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9, 2005
Volume 3, Issue 45

The Morning Calm

Weekly is
KSC practices Casey Soldiers
decon ops swim with special-
needs kids
Page 25 Page 16

Spin Cycle Army Secretary outlines

recruiting initiatives
By Sgt. Sara Wood said. The service missed monthly goals at
American Forces Press Service the beginning of the year, he said, but the
WASHINGTON – Recent Army numbers for June, July and August have
recruiting problems don’t constitute a crisis, looked good.
and a number of initiatives are being “We’re not going to make 80,000,” he
implemented to bring recruiting numbers up, said. “But, because of our retention success,
the secretary of the Army said. Meeting end- I would not characterize the situation in any
strength goals for the Army is a function of way, shape or form as a crisis.”
both recruiting and retention, Secretary of To prevent the situation from turning
the Army Francis J. Harvey said in a recent into a crisis, the Army has implemented
Pentagon Channel interview. several initiatives to improve recruiting,
While recruiting has been suffering, Harvey said. The first initiative, which has
retention goals are already being exceeded. already been completed, was to increase
High retention rates reflect the quality of active-duty recruiters by 25 percent, he
Soldiers in the Army and show their said. Officials are also evaluating whether
dedication to their mission, Harvey said. He more will be needed in 2006.
noted that retention rates are highest in units In the area of financial benefits, Army
that are deployed. officials are working with Congress to
“Our Soldiers know that they’re making double the maximum amount for an initial
a difference in theater, and that’s a real recruitment incentive from $20,000 to
tribute to the quality and capability of our $40,000, Harvey said. Other financial
Soldiers,” he said. The active-duty Army benefits being developed include a $1,000
Joseph D’Auteuil keeps twisting his way through the children’s hula hoop contest at
recruiting goal of 80,000 Soldiers in 2005 is “finder’s fee,” which rewards Soldiers for
Area II’s Labor Day block party. For related story, see Page 9 .
the highest it’s been in five years, Harvey recommending potential recruits.

Military joins in hurricane relief effort

More than 58,000 troops lives had been saved, officials reported, more than
involved in recover y ops 30,000 people had been assisted, and more than
222,000 refugees had been evacuated.
Army News Service The military forces will provide support as
WASHINGTON — The 82nd Airborne Division has requested by the Federal Emergency Management
begun deploying about 2,700 paratroopers from Fort Agency and directed by the Department of Defense,
Bragg, N.C., to help with Hurricane Katrina disaster officials said. They explained that typically that support
relief. includes humanitarian relief and activities including
The 82nd headquarters, the 505th Parachute medical, logistical, and communications support, as
Infantry Regiment, the 319th Field Artillery Regiment, well as clean-up assistance.
as well as elements from the Division Support The United States Northern Command established
Command, 82nd Aviation Brigade, 307th Engineer Joint Task Force Katrina to act as the military’s on-
Battalion and other units are deploying to Louisiana to MASTER SGT. SCOTT REED scene command in support of the Federal Emergency
support disaster-relief operations. New Orleans evacuees board an Army National Guard Management Agency. Lt. Gen. Russell Honore,
More than 17,000 active-duty servicemembers are helicopter, which will take them to Louis Armstrong International commander of the First Army out of Fort Gillem,
now supporting the hurricane-relief efforts, in addition Airport Tuesday. Monday, more than 300 military helicopters Ga., is the JTF commander. JTF Katrina is currently
to almost 42,000 National Guard troops there and were performing search-and-rescue missions and other based out of Camp Shelby, Miss.
thousands more deploying, officials reported. humanitarian assistance tasks. USNORTHCOM provided the following updates
Elements of the 4th Infantry Division and 1st So far, the federal government has moved millions on the disaster-relief operations:
Cavalry Division from Fort Hood, Texas, are also of commodities of water, ice and Meals Ready to Eat, ! Engineering teams are working to reopen the
assisting with the hurricane recovery. Helicopters and or MREs, into the affected areas, totaling more than airfield at Naval Air Station Belle Chase to provide a
crews from Hood’s 1st Air Cavalry Brigade are the 125 tons of relief supplies, according to the Department
lead Army aviation element of the military task force. of Homeland Security. As of Sept. 2, more than 4,500 See Hurricane
Hurricane, Page 4
Sept. 9, 2005
Commentary The Morning Calm Weekly

Four years later: Recalling Finding silver lining

sacrifices of Sept. 11
in darkest of clouds
Sunday, we mark the fourth
By Staff Sgt. Mark Porter
anniversary of the tragic attacks of General Motors and Nissan are both sending
Sept. 11, 2001. In remembrance of Korean Region Office Public Affairs vehicles to help with the relief effort, and
the over 2,900 innocent victims of Like most people I have talked to over the past Anheuser-Busch is contributing hundreds of
those attacks, I ask all members of week, much of my free time was spent in front thousands of cans of water.
the United States Forces Korea to of the television, watching the latest developments The U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates
observe one minute of silence. and updates concerning Hurrican Katrina. that before it is all said and done corporate
Four years ago enemies of Though I am half a world away from America, contributions will be well over $100 million.
freedom committed an act of war and the states devastated by last week’s storms, It doesn’t take deep pockets to help, though.
against our country. They attacked I have been fascinated and saddened by the little towns -- and in some cases, little people -
the United States of America, awesome display of nature’s fury. - across the country are raising money to send
because America is freedom’s home That a simple combination of wind and rain to help the recovery effort in the Gulf Coast.
and defender. America is a guiding could overpower In one Ohio
light and the promise of the future. all man’s “More than 60 countries have now town, a 10-
The terrorists believed their actions would disrupt America technology and year-old boy
and make us fearful. The terrorists believed we would withdraw ability is humbling.
pledged assistance of some sort for the didn’t wait for
from the world our promise of optimism and hope, allowing Just as humbling recovery effort.” his community
them to impose their beliefs of intolerance and fanaticism. has been watching to organize a
While the terrorists attacked symbols of American strength as tens of thousands of people displaced by fundraiser. He sat up a booth in his front yard and
and prosperity, they did not touch our core. In our moment of this monster storm regroup and begin to piece sold lemonade for an hour, with all proceeds going
terrible darkness, a beacon guided our way: it was courage, together their lives. to help hurricane survivors. He raised $20. Though
generosity and steadfastness. I have never been a big believer in the “every that amount may not do much to change
President Bush said Sept. 11, “Terrorist attacks cannot touch cloud has a silver lining,” school of thought. I someone’s future, I would guess the story of how
the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they am all for looking on the bright side, but in my it was raised and by whom might do a lot to raise
cannot dent the steel of American resolve.” experience every bad thing does not come spirits in New Orleans.
Never has a statement been more true. equiped with a built-in bright side. But Katrina Perhaps just as encouraging as the support
We were reminded that our fellow Americans are generous has changed my mind a bit. coming from our countrymen has been the
and kind, resourceful and brave. America is successful because Seemingly since the rain stopped, people outpouring of aid volunteered from our
of the hard work, and creativity, and enterprise of its have been stepping forward to give all they can international neighbors.
people. These were the true strengths of our nation before Sept. and do whatever is needed to help the citizens After decades of being on the giving end of
11, and they remain our strengths today. of Louisiana and Mississippi to recover. The disaster relief, and after years of hearing that
The members of USFK are part of the greatest force for military has certainly stepped forward -- as it our foreign policies and military activities have
freedom in the history of the world — the Armed Forces of always does in times of national crisis -- with isolated us from the rest of the world, we are
the United States. In the last few years of tumult and change, more than 58,000 Soldiers involved in rescue finding that America is not as isolated and
there is one thing that hasn’t changed — and that is character and recovery missions related to the hurricane. disliked as many would have us believe.
of our men and women who wear the uniform. But it is not the government’s response that In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, a half-
Our military’s success is due to the courage, honor and impresses me. Afterall, military members are billion dollars in relief funds is coming from
personal integrity of our servicemembers. But our success has public servants. Helping those in need is a large Kuwait, the country the U.S.-led coalition
not come without a cost. Over the last four years, men and part of what we are paid to do. No, what has liberated from Iraqi occupation in 1991. Another
women in uniform have given their lives serving the cause of impressed me is the support and contributions $100 million is coming from Qatar. The 22-
freedom. Others have returned home with disabling injuries. We that have come from very unexpected sources. member Arab League is calling on Arab nations
pay tribute to their service and we honor their selfless sacrifice. The nation’s corporate community is to provide hurricane relief.
We will uphold the cause they served. We honor their memory. pitching in by providing tons of their products The Chinese Foireign Minstery is pleging $5
We will never forget. free of charge. million to Katrina survivors. Austria, Belgium,
On this day of remembrance, we thank God for the blessings Though many consumers grouse that big Britain, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany,
and good fortune we enjoy as Americans. We ask him to watch businesses only worry about their bottom line, Greece, Luxembourg, Finland, Italy, Slovakia,
over our nation and grant us continued patience and resolve in in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina the bottom Slovenia, Sweden, Spain and The Netherlands
what is to come. We pray that he will comfort and console those line is helping those in need. have pledged assistance.
who mourn and protect those who serve in harm’s way. We A spokesperson for the American Red Cross More than 60 countries have now pledged
look forward to the day when the world will live in peace and said 30 pharmaceutical companies are donating assistance of some sort for the recovery effort.
security. things such as antibiotics, pain relievers and Hurricane Katrina was a disaster. But if there
GEN Leon J. LaPorte vials of the Hepatitis A vaccine. Other is a silver lining here it is that as we pull together
Commander, UNC/CFC/USFK companies are giving everything from food and and work to recover from this tragedy, we now
water, to shampoo to walkie-talkies. see how many people are pulling with us.

