Chapter 1 What To Believe

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Chapter 1 What to Believe Adult Catechism Class Study Guide 1. Are you willing to be a Christian? 2. What is a Christian?

A person who is baptized and lives according to the teachings of the Church. Col 1:10, Phil 1:27 This should not be a miracle, but rather the norm, the rule of our faith. 3. Who is Christ? Son of God- The Messiah, The Christ The Transfiguration demonstrates His divinity and manifestation of God Elements of Transfiguration that show Christ is Messiah and God: God is Light (1Jn:1-5) Father bears witness from heaven Foreshadows His future glory Presence of Prophet shows all bear witness to Jesus as the Messiah! - Communion of the saints Holy Trinitys Presence, Father, Son & Holy Spirit 4. How do we know that He is the one? Because of the predictions made about His coming in the Old Testament and verified in the New Testament. That He was to be of Davids Family (Mat 22:44; Mk12:36; Lk 1:69-70; 20:42-44;Jn7:42; 2 Sm7:12-16; Ps 88(89):3-4; 109 (110):1;131(132):11; Is9:6,7;11:1 That He would be Born of a Virgin (Mat1:23; Is7:14) That He would be Born in Bethlehem (Mat2:6; Jn 7:42;Mi 5:2) That He would Sojourn in Egypt (Mat 2:15; Hos 11:1) That He would Live in Galilee (Mat 4:15; Is 9:1-2) That He would Live in Nazareth (Mat 2:23; Is 11:1) That His Mission would include Gentiles (Mat 12:18-21; Is 42:14) That His Ministry would be one of Healing (Mat 8:17; Is 53: 4) That He would Teach by Parables (Mat 13:14-15, 35; Is 6:9-10, Ps 77 (78) :2) That He would make a Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Mat 21:5; Jn 12:13-15; Is 62:11; Zec 9:9; Ps 117 (118) :26) That He would be Buried by a Rich Man (Is 53:9; Mat 27:57-60; Fact stated, Prophecy not quoted) That He would be given Vinegar and Gall (Mat 27:34; Jn 19:19; Ps 68 (69):21) Not a Bone would be Broken (Jn 19:36; Ex 12:46; Nm 9:12; Pss 33 (34):20 His Side would be Pierced (Jn 19:37; Zec 12:10; Ps 21 (22) : 16) 5. What other Names are used to describe Christ? The Christ, The Messiah, Savior, Redeemer, Wonderful Counselor, Faithful Witness, The Word of God, The Truth, The Light of the World, The Way

6. What is a general characteristic of a Christian? He prays and tries not to go against the Will of God 7. What is an Orthodox Christian ? Believes exactly the teachings of Christ as passed down to us 8. What is the Holy Bible? A set of books that were given to man by God. Scriptures, the Word and the Book 9. What are the Ecumenical Councils? The Holy Tradition of the Church is preserving the True Faith. Tradition being defined during the first eight centuries, through the seven great Councils: 1. Council of NICAEA 2. Council of CONSTANTINOPLE 3. Council of EPHESUS 4. Council of CHALCEDON 5. Council of CONSTANTINOPLE 6. Council of CONSTANTINOPLE 7. Council of NICAEA 10. What does the word catechism mean? Signifies a teaching by voice.

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