Reach Out and Touch by Suzanne Uzzell: Preview 25 Pages of This Book For Free!

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Suzanne E. Uzzell


------------------------------------A Gift For: _______________ From:___________________ Date:____________________

-----------------------------------Reaching Beyond Self to Touch Others

Helping others on lifes journey should give us joy and fulfillment!

Reach Out and Touch

Copyright 2013by Suzanne E. Uzzell All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured from the Publisher to use or reproduce any part of this book, except for bible scriptures used. All scripture quotations are from the King James Version. Ebook/epub ISBN: 978-1-300-80786-5

I thank God for the opportunity to write this book and share the gift of giving with my readers. This book will encourage the reader to move from the comforts of self and to reach out to those around them by being the blessing God intended them to be. A special thanks to all who practice releasing special gifts from the heart and to those who reach beyond their limitations to bless others. It is the blessings that you release opens up the window of opportunity for those who are in need. A special thanks to everyone who deposited in my life and taught me the principle of giving which released Gods blessings. I recognize that it is because I give what I have my cup will always overflow and never be empty. To my dear Father who was a giver I will always remember your gifts you gave freely to impact the lives of others with whatever you had to give or contribute. Your memories live in my heart!

How to reach out....7-22

PART II: Giving Silences Poverty24-38

PART III: A Givers touch ....40 -77

About the Author .78


Reach Out and Touch

Page 7

Reach out and touch some bodies hand make this world a better place if you can! These words ring in my ear from time to time as I remember Diana Ross singing this song in the past. I often pondered over these words and I wondered if we are truly putting these words into practice. I woke up this morning and thought I should begin to write this book to let everyone know that we must reach out and touch and never stop reaching beyond ourselves to touch others. This message is imperative and crucial if we want to benefit from living.

Reach Out and Touch

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If I can help somebody along the way then my living shall not be in vain. This gospel song is also another reminder that we were born to reach out and touch others. We were born with the purpose to help others. We were born to impact lives whether we choose to help or hinder the choice we make will affect our own lives in a positive or negative way. We are living in a time where the focus of self is becoming more evident. Most People tend to focus on themselves and what others can do for them. The focus is now on I and not you. They forgot about we and its all about me.

Reach Out and Touch

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Dont get me wrong there is nothing wrong with loving yourself, because God even tells us to Love our neighbors as we love ourselves. So this lets us know that we must embrace ourselves and love self in order to truly love others. What I am addressing is most people have a sense of self and only self. They forgot about helping others. They are only concerned about what they have or what they can get out of life. They lose touch with the gift of living and that is blessing others. We must come to the realization that it is not all about us and what we can get all of the time.

Reach Out and Touch

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We are living in a time where everyone focuses on themselves and what others can do for them. There comes a time in our lives that we must face the realness of self and ask the question, have I truly reached out and touch someone throughout my day, better yet my life thus far? I want you to know that it is never too late to change the Me to We and the I to you .In order for us to reach out and touch those around us we must recognize its not all about us and what we can get all of the time. The focus should be what are we giving to others, society, the less fortunate and anyone who is in need to be touched.

Reach Out and Touch

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When you give to someone you are opening the door to self improvement, soul satisfaction and the release of love. Our soul cries out and yearns to be a blessing but sometimes we ignore the message we hear from within. It is when we give we truly will receive, we all heard the saying it is more bless to give than to receive I concur with this thought and I go further by saying Giving is a gift from God. The bible reveals this in Acts 20:35 I have showed you all things, how that so laboring you ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Reach Out and Touch

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We cannot give aside from Gods leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit to do so. Giving touches the lives of others and connects us in a greater capacity to the hearts of many. When we give, no matter how great or small, it brings joy to the recipient and also to the one who gives, if you have given without grudge or because you were forced to do so. If you give in the proper manner with love and kindness it will always cause you to reap the benefits of giving. A giver never complains about what they gave regardless of their circumstance or situation. A giver is always in a releasing posture and never closes there hand until the gift is deposited to the recipient.

Reach Out and Touch

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They enjoy being a blessing to those around them. A giver discerns whose in need and begins his/her journey of giving to someone, a household, a cause, a community, a church where ever they see the need to sow the seed. A giver may not necessarily be rich in material resources but they learn to give what they have, some may give there last gift but the satisfaction is revealed when the receiver benefits from that special gift which is a seed of love. Yet other givers may have more than enough to give and gather plenty to release to the souls around them they may or may not know.

Reach Out and Touch

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Reaching out is easier said than done. We must learn how to reach out to a love one, neighbor, community etc. Reaching out requires for us to reach in. If you are empty inside you will never be able to reach out and touch someone, you will always look for someone to touch you because you are depleted and have nothing to give. In order to reach out you must be in a place of wholeness and all bitterness must be replaced with love. You can never give if you are bitter, you must be better and bigger.

