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issue no.

17 May/June 2013

Safi Airways
To launch new catering services

Art of Tourism in Afghanistan



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Chairman Message

Dear Valued Passenger,

Welcome on Board Safi Airways It is our...f


Safi Airways

SAFI Airways, the privately owned international

scheduled airline...


Position of Famale Singers

Despite development and expansion of music

after a decade in Afghanistan, the number of...


An overview of Afghanistans media

Since the collapse of Taliban regime at the end of

2001, the condition of media has changed ...a


Art of Tourism in Afghanistan

Even though problems and challenges obstruct the

way of tourism in Afghanistan, the Tourism...

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Safi Airways In-Flight Magazine

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Telephone No
+93 799 44 65 60
+971 50 74 28 27 3

In-flight Magazine


World Banks Aid in Afghanistan

Authorities in ministry of water and power say Kunar

Dam is going to be built with the cost of one...
Chief Editor:
Said Zahid Danial
Pro. Hazin, Naeem Mohamoor & Malik Mohamoor
Creative Director: iDesign Advertising Company
Graphic Disigners: Zia Sultani & Rohullah Kabir
Fardin Usmani
Graphic Assisstant: Said Rashed Sadat
Jawid Rostapor
iDesign Advertising Company

For Advertising Call Us On: +93 799 44 65 60

Chairman Message

Dear Valued Passenger,

Welcome on Board Safi Airways. It is our pleasure to serve
you and we hope you will enjoy a memorable flight with us.
Our multilingual staff is committed in making your journey
as comfortable as possible.
Safety and service excellence is our utmost priority and we
are improving every day. Our aircrafts are modern and we
operate out of Afghanistan with EASA (European Aviation
Safety Agency) requirements and ICAO (International Civil
Aviation Organization) regulation compliance. Fulfilling
our passengers expectations with regard to World Class
commercial aviation is our goal for the year 2013 and 2014.
I strongly believe Afghanistan and Safi Airways are on route
to great opportunities as we are positioned at the cross roads
of the Silk Route.
We have come a long way in a relatively short time. Safi
Airways was founded in the year 2006 and established itself
as Afghanistans privately owned international airline,
filling the market gap for a friendly, affordable airline that
does not compromise on safety, and in doing so bridging
Afghanistan to the rest of the world.
Today Safi Airways operates to a couple of destinations,
from our hub in Kabul. Plans are ongoing with hopes of
expanding to more destinations in the coming year. These
are volatile times for the global aviation industry with high
fuel prices, global economic slowdown and demand and
supply mismatch in our region, and in order to beat our
competition we will make fundamental changes to our
operating system, and compete with innovative ideas and
processes. We are proud of being an Afghan airline and have
won the confidence of the travelling public as their first
choice for air travel to and from Kabul.
I would like to thank you for flying Safi Airways and we hope
your experience is a good one and hope to see you on board
another Safi Airways flight soon.

