HSC Catholic Studies: Dinesh Verma

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HSC Catholic Studies


Dinesh Verma

Define the issue you have selected and explain what it involves (2 marks) The issue I have chosen is unfair dismissal. Unfair dismissal is being wrongfully excused from work usually due to unsanctioned or immoral reasons by your employer.


Explain your views, opinions and experiences you many have had with this issue (3 marks) My view is that unfair dismissal should not be allowed in the workplace and this is how it currently stands under the Workplace (Unfair Dismissal) Act 2009. I hold this view because I believe that it is unjust for workers to be dismissed on unethical reasons. I have not had any experiences with this issue, but apparently this is an issue that many workers can face.


Summarise the media article you have found and explain how the item relates to your selected issue (5 marks) The media article, Union lodges unfair dismissal claims (28th May, 2013) by the Naomi Valley Independent highlights the issue of workers in the mining industry being dismissed from work because they are seen as redundant to the company. The article goes on to say that these local miners have lost their job because their jobs are being subcontracted to overseas workers who use the loophole of Section 457 of their work visas. They believe that it is essential that when a downturn occurs in the industry, local workers are given priority. They also believe that this will spread to other major industries critical to Australias function. This relates to unfair dismissal, as workers are seen a redundant because workers from overseas are competing with Australia local workers, arguing that they can do it more effectively and at a lower price, hence the immoral reasons why workers are being unfairly dismissed effectively relating to my chosen issue.


Outline a typical Christian response to your selected issue (8 marks) The teachings on this particular issue, according to The Catholic Catechisms is that "Human society can be neither well-ordered nor prosperous unless it has some people invested with legitimate authority to preserve its institutions and to devote themselves as far as is necessary to work and care for the good of all" (Ref: 1897). What this means is that the mine workers put their faith into the organisation and were let down by their leaders. Likewise, Jesus teachings are similar, the bible states For the one in authority is Gods servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason

(Romans 13: 1-7). This

furthermore conveys that the bosses (leaders) of the mines betrayed their workers and it was wrong for them to do so. When workers have lost their job due to unfair dismissals, there are a variety of Christian based groups that attempt to help these people. The Salvation Army is one such organisation. The Salvation Army was founded in 1865 and has the mission to The Salvation Army to complete the values set up by God for the work of, transforming lives, caring for people, Making Disciples, and Reforming Society of which one of the ways of doing this is through their employment services.


Explain what the activities are that fill your week. Assess whether you are leading a balanced life at present. Justify your judgement (6 marks) In my average week, the activities that fill up my week are essentially, sleep, school, study, and leisure time, with a few miscellaneous tasks on a daily basis. My week is filled with sleep because it is a necessary and essential component of life. School is also a major part of my week, likewise studying. These are also principal factors that take a majority of my time in my week. This is so because school, particularly, year 12 is a crucial part into entering university, which I would like. Study is also a supplement to school as regular revision is required in order to achieve one selfs full potential. Leisure time is also a small element of my week. Again, on average, I spend about 6-8 hours a day sleeping, ~7.5 per day (weekdays) at school and a further ~4-5 hours on study/revision. I usually spend a few hours a week on leisure. According to


The Australian Bureau of Statistics2, the average time spent on leisure by the general population is 12 hours a week, the average time spent on school work by students (not specified) is 3-4 hours per week. In contrast to these statistics and my life, it appears that I am not leading a balanced lifestyle. This may be because my priorities are different to the average individual.


Taking into account the definitions of vocation and ministry, evaluate the ways in which the following roles are examples of vocation and/or ministry (6 marks) a. b. c. A tradesman A parent An office worker

A Tradesman: A tradesperson is someone who specialises in a particular labour(s). He/she preforms this job usually as an income. However some tradesperson may be completing work in a religious establishment which makes it a ministry. Nonetheless, a tradesperson would also be a vocation as one would be trained and qualified in their respected labour(s). It can be said that a tradesperson can be both an occupation of ministry and vocation. A Parent: A parent comes to be when a child enters into their care. According to Sydney Morning Heralds article, new parents, new connections, (SMH, 2011) it was said that many new parents feel as though that their parenthood is a vocation as they believe that they were called to be a parent. However a parent is a carer of children and many churches offer childcare services, making a parent to a degree a ministry. An Office Worker: An Office Worker would be an example of a vocation. This also depends on the extent of the office worker, but the general office worker would have a higher educational award such as a bachelor degree, etc, which makes them more suited to their profession.



Union lodges unfair dismissal claims

Naomi Valley Independent - May 28, 2013, 8:30 a.m. UNFAIR dismissal claims have been lodged for a number of mine workers retrenched by Boggabri Coal mine contractor, Downer EDI Mining, earlier this month. The mine workers union (CFMEU) has spent the past few weeks putting together the claims after Downer EDI Mining announced it was sacking 106 production workers and tradesmen. Even though the workers knew for a month they were being sacked we had to wait until after their final day, May 17, to lodge the claims, CFMEU Northern District President, Peter Jordan said. We are now waiting to receive a date for mediation, which should take place within the next few weeks. Downer EDI Mining said the cuts were made after Idemitsu said it would undertake a shift restructure to meet current business circumstances surrounding the mine. Mr Jordan said the claims, which were lodged last week, were made on the grounds of an unclear selection process. There was no consultation with workers or the union regarding the staff who were being retrenched. It is still unclear how they were selected, Mr Jordan said. We believe the process which selected the workers was inappropriate and we want answers. Mr Jordan said the claims also question why six temporary tradesmen on Section 457 visas kept their jobs over local employees. At Boggabri Coal we have strong evidence that proves the 457 workers that have been retained are less skilled than many of the local workers that have been laid off. We think it is essential that when a downturn occurs in the industry, local workers are given priority. It is unacceptable that temporary overseas labour is being retained while locals go down the road. The Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union is also calling on changes to the 457 visa scheme, following the dismissals.

The union wants the government to urgently introduce legislation to require labour market testing as part of the 457 program, putting the onus on employers to demonstrate no suitably skilled local workers are available and providing a right of appeal for Australian workers rejected for the jobs.


Bible Gateway, http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+13%3A17&version=NIV [Online], Date Accessed: 28th May 2013


Australian Bureau of Statics, http://www.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/abs@.nsf/lookup MF/D86A9FF41EC1D574CA2568A900139430 [Online], Date Accessed: 28th May 2013

Naomi Valley independent, Union lodges unfair dismissal claims, http://www.nvi.com.au/story/1532838/union-lodges-unfair-dismissal-claims/ [Online], date accessed: 28th May 2013

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