Published by
IMA-Korea Region
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Support and Defend
Sept. 9, 2005
The Morning Calm Weekly News 3
CFSC employees welcome Katrina evacuees
Hurricane Katrina By Tim Hipps “The outpouring was kind of like
Updates, Information Army News Service when [troops] got back from Desert
WASHINGTON — Employees from Storm – the flags, the people, the
Red Cross Updates
Red Cross offices throughout Korea the U.S. Army Community and Family support. It’s just really incredible,” said
have received calls concerning Support Center rushed to support Bill Sport, one of 38 CFSC employees
servicemembers with families affected by military veterans who were evacuated who provided muscle and nurturing
Hurricane Katrina.Due to a lack of from the Hurricane Katrina-ravaged during a two-day span. “This is just an
telephone service in the affected areas, Armed Forces Retirement Home in opportunity to give back and tell these
Red Cross officials suggest concerned Gulfport, Miss. and transferred Sept. 1 guys we really appreciate what they’ve
persons seek information through family to its sister facility here. done. It’s been wonderful.”
members outside of affected areas, or About 240 veterans made the 19-hour The catch-phrase of the day was
through e-mails. ride on seven buses from Gulfport, “Welcome to Washington – you’re home
Servicemembers may also check Red arriving at the Armed Forces Retirement now,” as the veterans disembarked from
Cross updates on https:// Home in Washington. They were greeted buses and made their way through two If there are any by service members and military rows of people waving tiny American
questions, contact the area Red Cross civilians flags.
office. “When I opened up my E-mail, it was Timothy Cox, chief operating officer
almost flooded [by workers willing to for the Armed Forces Retirement Homes
Mail Temporarily Stopped help],” said CFSC building manager Jim in Washington and Gulfport, said the
Effective immediately, the U.S. Postal Harris, who coordinated the effort for TIM HIPPS facility here would not have been ready
Service is not accepting any Standard U.S. Army Community and Family Support
the Army’s Morale, Welfare and without the effort, noting that thousands
Mail or Periodicals Mail -- from any Center employee Amparo Carrion pushes the
Recreation headquarters in Alexandria, of people called to offer assistance.
source -- addressed for delivery whithin
Va. wheelchair of a military veteran evacuated from “The response has just been
the following three-digit ZIP Code
CFSC employees helped prepare the Hurricane Katrina-ravaged Armed Forces overwhelming,” he said. “We set up
ranges: 369, 393, 394, 395, 396, 700, 701
rooms and welcome the displaced Retirement Home in Gulfport, Miss., upon arrival close to 400 rooms in about eight hours.
and 704. This emergency action has been
taken as a result of severe facility damage, veterans to their temporary new home. Sept. 1 at the AFRH in Washington, D.C. It was all taken care of largely because
evacuations and other issues resulting Many who came to the 276-acre area here for them to come in so they’ll of the volunteer force and we thank
from Hurrican Katrina. For information, facility in Northwest Washington said it have a comfortable place to rest their them from the insides of our hearts.”
check online at was one of their most gratifying acts of weary heads,” CFSC’s Bob Roadarmel One day after cleaning bedrooms and
communications/news/ humanity. said. “It’s an experience that will just bathrooms at the retirement home,
serviceupdates.htm. “A lot of work was done to prep the warm your heart.” Rochelle Jones was so touched that she
hugged one of the first veterans off the
AAFES Waives Payments, Interest
The Army & Air Force Exchange
AER to help hurricane victims bus. “It makes me happy knowing that
I can give my time to someone in need,”
Service is waiving interest and By LaDonna S. Davis help Soldiers and their dependents in said Jones, a 19-year veteran of CFSC
suspending monthly payment Army News Service times of financial hardships. who also assisted during Desert Storm,
requirements to Exchange Credit WASHINGTON — For those AER provides interest-free loans Desert Shield and after the terrorist
Program cardholders displaced by Soldiers, active and retired, and their with delay-start repayment, as well as attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. “My heart
Hurricane Katrina. family members who have been was relieved that we could help them
grants on an as-needed basis.
“According to our records, there are have a place to live.”
affected by Hurricane Katrina, Army AER obtains most of its funds
approximately 15,000 accounts
Emergency Relief will assist with short- through donations from both the Harris thinks the volunteers may have
impacted in undeliverable zip codes,”
term needs such as food, lodging, general public and the Army Family. gained more than the evacuees.
said AAFES’ Treasurer Grant Morris.
clothing, gas, and other financial needs Donations can be sent to the Army “The feeling that you have when you
“No interest will be charged; and no
payments will be due for an such as rent deposits and bill payment. Emergency Relief Headquarters at 200 [finish] lets you stand a little taller when
undetermined period of time. The “As long as the emergency exists, we Stovall Street, Alexandria, Va. 22332. you’re shaving in the morning,” he said.
interest rate and payment exclusion, will assist,” said Dennis Spiegel, deputy Any military members or family “I’m very humbled at the way the
will also apply to new purchases for director of administration of Army affected by Hurricane Katrina who are Community and Family Support Center
an extended time period.” Emergency Relief. in need of financial assistance can call folks earn their name every time they
AAFES determined eligibility by AER is a private nonprofit the Army Emergency Relief. The toll are called on.”
matching accounts to the U.S. Postal organization whose sole mission is to free number is 1-866-878-6378. (Editor’s Note: Tim Hipps writes for
Service’s listing of impacted zip CFSC public affairs)
codes. Affected areas in Alabama,
Louisiana and Mississippi include:
365XX-366XX Mobile, AL
Hotlines up for Soldiers, families hit by hurricane
369XX-393XX Meridan, MS Army News Service we’ll call one or all of the services in that state and say, ‘please
394XX Hattiesburg, MS WASHINGTON — Families of Deployed Army National connect, find the family and get back to us,’ so we can let
395XX Gulfport, MS Guard Soldiers affected by Hurricane Katrina are asked to that servicemember know that they are all right,” Baker said.
396XX McComb, MS call 1-888-777-7731 so that Guard members can be informed If deployed servicemembers cannot call one of the toll
700XX-701XX New Orleans, LA of their family’s situation. free numbers, they may be able to make contact through
703XX Houma, LA Army Reserve family members and Soldiers affected by or Web sites.
704XX Mandeville, LA Hurricane Katrina also have a newly created call center. The Baker and his team of coordinators have already been
toll free number for the center is 1-877-464-9330, or from a successful in contacting deployed servicemembers with family
Awana Clubs military phone DSN 367-9330. information.
Start Monday Any military members or families in need of counseling Many services available via hotline
Awana Clubs, offering a variety of In addition to helping Guard families and service members
services may call the Military One SOURCE number, 1-800-
Christian-themed games, puppets,
342-9647. make contact, operators at the hotline can assist families in
crafts, awards and other activities, is Any military members or family affected by Hurricane getting help and services from federal, state and local agencies.
open to children pre-K to eighth Katrina who are in need of financial assistance can call the “Once they call the hotline, the person can expect a live
grade, starting Monday. The weekly Army Emergency Relief. The toll free number is 1-866-878- person to answer the phone, listen to their issue or concern,
club will be open from 6:30 - 8 p.m.
6378. provide information, or provide a referral or outreach to
Training for volunteers is 8:30 a.m.
Hotline works both ways another agency,” Baker said. “Before we hang up the phone,
Saturday at Yongsan Garrison’s
Deployed servicemembers can also call the hotline to we’ll contact the Family Program director or other assisting
South Post Chapel.
contact their families. agency while they are still on line and let them know, what
“If a servicemember calls in and asks us to find their family, See Hotlines
Hotlines, Page 4
Sept. 9, 2005
4 The Morning Calm Weekly


National Guard soldiers from 1st Battalion, 204th Air Defense Artillery Battalion, Newton, Miss.,
distribute Meals Ready to Eat and ice in Pascagoula, Miss., on Sept. 3, during humanitarian relief
efforts after Hurricane Katrina.
Hurricane from Page 1
second runway for passenger and cargo from other states to support the Louisiana
operations. relief efforts.
! In addition to Coast Guard aviation, ! JTF-Civil Support is providing a
the total number of helicopters joint planning augmentation cell to provide

participating in humanitarian operations domestic chemical, biological, radiological,
along the Gulf Coast rose to 139 (78 DoD, nuclear, or high-yield explosive, known
61 National Guard) with 17 additional as CBRNE, consequence management
aircraft en route. planning capabilities to JTF-Katrina.
! The Dept. of Health and Human ! Defense Coordinating Officers and
Services is coordinating to locate 10 Defense Coordinating Elements in Baton
mobile Federal Medical Shelter facilities Rouge, La. and Jackson, Miss., are
on military installations along the Gulf serving as liaison between U.S. Northern
Coast. Each facility can accommodate Command, FEMA and the Department of
250 patients. Four facilities will be Defense.
positioned at Ft. Polk, La.; two at Naval ! Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.; Naval
Air Station Meridian, Miss.; two at Air Air Station Meridian, Miss.; Barksdale Air
National Guard Station Meridian, Miss.; Force Base, La.; Alexandria, La.; and Ft.
and two at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. Polk, La.; are federal operational staging

! Joint Forces Command is providing areas to expedite the movement of relief
Department of Defense leased property supplies and emergency personnel.
at the former England AFB in Louisiana (Editor’s note: Information taken from
as an intermediate staging base to support news releases by the 82nd Airborne
hurricane response in the state of Division, Department of Homeland
Louisiana. This will serve as a staging Security, National Guard Bureau and U.S.
point for National Guard personnel arriving Northern Command.)

Hotlines from Page 3

their issues are and what type of assistance Sept. 2, officials said. Operators will take
they need. The two are then connected.” down information to aid deployed Army
The assistance provided through the Reserve Soldiers in determining the status
hotline is very extensive and all and whereabouts of their families affected
encompassing, Baker said. He added that by Hurricane Katrina.
National Guard Family Program personnel Additionally, callers will be screened
are deeply connected with numerous to determine what other assistance they
federal, state and local agencies. This may need. The call center will have
partnership allows them to assist families information and will help guide callers to
with those operating in the immediate specific resources.
geographic location. In addition to the 1-877 phone
No matter what the problem or issue, number, there is a Web site established
Family Programs has the ability to find, where families of deployed/mobilized
contact and connect the family with the Army Reserve Soldiers and Army
proper service, officials said, such as Reserve Civilians may provide their
the American Red Cross, the Federal current contact information. The
Emergency Management Agency, address of the Web page is http://
American Legion, Department of The Web site also
Veterans Affairs and other services provides information and links to the
operating in the area. many agencies providing specific relief
Aside from the hotline, Guard family to those in need.
members can contact their nearest Family Army Reserve Soldiers and Army
Program Office by calling 1-800-342- Reserve Civilians who have been
9647. dislocated as a result of the hurricane
Army Reserve hotline also 24/7 should also call the number, officials said,
The Army Reserve call center phones or log into the Web site to aid in
will be manned 24 hours a day as of noon, establishing accountability.
Sept. 9, 2005 Page 5

Warriors enjoy Labor Day block party

Area I Public Affairs
CAMP RED CLOUD — Soldiers, civilians and
family members of Area I celebrated the Labor Day
holiday with block parties over the weekend.
Local band Marantha kicked off the party in the
Mitchell’s Club parking lot at Camp Red Cloud
Monday. Next on the stage was the 2nd Infantry
Division Show Band, playing a mix of modern and
classic songs.
In the late afternoon, the 2nd Infantry Division
Tae Kwon Do Team wowed the audience with an
acrobatic display of their fighting skills.
Soldiers had plenty of opportunities to beat the
heat. Some got down and dirty in a mud volleyball
tournament, while others took the plunge in a dunk
booth to earn money for their company.
Better Opportunity for Single and unaccompanied
Soldiers representatives were on hand to sell food
and beverages.
On Camp Casey, latin star Tito Puente Jr. lit up
the stage with his salsa performance Monday night.
SPC. DUSTIN KLIFMAN The highlight of both events was the preliminary
Salsa star Tito Puente Jr. entertains the audience at Camp Spc. Sonya Hackman competes in the Camp Red Cloud “Military round of the on-going “Military Idol” singing
Casey’s block party Monday night. Idol” competition Monday afternoon. competition.

Members of the 2nd Infantry Division Show Band play a mix of

modern and classic hits to entertain the crowd at Camp Red
Cloud’s Labor Day block party Monday.

Spc. Ethan “Smitty” Smith, Company B, Special Troops Battalion, takes one for the team and braves the dunk booth to help raise
money for his company.


PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY SPC. STEPHANIE PEARSON Sgt. Thomas Gerrard (left), Spc. Brandon Reasin (center) and
A fighter leaps over his teammates to break two boards during the 2nd Infantry Division Tae Kwon Do Team’s demonstration at Sgt. Jeffrey Howard aren’t afraid to get a little dirty during the
the Camp Red Cloud Labor Day block party Monday. mud volleyball competition on Camp Red Cloud.
Sept. 9, 2005
6 Area I The Morning Calm Weekly

Firefighters perform gear test

By David McNally Pak’s old rubber seal with a new one when we fight fires,” said Kwak Sang- September FAST Class
Area I Public Affairs that fit better. wol, Rodriguez Range firefighter. “Our The Camp Red Cloud Education Center
During the 15-minute test routine, lives depend on it.” will hold the FAST Class for GT-score
industry-standard computer software, improvement Sept. 19-23. Those
firefighters are almost finished with an E-mail
“FitPlus,” prompts the firefighter interested in taking the class must take
annual test to guarantee the perfect
through a series of exercises, such as: the pre-TABE test, offered 8 a.m. every
working condition of their respirators.
normal and deep breathing, moving the Monday at the education center. The
“It’s something every firefighter goes
head from side to side and up and down, deadline for registering for this class
through,” said Fire Chief Jerry
talking out loud, grimacing, and toe is Sept. 16.
Epperson, U.S. Army Garrison, Camp
Safety officials said the software Commissary Case Lot
The respirator protects firefighters
tracks each individual in a database. Sale
from smoke inhalation. Epperson said
“We only have one machine like this All Area I commissaries will hold a case
the mask has to seal on the individual
in all of Area I,” Chang said. “It’s very lot sale Saturday and Sunday. Check
firefighter perfectly.
expensive test equipment.” your local commissary for times, or visit
Area I Safety Office inspectors are
Chang said besides the annual
responsible for training, inspecting and
respirator fit test, she administers two
repairing emergency equipment.
other programs, training and medical Power Outage Scheduled
“Sometimes we find problems,” said
evaluations. The PortaCount Plus device measures the A power outage is scheduled for 10
Chang Sun-tok, Area I safety inspector.
“This equipment is very important effectiveness of emergency gear. a.m. - 1 p.m. Saturday and 1 - 1:15 p.m.
“If the firefighter wants to repair or
Sunday for maintenance. The outage
replace parts, we can do that at the
will affect all of camps Casey, Mobile
annual test.”
and Nimble.
Chang started traveling to each Area
I fire department in mid-July. She hooks Tuesday Night Football
up a laptop computer and high-tech Camp Red Cloud’s Mitchell’s Club will
calibration gear to an interface, which begin hosting Tuesday Night Football
screws onto the respirator. this week. Wide screen televisions in
“This checks the leaking,” Chang both rooms will broadcast the latest
said. “If there is some defect, a cracked games, and drinks and popcorn will be
or broken seal, we will find it.” offered in the banquet room. Prizes will
Chang will complete the final tests be given away at halftime.
at two Western Corridor fire
departments by mid-September. Stars of Tomorrow
“I’m happy to know my gear passed The Area I Entertainment Office will
the test,” said Pak Chan-chun, a host the Stars of Tomorrow talent show
Rodriguez Range firefighter. 7 p.m. Oct. 8 at Camp Casey’s Gateway
Pak has been on the job for five Club. Those interested in participating
years. He said it’s very important for can sign up at your local Community
him to have faith in his gear. PHOTOS BY DAVID MCNALLY Activities Center.
During his test, Chang replaced Firefighter Pak Chan-chun tests his respirator during an annual safety review Aug. 30 .
Chuseok Bank Closure

