: "Is Not This Your Child?" Scripture: Luke 4:16-22 Rev. Justin Gung, preaching Fairy Tales & Faith Sermon Series: "When the Church Works" Scripture: Romans 12:1-8

5:45 p.m. - The Bridge

Weekly Prayer Partner The Promise Church, Jackson, TN

9:30 a.m. Kasey Clymer Jack Derryberry Marcella Derryberry Mark Clymer Roy Jordan David Reynolds Betty McHugh Laura Dovan

9:30 a.m. Kathy Patten and Chip Phinizy 11:00 a.m. Bill Heyne and David Conrad 5:45 p.m. Bryan Sargent


Rev. Clay Stauffer, Senior Minister Farrell Mason, Minister of Family Life & Pastoral Care Dr. C. Roy Stauffer, Minister of Church Life Rev. Justin Gung, Minister of Families & Young Adults Rev. Trey Flowers, Minister of Children & "The Bridge" Thom Schuyler, Youth Director Carla "CJ" Schooler, Minister of Jr. High Youth Tallu Quinn, TNFP Director Michael Graham, Director of Music Ministry Sarah Huffman, Accompanist Rebecca Vaughan, Receptionist Andra Moran & Stephen Daniel King, Creative Directors for "The Bridge" Mary Clare Pyron, Parish Nurse Linda Whitson, Staff Administrator Beverly Honeycutt, Housekeeping Shirley Taylor, Housekeeping Ginny Tharp, Director of Preschool Kim Adair, Administrative Assistant Steven Austin, Housekeeping Sam Marsh, Property Manager - Housekeeping Supv.

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