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New organizational trends

Jorge Agileraa

Today, companies must generate proposals to update everything related to internal communication. Since its inception, the organizational communication has undergone relevant changes to corporate governance developments. It is therefore appropriate to consider such changes when considering the management proposal story relates to internal communication.

Classic organizational communication This reference is taken from the early studies of internal communication in organizations conducted by Elton Mayo to the 1960s. In this historical moment the company is a closed system where the communicator is the defender of the image of the visible heads of the organization.

For industry the organization currently focuses on the product and assumes a pyramidal structure hierarchically. Other authors of this trend are recognized representatives of written work on what became known as the 'Industrial Journalism?.

The intermediate stage of the 70 Towards the end of the 70 with admission to western quality models and the impact of Z of Ouchi's Theory with its proposals for participation and communication continuous improvement is more inclusive momentum on what was known in the West as Development Organizational.

Contemporary Organizational Communication

Since 1984 be declared the beginning of the era of information and communication concepts have changed. Authors of this trend as Goldhaber, Regouvy, Drucker, Van Riel, Costa, display a more comprehensive and strategic communication, focusing on objectives and a clear focus on the support of the productivity and competitiveness of the organization.

In this sense the Contemporary Organizational Communication School has influenced administrative and management by objectives (U.S.), Total Quality

Information age Modern communication, first came to business organizations and even now beginning to take the academy. Under this new approach, the first step you need the organization to enter the information age is to have a solid communications department that allows you to interact with your market, and be adept at processing the information obtained.

So, who manages an office of communications should be aware that under the new school this dependence must comply Basically three functions:

1. Get to know market information and produce products and services according to their needs. Two. Make permeable the organization so that the information flow inside and be exploited. Three. Controlling the flow of information emanating from the organization to which they impact the market positively towards the products and services offered.

Therefore, be aware of it or not, the communications office while supporting the change that is required for people to be more adept at processing information, is also lobbying to change organizational structures adopting new concepts.

Some of the characteristics of organizations that strengthen their communication today:

The organization is customer focused The communicator is the defender of the image of the company The organization assumes a spherical structure and behaves by management networks. There are information flows that vitalize the organization and maintain its dynamics. What are the tasks of a communications department?

Organizations in the information age undergo dramatic restructuring its organization. And it's especially communications area facing the most drastic change because of the need for the simultaneous interaction of five basic areas:

Press Public Relations Marketing Internal communication Systems

Internally the organization should enhance communication skills by way of added value. Today is demonstrated that in addition to knowledge, for an organization to be competitive should be solid teamwork and this requires interaction between members and their skills.

Finally should be clearly defined and implemented its rules ie its mission, values and principles that give strength to their organizational culture to build confidence in its consumer market.

Interdisciplinary work Communication, being a feature of the entire organization requires the department to perform interdisciplinary work communications, internally with human and systems management and externally with marketing and customer service.

In this sense, the communications department should be an advisory body internally to other units of the company that require judgment to perform their duties.


Beckhard, Richard (1969): Organizational Development. - Strategies and Models. Mexico: American Education Fund, 1973 Bennis, Warren G. (1969): Organizational Development. - Its nature, its origins and perspectives. American Education Fund, 1973. Coffey, Athos and Raynolds (1975): Behavior in Organizations. Prentice-Hall. Dessler, Gary (1979): Organization and Administracin.Prentice-Hall. Ferrer Perez, Luis (1976): Practical Guide to Organizational Development. Mexico: Threshings.

Fordyce, Jack K. and Weil, Raymond (1971): Methods for Executives Organizational Development. American Education Fund, 1976. Galbraith, Jay (1973): Planning Organizations. American Education Fund, 1977. Hampton, David R., Summer, Charles E. and Webber, Ross A. (1968): Organizational Behavior and the Practice of Management. Scott, Foresman and Co., 1978, 3rd. ed.

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