Officials discuss upcoming entertainment

All Community Bank centers will be
closed Sept. 17 in observance of the
Korean Chuseok Holiday.
Area I Public Affairs from Korea, including Spc. Christopher Ekstrom of
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Area I, Camp Commissary Closure
CAMP CASEY — Area I and Camp Casey garrison The Camp Red Cloud Commissary will
Red Cloud.
officials met Aug. 30 to discuss upcoming morale, be closed Sept. 18-19 in observance of
The business meeting also covered the status of different
welfare and recreation issues. the Korean Chuseok Holiday.
MWR facilities at the Camp Casey Enclave.
“We’re here today to do a performance
Casey Lodge manager Gordon Niederhauser updated the
management review of what’s coming up in the Religious Retreat
group on the status of the facility.
community,” said James “August occupancy was at 97 The Area I chaplaincy is hosting a
Allen, U.S. Army Garrison, percent,” Niederhauser reported. “In religious retreat Sept. 21-23. Buses will
Camp Casey MWR director. “Our mission is to enable the July, we had 94 percent of our rooms provide transportation from camps
The review provided an well-being of Soldiers, civilians filled.” Casey and Red Cloud. For information,
opportunity for the MWR The lodge is scheduled to undergo contact your local chaplain.
staff to brief the new garrison and their family members.”
$790,000 in renovation to 25 rooms.
commander, Lt. Col. Terry Safety Training
The renovations will include two new
Hodges. — James Allen The Safety Certification Class for
ice machines.
Officials said they additional duty unit safety officers and
“We’re looking to have a soft-
reviewed all of the upcoming events to include a opening of the renovated wing by the end of October,” noncommissioned officers will be at
Wednesday visit by the Harlem Globetrotters, a Sept. Niederhauser said. Building S-1504, Camp Casey at 1 p.m.
17 talent show called “Stars of Tomorrow,” and the the second and fourth Friday of each
All rooms are currently equipped with kitchenettes, a
month. For more information, call 730-
U.S. Army Soldier Show Sept. 23-24. sleeper loveseat, DVD player and high-speed Internet
“Our mission is to enable the well-being of Soldiers, access.
civilians and their family members,” Allen said. The meeting also gave officials the opportunity to discuss Correction
“The Harlem Globetrotters should be a great show,” the upcoming Chuseok holiday schedules.
An article about a new service number
he added. “If you haven’t seen it, you should.” Hodges said he wants to make sure all entertainment for appliance repair ran on Page 6 of
The show will begin at 7 p.m. in the Carey Physical and recreation facilities do not close at the same time so the Aug. 26 edition of The Morning
Fitness Center. Soldiers have recreation opportunities over the weekend. Calm Weekly. The article neglected to
Allen also encouraged everyone to attend the U.S. Buses will run on normal weekend and holiday mention that the repair number service
Army Soldier Show, since it only comes to Korea schedules. is also available for Department of the
every other year. The Korean holiday will be celebrated Sept. 17-19 this Army civilians in Area I.
This year’s Soldier Show features two Soldiers year.
The Morning Calm Weekly Area I Sept. 9, 2005 7
Singing servicemen compete in ‘Military Idol’
By Spc. Stephanie Pearson minutes and a maximum of four-and-a-half minutes to fill by playing up to producer Simon Cowell’s
Area I Public Affairs
to impress the judges with a song of their choosing. infamous rudeness.
CAMP RED CLOUD — Fifteen Soldiers and one All songs were sung without musical accompaniment. “It’s interesting that I ended up playing Simon,
airman competed Monday in the preliminary round of “I was so nervous,” said Pfc. Travis Bishop, because I am the one always encouraging people to
Warrior Country’s first “Military Idol” singing Company B, Special Troops Battalion, of his time on get out there and try things,” James laughed. “But
competition. stage. “I’m just glad I didn’t choke - that was my don’t worry - I didn’t judge the contestants based on
The event was held in conjunction with the Labor biggest fear.” the things I said. I didn’t have to be Simon - just act
Day block party in the Mitchell’s Club parking lot. While most of the competitors had butterflies about like him.”
Competitors took to the Morale, Welfare and performing, some were confident of their skills. Of the 16 contestants, 10 were chosen to move on
Recreation stage one at a time to try their talents before “Yeah, I’m a little nervous,” said Spc. Sonya to the next round of competition Sept. 30. There, they
a panel of three judges and an audience of their peers. Hackman, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, will face off against 10 others from Camp Casey’s
Each singer had a minimum of one-and-a-half Area I, “but I’m also confident. Singing is not preliminary round, also held Monday outside the
something you learn; it’s something you are born with. Gateway Club. Ten crooners will be chosen to
It’s a gift, and I am lucky enough to have the gift.” compete in the final competition the next day, where
“The judges are being kind of tough, though,” she just one winner will be selected.
added. “Especially the female one.” The winner of the Area I Military Idol competition
The three judges for this round of competition will be awarded $500 and a plane ticket to Fort
assumed the personalities of the judges on popular Gordon, Ga., to compete in the military-wide Military
reality television show “American Idol.” Idol competition.
Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jeffrey Larson, 2nd Hackman was one of the competitors who made it
Infantry Division Band commander, played the role to the next round.
of music mogul Randy Jackson, while Sgt. Maj. “There’s a lot of good competition, but I’m not
Ricardo Soto-Acevedo, Area I sergeant major, filled worried,” she said. “I will be the the first Military Idol.”
the role of songstress Paula Abdul, “the nice one.”
MWR Director Denise James had the toughest shoes E-mail


Contestant Spc. Sonya Hackman (right) waits for the judges to Sgt. Maj. Ricardo Soto-Acevedo (center) gives his remarks as
Sgt. George Mourtos performs his version of Kenny Roger’s critique her performance while Sgt. 1st Class Sherinette Haynes, one of the judges for the Military Idol competition Monday. Soto-
classic song “The Gambler.” the host of the competition, looks on. Acevedo played the role of Paula Abdul, the “nice judge.”

Casey soccer team places third in Korean tournament

By Staff Sgt. Daniel Roman shots on goal. Two penalty kicks presented Shin-on with a chance to win. A
Headquarters, 8th U.S. Army Shin-on striker netted the first kick, but Casey keeper Thomas Seel, 1st Battalion,
DONGDUCHEON —The Camp Casey Post soccer team represented the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, made a diving kick to save the second and send the
enclave Aug. 14-15 in the Annual Dongducheon Area Soccer Tournament, marking game into a tie-breaking shootout. Four of the five Casey strikers scored; Shin-
the first time an American team has played in the Korean tournament. on did one better, however, with five out of five.
After receiving a preliminary round bye, the Casey team opened play Aug. 14 “It was really hard play,” remarked Cpl. Park J Y, 1st Battalion, 38th Field
with a scrappy 2-0 win. Casey's speed and agility were the deciding factors in Artillery Regiment, pointing to the intensity and competitiveness that characterized
game one, keeping the smaller Korean team on the defensive. Though all of Casey's the final four play. “Shin-on has played together for a long time, beginning in
19 players participated in the win, center Edmond Lubin, 6th Battalion, 37th Field junior high here in Dongducheon.”
Artillery Regiment, was the most valuable player of the first match. Lubin lead the The Casey team ended the event with a third-place finish, while the Shin-on
way for his team with a goal and an assist. team went on to win the tournament.
Play in the quarterfinal matches began 9 a.m. August 15. During the first half Still, said team captain Edwin Humerez, 1-15 FA, “this was an outstanding
of Casey's first match of the day, both teams appeared sluggish. The team became tournament, especially for our first outside of camp.”
frustrated after shooting wide of the net on several occasions. The half ended Prior to the tournament, the Camp Casey post team had been the undefeated
with their opponent leading 1-0, having scored on a 50-meter penalty kick. champions in home-and-home series games against Dongducheon opponents.
After the halftime break, however, Casey came out smoking to score three Throughout the summer, the Casey squad defended their title by playing sound
unanswered goals. Play was led by Wayne Collins, 6-37 FA, who scored the tying team soccer with a sleek passing game, stealthy defense and keen frontline striking
goal and assisted on another. Collins' skillful play prompted tournament officials ability. However, the team's complexion changed dramatically in the last month
to honor him as Tournament MVP. when three of its key players moved and several new players transferred in from
“The guys really came together as a unit,” Collins said afterward. “There were the Camp Stanley team.
still things to work on, but we had the team approach going.” Player Winston Gomez, 302nd Brigade Support Battalion, said the turnover,
Having made it into the final four tournament, the Casey team found itself among “caused us to shift some players to new positions, which made it a little bit
the elite of Dongducheon soccer. In the game's early moments, striker Mark harder to adapt; but overall we did great.”
Cunningham, 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, swiftly broke past defenders on Gomez, a mainstay for Casey since May 2004, has played in all of the team's
the left flank and drilled the ball into the net off his right outstep to give Casey a 1-0 matches against local teams.
lead. The goal turned out to be Casey’s one and only, as the opposing team Shin-on's “It has been just great, making friends and integrating with the Koreans in the
keeper turned back strike after strike. The Shin-on keeper is renowned as one of community,” he said.
Korea's best, having played successfully at the professional level.
The ball continued up and down the field, and both teams had several hard E-mail
Sept. 9, 2005
8 Area I The Morning Calm Weekly
Sept. 9, 2005 Page 9

Area II unwinds with Labor Day block party

By Sgt. Christopher Selmek America and is meant to be a day of
Area II Public Affairs relaxation,” said Morale, Welfare and
YONGSAN — Attracted by food, Recreation Director Paul Robinson.
games and loads of entertainment, about “Everybody gets a day off in recognition
1,100 people were drawn to the Area II for their hard work and for the Soldiers we
Labor Day Block Party Sunday at Yongsan. expand it into a four-day weekend.
Nearly 700 attended the Tito Puente Jr. “This is the end of the summer and the
show, which featured a fusion of latin, jazz weather is going to get worse from here,”
and dance music. he continued. “This is nearly the last day
During the day, Child and Youth Services people can get out and have barbecues and
became a heavy focus of the event, hosting play outside, so it’s really good to be able to
such events as a Hapkido demonstration, a enjoy it like this.”
hula hoop contest and a limbo contest, but The event was emceed by Better
the intent of Labor Day remained the same, Opportunities for Single and unaccompanied
to give recognition to the American worker. Soldiers President Spc. Danielle Colson and
“Labor Day celebrates the workers of Camp Colbern Community Activities Center
Manager Eric Yim, who had their own PHOTOS BY SGT. CHRISTOPHER SELMEK
reasons for being out that day. Tito Puente Jr. enlivens the crowd to the beat of his Spanish style music. Puente was the headline
“The best thing is the community act at the Labor Day block party, Sunday in the Main Post Club parking lot.
involvement and the chance to meet people,”
said Colson. “We work hard all week, so
this is a good way to relax and enjoy the
Labor Day celebration.”
“Everybody is having a good time and
walking around very relaxed,” said Yim. “It’s
a good day to be out having fun.”
Many units were able to raise money with
booths set up selling soda and hot dogs,
including the Family Readiness Group of
the recently deployed 305th Quartermaster
Company, for whom the celebration also
had a therapeutic value.
“It makes me feel at home,” said Aidaliz
Ortiz, working at the FRG booth. “I’ve been
in Korea for five years now and a big
celebration like this makes me feel good and Above: Dozens of children drift out onto the dance floor
remember all the other celebrations and good following the start of Tito Puente Jr.’s act.
Ashley Gattis flexes her limbo muscles and times going on back home.” Right: The Child and Youth Services Hapkido
edges out the competition to win the children’s demonstration team puts its best foot forward to display
limbo contest. E-mail their fighting and martial prowess to their parents.

Military Idol discovers talent in Area II

By Pvt. Lee Yang-won of the popular television show “American Idol.” decided to allow her to perform anyway. Although she
Area II Public Affairs “I love to sing,” said Spc. Danika Lashae Florence, an claimed to have come unprepared, the judges were still
YONGSAN — The first round of the Area II Military admin specialist with U. S. Forces Korea J-37 Exercise impressed with the outstanding performance.
Idol contest gave Yongsan Soldiers a chance to show off Division. “I’ve been performing my whole life. This kind “I’ve never competed in this kind of event before,” said
their talents at the Main Post Club Uptown Lounge Sept.1. of contest helps me build my talent and enhance what I’ve Rita Mills, the late entry. “I just sing for a hobby. Well, I
Six contestants were given between 90 seconds and got inside myself.” could’ve done better with music on.”
four minutes to sing a cappella and show off their talents in “It takes a lot of nerves being on stage in front of lots of The master of ceremonies said he also enjoyed the night.
front of three judges and a very excited crowd, a variation people,” said Spc. Orlandus White, the first contestant to “We had a lot of good contestants, nice riding music,
go on stage and sing “Please Don’t Go” by Boyz 2 Men. “I different styles and genres,” said Eric Franklin, American
was very nervous and couldn’t think a thing. I just didn’t Forces Network Korea assignment editor and show host.
want to go flat.” “It was nice to see all the contestants who got to go forward,
This contest was the first round in the quest for the so we could actually hear how they work with the music.
ultimate prize. There are three more rounds leading up to It was nice to see people who didn’t win try again. For the
the Sept. 30 final round. Round two was scheduled to take troops, this kind of event gives them a reason to get out of
place at the Main Post Club at 7 p.m. Thursday and the their rooms to feel like they have something they could do
semifinal will be held at 9 p.m. Sept. 23. The final round outside of work and something to be proud of.”
will be 9 p.m. Sept. 30. “It’s good to see a lot people having fun in the club,”
When round two comes along the contestants will not said Mario Farrulla, director of community recreation. He
only be graded by the judges but also by those gathered to said that this kind of contest gives people a lot of fun and
watch the competition. The scores will consist of half a motives to come back to the club.
piece each between the judges and the crowd. Every contestant who participated in the first round
The ultimate winner will get $500 and another $500 for advanced to the next. Friends and families are greatly
his or her unit and will be sent to Fort Gordon, Ga., for a encouraged to come to the second round to cheer and also
SGT. PARK JIN WOO chance to compete for a $1,000 prize. to vote for their favorite contestant.
Spc. Danika Florence sings with passion during the Military A late entry created an unexpected turn of events, as the
Idol contest Sept. 1 at the Main Post Club. judges were already in the process of tallying scores, but E-mail
10 Sept. 9, 2005 Area II The Morning Calm Weekly

