EESA10 Lecture 4: Cue Column: Note-Taking Area

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EESA10 Lecture 4

Monday, June 3, 2013 12:00 PM

Cue Column:

Note-Taking Area: Cont'd from last week Drinking water from household wells Not designed properly, can contaminate water Overtime, gas corrodes Noticeable water Only owners can tell Visible Water can be turbid but not necessarily toxic Tastes Smells How drinking water treated? Purify water ==> the one we drink is from Lake Ontario Pumped ==> water treatment plants Filtering - can't filter viruses, some chemicals (microscopic stuff) System built on original composition of water Chemical treatment Uses chlorine Swimming water

Chemical Hazards & Human Health Chemical hazards Endocrine disrupters (EDs) Industrial compounds mimic hormones Hence disrupt Effects Direct effects: Binding to hormone recepters DNA altered Indirect effects: Alters hormone things (check slide) DES Prescribed to pregnant women to those who had problems w/ miscarriages; prevents miscarriages The children when becoming parents, they had problems We don't know problem today when exposed, we only find out years later Health implications Check slide Neurobehavioural effects Check slide It's child's behaviour PCBs **remember these weren't learned from human experiments, only animals but they still give info**
Chemical body burdens Quantity of chems body accumulate Body breaks down these chems, excretes} thus, not stable over time Can have these chems in body but undetectable Dioxins Product of any kind of combustion/manufacturing They have similar chem structures TCDD Has 4 chlorines Position & # of Chlorine
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They have similar chem structures TCDD Has 4 chlorines Position & # of Chlorine Chlorination makes chem more dangerous; more Cl, more dangerous After combustion, settles on different areas (ex. Soil) Entering in food chain POP - persistent organic pollutant Not soluble in water, but accumulate in fat tissue All fatty foods (meat products) Changes protein Everyone exposed to low levels If mother exposed, child can be born w/ birth defects Chloracne 'chlorine' + acne DDT Agri pesticide + also used as insecticide (controlling malaria & typhus) Typhus's vector: flies DDT considered as miracle since they found it could be used as insecticide No immediate effects Note how many chlorines 'grasshopper effect' Multiple cycles of evaporation and condensation In tropics, when sprayed, it evaporates Travels north (cold countries) and stays there Goes up and up ==> grasshopper Bio-accumulates Accumulates in tissues Bio-magnification Build up w/in food chain Very significant for DDT Human health effects Check slide **endocrine disrupter** DDT restrictions Banned in Canada; mostly banned Still used to prevent malaria

Summary Area:

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