Ghulam Hazrat Safi

Chairman of Safi Group
In-flight Magazine

Dear Readers,
We are happy to have you with us in issuing another copy of the ponderous magazine of Safi Airways.
We have tried to gain your satisfaction by selecting effective scientific, cultural, literary, social and other
informative topics regarding the air industry and the development and innovation of Safi Airways.
It is clear and eminent to all that our beloved country Afghanistan has been affected and harmed by the war
in the last few decades, and it needs a series of political and economical solutions in order to come out of this
burdensome sinkhole and rise above its war torn past, and embrace a brighter future.
This is and will be the deep-rooted wish of the noble nation of Afghanistan. Recently national and international struggles have started to find a solution for communal peace without fighting and military operation,
and now the aperture of hope has been opened for peace which is the opening of an official political office
of the opposition group of government. The Taliban office was officially opened in Doha-Qatar and this
can be the best opportunity to bring peace and stability to Afghanistan. In addition, on the same day there
was the last session for conveyance of military responsibilities to the Afghan Military Forces and it was
accomplished in the presence of President Karzai and the General Secretary of NATO, and the security of
Afghanistan was submitted to Afghans and in the present situation is optimistic with the potential to end the
long struggle and bring forth long awaited peace.
Also, the appointment of Hassan Rohani as the new President of Iran will be a good and suitable chance
for Afghanistan, and with political changes of the neighboring country about Afghanistans issues; better
tendency is acquired in bringing peace.
We are optimistic that these struggles will prompt a favorable outcome to bring peace and acceptance in
Afghanistan so that the noble nation can experience peace, tranquility, and social and economical welfare.
We in Safi Airways In-flight Magazine, with the hope of better tomorrow for Afghanistan, venerate these
struggles and wish for the success of all the outbreak groups making efforts for the betterment of Afghanistan, whether it be national forces or forces who struggle in the international level for Afghanistan and its
grieved people.
We believe that every kind of development will be provided to Afghanistan, but peace, friendship and brotherhood should become institutionalized.
With this hope I invite you to spend your free time on the flights of Safi Airways with the lucrative and valuable topics of this likeable magazine.
In every flight destination of Safi Airways, I wish you happy and comfortable flight. Share your notions and
suggestions with us by this E-mail address:
For more study of readable topics, you can take a copy of it with you and enjoy the readable and interesting
topics at a suitable time, most convenient to you.
Thank You
Said Zahid Danial
Chief Editor

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Name: Shakeela Ibrahim Khel

Job: TV Reporter
Work Experience: 7 years
Monthly Income: $1000

In-flight Magazine

On days when Kabul or other provinces witness suicide

attacks, the citizens of Kabul are rueful in mourning their
beloved ones. In the evening, citizens listen to the outcry
of mothers who have lost their loved ones in barbaric attacks of terrorists, from the lady who has felt the pain of
disorders and losing her beloved ones and who herself has
been amongst the victims of terrorism and the politicians
of Afghanistan.
Shakeela Ibrahim Khel is recognized through the Private
Tolo Television, a network that conveys the outcry of
mothers to the world and tells the story of orphans whose
destiny has darkened forever and have become the victims of inhumane terrorism.
When Shakeela was a child, she made the world of her
imagination colorful by wearing white livery and imagined becoming a doctor in the future, but circumstances
made her become a reporter and convey the unheard sound
of her countrymen to the world through media service and
she herself is one of the victims she gives voice to.
Shakeela Ibrahim Khel is a recognized name to citizens
from Kabul to inhabitants of remote villages and suburbs.
In addition to making reports of press conferences of
government authorities, political parties, social sections,
and human rights, most of her subjects include terror incidents of the notorious Taliban terrorists that highlight
the victimizing of countrymen, mourning of families, and
the outcry of suffering mothers, the graves of whose offspring are indiscernible.
One Day after the Incident:
Whenever the terror attacks of Taliban terrorists victimize
the people, Mrs. Ibrahim Khel interviews the survivors
and families of the victims, and makes a report the following day.
Shakeela says, One of the reasons that I make such reports is to convey information and besides that to express
my sympathy to grieved families of suicide victims, and
by telecasting such reports there have been people who
have supported these families financially.
Most of the suicide attack and roadside bomb victims are
the ones who are breadwinners of their families.
In spite of receiving countless threats, Shakeela makes
reports of the facts and the horrendous acts of terrorism.
She is one of the thousands of citizens of Afghanistan
who has lost one of her family members to terrorism. She
has always made reports of the problems and challenges
of the poorest people and has conveyed the outcry to all,
and she has never said that she is one of the victims whose
destiny has become subversive by the cruelty of war and
violence. This time in the series of special reports, the
reporter of Safi Magazine writes about Mrs. Ibrahim Khel
to hear her story and to understand how she has stepped
forward in times of struggle to reach the pedestal on
which she now stands. Mrs. Ibrahim Khel says that she
was a little kid when they moved in to Kabul and based
in Qassaba (borough). She completed the intermediate