U.S. Army Soldier Show comes to Yongsan

By Tim Hipps member getting something
USACFSC Public Affairs out of it – being entertained,
FORT BELVOIR, Va. — Coming Sept. 17 and 18 to being moved, being
Yongsan Garrison, the 2005 U.S. Army Soldier Show inspired,” he said. “We want
will unveil “Operation America Cares,” a 90-minute song to give them something to
and dance production that expresses the importance of think about until next year –
giving deployed Soldiers a touch of home. lift their spirits and grow their
The Soldier Show performances will begin at 7 p.m. minds.”
each night, at Collier Field House. The show will focus on
After opening with three shows at Fort Belvoir, the 19- how Soldiers deal with the
Soldier troupe is scheduled for 102 performances across stresses of war and long
America, Korea and at Camp Zama, Japan. The six-and- deployments, Hurtado said.
a-half-month tour will end Nov. 13 back at Fort Belvoir, In one scene, a crate stuffed
home of the Army Entertainment Division. with recreation kits arrives
Along the way, the Soldier Show is scheduled to deliver from the Army’s Morale,
“entertainment for the Soldier, by the Soldier” at the Armed Welfare and Recreation
Forces Retirement Home, Warner Theatre and the 230th headquarters.
U.S. Army Birthday Ball in Washington, D.C.; the 45,000- “The show is really going P T H

seat Tacoma Dome near Fort Lewis, Wash.; and the United to focus on how we take 1st Lt. Heather Gross of Fort Campbell, Ky., is front and center as 2005 U.S. Army Soldier Show
States Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. ‘home’ to the deployed performers sing Christina Aguilera and Missy Elliot's version of "Car Wash" during rehearsals.
“The message of the show is that it doesn’t matter Soldiers,” said Hurtado, who
how tough we are and it doesn’t matter how fit to fight performed in the Soldier Show from 1986 through ’89 Behind,” and a medley of Irvin Berlin’s tunes.
we are, Soldiers are still human and longing for the familiar while on active duty. “She has quite a presence in the show,” Hurtado said
and America’s affection,” Soldier Show director Victor While DVDs and CDs can help Soldiers combat stress, of Makay, who sang with Wynonna Judd at the 2003
Hurtado said. nothing boosts morale quite like personal contact from U.S. Army Birthday Ball.
The cast and crew will attempt to bring his vision to home, Hurtado said. The reinforcing feeling that everything From one of AED’s sister programs, the
life with musical is OK often makes a world of difference. A r m y ’s M a rg a r e t “ S k i p p y ” Ly n n St a r s o f
genres rhythm and “I would say the popularity of the show has grown Tomorrow Talent Contest, Hurtado discovered
blues, new rock, exponentially and it has a different face now,” said Hurtado, Spc. Allison Carpenter, Spc. Chris Ekstrom, 1st
country, gospel, who has built upon the “Heart of a Soldier” theme of last Lt. Christina Fanitzi, Spc. Rondi Edward, Staff
eclectic new wave/ year’s show by sticking with a military storyline. “We’re Sgt. Kent Kramer and Spc. David Linson II.
new age, patriotic going to continue with our efforts to not just humanize Berlin, a Russian immigrant named Israel Beilin who
and newly arranged the Soldier to the American public but to show the different is best known for “White Christmas” and “God Bless
movie themes. facets of a Soldier.” America”, wrote the first U.S. Army Soldier Show while
Calling the show “We want to recognize that they’re over there protecting on active duty at Camp Upton in Long Island, N.Y.
“our gift to the us,” said executive producer Joey Beebe, a former Soldier Named “Yip Yip Yaphank,” the show appeared on
American Soldier,” Show performer in his fourth season on the production Broadway in 1918. During World War II, Berlin created
Hurtado stresses his team. “To immortalize them in our show is our way of another Soldier show for Broadway: "This is the Army,"
desire to leave showing that we understand and recognize what they’re which became a 1943 film featuring a military cast
audiences with a doing for this country.” with stars Ronald Reagan and Joe Louis. At the request
sense of newfound More than 400 Soldiers submitted applications to of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the show toured for
knowledge. perform in the Soldier Show. Twenty-five were invited three years, performing for troops stationed in Europe
“It’s not just for live auditions, and 16 made the show. Three audio and and the Pacific.
Sgt. Chaney Mosely of Fort Dix, N.J., about singing and lighting technicians will accompany them on tour. The U.S. Army Soldier Show is one of more than 50
sings Bowling For Soup's "1985" during dancing; it’s about Staff Sgt. Joanne Makay, a member of the 2003 cast, programs provided to Soldiers and their families by the
rehearsals for the 2005 U.S. Army each audience is the lone returning Soldier Show performer. During her U.S. Army Community and Family Support Center in
Soldier Show. last tour, she sang “Heat Wave, “Something Worth Leaving Alexandria, Va.

Korean employee recalls benefactors at catastrophic accident

By Cpl. Seo Ki-chul bus-only lanes. A bus rear-ended Youn’s Due to serious head,
Area II Public Affairs car. Before everything was over, six more back and chest injuries,
YONGSAN — After five American cars were involved. Youn had to quit his job
Soldiers helped a young Korean accident Youn said his car was crushed from the with the Korean
victim years ago, they vanished. The car back to the front with him pressed against government and pay a lot
accident victim, now an Area II employee, the steering wheel. He was unconscious. of money for his hospital
wants to find and thank them. He regained consciousness briefly and bills. His recovery took
“I want to meet the anonymous remembers the smell of ammonia. A crowd one year.
American Soldiers who helped one humble had gathered around him. He said his point of
guy they never knew only by the name of “Somebody asked me if I was okay in view has absolutely
humanity, as their fathers and uncles did English and I said I might be. But I lapsed changed after the accident.
during the Korean War to keep the peace into unconsciousness again and woke up in “I realize the C . S K-
on this peninsula,” said Solyun Youn, a a hospital with my wife and parents sitting importance of being alive Solyun Youn talks to a customer at Yongsan School Age Services,
clerk from Area II Support Activity beside me,” said Youn. “They cried and and better understand where he works as a clerk.
School-Age Services. smiled at the same time because I was alive.” how our own existence
Youn recounted the terrible accident he According to the police officer who affects others,” he said. those who saved my life,” Youn said. “I
had on his way back home after playing in investigated the accident, about five Seven years later, Youn applied and was know it might be impossible to pay the cost
an ice hockey game in 1998. American Soldiers had helped at the chaotic hired for a position as clerk at Yongsan for a human life, but I wish I could treat
“I drove to Seoul after the game in Boon scene to extract Youn from his car. The School-Age Services. He began working for them to dinner with my family.”
Dang,” said Youn. “It was lightly raining Soldiers faded away as soon as they put Area II in December taking care of Youn said he truly appreciates American
and I got onto the highway being jammed him into an ambulance. servicemembers’ elementary school children Soldiers who serve with U. S. Forces Korea
up with cars.” “The smell of ammonia must have been and was promoted in mid-August and now for their dedication in keeping his family and
Suddenly, two cars in front of Youn a sort of emergency treatment the Soldiers works in the middle school teen center everyone else safe.
slid left to right. He tried to stop his car used to get me awake,” Youn said. “I was computer lab.
but the rain caused him to slide into the able to survive thanks to them.” “First of all, I want to say ‘thank you’ to E-mail
Area II
The Morning Calm Weekly 11 Sept. 9, 2005

Area II supports troops during UFL

By Sgt. Christopher Selmek started raising tents June 23 and only
Area II Public Affairs just finished Aug. 11. The
YONGSAN — Four Life Support infrastructure is the most complicated
Areas, with the combined capacity to and time-consuming part, everything
support over 1,200 Soldiers during after that is just moving people in and
tactical operations, have blossomed up getting them to abide by the policies
across Area II in support of Ulchi we have already put in place.”
Focus Lens. Following the construction, control
The LSA’s at the Walker Center, is handed to 498th Corps Support
Camp Coiner, Command Post Tango Battalion, which is tasked with
and Special Operations Command providing daily operations of the LSAs.
Korea have maximum capacities for “We p r o v i d e s l e e p i n g a r e a s ,
340, 580, 102 and 220 Soldiers showers, bathrooms, laundry
respectively, and are tasked to provide service, transportation to the dinning
quality living operations for any facilities, trash removal and do
tactical operation, according to LSA whatever we can to provide high
Coordinator Sgt. Maj. Rickey Rose. quality customer service support to
The Area II Support Activity LSA occupants,” said Staff Sgt.
personnel planned for months to Dane Floyd, LSA mayor for Camp SGT. CHRISTOPHER SELMEK

handle the surge of people arriving for Coiner. “We support the operation Master Sgt. Louis Hicks explains the rules of the Life Support Area to a group of new Marines
the annual exercise. through all those things. We give the arriving on Yongsan in support of Ulchi Focus Lens, Aug. 31 in the Morale, Welfare and Recreation
“It’s a big mission and we have to guys a place to come home to.” tent of the Camp Coiner LSA.
provide everything needed to raise a Floyd describes the LSA as the Area II MWR provided books, phone,” said Spc. Kevin Patton,
city from the ground up,” said Rose. center of activity on Yongsan, but popcorn, games, videos and other 498th CSB. “We’re like their point
“The LSA becomes a billets and also said it is a work in progress. entertainment at LSA recreation tents. of contact for dealing with their
Morale, Welfare and Recreation support His job is to manage the whole According to Floyd, the MWR tent friends and family back home.”
facility just like the barracks, with all facility and to ensure that everything is perhaps the most popular feature of “The other LSAs I’ve been at were
the amenities of life the residents could is operating properly. the camp, with five Internet terminals, all on mud,” said Lance Cpl. Ethan
need.” “This is a great place to stay, four DSN phone lines and a big screen Hoaldridge, U.S. Marine Forces
Rose cites that it takes about two especially compared to a field television for watching movies or Pacific. “The hard facilities here are
months and $600,000 from start to environment,” he said. “The things sports. The tent operates around the much nicer and I’ve never gotten
finish to establish and operate the they have here provide all the clock and has people using the facilities popcorn in an MWR tent before. The
LSAs. creature comforts they are used to 24 hours a day. tents are actually very nice.”
“The most difficult part is actually in a living area and it also takes a lot “Most of the time people come in
standing everything up,” he said. “We of work to maintain.” h e r e t o u s e t h e In t e r n e t o r t h e E-mail

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Sept. 9, 2005
12 Area II The Morning Calm Weekly

