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of these reports.

8. Details of computer systems to be used for project control. Details of how the completion and hand over responsibilities of the Project will be monitored in terms of system completion, outstanding butt list items, loops tested, loops to go etc. 7.3.9 A description of the proposed services for estimating to include a clear statement of the methods which will be adopted to establish quantities and how such information will be presented in order that OWNER can establish the validity of prices included in any requests for Changes in the Work. Details to be provided following OWNER's requests for Changes in the Work will include: a full technical description and design details of the proposed change; details of engineering and supervision man-hours and applicable rates; details of equipment and materials costs including quantities, specifications and quotations; and details of estimated construction subcontract costs including quantities and applicable rates. 7.3.10 A description of the proposed cost control services and procedures for handling Changes in the Work, including: a) Organisation of the cost control function. b) Procedures for the timely and accurate compilation of cost data from all locations. c) Methods for early identification and reporting of cost trends. d) Preparation of cost forecasts. e) Reporting of Changes in the Work.
) Proposed content and frequency of cost status reports.

7.3.11 To confirm and explain how to achieve that all scheduling of the Work will be construction and commissioning-driven. 7.3.12 To provide a description of its Document Control function together with procedures, system description and sample reports from the system proposed. 7.3.13 To confirm that the Equipment Delivery Schedule is compatible with the proposed Level I and Level II schedule.


Engineering Procedure (refer to Attachment E4-Part B)

A description of how to engineer and design the WORK including the following aspects: 7.4.1 Details of where and by whom the entirety of the engineering, including drafting, is to be performed. Any and all subsidiaries, affiliates, subcontractors, design houses etc shall be listed together with details of the work to be sublet. This shall include for any engineering and/or design work proposed to let to Subcontractors and/or Vendors. 7.4.2 The preparation of Piping and Instrument Diagrams ("P& IDs") and the method of getting input from the different engineers. The content of each issue and its purpose.
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A description of the formal simultaneous safety review, eg, HAZOP and Final Safety reVIew. 7.4.3 The detailed design using 3D electronic modelling. 7.4.4 2D CAD systems and applicable software to be used. Smart P&ID software will be advantaged. 7.4.5 A description of the procedures for the take-off of bulk materials. 7.4.6 A description of the method for preparing cable schedules and cable drum schedules and requisitions. 7.4.7 The method proposed for the processing of Vendors' data drawings including an explanation of how such documents are integrated with the overall Progress Measurement system. 7.4.8 Standard procedures, which show how safety will be designed into the WORK, including the review of Vendors' specifications, drawings, HAZOP and welding procedures 7.4.9 Copies of each standard form, schedule, chart or list proposed to use in the WORK, with a description of its function and its relationship in the procedure. These shall include sample forms to show how the technical evaluation of Vendors' quotations will be carried out. 7.4.10 Procedure for rationalising, recommending and procuring spare parts, including capital and insurance spares. 7.4.11 The methods proposed for obtaining approval of drawings as required by Vietnamese regulations. 7.4.12 Provision of information, applications and documents required for obtaining licences and permits for the WORK. 7.4.13 Details of how to control and use Proj ect standards and Refinery Proj ect standards for design to avoid conflicts between them. 7.4.14 Description of early input of construct ability and commissioning activities into the design process, including the persons responsible, how experience from other projects is incorporated, how design experience is transferred to Site, how early studies and strategies are incorporated etc. 7.4.15 Description of the design methods and computer programs to be used, including samples of drawings showing the level of detail to be included on shop/field fabrication and approved for construction. 7.4.16 For Instrument Engineering, procedure for inspection and acceptance testing of the DCSIESDIF &G and other sub-control systems, instruments, Telecommunications must be integrated with the Refinery. 7.4.17 Procedure for preparation, issue and revision of design and engineering documents language, standard forms, symbols, drafting practices, incorporation of comments etc. 7.4.18 Procedure for document management system, including status and review, classification by OWNER, indexation, etc.
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7.4 .19 Procedure for control of Vendor documents and drawings 7.4.20 Confirmation to produce documents on the specified software and that documents will be issued as electronic files. 7.4.21 Detailed Piping Material Classes to cover all pipe classes listed in the Piping Material Specification.
7.5 Materials Management Procedure (Refer to Attachment ES-part B)

7.5.1 A description of the proposed services for procurement specifying all procurement centres, including arrangements for purchasing in countries other than the CONTRACTOR's home country. This shall describe the use of affiliate companies, branch offices or others for procurement functions in third countries, identifying clearly the entities, which may be, used and the method of coordination. OWNER expects that all procurement activities shall be coordinated from a single office. 7.5.2 A description of procedure for assessing manufacturers' capabilities, monitoring of shop loading and for maintaining the approved Vendor List. 7.5.3 The terms and conditions of purchase to be issued with all quotation requests and purchase orders for this WORK, and a statement of intended use of payments or payments in advance of Delivery to be imposed on Vendors. These terms and conditions shall reflect the specific requirements of the WORK. 7.5.4 Proposed format for the Material Status Report and frequency of issue for the minimum details required. 7.5.5 A description of the proposed services for material control including, but not limited to: - Description of organisation for material control through engineering, procurement, shipping and construction including definition of related responsibilities. - Methods used to control free-issue materials to Vendors and Subcontractors. - Details of computer systems used for material control. - Sample report forms and frequency of issue of these reports. 7.5.6 A description ofthe proposed expediting services including, but not limited to: - Description of organisation of expediting services. - Procedures for expediting including the handling of Vendor's drawings, suborders, material certificates and spare parts recommendations, expediting visits to Vendors or their sub-vendors and the specific measures that will be taken to meet the requirements of the Work. - Method for assessing number and frequency of visits. - Procedure for identifying and acting on schedule-critical equipment and material items. Sample report forms and frequency of issue of these reports, both internal and for OWNER. System for recording actions and monitoring of the execution of these actions.
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