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Arheoloki lokaliteti Spila i Tamnica iznad Perasta, iz vremena neolita, pokazuju, u tragovima pradavnog ivota, povezanost sa morem. U najstarijim predslavenskim slojevima ilirskog i rimskog Perasta, nalaze se potvrde o pomorskom angaovanju stanovnika Perasta. Stari hroniari Perasta navode da su predslavenski itelji Perasta uvali ulaz u zaliv i gradili utvrenja na ostrvu sv. Djora, za vrijeme ilirske kraljice Teute i rimskog cara Dioklecijana. Najstariji arhivski podaci o Perastu su iz XIII v, gdje postoje vijesti o zanatlijama: kamenarima, krearima, bavarima i brodograditeljima, a l336. prvi put se pominje brodogradilite u Perastu. Graenje manjih jedrenjaka, na svojim kverovima i prevoz robe vlastitim jedrenjacima bili su osnov za ekonomsko i politiko osamostaljivanje od Kotora, pa Perast l585. postaje samostalna optina. Perast je od XVI v. obiljeen na portolanima i pomorskim kartama, kao znaajan pomorski centar na Jadranskoj obali. Pomorskom i ratnikom vjetinom Peratani su se izborili za poseban status svoga grada za vrijeme vladavine Venecije od l420-l797, pogotovo poslije turskog osvajanja dijela Bokokotorskog zaliva krajem XV v, sve do konanog oslobaanja krajem XVII v. Perast tada postaje strateki vano mjesto za odbranu Kotorskog zaliva i grada Kotora, a u politiom i ekonomskom smislu autonoman. Gradom upravlja kapetan, koji ima vojnu i civilnu vlast, a bira se meu uglednim domaim ljudima. Peratani mogu slobodno trgovati, uz znaajne carinske povlastice, na teritoriji Mletake republike. Pomorci iz Perasta postaju zapovjednici velikih ratnih brodova Venecije, a imaju i ast da uvaju zastavu sv. Marka, na admiralskom brodu za vrijeme ratova koje je Venecija vodila sa Turskom. Mnogi su primjeri pomorske vjetine i hrabrosti Peratana u stalnim pomorskim okrajima sa gusarima na moru, od kojih nije bio poteen ni njihov grad. Gusari iz sjeverne Afrike napadaju i pljakaju Perast, a stanovnike odvode u ropstvo, u ljeto l624, dok su gotovo svi koji bi im mogli pruiti otpor bili na moru. Peratani su odigrali znaajnu ulogu u odbrani Kotora l539, u pomorskoj bici kod Lepanta 1571, odbrani Perasta od najveeg turskog napada, u uvenom Perakom boju l654, oslobaanju Risna l684. i Herceg Novog l687. od Turaka. I u takvim tekim istorijskim prilikama razvijaju se pomorstvo i pomorska trgovina, a prestankom opasnosti od Turaka, dobijaju puni zamah. Tako, poetkom XVIII v, Perast ima etrdeset velikih brodova duge plovidbe, i preko sto raznih tipova manjih jedrenjaka. Broj stanovnika Perasta, sa selima koja su mu pripadala, bio je 3000. Meu brojnim istaknutim linostina pomorske prolosti Perasta, posebno mjesto pripada Marku Martinoviu (l663-l7l6), pomorskom kapetanu, koji je uio pomorstvu ruske boljare Petra Velikog, Matiji Zmajeviu (l680-l735) admiralu ruske baltike flote i Petru Smekji (l724-l767) koji je uspostavio pomorsku vezu izmeu Venecije i luka na Baltikom moru. U periodu od druge polovine XVII do kraja XVIII v, Perast je doivio potpuni ekonomski i kulturni uspon, i zasjenio ostale gradove i mjesta u Boki Kotorskoj. Peratani su bili prisiljeni da u prethodnom periodu, zbog stalnih ratnih opasnosti, podiu objekte za odbranu: tvravu i mnoge kule (ardake), dok se sada grade najljepe palate: Bujovia, Balovia, Bronze, Smekje i one koje su