NEO Training & Ex

Training ercise Brief
Newcomers Orientation
The dates for the September Army
Newcomers Orientation will be The Area II Non-combatant Evacuation COURAGEOUS CHANNEL NEO exercise.
Soccer and Flag Football changed to Monday - Wednesday due Operation, or NEO, team will conduct a day The end-of-October exercise promises to
League t o t h e C h u s e o k H o l i d a y. F o r of training and briefings Tuesday at be unlike any in recent memory, according
The Area II Intramural Soccer and the information, call 738-7505. Theater 1, Multipurpose Training Facility. to NEO officials. Commanders and
Area II Intramural Flag Football From 9 a.m.-noon, training will be focused supervisors are highly encouraged to
L e a g u e s s t a r t S a t u r d a y. F o r Harlem Globetrotters on newly assigned NEO reps and wardens. support their NEO personnel’s attendance
information, call 736-4032. to visit Yongsan At 1 p.m., a briefing will be given to all at this briefing. Point of contact for the
The world-famous Harlem Globetrotters assigned NEO reps, wardens and site Area II NEO team is Master Sgt. Jim Hardin
Bake Sale basketball team will be at the Yongsan personnel on the upcoming at 738-5013.
Headquarters and Headquarters PX lobby noon - 1 p.m. Wednesday for a
Company, Area II Support Activity will photo and autograph session. For Soldier Show volunteers Passport Services
host a bake sale Friday and Saturday information, call 738-5254. Area II MWR needs 10-15 volunteers The Yongsan Legal Assistance Office
inside the main entrance of the PX during at the Sept. 18 Soldier Show to assist now offers passport services. The total
PX hours. POW/MIA Recognition packing production equipment into cost for a new adult passport is $97, $82
Day at Yongsan trucks. Sign-up at the Moyer for a minor, and there is no charge for a
Free Concert United States Forces Korea will host a Community Activity Center. For military passport if the applicant has a DD
and Workshop ceremony 2 p.m. Thursday on Knight information, call 738-5254. 1056 signed in blue ink and sponsors
Oregon Catholic Press composer, Field in recognition of National Prisoner orders to Korea. First-time applicants
performer and clinician Tom Kendzia Of War/Missing In Action Recognition Field Sanitation Course need two two-by-two photos, an original
will host a weekend of music, Friday Day. This event is held every year to The 38th Medical Detachment birth certificate and a photo ID. Passport
and Saturday at Memorial Chapel. He honor all Americans who are former (Preventative Medicine) will offer a 40- renewals require the expired passport
will host a concert at 7 p.m. Friday prisoners of war, servicemembers and hour Field Sanitation Team Training instead of the birth certificate. For
and will be conducting a music civilians still unaccounted for and their Course Sept. 26 - 30. Maximum enrollment information, call 738-6841.
w o r k s h o p a t 9 a . m . S a t u r d a y. families, all of whom have made per unit is two, and seating is limited.
Everyone is invited to participate in extraordinary sacrifices on behalf of their Reserve seats in advance by providing a Photo Contest
either or both days. There is no cost country. Ceremony host is Lt. Gen. memorandum with name, rank, date of The 2005 Korea-wide photo contest is open
involved. Parking will be limited so Charles C. Campbell, chief of staff, United entry into service, social security number to all U.S. servicemembers on active duty,
carpooling is recommended. For Nations Command/Combined Forces and Military Occupational Specialty to Army reserve, family members, retirees and
information, contact Gene Behrends Command/USFK and commander, Eighth or Department of Defense civilians. Deadline
at 319-2683 or by e-mail at U.S. Army. In case of inclement weather, fax to 724-6256 no later than two weeks is Sept. 30 and the award ceremony will be the ceremony will be held at the Collier prior to the course. Attending personnel Oct. 25. There are five categories to enter:
Field House. Former POWs and their should have more than six months time people, places, things, military life and
Case Lot Sale family members and family members of remaining in country upon completion of experimental processes. In addition, the
The Yongsan Commissary is holding a those still unaccounted who are able to the course. Personnel should bring a one- three classes will be black and white prints,
Mega Case Lot Sale 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. attend as special guests are asked to quart canteen with cup and a copy of Field color prints and short film. Winning entries
Sunday. Come out and enjoy great provide their name and telephone number Manual 4-25.12 (Field Sanitation Team will be forwarded to the All-Army Photo
savings on all your favorite brands. For to the USFK Public Affairs Office at 723- Training) to class. For information, call Contest. For information, call 738-5254 or
information, call 736-7070. 6367/4685 by Monday. Staff Sergeant Featherston at 724-6276. contact MWR Arts and Crafts.

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The Morning Calm Weekly
Sept. 9, 2005 13
Help available for stateside legal concerns
By Lt. Col. Paula G. Humphries who practice law in that particular area. Online, your rights. Although you should see your local
8th U.S. Army (CONUS) type in on a search bar space, “(insert the City or Legal Assistance Office in regard to your rights
Even if you are in Korea, you still have an Area and State) attorneys.” For example, if you under the Servicemember’s Civil Relief Act or other
obligation and responsibility to take care of legal entered, “Detroit Michigan Attorneys,” you will get applicable statutes, you should always ensure that
issues and problems back in the United States. You names and contact information for attorneys who your response to your local court is done on time.
should not ignore Court Orders or keep putting off practice in Detroit, Michigan. You can also narrow You can personally contact the courts. Most
stateside legal matters. your search to find attorneys listed by the areas of courts are accessible via the Internet. Courts
This includes criminal misdemeanors, traffic law that they practice. encourage and allow the filing of court documents/
tickets, divorce judgments, child support petitions Reserve JAG Assistance letters over the Internet or by fax. To find a courts’
and any other legal motions filed with a court. You A third resource for finding a good attorney in contact information, you should type “(insert state)
can and should respond to all legal documents. the United States is by contacting local Reserve courts” in an Internet search bar space.
Since you are at some distance from the actual Judge Advocate General officers. Your local legal For example, if you typed in, “Michigan Courts,”
court, you usually must retain an attorney to assistance office has access to the names and e- you will get the whole state court organizational
represent you. mail addresses of active Army and Reserve JAG structure. You then can select the specific court
How do you find a good attorney? Your first officers worldwide. that you need. Most of the specific courts have
source is family and friends. Ask them if they have You can ask them to Web sites that you can then
used or know a competent attorney that they can locate a Reserve JAG “... there is no reason for a access. The specific court
officer in the city and/or
recommend. Get their name, address, telephone
numbers and e-mail address. Then you can write, state that you need.
Soldier to neglect or to put off will have a list of the judges
by name, along with the
call, or e-mail the attorney and explain what you Reserve JAG officers can taking care of his/her legal information necessary to
need done and find out how much it will cost to give you legal assistance business.” contact them. Some court
use their legal services. on a no-fee basis, Web sites also have a brief
Your next source to find a competent attorney represent you as your biographical resume for
is the Internet. Following is a list of sources that personal attorney on a fee basis, or give you a each judge. With this information, you can call,
you can access on the computer via the Internet: referral to a capable attorney in the specific area write, fax, or e-mail a court clerk or judge.
State Bar Associations that you need. As a Reserve JAG officer , I have From my experience as a Reserve JAG officer
Every state has a bar association that lists the names received calls from a legal assistance officer in and a civilian district court judge in Detroit,
of all attorneys or lawyers licensed to practice law Germany, e-mail from Soldiers on their way to Iraq Michigan, I have found that there is no reason for
in their state. On the Internet, access a search engine and Bosnia, calls from Soldiers in Alaska and a Soldier to neglect or to put off taking care of his/
and type in, “State Bar of (insert state name).” For throughout the United States. I have either given her legal business. On a daily basis, I get calls,
example, if you typed, “State Bar of Michigan,” them legal advice and/or referred them to local faxes, e-mails and letters from attorneys, Soldiers,
you would get a link the bar association along with attorneys. civilians and judges all around the world who need
a lawyer referral service for all Michigan lawyers. Finally, don’t ignore legal papers and documents to be in contact with the court and need to resolve
Local Bar Associations you have received from, or are served by, the courts. their legal issues. You can take care of your legal
Most medium or large cities have a list of all lawyers You must respond in a timely manner to protect business, too.
Sept. 9, 2005
14 The Morning Calm Weekly

Sept. 9-15

Charlie and the

The Island High Tension High Tension Valiant G Fantastic Four Fantastic Four Chocolate Factory
PG-13 R R PG-13 PG-13 PG

Fantastic Four Deuce Bigalow: Deuce Bigalow: The Island

European Gigolo European Gigolo No Show No Show No Show
PG-13 PG-13

Valiant G Valiant G Valiant G High Tension High Tension The Island The Island
R R PG-13 PG-13
Deuce Bigalow:
Land of the Dark Water No Show No Show No Show No Show
European Gigolo PG-13
Dead R

High Tension Fantastic Four Fantastic Four The Island The Island Bad News Bears Bad News Bears
R PG-13 PG-13 PG-13 PG-13 PG-13 PG-13

Dukes of Dukes of Dukes of No Show No Show No Show Fantastic Four

Hazzard PG-13 Hazzard PG-13 Hazzard PG-13 PG-13

The Cave -- A rescue Valiant -- A lowly wood Bad News Bears High TTension
ension Rebound -- Robinson The Island -- Lincoln is
team is sent down into the pigeon named Valiant, Morris, a former pro baseball Two worlds collide disastrously Coach Roy once was college a resident of a seemingly
world’s largest cave system overcomes his small size to player, was ejected from the — a rusted delivery van basketball’s top utopian but contained facility
to try to find the spelunkers become a hero in Great game for attacking an umpire barrels through cornfields; mastermind. But lately his in the mid 21st century. Like
who first explored its depths. Britain’s Royal Air Force and now works as an meanwhile, Alex has brought attentions have been on his all of the inhabitants of this
But when the group’s escape Homing Pigeon Service exterminator. More interested her friend Marie to spend the next endorsements, not on his carefully controlled environ-
route is cut off, they are during World War II. The in boozing and broads than weekend at her parents’ next game. What¹s more, ment, Lincoln hopes to be
hunted by the monstrous RHPS advanced the Allied baseball, Morris is lured back country farmhouse to escape Roy’s temper has run chosen to go to the “The
creatures that live down cause by flying vital into the game by Liz, an the hectic pace of Paris. amuck, leading to his being Island” - reportedly the last
below. messages about enemy attorney whose class action Behind the van’s wheel, the banned from college ball until uncontaminated spot on the
movements across the suit has forced the Little driver caresses ripped photos he can demonstrate planet. But Lincoln soon
English Channel, whilst League to accept all players, of young women; at the same compliance—in other words, discovers that everything
evading brutal attacks by the regardless of their abilities. As time the girls get ready for bed not explode every time he about his existence is a lie.
enemy’s Falcon Brigade. the new coach of the Bears, dishing girly gossip. At the end walks onto the court. Roy He and all of the other
the most losing team in Little of the road lies an isolated waits and waits; for a suitable inhabitants of the facility are
League history, Morris has his house, caught in the van’s coaching offer, but he actually human clones whose
work cut out for him. Though headlights; as the girls close receives only one: the Mount only purpose is to provide
he and his team classh initially, their eyes, an intruder is about Vernon Junior High School “spare parts” for their original
they have a transformative to turn their innocent dreams Smelters basketball squad. human counterparts.
effect on one another that is into a relentless and bloody
wholly unexpected. nightmare.

Land of the The Island Land of the The Island No Show No Show No Show
Dead R PG-13 Dead R PG-13

The Cave The Cave The Cave Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. The Island The Island
PG-13 PG-13 PG-13 Smith PG-13 Smith PG-13 PG-13 PG-13

High Tension High Tension Fantastic Four Fantastic Four Rebound PG No Show The Cave
R R PG-13 PG-13 PG-13

High Tension High Tension The Island The Island No Show The Cave Fantastic Four
R R PG-13 PG-13 PG-13 PG-13

The Cave The Cave Herbie: Fully Fantastic Four Fantastic Four High Tension High Tension
PG-13 PG-13 Loaded G PG-13 PG-13 R R
Kicking and Kicking and
The Cave The Cave The Island The Island The Island
Screaming Screaming
PG-13 PG-13 PG-13 PG-13 PG-13
PG-13 PG-13
Dark Water Dark Water Dark Water Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Fantastic Four Fantastic Four
PG-13 PG-13 PG-13 Smith PG-13 Smith PG-13 PG-13 PG-13
Sept. 9, 2005
The Morning Calm Weekly 15
Learning to weather the roller coaster ride of life
By Chaplain (Capt.) Frank G. Ciampa coasters don’t amuse me either; they just wrenching, emotional roller coasters. without God are like small palm trees in
498th CSB make my hair turn gray. Another way of putting it is that God a hurricane. The force of the hurricane

ometimes stress rises, as But if you think about it, roller makes you like a mighty oak tree during generally uproots the trees and flings
does your blood pressure. coasters are designed for control. Each a hurricane. Yes, you will lose many of them around without mercy.
Higher and higher they go — car is attached to a rail on which it So it is with us. If we are to
pressing you on all sides. Then all of a rides and passengers are kept “We are hard pressed on every endure the terrifying roller coaster
sudden the bottom falls out. Last-minute secure with safety bars and seat side, but not crushed; perplexed, rides or the destructive hurricanes
changes pop up. Commitments are belts. Although it doesn’t feel like of life, we need the presence of
broken. Good news is followed by bad it, everything is designed to keep but not in despair; persecuted, but God in our lives. God gives us a
news. you safe. not abandoned; struck down, but safe and secure rail to ride through
Life feels like a wild roller coaster In the same way God remains not destroyed.” the ups and downs in life. God and
ride and you cry out, “I want off this present and in control, even when Godly worship gives us the depth
roller coaster!” We’ve all been there. it doesn’t feel that way. Even when 2 Corinthians 4: 8-9 of character that will withstand the
Maybe you’re feeling strapped in on a life seems perilous, your heavenly hurricane winds of life.
roller coaster ride through a sin-filled Father remains faithful, guarding you your leaves, and yes, some branches We should all cherish the gifts of God
world right now. from all harm and protecting you from will break in the hurricanes of life, but and his presence in our lives and take
Amusement park roller coasters don’t all evil. By his spirit he gives you the you will remain standing and in time your comfort that he gives us his strength.
amuse me, they just make me regret the faith and the strength to get through branches and leaves will grow back. He will preserve us and he will bring us
spicy burrito I ate earlier. Emotional roller those stomach-churning, heart- Meanwhile, the people who face life safely home.