Reach Out and Touch

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We all must learn to touch someone with kindness, love, compassion, understanding, patience and sharing. Give of yourself give of your time, money, advice and a helping hand. Giving makes you vulnerable but it also softens your heart and allows you to be sensitive to those around you. You learn compassion through giving. Your heart grows in love when you give and the act of selfishness gradually dies when you learn how to activate the act of kindness through your giving. We must learn how to give with no attachments or expectancies from the persons or organizations we bless.

Reach Out and Touch

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We also must learn how to give without having the wrong motive. Let us learn how to give to be a blessing in the lives of others. You may be asking how can I begin my giving journey without being overwhelmed with the task of when to give and who to give? You can start off with a small giving project then continue to reach out to others on a daily basis. It is time to be the vessel that makes a difference in the world you can do this by reaching out and touching a soul one by one. You can impact the world by first creating a place within that is concerned about the wellbeing of others.

Reach Out and Touch

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It is time to get to a place within where you learn how to care for someone other than yourself. You will be surprised at the outcome and how many lives you are able to impact because of your new desire to give. You can begin a family foundation of giving because charity (Love) begins at home. Start giving at home. You can begin with your immediate family, give self, time, substance, love, commitment, understanding and patience. Give to your family members what they need learn how to be a blessing to your family.

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After you have practiced and learnt the lesson of blessing your family, only after you have found joy in blessing them you can begin to go a step further by blessing neighbors, strangers, communities, churches, charities and foundations. You will begin to see progress and growth from the experience of giving. Blessing others will always make you fruitful and loving. Reaching out and touching someone will allow you to feel the newness deep down within which will cause you to reap the benefits of serving others in return. Giving ultimately gives you purpose and impacts the lives you touch.

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Your generosity will never be forgotten but it will always be remembered. The smallest deed will never go unnoticed. In order to bless someone else you need to release what you are holding on to. It is time to let it go and make the persons life richer. As you grow in your giving you will learn not to throw away but learn how to give away. Whether it is that dress in practically good condition hanging in the closet, or that suit you havent worn, those pair of shoes waiting to be worn, or some books why not donate to a cause. Learn to give away your childrens old toys and clothes. Always give away what you want to receive. Make sure your items are in great condition before releasing it to someone.

Reach Out and Touch

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Someone is waiting on the other side to receive whatever you have to give. Stop hoarding and keeping what you are not going to use. Stop throwing away and wasting what can be reused. Pack up what you have and give to various organizations in your community. There are those who will be grateful to receive what you give. Dont keep things to yourself learn how to make room for the more in your life by giving a portion of what you possess. I can guarantee you that there will always be someone waiting to receive what you have released.

Reach Out and Touch

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You will always have the favor of God and your life will always have greater meaning because you are opening up yourself to a window of opportunities by possessing an attitude of giving. Being able to bless those around you and those whom God allows you to bless goes far beyond your capabilities and strength it becomes a ministry and a God given gift which is your ultimate destiny. Once you recognize God has given you the gift of giving you will be able to tap into the spirit of giving and operate from the realm God ordained you to walk in, by fulfilling your calling, which will impact the lives of others here on earth.

Reach Out and Touch

Page 22

How do you impact the earth? The answer is simple to reach out and touch one soul at a time. At this time we must recognize that God wants to birth Givers! There are givers waiting to be birthed, those that are willing to sacrifice in order to assist others. Many who have enough compassion to see those without receive are the givers God will use. Those that have the mentality to help change lives and assist in the restoring process in the lives of others are the true givers. We must come to the realization that we are here to give. If we accept the responsibility of giving we can assist others. Lets not consider what we can get but change that thought to what I can give. My prayer is Lord allow the givers to come forth and reach one person at a time.

Giving Silences Poverty

Reach Out and Touch

The Sound Of Poverty

Page 24

Will all the givers come forth Reach one person at a time Reach out to those who are standing in line. Reach out to the one who doesnt have a dime. Cant you see her lying on the floor Shivering cuddled up next to the door. On the streets without a thing to eat She doesnt even have shoes on her feet. Reach out to her children that starves From time to time, Cant you see the one who stands by her mother crying because she doesnt know why she hasnt had enough to eat. They are all dressed in dirty rags The children look up at their mother who wears poverty as a shoulder bag too heavy to carry because there is so much pain inside, she drags her feet looks on the ground while she prays another day they all will be able to find something to eat and have a decent place to sleep.

Reach Out and Touch

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It is time for us to help silence the sound of poverty by reaching out to the less fortunate. Stop judging them because of where they are and what they dont have and begin assisting one person at a time. We must have a servants heart and serve. Poverty is always noticeable however we always attempt to avoid the bright signs we see from day to day. I understand that one person cannot give to a whole nation especially if they dont have the resources to do so. But a whole village, a community, Churches, individuals can help one by one to affect change in the land!

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