and baccalaureate periods in Qassaba High School and

after the collapse of Taliban regime, she joined journalism faculty of Kabul University and at the same time she
started media activities with Payam Magazine. After that
she joined the reporting team of Tolo Television Network
and she has been working with this media for seven years.
Winner of Countless Acclamation Letters:
Mrs. Ibrahim Khel is one of the reporters that have obtained tens of acclamation letters and prizes from different
institutions because of her effective reports. The Ministry of Culture and Information, the Ministry of Womens
Affairs, the Ministry of Interior Relations, the Ministry
of Defense and many other government bureaus have
awarded Mrs. Ibrahim Khel with acclamation letters.
Mrs. Ibrahim Khel says even though she has come across
threats by telecasting some of her reports, she has never
feared because she knows what she does is her responsibility. For this reason, she will go forward with steady
steps because she is amongst the victims who have lost
the father of her three kids.
Mrs. Ibrahim Khel was asked if she had ever come to
terms with the matters that made her sad; she replied,
Yes; I had attended one of the press conferences in which
President Hamid Karzai was present; when it was time for
the reporters to ask questions, I was also amongst them to
ask President Karzai a question. When I raised my hand,
the President said, I know what question you have! I
felt that the president humiliated me; I dont know I just
felt it or my feeling was a mistake, but President Karzai
thinks that I am working for a country or the foreigners
and I ask my question by foreigners orders, and it hurt
me deeply by what he said. I started crying and that moment was one I havent forgotten yet, because I have been
free in my work and my country and countrymen have
always held me in high regard, and nothing has ever been
or ever will be holier to me than my country and the values of my countrymen.
I work for the freedom of speech instilled in reporting; I
work neither for a country nor for a person or group. I pay
pity for the mistaken understanding of President Karzai. I
hope that none of my citizens have such judgment neither
about me nor about my media colleagues and friends who
work for modern values and justice in spite of threats. I
have recognized the glory and position of medias work.
Mrs. Ibrahim Khel believes in the glory of medias work
she is proud to be a part of it. She mentioned that In
a joint press conference held by Ban Ki-moon, General
Secretary of the United Nations with Mr. Karzai in Kabul, I had a question from Mr. Ban Ki-moon, but Mr. Karzai announced the end of press conference and said, Ask
your question the next time, because Mr. Secretary has a
flight and he has to leave. Though I raised my hand as
the sign of objection and said I have a question and Mr.
Secretary has to answer the question because the people
want the reply of it.
In-flight Magazine


When Mr. Ban Ki-moon heard my voice, he came back

behind the media tribune and answered my question. At
that time I recognized the glory and position of medias
work and felt proud of my work. Mrs. Ibrahim Khel
knows the risks of a woman being a part of the media, but
she emphasizes not to withdraw. She believes if the media and reporters withdraw against the threats and risks,
without doubt we can say they have kept silent against injustice. Therefore, female reporters not only shouldnt be
frightened, but also should struggle with more optimism
and focus.
I come across with uncivil reactions:
Mrs. Ibrahim Khel expressed her dissatisfaction with
some of the policemen and authorities and said, Some
of the police authorities or officers think that the reporters are their rivals and they try to defame them. For this
reason the reaction of some police officers with the reporters is uncivil; and in fact the matter is not so, they are
strongly mistaken.
Inaccessibility to sources and breaking promises by the
government authorities are the other problems faced by
reporters. Shakeela Ibrahim Khel has realized the unwill16

In-flight Magazine

ingness of the government to rectify the situation and

states, Occasionally we have contacted the government
authorities to make a report and balance the reports, but
they didnt want to have an interview, and when the reports have been telecast, they have shown reaction saying
the reports have been unilateral.
I write my autobiography:
Mrs. Ibrahim Khel says, In addition to writing the book
of the experiences that I came across during my media
work, I plan to write my autobiography about the problems that I have faced.
Peace and stability are the unmet wish of every citizen:
I ask Mrs. Ibrahim Khel, what message she has for the
citizens of Afghanistan.
She pauses and says, The message that every citizen of
my country has; accepting each other and peace, for the
welfare of each citizen, for the mothers not to cry anymore, for the brother not to mourn his brothers loss, and
for the future of the young generation not to be affected
by ignorance and destruction. We should join hands and
participate in bringing peace and stability, and by doing
so securing justice.