Area II
Worship Services
Catholic Mass Sunday 8 a.m. South Post Chapel Collective Sunday 8 a.m. Memorial Chapel 6 p.m. South Post Chapel
11:30 a.m. Memorial Chapel 9:30 a.m. 121 Hospital Chapel Korean Tuesday 6 p.m. Camp Colbern Chapel
Tuesday 12:05 p.m. 121 Hospital Chapel 9:30 a.m. Hannam Village Chapel Thursday 6:30 p.m. Memorial Chapel
7 p.m. South Post Chapel (Korean) KCFA 2nd Tues. 11:45 a.m. Memorial Chapel
Mon.-Fri. 12:05p.m. Memorial Chapel 3rd Tues. 11:45 a.m. Memorial Chapel
Saturday 5 p.m. Memorial Chapel 10:30 a.m. K-16 Community Lutheran Sunday 5 p.m. Memorial Chapel
Jewish Friday 6 p.m. South Post Chapel Chapel R.O.C.K. Services Sunday 10 a.m. Multi-Purpose
Protestant Services 11 a.m. Hannam Village Training Facility
Episcopal Sunday 10 a.m. Memorial Chapel Chapel Latter-Day Saints For information on services, call 738-3011
United Pentecostal Sunday 1:30 p.m. Memorial Chapel noon South Post Chapel
Church of Christ Church International (Gospel) Chaplain (Lt. Col.) David Colwell
Sunday 2 p.m. South Post Chapel Collective Sunday 10 a.m. South Post Chapel or DSN 738-3011

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Sept. 9, 2005
16 The Morning Calm Weekly


Soldiers from the 302nd Brigade Support Battalion join with a group of special needs children Sept. 2 in a Camp Casey USO-sponsored event.

Soldiers swim with special-needs kids

By David McNally Burba explained it was a good way to extend bit of coaxing from Emery, Dae-chun made his way
Area I Public Affairs Office community service and participate in the 8th U.S. Army into the water.
CAMP CASEY — A group of Soldiers invested a Good Neighbor Program. “They’re really sweet – really shy,” Burba said.
day of fun and games Sept. 2 with a group of “There is a lot of interest for the Soldiers to be a “They look excited.”
Dongducheon special-needs children. part of the community,” Burba said. “It’s just Representatives from the 302nd had met with
“They were looking for some help and we were natural; they don’t just want to be inside the gates the children of the Haemalgundoe Handicapped
looking for somewhere to volunteer, so it was a good of Camp Casey. We consider Dongducheon our Home once before. The Dongducheon center for
match,” said Lt. Col. Kathy Burba, 302nd Brigade extended family.” physically and mentally-challenged children opened
Support Battalion commander. “We’re doing The 20 Soldiers and 35 children and parents met at in December 2004.
swimming program today.” the Camp Casey USO before going for a swim at the “We went over there, met with them and sang
Hanson Field House pool. some songs,” Burba said. “We kind of got to know
After a series of stretching exercises, the Soldiers each other.”
and children exchanged names and hugs. Burba said she looks forward to doing more events
“They are absolutely adorable,” said Spc. Autumn with the children and their families.
Emery, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, “It’s really good for the Soldiers,” she said. “They
302nd BSB. “They’re going to have a great day.” are looking for outlets. They miss their kids in the
The school director partnered Emery with 10-year- states and they like to help. It’s just human nature.”
old Dae-chun. The young boy was shy and didn’t Burba said Camp Casey USO Director Sally Hall
want to go into the water at first. But after seeing helped to coordinate and sponsor the event.
many other children in the pool, and getting a healthy “Many units come to us when they’re looking for
a place to volunteer,” Hall said.
Burba said she thinks Soldiers are concerned they
get a “bad rap.”
“The only things many Koreans know about
American Soldiers is how one or two of them have
gotten in trouble downtown,” Burba said. “My Soldiers
have talked about wanting to get out more and show
the Korean people we are here for the best reasons,
and we want them to be part of our family.”
Burba said the 1,100 Soldiers in her unit also
sponsor the Bosan Elementary School and My
Home Orphanage.
“I’ve done special-needs programs in the past,”
Above: Spc. Cesar Larrea, Company B, 302nd Brigade Support
Burba said. “I have a handicapped sister, so I’m
Battalion, and two Dongducheon youngsters head for the pool.
comfortable with this. For me it was a natural sister-
Left: Pfc. Kissea Hall, Company A, 302nd BSB,, and Choi Chong-
partnership. We want to have a long-term relationship.”
yun, 12, do stretching exercises before going for a swim.
Sept. 9, 2005
18 The Morning Calm Weekly

Tae Kwon Do
Area I’s Warrior Sports is hosting the
tae kwon do championship at Camp
Casey’s Hanson Field House
Saturday. Weigh-ins will begin at 10
a.m. Competition begins at 1 p.m.

Eighth Army Rugby

The Eighth U.S. Army Rugby
Championship will begin at 2 p.m.
Saturday, at Camp Casey’s Schoonover
Bowl. The event is open to all active-
duty military rugby teams from each
Area command.

Golf Course Breakfast

The Camp Casey Golf Course
Restaurant is serving breakfast from
6-9 a.m., Monday thru Friday. For MAJ. WILLIAM THURMOND

information, call 730-4334. Tony Schumacher powers the U.S. Army top fuel dragster off the line during his quarter-final run Monday. Schumacher finished number two on the
day, but rose atop the Powerade points standings due to his dominating performance all weekend.

Army dragster rregains

egains NHRA top fuel points lead
Team Triathlon
Set for Saturday
The Eighth U.S. Army Team Triathlon
Championship will be held at Camp
By Maj. William Thurmond started the weekend’s meet unsure of the whereabouts of
Casey’s Hanson Field House Saturday. many of her family members or the extent of damage her
Army News Service
Team categories are men, women and home and business suffered in the disaster.
mixed. Registration is at 8 a.m. and the INDIANAPOLIS RACEWAY PARK, Ill. – The Army
Thankfully, communications were restored just prior to
race starts at 10 a.m. drag racing team didn’t take home any trophies at this Labor
the start of Monday’s final eliminations, easing the mind of
Day weekend’s 51st Mac Tools U.S. Nationals, but their strong
the winningest female racer in NHRA history.
Summer Basketball performance earned them improved positions in the Powerade
“I spoke with a cousin back in Louisiana and it looks like
Championships championship points battle.
all my family evacuated and are safe” said Sampey. “There’s
The Warrior Division Summer Leading the way was top-fueler Tony “Sarge” Schumacher,
Basketball Championship will be a couple of folks I haven’t heard from but I’m sure they got
whose nitro-powered Army dragster dominated the weekend,
Monday thru Wednesday at the Camp out. They’re scattered around Louisiana so now we’ll try to
smashing track records in both speed and elapsed times.
Stanley Fitness Center. The competition get everyone back together again.”
Schumacher’s poise and focus showed in his superb
is open to qualified teams from camps With that off her mind, Sampey got down to business.
reaction times, as he beat eight of his nine opponents off the
Casey and Red Cloud Garrison Posting a perfect reaction time in her first round victory,
starting line, and blasted to the finish at over 329 miles per
championships. Preliminary games start and edging-out her rival in the quarter final, Sampey was
hour. His best quarter-mile was timed at just 4.459 seconds,
at 4 p.m. Monday and Tuesday. The finally defeated by fellow Suzuki rider Steve Johnson, who
a feat he achieved twice in a row in cooler conditions Friday
championship begins at 5:45 p.m. just beat her to the line by .085 seconds.
and Saturday nights.
Wednesday. “We had an engine problem. We actually scuffed a piston,
The final match between Schumacher and Larry Dixon’s
and we can’t win with that going on, not with the competition
Warrior Division Boxing Miller Lite/Ameriquest dragster was quick and to the point.
that’s out here,” said Sampey.
Warrior Division Boxing Following a rapid staging sequence, both drivers leapt ahead
“This Army team definitely does not quit, ever. When we
Championships are set for Camp at the green light. But within 100 feet it was clear that the
had a problem with our gas tank on Friday, the crew engineered
Casey’s Hanson Field House, Army would not be celebrating this day.
a solution and got the bike fixed and to the starting line about
Wednesday thru Sept. 16. Weigh-ins “We left the starting line and hit the wheelie bar, which
10 minute’s before I raced. It doesn’t matter what the problem
and medical examinations will begin at lifted the back end off the ground and cost us the race,” said
is, these guys will get the job done.”
10 a.m., with mathces starting at 6 p.m. Schumacher as he met with fans and signed autographs
each day. The top three competitors in following his loss.
each weight category will advance to “We’ve won here three times in a row and had a chance to
the Eighth U.S. Army championship. win a fourth, so yeah, it’s disappointing when you have a car
that’s as good as ours. But this U.S. Army team’s the best in
Eighth Army the world and we proved it again this weekend. I’m proud to
Track & Field drive for them and have the Army and my crew behind me.”
The Eighth U.S. Army track and field Perhaps this past week’s devastation on the Gulf coast
compeittion will be at Camp Casey’s was on his mind when Schumacher reflected on his team’s
Schoonover Bowl Sept. 24. Registration weekend.
begins at 8:30 a.m. Competition begins
“I’m disappointed, but now I’m gonna’ go home and spend
at 10 a.m.
a week with my family. Racing is outstanding but we know
that there are bigger things.”
Submitting to TMCW
To have an event or activity highlighted Despite the loss, the Army’s dominance this weekend put
in The Morning Calm Weekly, send them back on top of the top fuel series lead, 40 points ahead
event information and a point of contact of Doug Kalitta. Dixon, Monday’s race winner, rose to third.
name and telephone number, to Another Army racer, Angelle Sampey, rode her way into a semi-final berth, despite potential Katrina-related distractions
All submissions are subject to editing. that might have mentally crippled other less experienced riders. Nick Peters, 24, from Independence Ohio, works on the all-important
Sampey, a New Orleans resident and Louisiana native, parachute system of the Army dragster.
Sept. 9, 2005 Page 21

Unit covers 7,500 square miles

501st Provides communication, data transmission service
By Roger Edwards Defense Switched Network, According to Dickey, Camp 1986. The primary mission of
Area III Public Affairs Directorate of Information Humphreys DSN is capable of maintaining AFNK was give to the
CAMP HUMPHREYS – “The Management, Outside Plant, the supporting more than 1,500 ADSL 501st Roving Maintenance Team.
501st Signal Company, 36th Signal Roving Maintenance Team, two Tech subscribers. This team maintains and restores the
Battalion, has a long history in Korea,” Control Facilities and a Mobile “DSN is considered a major factor AFNK AM and FM transmission
said Pfc. Lindsey Dickey, 501st Command Support Platoon. and the first line of communications systems, its television transmission
Operations. “The unit settled on “Our DSN has more than 4,500 because it not only provides telephone systems, and microwave back-up
Camp Humphreys in Pyongtaek, 31 active subscriber lines,” said Dickey. and Internet services to peninsula systems in Area III.
years ago in 1974. Since then it has “We also provide telephone and wide customers but also to customers The Suwon and Humphreys’ Tech
grown roots that extend into more than Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Lines to participating in all USFK field Control Facilities mission is to operate
7,500 square miles of territory. Soldiers in the field. Due to the advent problems and exercises,” said Sgt. and maintain telephone systems, direct
“Over the years the 501st mission of ADSL, there has been a worldwide Jason Godbold, DSN NCOIC. and ensure continuous data
has changed as demands and increase in broadband internet usage,” DOIM is set up to provide transmission, manage network
requirements grew,” she said. “The she said, “especially in Korea. Korea customer service on issues within systems and provide U.S. Forces
unit has stayed abreast of the modern holds the largest percentage of local networks. The members of the Korea and Korean Defense Forces
technology in today’s Army.” consumer broadband usage in the world. DOIM team set up, troubleshoot, with voice and data communications.
The 501st is divided into 12 ADSL lines and circuits provide high- install, and manage computer systems This is handled via fiber optic cables
sections. Seven of those sections speed Internet access through connected to networks. DOIM is also and asynchronous transfer mode
provide direct communications Samsumg, the local merchant, for those designated to decentralize its services systems that connect Suwon City and
services to Area III. They include the Soldiers living in barracks.” by training unit members on smaller Area III. Suwon and Humphreys’
networking topics in the Information TCF provides Tango TCF and Osan
Management Officer course. TCF the means to communicate
The 501st Signal Company’s through their radios and receivers
Outside Plant team, known as the which then allows the Air Force and
“CABLE DOGS,” provides peninsula- KT to receive data over a long
wide technical support for all Area III distance. “We take data, package it
tenants. The team lays wiring, installs together and send it out,” said Sgt.
cables and repairs any cables that are Eric Stratton, Suwon TCF NCOIC.
damaged. Staff Sgt. Carolyn The MCSP provides an interface
Washington, NCOIC of Outside Plant, between FM, AM, Satellite
said, “This team has always set a Communication radios and commercial
‘Time on Target’ standard when it communications systems to tactical
comes to completing a mission.” commanders and control elements.
Outside Plant also installs and With current technological demands and
maintains telephone and fiber optic up-to-date information transmission,
lines for customers, running the lines MCSP is especially important for those
to barracks and office buildings. tactical commanders on ground and in
General Order 84 officially the air. They have the ability to rapidly
incorporated American Forces Korean deploy and provide multimedia
Network as one of their largest information through a streaming high-
communications asset in Korea on bit data rate, allowing commanders to
Sept. 27, 1950. “Freedom Radio,” the monitor situations and maintain control
Pfc. James Dinatale (left) and Pfc. Kristofer Noble set up a transportable ground receiving final affiliate, was built at Camp 24 hours a day while away from the
suite satellite dish to receive data feed in the field. Humphreys and began broadcasting in office.

