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Ron Jogene C. Pasion Philosophy of Education In today`s trend, the demand for education is getting higher and higher.

Educated people are in demand all over the world. Education is certainly attributed to knowledge. In that instance we can directly conclude and realize what lies beyond are traditional understanding of education. But how then the education takes place and concepts or aspects that would help someone to be educated. Some philosophers gave concept that has a connection to education. Their concepts maybe diverse but, if we scrutinize each and every concept we may arrive to one concept that is common among them. After reading available materials, I now come to my conclusion of concept that transform the radiance of ideas to focus on one corner idea, and that is discipline. Plato`s discipline is for the purpose of training the character of each citizen so that he may control his appetites, subordinating the senses of reason (Stanford Encyclopedia). In St. Augustine concept of discipline he presumes that punishment is necessary for the child to learn. Because the original sin, the pupil is inclined toward evil. (Cals). Immanuel Kant doesnt directly give discipline as a concept to attain right education and knowledge instead; he gave Obedience as being necessary to successfully educate the child. Though it is not direct I am asserting that obedience requires discipline as to the latter requires the former and it is understandable. In the methodic doubt of Descartes, one has to doubt everything in order to be certain but he gave rules as a discipline in using the method. Here are some of that rules; Rule III: when we propose to investigate a subject, our inquiries should be directed, not to what others have thought, nor to what we

ourselves conjecture, but to what we can clearly and perspicuously behold and with certain deduce. Rule IV: this is a rule requiring that other rules be adhered to strictly, for if a person observes them accurately, he shall never assume what is false as true, and will never spend his mental efforts to no purpose. (A history of Philosophy). I failed to found the concepts of the other philosophers which I can say a common to others. But after reading and of course understanding, my mind sets that discipline if not the most important it is one the most important. Upon reading the text of St. Augustine Ive noticed one concept that I sought to disagree and that is Authoritarian concept saying that Truth is, defined by the church. The individual must accept obediently whatever the church declares as truth. The individual is not free to follow whatever direction his reason takes him. (Cals). Knowing or being educated must not be depend of the churches for if it is the case being in a dogmatic society is a sticky glue that is hard to get rid. Shackling oneself to one truth or one point of view obviously deprives himself to more potentials and knowledge that he may come into possession.

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