danas ruevine: Zmajevia, Mazarovia, dio palate Viskovia, itd. Peratani u tom periodu zavravaju gradnju i ukraavanje crkve Gospe od krpjela i grade zvonik nove crkve Sv. Nikole, koja je trebala biti izgraena na mjestu postojee stare crkve. Perast se uobliava u najljepu baroknu cjelinu na istonoj obali Jadrana. Istovremeno se nabavljaju raskoni barokni oltari, slikarska djela mletakih majstora, a Peratanin Tripo Kokolja oslikava crkvu, posveenu zatitnici Perasta i pomoraca, Gospu od krpjela. Peratani su pokazali smisao za ouvanje svog identiteta, njegujui svoj jezik, sakupljajui i biljeei narodnu poeziju (posebno bugartice), legende i obiaje: Ma, Gaanje kokota, Fainadu. Period XIX v, u kome dolazi do stagniranja i propadanja pomorstva na jedra, u tekim istorijskim prilikama vladavine Austrije (l797-l806), Francuske (l807l8l3) i druge Austrijske vladavine (l8l4-l9l8) je vrijeme kada grad Perast doivljava dekadenciju. Perast je, ipak, izmeu dva Svjetska rata imao status optine, svoju kolu, a l937. osnovan je Muzej. U posljednjih pola vijeka, dobio je status zakonom zatiene spomenike cjeline. Mnoga svjedoanstva perake prolosti: istorijske, pomorske, kulturne, uvaju se danas u zbirkama Muzeja grada Perasta, i crkvenim zbirkama sv. Nikole i Gospe od krpjela. Peratani su od davnina pokazivali privrenost svom gradu, koja se u novijim vremenima oituje kroz napore za uvanje i zatitu njegovih istorijskih i kulturnih vrijednosti. Prvo organizovano djelovanje na ouvanju istorijske i kulturne batine Perasta datira iz l928; kasnije, l957, osniva se Drutvo prijatelja spomenika kulture grada Perasta, koje je obnovljeno l999. kao Drutvo prijatelja grada Perasta.

The archaeological sites of Spila and Tamnica situated above Perast, dating from the Neolithic period, in their traces of ancient life reflect connections with the sea. The oldest, pre-Slavic stratums of Illyrian and Roman period in Perast give evidence of the seafaring activity of its inhabitants. The old chroniclers of Perast state that the pre-Slavic inhabitants of Perast had guarded the entrance to the Bay and constructed a fortification on Island of St. George, during the reign of the Illiryan queen Teuta and Roman emperor Diocletian. The oldest archival data about Perast, from the 13th century, make reference of various craftsmen in the town: stonemasons, limers, coopers, shipbuilders, etc, while in 1336 the first mention of a shipyard in Perast appeared. By constructing smaller sailing boats on its quays and transporting merchandise in them Perast formed foundations for its economic and political independence from Kotor which was achieved in 1585 when Perast became an independent community. From the 16th century onwards Perast was put on the nautical maps as a significant maritime centre on the Adriatic coast. Being excellent seamen and warriors, people of Perast earned a special status for their town during the Venetian rule (1420-1797), and especially after the Turkish conquest of a part of the Bay of Boka Kotorska, at the end of 15th century, lasting until the end of the 17th century. In that period Perast became strategically important place for defending both the bay and town of Kotor and it had a complete economic and political autonomy. The town was governed by a captain who had both military and civil authority and was elected from among respectable citizens. Citizens of Perast could trade freely, with considerable tax exemptions, on the Venetian Republic territory. Many seamen from Perast became captains of the great Venetian warships and earned the honour of guarding the standard of St. Mark on admiral ships, during the battles which

