Jeremiah Prison Ministry Jeremiah Prison Ministry Jeremiah Prison Ministry Jeremiah Prison Ministry

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Jeremiah Prison Ministry Newsletter

JPM is an outreach of Martinsburg Christian Center, Martinsburg, WV Celebrated 13 years of Prison Ministry in 2012
I WAS IN PRISON AND YOU VISITED ME MATT. 25:36B We are serving Him by serving them! His mercy endures forever. Psalm 106:1 VOLUME 13, ISSUE 07

JUNE 2013

Revs. Tom & Monica

OUR MISSION & VISION Our Mission to help men in prison reach their fullest in the Lord. What we do Ministering to their spirit, soul and body, though one on one mentoring as their spiritual advisor and friend. How we began Jeremiah Prison Ministry began on November 30, 1999, which was birth out of a bond for a young man that made a wrong choice in life.. Our Vision to be able to go into the prison chapels without the inmates having to take us off their visiting list. We know with God ALL things ARE Possible! 70 men have been released in 13 years. We still are ministering to 68 inmates in 5 states.

Wow June was a whirlwind.. I wanted to send out our newsletter before now was an exciting month... we made our visitations to the prisons, traveled to Arlington, TX for our denominational board meetings and convention, we were gone 18 days. And now a lot of catching up! While there we got to see our son and two of our four grandchildren that live in TX. We celebrated the 4th of July on the road and arrived home on the 6th. We traveled 3,028.1 miles needless to say we are tuckered out. I think we will fly the next time. Tom will celebrate his 65th birthday on the 20th we also will celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary the same day. Have you noticed time goes by so much faster when you are older?!

Juvenile Lifers Another Update.. via Juvenile Law Center

Redefining Justice One Year After Miller v. Alabama. One year ago the U.S. Supreme Court declared that mandatory life without parole sentences for youth were unconstitutional. The Court ruled that mandatory sentencing of children restricts a judge's ability to consider the child's mitigating circumstances, maturity, or ability to be rehabilitated. The Court noted that juvenile life without parole (JLWOP) sentences should be rare. The Supreme Court did not, however, address several related issues: Retroactivity If it became unconstitutional for states to apply mandatory JLWOP on June 25, 2012, what about the over 2,100 men and women sitting in U.S. prisons who were sentenced prior to that date? (approx.500 are in PA) What about those whose appeals expired on June 24th? Are their constitutional rights null and void simply because their sentences were handed down prior to that date? The Constitution was meant to provide justice for allnot justice according to date of application. An unconstitutional sentence cannot be applied to any defendant. Yet some prosecutors continue to claim that Miller does not apply retroactively and that the now-unconstitutional sentences cannot be reviewed. Life Without Parole Many states seek to circumvent the spirit and letter of the Miller decision by substituting lengthy mandatory minimum sentences for life without parole. Almost immediately after Miller, one governor went so far as to say "he disagreed with the Supreme Court's decision" and would commute all of the affected individuals' sentences, instead requiring a mandatory minimum of 60 years in prison. Legislatures have struggled with how to respond to Miller. Courts continue to sentence youth to terms that are the equivalent of life sentences. The Supreme Court has yet to rule on the constitutionality of such sentences. As Juvenile Law Center works to ensure that Miller is fully implemented, we also recognize the totality of the tragedy that occurs when children participate in homicidesit is a tragedy that creates a devastating ripple effect. Victims' families suffer a permanent loss. We share their grief. The family of the child who committed the act also loses a loved onenot in the same way, but everyone involved experiences the death of hopes and dreams. We must continue to pray for our youth of today!

Please make sure to use our new address when sending a donation.

Page 2 Keeping you informed about the PA Courts to change the sentencing laws for juvenile offender serving life without parole. Keep praying its not over yet! PRAYER CORNER ~Pray for Kevin, Mike, Domingo, Michael, & Richard that God blesses them financially. ~Pray for Larry, Ricky, Lewis, Corey, Bob, Greg, & Eric to receive favor for commutation and retrials. ~Pray for Jeremiah as we continue to believe for a miracle for his release. ~Pray for continued healing for Bob, Larry, & Harvey. ~Pray our granddaughter Leah remains cancer free. Leah is 18th! ~Pray for Andy our grandson, he carries a 4.0 avg. at DSU. He had surgery & is doing GREAT!. ~Pray for all our family spiritually, physically and financially. ~Pray continue to for my brother, Norman. Pray for Toms brother, John, as he is on dialysis. ~Pray for the salvation of the world. Pray for inmates and their families, our Nation, our leaders, our military and their families. ~Pray for prison reform in our nation. ~Pray for Bill our dear friend & his wife Rose for restored health. ~Pray for Dotty & her husband Stan for good health. ~Pray for us for strength and wisdom in all we do, that we remain cancer free and healthy to do Gods work, for our cars to be mechanically sound. You are an Extended Hand and a vital part of this ministry. Together we are making a difference with Jesus Christ, taking life to a dark place! We go because you send us. Thank You so much!

Pastor Toms Preaching Corner


We made 62 visits to 5 PA state prisons & traveled over 16,445 miles

for ministry last year.

Jeremiah Prison Ministry Revs. Tom & Monica Cohee 223 Cameo Dr. Fayetteville, PA 17222 717-352-0080 Fax: 717-352-0392 Were on the Web!
Your Editor: Rev. Monica Cohee

Isaiah 58:6-8 Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, To undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free, And that you break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out: When you see the naked, that you cover him, And not hide yourself from your own flesh? Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. There is nothing that the devil dreads more than a praying Christian. Satan laughs at our hard work, but he trembles when we pray. Prayer puts things in Gods hands. Jesus taught us to be persistent and to never give up Pray Over praying. He said to ask and keep on asking. He said to Everything seek and keep on seeking. Prayer is about turning situations over to the Lord and trusting in Him. Isaiah tells us that when our backs are against the wall, its time to go on a fast. When we need a breakthrough, we must deny our flesh and seek the Lord. We dont fast and pray to please God; we do it to increase our faith. Fasting is about changing us and not God. (Give Up Something!) God is searching for people that will build up the wall of righteousness and stand in the gap in prayer. Things do not change unless someone is praying. When you pray over the salvation of friends and relatives, God dispatches His angels and His spirit to deal with people. People may run from things you say, but they cant run from the voice of God. And Jesus said that there are some things that can only be changed Worry through prayer and fasting. Make up your mind to pray and About not give up and the Lord will hear your cry. If you need a Nothing breakthrough in your life, youll have to deny your flesh and seek God in a whole new way. The Apostle Paul said to pray without ceasing. One of the greatest things that happens when you fast is your prayer life automatically increases. There is something about denying your flesh that causes your spirit man to rise up. You can wage war against spiritual forces if you want to, but the real war is inside you. The real war is your flesh and the fight of faith. The real war is your will, versus Gods will. Fasting and praying may weaken you physically, but it will cause you to rise to a higher level. God is not going to answer your prayers because you deserve it. Hes going to answer them because you used your faith and you never quit. Pray over everything and worry over nothing. When the people of God begin to pray, God dispatches angels and pushes back the hand of the enemy. If we pray today in one accord, there will be a jailbreak in your life. We will see the greatest harvest of souls that weve ever seen in his church. We will see everyone of your family members come to know the Lord. Its time to pray!

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