Chat Log C:/Users/Psison/Documents/Chatlog Leadership Goto Training Live 2 2013 - 06 - 25 18 - 31

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Chat Log C:\Users\Psison\Documents\ChatLog Leadership GoTo Training Live 2 2013_06_25 18_31.

rtf Phillip Sison (to All - Entire Audience): I've just arrived i'm sorry i'm late Phillip Sison (to All - Entire Audience): Phillip Sison Ceres, California Evan Miller (to All - Entire Audience): I'm sorry, did we all have to state our name and where we're from? I was showing a plummer around during the first few minutes. Eric Morrison (to All - Entire Audience): alll you people with all your cool weather and low humidity! :-) Randy Vitale (to All - Entire Audience): ouch Patrick Beck (to All - Entire Audience): this week is over 100 here in Utah... Eric Morrison (to All - Entire Audience): ouch Randy Vitale (to All - Entire Audience): 95 in boston with thunder storms Phillip Sison (to All - Entire Audience): ugh I hate summer time...central valley dry heat Eric Morrison (to All - Entire Audience): good point Phillip Sison (to All - Entire Audience): No I have no questions Jason Stokely (to All - Entire Audience): No questions at this time Donte Williams (to All - Entire Audience): No questions at the moment Eric Morrison (to All - Entire Audience): we do have it next it looks like Eric Morrison (to All - Entire Audience): I will be right back Randy Vitale (to All - Entire Audience): for the organization slide are we making up roles we would be in our company or writing what week leader we were. Randy Vitale (to All - Entire Audience): mic is glitchy. Brandonn Couturier (to All - Entire Audience): i believe he is talking about the staff and responsibities Randy Vitale (to All - Entire Audience): ok that answered it Brandonn Couturier (to All - Entire Audience): after the organizational chart Randy Vitale (to All - Entire Audience): sorry Brandonn Couturier (to All - Entire Audience): false Evan Miller (to All - Entire Audience): False. Phillip Sison (to All - Entire Audience): false Joseph Brooks (to All - Entire Audience): I say both. Some things you are born with, others you have to learn. Joseph Brooks (to All - Entire Audience): Both Pedro Delarosa (to All - Entire Audience): both Jason Stokely (to All - Entire Audience): both Randy Vitale (to All - Entire Audience): need to be born with it and nurture it. talent can be wasted Donte Williams (to All - Entire Audience): both Randy Vitale (to All - Entire Audience): yup Phillip Sison (to All - Entire Audience): If they are a natural born leader and they don't nuture it i can imagine them never being in a position to utilize it Patrick Beck (to All - Entire Audience): no way. Patrick Beck (to All - Entire Audience): some of the best leaders lead from beneath. Joseph Brooks (to All - Entire Audience): Maybe more like that their ceiling wouldn't be as high if they don't train it as it would be if they do train it. Phillip Sison (to All - Entire Audience): you can lead from any position on the totem pole Brandonn Couturier (to All - Entire Audience): We are not in official leadership positions and we are developing our skills as we speak Joseph Brooks (to All - Entire Audience): Absolutely not for #2. No reason to not train them all the time. Joseph Brooks (to All - Entire Audience): High School football coach Brandonn Couturier (to All - Entire Audience): I found it easy Randy Vitale (to All - Entire Audience): easy. had a good team Patrick Beck (to All - Entire Audience): a little bit of both. Pedro Delarosa (to All - Entire Audience): easy as well Brandonn Couturier (to All - Entire Audience): we work and communicate very well Phillip Sison (to All - Entire Audience): thank you and good night Jason Stokely (to All - Entire Audience): Thank you\ Patrick Beck (to All - Entire Audience): thanks! Joseph Brooks (to All - Entire Audience): night! Donte Williams (to All - Entire Audience): what's the mystery word? Lester Frederick (to All - Entire Audience) : Good night! Alberto Neurohr (to All - Entire Audience) : Thanks, good night! Joseph Brooks (to All - Entire Audience): initiate

Joseph Brooks (to All - Entire Audience): err Joseph Brooks (to All - Entire Audience): initiative Phillip Sison (to All - Entire Audience): the mystery word is initiative Donte Williams (to All - Entire Audience): thanks Phillip Sison (to All - Entire Audience): or however yous spell it lol

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