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Business Trends

Virgilio Villavicencio
Business Trends - Innovative Approach
Theories of Business Management have evolved to the extent that technology and production relations have become increasingly complex. Business and technology have merged into a single system and a strategy for everyone. To achieve effectiveness. The processes must be continuously evaluated and improved if it is to succeed and achieve the fulfillment of the goals and objectives in an organization. The competitiveness so strong that exists, coupled with the process of globalization has led to changes in management styles of the companies to survive long term. You also need to restructure the information provided by the cost accounting and management accounting, before the reengineering and retrofits that are experiencing the organizations to be competitive. Among the main triggers that have led to these changes in information systems to facilitate decision-making, are the following: Quality. - Is a philosophy of a work culture that human resource committed to continuous improvement, so that over time is achieved productivity and thereby to achieve a cost leadership that can compete.

Business Trends
Virgilio Villavicencio
Customer orientation. - Willingness to listen to the customer, so that you will offer products and services that fully satisfy. This new culture of behavior by forcing customers to be careful to remove all those processes or activities that confuse cost resources to the organization, but do not generate customer value. Weather. - Time is the most important variable for the decision taking process, for example, knowing when to buy and when to sell a stock are crucial decisions to succeed in the transaction. Organizations must design, produce, sell, deliver and collect, trying to minimize the time in order to increase liquidity, eliminate unnecessary storages, reducing overdue collection, circumstances not only hurt liquidity, but also the efficiency and causing financial costs when borrowing to fund investments that can be avoided or eliminate activities or processes to overal value.
PHILOSOPHY OF QUALITY Quality is "tailored to the needs and specifications" of the client. Quality is a strategic role in business because through it is possible to improve the competitive position and overall performance. We consider the requirements of the consumer and the quality of the products of the competitors in the design of products and services of superior quality, fully meet customer needs and exceed their expectations. To enable achievement of these goals, the strategic quality management includes concepts, techniques, methodologies and procedures with a clear focus on Total Control in the functions of the organization.

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