Humphreys recognizes Medal of Honor recipient Lopez

By Roger Edwards grip the grenade firmly enough to
Area III Public Affairs throw it. Rather than endanger
CAMP HUMPHREYS – Maps of this his men, he chose to sacrifice
installation will now include “Lopez Circle,” a himself. With a sweeping motion
street dedicated to Medal of Honor recipient, of his wounded right arm, Lopez
Marine Corps 1st Lt. Baldomero Lopez. pulled the grenade under himself
The ceremony dedicating the road was held and absorbed the full impact of
Sept. 2 and was attended by Marines, U.S. and the explosion.
Korean Augmentation to the U.S. Army Soldiers. His courage and sacrifice has
Lopez died Sept. 15, 1950, during the Incheon been recognized with the Medal
invasion. During this action, Lopez exposed of Honor and, in 1985, the
himself to hostile fire when he moved to throw Secretary of the Navy named a
a hand grenade into a pillbox pinning down a maritime pre-positioning ship the
sector of the Incheon beach. Enemy fire found USNS Baldomero Lopez.
its target, hitting him in the right shoulder and “We continue to pray for those in
chest as he lifted his arm to throw the missile. harms way,” said Area III and Camp
Lopez fell backward, loosing the grenade. Humphreys Command Sgt. Maj. R E

After a moment, he turned and made an effort Robert Frace during the ceremony, Marine Corps Capt. Roberto Ibaita, S4 Alpha, Marine Air Control Group-18, Okinawa,
to regain the weapon but, in critical condition “and for those who have given their Japan, unveils the new street sign for “Lopez Circle” during the Sept. 2 dedication
from the pain and blood loss, he was unable to lives while serving their nation.” ceremony.
Sept. 9, 2005
Area III The Morning Calm Weekly

Puente Jr. plays Camp Humphreys

Help Wanted By Roger Edwards
Applications are being accepted for Area III Public Affairs
full- and part-time Child Care Givers
at the new Camp Humphreys Child
Development Center. Applicants coming from Camp Humphreys
must be 18 or older, able to lift 40 Community Activity Center Saturday
pounds, able to read and write night had a familiar feel for anyone who
English, a U.S. citizen, available has ever listened to “Santana.” The Tito
between 5:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. and Puente Jr. Band was in town and
able to pass a background check producing their best for the
required for working with children. approximately 100 fans that came out
Forms are available at the Civilian for the show.
Personnel Office. For information, Tito Puente Jr. has inherited his
call 753-8773. father’s urge to make music, along with
his skill and showmanship. “I’ve just
5th Annual Pyeongtaek released my third album,” he said. “My
Port Half-Marathon father released more than 120. He won
The annual Pyeongtaek Port Half- ROGER EDWARDS
four Grammy Awards, got his star on
Marathon is scheduled for Oct. 30 The Tito Puente, Jr. Band entertain a crowd of about 100 Soldiers, civilians and family members
the Hollywood Walk of Fame and was
and the first 90 Area III Soldiers, Saturday, Sept. 3, in a concert at the Camp Humphreys Community Activity Center.
known as the King of Latin Music.
civilians and family members to
“He even had two of his compositions He may make it. The sounds he and treatment of “The Falling Leaves” turned
register are invited to participate for
recorded by Carlos Santana. Well – I’ve his band produced were smooth but the standard ballad into something new
free. Participatants may choose the
got the next fifty years to catch up.” made you want to move your feet. His and different.
5K or 10K run. To run in the event,

Humphreys observes Hispanic Heritage Month

participants must be registered by
close of business Thursday. Register
by contacting Peter Yu, Area III
community relations officer, at 753- By Roger Edwards Master of Ceremony duties for the Keun, Headquarters, Headquaters
7652, via fax at 753-7836, or via e-mail Area III Public Affairs event were shared by Spc. Estela Company, Area III; and Staff Sgt.
at For
CAMP HUMPHREYS – Camp Barrios, 516th Personnel Support Mathelda Warren, 249th Military Police
information, call 753-7836.
Humphreys’ Soldiers and civilians, men Battalion, and Pfc. Georgiana Da Cruz Detachment. Capt. Emerson Byrd,
Painted Door and women observed Hispanic Heritage and Pvt. Maria Martinez, of the 176th chaplain for the 532nd Military Intelligence
Thrift Store Month, Sept. 2, with a program of Finance Detachment. Battalion, delivered the invocation for the
The Painted Door Thrift Store is music, poetry and history at the Pegasus The Korean and American national event, and the benediction.
open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Wednesday Grill Dining Facility. anthems were sung by Cpl. Jung Tae- Installation and Area III Command
and Friday, and on the first Saturday Sgt. Maj. Robert Frace welcomed the
of the month. The Painted Door is more than 120 program attendees and
holding a bag sale Friday and Spc. Dannisha Dowers recited a poem
Saturday. Everyone is welcome. for the crowd.
The Painted Door is expanding to As guest speaker for the event,
become a “Thrift and Gift Store.” installation and Area III Commander,
Crafters are needed to help stock the Col. Michael Taliento, addressed the
new gift shop operation. tremendous contributions Hispanic
Consignments will be accepted on Americans have made to America’s
Fridays begining Sept. 9, and culture and history. The colonel said
donations are always welcome. “you can see Hispanic influence today
Volunteers are needed to work at the wherever you look. It ranges from place
Painted Door.
ROGER EDWARDS names across the country, to the
Chili Peppers Potluck,
Masters of Ceremony at Camp Humphreys Hispanic Heritage Month program are (left to right) Hispanic presence in motion pictures,
Bingo Pvt. Maria Martinez, Pfc. Georgiana Da Cruz and Spc. Estela Barrios. the professions, sports and the military.”
The United Club invites all ID

Holiday Hustle
cardholders to come out for an
evening of Red Hot chili Peppers at
6:30 p.m. Wednesday. The event will
be held in the third floor meeting room
of Army Family Housing, Bldg. 510.
Bring your favorite Mexican/
Hispanic dish for potluck and be
prepared for Bingo.
No childcare will be provided. For
information about the United Club,
send e-mail questions to

New Traffic Pattern

Drivers can expect delays at the
CPX gate from Saturday to Oct.
6. Asphalt will be removed from
the CPX commercial parking area, ROGER EDWARDS
which will be repaved and cured. More than 100 runners participated Monday, in the Camp 10K
During this process visitor and Humphreys Labor Day Run. “We had five, 10 and 20 K routes laid Capt. Winston Symmes, 527th MI 42:21
commercial traffic will be directed Pvt. Alile Sorrells, 568th Med. Co. 1:09:13
out,” said Jim Howell, Area III Sports director, “so everybody got
to the wash rack across the
to chose. Male and female best times for each route were: Unit Runners, 23rd Spt Gp 1:06:08
street for processing and
Sgt. Clinton Mercer, 52nd GSAB 13:51 20K
Sfc. Maria Vockert, 527th MI 20:49 GySgt. Brenton Cox, 7th Comm Bn 1:26:03
Sept. 9, 2005
The Morning Calm Weekly Area III 23
Chaplain Robinson ministers to Soldier, Marine needs
By F. Neil Neeley he or she can open up and let the chaplain
Area III Public Affairs in on any problems that might need
CAMP HUMPHREYS – When a looking after. Sometimes Robinson
servicemember deploys to one of the would sit down with the Soldier right
Area III life support areas in the field in there in the chow tent for an impromptu
support of a major exercise, the Area counseling session.
III chaplain and his deployed couterparts At each area, Robinson checked in
are right there to look after that with the on-site chaplain to see how their
individual’s needs. ministry was going and if they needed
During operation Ulchi Focus Lens, anything.
Maj. Raymond Robinson Jr., Area III At Yongin ROK Amy Base he met
command chaplain, visited the various with Chap. Oscar Araco, a major with
LSAs on a twofold mission. “I go to the 3 Corps from Fort Hood, Texas.
see Soldiers and Marines and do Araco deployed from Fort Hood with
‘Ministry of Presence’,” said Robinson. his unit. His mission was to provide
“I also go there to look after the needs religious support to Soldiers deployed
of our religious support personnel and to Yongin from 3 Corps units from all
to see what religious assets we have on over America.
station. That way I know what I need He surprised Robinson with some
to coordinate for and what they have as unexpected good news. “There are three
far as ecclesiastical supplies and who Korean chaplains here on post,” he said.
needs to be re-supplied.” “We’ve got Catholic, Protestant and F. NEIL NEELEY
As Robinson visted the areas, each Buddhist chaplains here.” Area III Command Chaplin Raymond Robinson Jr. talks with Capt. Samuel Okoko, 3rd Corps
servicemember that he encountered was The day Robinson visited, the Korean artillery, Fort Sill, Okla., and a native of Kenya. The two had an informal chat in the recreation
greeted by a firm handshake and a Catholic priest was scheduled to tent at the life support areas at Yongin ROK Amy Base during Operation UFL.
friendly “How ya’ doin’ Soldier?” “Where perform mass for the American troops.
‘ya from?” “How’s the chow?” “We’ve been very blessed here with the to have friends. We hope that we can but chaplains like Robinson, Araco and
The handshake and friendly banter help and friendship of our Korean be of help to them too.” others are there to feed their spirits.
puts the servicemember at ease so that chaplains,” Arco said. “It’s always good The Army can feed a Soldier’s body,

Marine band proves to be ‘good neighbor’

By Roger Edwards staff of Pyongtaek’s International out of our show,” said Lt. Col. John English language instruction facility. “We
Area III Pubic Affairs Christian School Aug. 25, when they Keith of the Third Force Service Support teach about 200 students here,” said John
CAMP HUMPHREYS – The seven- visited the facility and put on a musical Group on Okinawa, Japan, “and we all Peterson, ICS principal for the last seven
piece Third Marine Expeditionary Force show. enjoy coming out and putting it on.” years. They range in age from
Band was a big hit with the students and “The kids always seem to get a kick The band was in Korea with a kindergarten to high school seniors, and
thousand other Marines from Okinawa they really enjoy a program like this.
during ULCHI Focus Lens. “We always “This is the second year the Marine
find time to get out and do ‘Good band has taken time to visit us,” Peterson
Neighbor’ visits in the surrounding continued, “and they’re welcome back
communities while we’re here,” said any time they’re in town.”
Keith. “It’s part of what we do.” A particularly favored moment in the
Despite being involved in an ongoing program for the children came when Cpl.
exercise while in Korea, the Marines take Phil Gartrell, a trumpet player from
their ‘Good Neighbor’ activities to heart. Lakeland, Fla., brought school instructor
They had already engaged in a dozen Nicole Fleming to the front of the room,
visits when they went to the school, and dropped to one knee and began singing
were planning another eight or nine “My Girl” to her with the full instrumental
before the end of UFL. and vocal back up of the rest of the band.
“We love going out to schools, The children rushed to the front for a
orphanages, elderly homes, community better view of their teacher’s red face as
centers and hospitals when we have the the music went on.
PHOTOS BY ROGER EDWARDS chance,” Keith said. “We have fun, our Fleming, a McAllen, Texas native who
Phil Gartrell emulates Tom Cruise during the Third Marine Expeditionary Force Band visit to audience has fun and it helps build a is engaged in her first year of teaching,
Pyongtaek’s International Christian School, singing “My Girl” to Nicole Fleming, an ICS really good image for Americans.” said she enjoyed the attention from the
teacher. ICS is an American-accredited, all kids and the band.

The Third Marine Expeditionary Force Band pose for a photo with ICS kindergarten through sixth-grade students during their visit. They then played a second show for the older students.
Sept. 9, 2005
24 The Morning Calm Weekly

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Sept. 9, 2005 Page 25

KSC conducts ‘Falcon’ decontamination training

By Pvt. Park Kwang-mo
Area IV Public Affairs
CAMP HENRY – Korean Service Corps members
serve in a wide array of specialties from driving buses to
mortuary affairs and beyond. Their range of responsibility
has increased a notch as they have added the additional
mission of providing decontamination support to United
States Forces Korea.
As part of their new mission, the KSC Battalion
headquartered at Camp Kim, adjacent to Yongsan Garrison
in Seoul, plans to activate eight new “Falcon
Decontamination Teams” in Areas II, III and IV.
The Falcon Team mission will be to deploy to
contaminated mission sites in order to provide fixed site,
terrain and special decontamination operations as directed
by area and base commanders.
To prepare for the new mission, 32nd KSC
Company cadre conducted the first formal training
for Falcon Team members Aug. 23 – Tuesday. Four
members of Camp Henry’s 32nd KSC Co., and two
members from Camp Carroll’s 37th KSC Co.
participated in the “mobile team training” class that
will allow them to pass their expertise on to other
Falcon Team members in Areas II, III and IV.
The highlight of the 56-hour training course was a
hands-on decontamination exercise at Camp Henry Aug.
Sok Sang-min, 32nd Korean Service Corps Company, monitors mock terrain decontamination operations at Camp
26 in which the students conducted mock terrain and
Henry Aug. 26. In the background is a Falcon III Decontamination System consisting of a heavy-duty pick up with
fixed site decontamination operations.
a spray gun mounted in the bed and 1,020-gallon tanker trailer.
“This is a great chance to look over what we have
learned and fully understand the decontamination Eighth U. S. Army with decontamination capability. areas (on the peninsula) to train (additional) Falcon Team
mission,” said Choe Chun-yong, decontamination Throughout the seven-day decontamination training the members,” said Lt. Col. Robert J. Paquin, Korean Service
operation specialist, who instructed the training. six Area IV participants developed and improved their Corps battalion commander. “These are the future
During armistice, the Korean Service Corps Battalion DECON operation skills and gained technical knowledge in instructors of the system.”
employs 2,185 full time workers. In a crisis, that number a variety of topics including identifying and neutralizing For the hands-on decontamination exercise, students
would swell dramatically as the battalion would expand chemicals and biological agents, decontamination skills and manned two Falcon III Decontamination Systems
from 15 to approximately 200 companies. One of those techniques, operator level preventive maintenance check consisting of a heavy-duty pick up with a spray gun
companies would be the yet to be fielded 3rd KSC and service, maintenance of decontamination equipment mounted in the bed and 1,020-gallon tanker trailer
Company consisting of qualified Falcon Decontamination and much more.
Team members who will join together to provide the “Once trainees are certified, they will go to the different See Decon
Decon, Page 28

Airmen load a pallet of equipment and
supplies onto an Air Force C-130 at K2 Air
Base in Daegu Sept. 2 following the
completion of exercise Ulchi Focus Lens
2005. About 2,500 servicemembers stayed
in Area IV Support Activity Life Support Areas
during the exercise that Kicked-off Aug. 22.
(See related story on Page 27.)