Venice fought against the Turks. The people of Perast proved their seafaring skills and courage in numerous naval battles against pirates who did not spare their town either. The pirates from the North Africa attacked and plundered Perast, taking its citizens into slavery, in the summer of 1624, while all people who could defend the town were at sea. The people of Perast played an important role in numerous historic events: in defending Kotor in 1539, at the battle of Lepanto in 1571, in defending Perast from the greatest Turkish attack in the famous Battle of Perast in 1654, and liberating Risan in 1684 and Herceg Novi in 1687 from the Turkish rule. Seafaring and maritime trade developed despite such difficult historic circumstances, gaining its full impetus following the final defeat of the Turks. At the beginning of 17th century Perast had forty big vessels and over a hundred smaller sailing boats. Population of Perast, including its belonging villages, was 3000. Among numerous distinguished persons of the maritime history of Perast, special places belong to captains Marko Martinovi (1663 - 1716) who, in his nautical school, taught navigation to boyars of the Russian emperor Petar the Great, Matija Zmajevi (1680 1735), the admiral of the Russian Baltic Fleet and Petar Smekja (17241767) who established maritime routes between the Venetian and Baltic ports. Between the second half of the 17th and the end of the 18th centuries Perast experienced a great economic and cultural development, surpassing other towns and settlements in the Bay of Boka Kotorska. In the previous period, due to constant war threats, people of Perast had been forced to build defence buildings: a fortress and numerous towers, while this period saw the construction of the most beautiful palaces, such as Bujovi, Balovi, Bronza and Smekja palaces, as well as the ones which are in ruined state today: Zmajevi, Mazarovi and a part of Viskovi palace. In this period, people of Perast finished the construction and decoration of the church of Our Lady of the Rock and built a belfry of a new church of St. Nicholas, which was to be built at the site of the existing, old church of St. Nicholas. Perast acquired the form of the most beautiful Baroque town on the Eastern Adriatic coast. In the same period, the churches in Perast were provided with new richly decorated baroque altars, paintings by Venetian masters were commissioned and Tripo Kokolja painted the church dedicated to Our Lady of the Rock venerated as guardian of Perast and seamen. The people of Perast have shown the sense for preserving their identity by cherishing their language, collecting and recording folk poetry, legends and maintaining customs such as: Ma (May Feast), Shooting of a cock, Fainada (throwing rocks around the artificial island of Our Lady of the Rock in order to reinforce it). In the 19th century, characterized by stagnation and collapse of navigation by sailing boats, in difficult historical circumstances of Austrian (17971806), French (18071813) and second Austrian rule (1814 1918) Perast experienced economic decline. However, between the two world wars Perast had a status of a municipality, a school and a museum which was founded in 1937. In the past half century Perast gained a status of a protected town on the basis of its cultural heritage. Numerous testimonies of history, maritime and cultural past of Perast have been kept today in the collections of the Museum of Perast and treasuries of the churches of St. Nicholas and Our Lady of The Rock. The people of Perast have been devoted to their town from earliest times, and today it is reflected in their efforts to maintain and protect its historical and cultural heritage. The first organised activities for the protection of historical and cultural heritage of Perast date back to 1928. In 1957, a Society for the protection of cultural heritage of Perast was established, being renewed and renamed in 1999 as a Society of Friends of Perast.

www. perast .com

author and design: EXPEDITIO photo: Stevan Kordi text: Marija Mihaliek


Grad Perast Zvonik crkve Gospe od krpjela Samostan i crkva sv. Antuna Ikona Gospe od krpjela Palata Bujovi - Muzej grada Perasta Crkva sv. Nikole Ostrva - Sv. Dore i Gospa od krpjela

Palata Brajkovi-Martinovi

Tvrava sv.Kria

Palata Krilovi

Samostan i crkva sv. Antuna

Crkva sv. Ivana Jevaneliste

Crkva sv. Mihovila

Palata Lui-Kolovi-Matikola

Prva pomorska kola

Palata Martinovi

Palata Bujovi

Palata Zmajevi

Palata Balovi

Palata Mra

Palata Mazarovi

Palata Smekja


Palata Vukasovi-Kolovi

Crkva sv. Ivana Krstitelja


tralni put

ni put

Crkva roenja Presvete Bogorodice


Sv.Ana, Glogovac

Palata Bronza

Herceg No

vi 30 km
Konoba Otok Bronza
Stari p ut

r Koto

14 k

Pirate bar

Boarski klub


plaa Penii

plaa BORII

Palata izmai Kapela Gospa od Rozarija sa zvonikom
Stari put

Restoran Conte



ri p


i pu

Picerija Djardin


Palate | Palaces
Crkva Gospa od Karmena

Kua Tripa Kokolje

Trg Sv.Nikole

Konoba kolji

MZ Parast
Vila Milinovi

Crkveni objekti | Churches Objekti od znaaja | Important buildings


Kapela sv. Otkupitelja

Crkva sv. Marka

Kapela sv. Kria

Palata estokrilovi

Crkva sv. Nikole

Palata Viskovi

Palata Balovi

Muzeji | Museums Restorani | Restaurants

50m 100m

Sv. Dore Gospa od krpjela


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