Sept. 9, 2005
26 Area IV The Morning Calm Weekly

Two National Guard generals

with strong Korea ties retire
Town Hall Meeting
A Town Hall Meeting for families will
be held 6:30 p.m. Monday at the Camp
Walker Chapel Activities Center.
Discussion topics include Life Support
Facilities’ Improvements, Information/ By Pfc. Elizabeth Jones “Korea is one of our strongest allies,”
Communication Strategies, and 109th MPAD said Blunt.
Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE). DAEGU – Many National Guard and “They are a truly warm, sharing
This is the forum to ask questions of
U.S. Army Reserve officers develop people and I’ve learned from them. They
Col. Hendrix, the Area IV Support
close relationships with the active are truly professional, and I’d fight along
Activity Commander, Area IV staff,
component units they train with side them anytime,” added Blunt, who
and various other community service
providers. For information, call Kevin annually in Korea. However, the officers is from the Alaska National Guard.
Jackson, 768-7604. rarely get a chance to get that close “We can tell jokes we each
with their Republic of Korea Army understand. We have crossed that
Area IV Support counterparts. barrier and can share humor with one
Activity Org. Day Maj. Gen. Charles L. Rosenfeld and another. Whoever can achieve that is
The Camp Henry Community Mail Brig. Gen. Richard M. Blunt from the better respected professionally,” said
Room will be closed today for the Area U.S. Army National Guard have been Rosenfeld.
IV Support Activity Organization Day. coming to Korea for more than 37 years, The close relationship between the
Other sections will also be closed or and through their jobs, have developed generals and SROKA was evident when
offering limited services. For close ties with the Second Republic of both generals decided to retire this year.
information, call Bud Rader at 768- Korea Army located in Daegu. In honor of their service and friendship, Brig. Gen. Richard M. Blunt
6922. Rosenfeld and Blunt, who were SROKA held a dinner Aug 27.
assigned as Deputy Combined Rear Area “For the last 37 years and 33 years “[I and my wife] will not forget you,’
Protestant Coordinators, worked directly with respectively, Maj. Gen. Rosenfeld and said Rosenfeld, following the inspection.
Sunday School Commander of SROKA, Gen. Gwon Brig. Gen. Blunt devoted themselves to “We will remember the Koreans fondly.”
The Camp Walker Chapel Protestant Young-ki, to ensure rapid protection and their mother country, the United States “The ROK and U.S. relations will
Sunday School will hold an ice cream advance supply to U.S. and coalition of America, world’s peace and freedom pursue peace and prosperity together in
social 11:30 a.m. Sunday at Kelley
forces in the event of a contingency. In by serving the army,” said Gwon, who the future,” said Gwon, who also
Field. Sunday School classes begin 9
other words, they worked for Gen. Leon spoke at the dinner. expressed his appreciation of
a.m. Sept. 18 at the Camp Walker
J. LaPorte, the commander of United “All of the numerous achievements Rosenfeld’s relationship with SROKA.
Chapel. For information call Cheri
Fochs at 010-8671-6061. States. Forces Korea, to get what he done by these two generals will promote “General Rosenfeld’s love and friendship
would need in time of crisis, said friendly relations between ROK and U.S. will remain in our hearts forever.”
Tobacco Rosenfeld, who is with the Oregon military even more while greatly Both Rosenfeld and Blunt said that
Cessation Class National Guard contributing to deterring war on the while their careers have ended, their
Area IV Health Promotions will “Though I have only known the generals Korean peninsula and the development of friendships with the Korean people will
conduct a Tobacco Cessation Class 3 a couple of months, I find them to be great ROK and U.S. combat power, Gwon said. last forever.
p.m. Wednesday at Army Community leaders that have a great working Further demonstrating their close “As this chapter closes and a new
Service on Camp Hialeah. For relationship with the Second Republic of ties, SROKA offered to conduct one begins, rest assured that neither you
information, call Area IV Health Korea Army commanders,” said Col. Rosenfeld’s retirement ceremony on the nor the many others I have been
Promotions at 764-5213 Gracus K. Dunn, commander, Combat parade field at the ROK Army base in privileged to serve will disappear from
Support Coordination Team #2, Daegu. Daegu Sept. 2. With SROKA and U.S. my memory or my prayers,” said Blunt
Army Family Team Both Rosenfeld and Blunt said it has forces arrayed across the field, at the farewell dinner.
Building Training been an honor to work closely with Rosenfeld conducted the final inspection Instead of goodbye, he closed with
Army Community Service is SROKA. of his long career. “Katchi kapsida,” let us go together.
sponsoring Army Family Team
Building Training 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Wednesday at Camp Hialeah ACS
Bldg. Reservations are required. For
information, call Jae Bowers at 763-

Recognition Day
The Hill 303 Memorial, VFW Post
10033 of Daegu will hold its annual
POW/MIA Recognition Day
Ceremony 6 p.m. Sept. 16 at the 19th
Hole in the Evergreen Community
Club. The public is invited to attend.
For information, contact Ken
Swierzewski at 768-8215.

NEO Preparedness
A Noncombatant Evacuation
Operations Preparedness Class will be
held 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Sept. 19 At
Army Community Service, Building
#1103, on Camp Henry. The class will
include a NEO briefing, information on
how to prepare a NEO kit, Sail Away/
Fly Away information and more. PFC. ELIZABETH JONES
Registration deadline is Sept. 16. For Gen. Gwon Young -ki, commander of SROKA, presents a medal to U.S. Army National Guard Maj. Gen. Charles L. Rosenfeld during Rosenfeld’s
information, call Kiya Reed at 768-7610. retirement ceremony Sept. 2 at the ROK Army installation in Daegu. Rosenfeld developed close ties with SROKA over 37 years of training here.
The Morning Calm Weekly Area IV Sept. 9, 2005 27
LSAs ‘home away from home’ during exercise
Area IV hosts close to 2,500 emergencies. Two weeks before servicemembers
arrive, McCall visits each camp to assure standards
servicemembers during are being met and that final details are in order. Lights
Ulchi Focus Lens ’05 are checked, buildings are swept and mopped, and
phone and computer lines are connected. Notices are
By Pfc. Elizabeth Jones sent to the PXs, commissaries, shoppettes, dining
109th MPAD facilities and hospitals to remind personnel about the
CAMP HENRY – It’s a big job taking care of influx of servicemembers, McCall said.
thousands of deployed soldiers, but somebody’s got to The hardest part of coordinating everything is
do it. The soldiers in charge of the Life Support Areas knowing how many people are going to show up for
in Area IV handled concerns from light outages and the exercise, according to McCall.
bunk changes to telephone and Internet access during Area IV hosted nearly 2,500 servicemembers
the Ulchi Focus Lens exercise Aug. 22 – Sept. 2. during this year’s exercise according to Sgt. 1st
All the luxuries of home are provided for visiting Area IV Support Activity Soldiers store Life Support Area equipment Class Eugene Sergi, Area IV Support Activity
troops, said James McCall, the LSA coordinator for and supplies following Ulchi Focus Lens 2005. Soldiers will break Directorate of Plans, Training, Security and
Area IV. the gear out and do it all again for the next exercise. Mobilization non-commissioned officer in charge,
Early each year, McCall requests a team of Soldiers McCall said he begins to set up contracts with and Camp Henry LSA mayor.
and civilians from throughout Area IV to help prepare cleaning crews for portable latrines and water 90 days McCall receives confirmation on how many
for the annual exercise. prior to the exercise. participants are expected just 30 days before the
The crew consists of about 30 members per base Throughout the organization of the event, McCall servicemembers are scheduled to arrive, therefore
who prepare each camp for the event. They set up works with personnel at Camp Henry, Camp Carroll, he has to estimate how many troops will attend the
tents, clean the barracks, perform maintenance, police- Camp Hialeah, Camp Walker, K-2 Air Base and the exercise, he said.
call the grounds, and then handle concerns and problems Second Republic of Korea Army installation in Daegu. McCall has learned that the process of coordinating
that occur throughout the exercise, said Sgt. Christopher Ten days before the exercise commences, the such an event is not always clear-cut. The number of
Isbelle, a member of the LSA staff at Camp Henry. Morale, Welfare, and Recreation tents are erected, and participants who actually show tend to be about one
Pfc. Kwon Young-ho, also a member of Camp McCall coordinates with Army and Air Force Exchange third of the number projected, McCall said.
Henry’s staff, is participating in his second UFL here. Service to provide movies, free 10-minute phone cards Overall, this year’s UFL participants seemed to
In preparation for last year’s exercise, he said American and other amenities for the troops, he said. appreciate the hard work the LSA crews put in.
Soldiers did all of the set up. This year, Korean Also, 10 days before troops arrive for the exercise, the “LSA workers answer inquiries about flight times
Augmentation to the United States Army Soldiers were LSA crew sets up cots in the tents, puts mattress covers and do a good job taking care of servicemembers’
involved in the set-up as well. Kwon says he likes on bunks in the Butler Buildings, takes care of small details questions and concerns,” said Spc. MarQuetta
being a part of the event. and waits for the troops to arrive, McCall said. Daniels, from the Alpha Detachment, 556th
However, a task this large requires outside help as McCall’s team handles personnel issues from billeting Personnel Services Battalion based in Schofield
well, so contracted personnel are brought in. to coordinating with the Red Cross in case of Barracks, Hawaii.

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Sept. 9, 2005
28 Area IV The Morning Calm Weekly

Decon from Page 25

featuring a compressor that feeds water bar with 6 nozzles at the rear of the tanker To simulate decontamination of the “The training was very meaningful
to the system’s dispersal apparatus. trailer. Two Falcon III Decontamination Area IV Support Activity Headquarters because it was the first formal training,”
The team kicked off the simulated Systems, one for each lane, perform the building, the team fired up the deck guns said Pae Won-po, 32nd KSC Co. “But, it
terrain decontamination by spraying down terrain decontamination. mounted in the beds of the Ford F-350 was also a good opportunity to learn our
Camp Henry roads with high-pressure The water is compressed to a 1 to pickups used to tow the tanker trailers. strengths and weaknesses.”
spray. The water, which appears foamy 25 ratio with air. “Compressed water After giving the building a once-over, team This first-time formal
because of the extremely high pressure, covers a wider range with less amount members deployed 100-foot hoses from decontamination training was a
is applied to the pavement through a spray of water,” Choe said. each rig to hit hard to reach areas. transition step for Korean Service Corps
Falcon Team members who will assist
USFK with decontamination missions
in the future. Those missions were
previously conducted by 23rd Chemical
Battalion, formerly headquartered at
Camp Carroll. The battalion has since
disbanded and dispersed with the ROK
Army taking over the decontamination
“I felt so proud of our job because
our mission is not only to decontaminate
the contaminated area but to help
Soldiers to successfully and safely
accomplish their mission,” said To
Young-ho from the 37th KSC Co.
The Korean Service Corps was activated
on July 26, 1950 under the Presidential
Emergency Decree of Syng-man Rhee,
president of the Republic of Korea in
response to an urgent request for
manpower by General Walton Walker,
commanding general of the Eighth United
States Army.
The Korean Service Corps is a
paramilitary labor force consisting of
mission essential Korean civilians who
support USFK during both armistice
and crisis operations.
Korean Service Corps Falcon Team members, spray the Area IV Support Activity headquarters building during mock fixed site decontamination operations.

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Sept. 9, 2005
30 Korean Language The Morning Calm Weekly

Learn Korean Easily

Language Instructor
Minsook Kwon

Word of the week

The phrase of the week
“Gasoline is expensive.”

Hwee-bahl-you be-sah-yo.
Gasoline is expensive

Conversation of the week

Ganhn-byun-eh due-rah-
ee-bue gahb-see-dah.



Hwee-bahl-you gahp

Gue-roem dah-uem-eh


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