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SAFI Airways, the privately owned international

scheduled airline of Afghanistan, has been in operation
for the last six years. Safi Airways was incorporated in
the year 2006 to fill the market gap for safe and reliable airline linking Afghanistan to the rest of the world.
The airline was founded by the Safi Group of companies, a diversified conglomerate based in Dubai,
UAE. Today, Safi Airways operates a full service commercial airline with a two cabin services, business
and economy class, from its hub in Kabul, catering
to the ethnic local Afghan and the international traveler with a modern fleet of Boeing and Airbus aircraft.
Safi Airways is committed in maintaining uncompromising international safety standards. It was the first Afghan
carrier to operate in compliance with European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) requirements and was the
first Afghan carrier to be in compliance with the strict
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and
IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) regulations.
The airline currently operates two flights a day from
Kabul to Dubai and daily flights from Kabul to New
Delhi on the international route network, and from Kabul to Herat on the domestic sector. Speaking to Medias, Captain Pierfranco Prato, CEO, Safi Airways
said: We have come a long way and it has been no
easy task in establishing a commercial airline from this
18 In-flight Magazine

part of the world. The aviation industry and the countrys

infrastructure are gradually being built and improving every day. We operate out of Kabul as our hub and have an
administrative office at the airport free zone in Dubai.
Safi Airways is patronized by the expatriate Afghan community, the western community working for a variety of
NGOs, local business community and blue color work
force who are residents in Afghanistan and the GCC.
He continued: We are working vigorously on route expansion. Jeddah and Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, Mashhad and
Najaf in Iran and Islamabad in Pakistan will be coming up
soon, we will also add more frequency to our Delhi sector.
Safi Airways also operates ACMI charters, Hajj and Umrah
flights, VIP and special flights, Mice movements, governmental, UN (United Nations) and diplomatic movements.
Last year the carrier operated Hajj charters and carried
over 10,000 pilgrims from Kabul to Jeddah and back and
we intend to do so this year as well. Our target sector is the
premium up market clientele in comparison to the low-cost
market segment. Being a full-service carrier and maintaining industry standards has benefited us through other airline
affiliations and code share tie-ups. Safi Airways is in the
process of investing in human resources and many departments are being restructured. We are bringing in expertise
and knowhow with the vision of building a dynamic operating system to compete in the region and beyond, he added.

IATA chief describes Safi

Airways ban as absurd
International Air Transport Association (IATA) director
general Tony Tyler described the EUs stance on banning
Afghan airline Safi Airways as absurd when discussing
safety at IATAs annual general meeting in Cape Town
this morning. Tyler said that Safi Airways now operating out of Dubai met all international safety standards
and was IOSA certified. They say the issue is oversight
and yet it is ok for European carriers to fly in. If it is not
safe, it is not safe for all airlines. I think it is time for the
European Union to think again. Tyler also criticized the
whole concept of the EU blacklist. There is no transparency and no international standard. The whole ban list is
not helpful for safety, Airlines dont know why they are
on the banned list and they dont know how to get off
it. That is simply wrong. IATA is working with African
airlines to help them achieve IOSA standards by 2015.
Meanwhile, in his opening address, Tyler said IATA had
upgraded its global outlook for the airline industry to a
$12.7 billion profit in 2013 on $711 billion in revenues.
This latest forecast is $2.1 billion better than the $10.6
billion profit projected in March of this year and an improvement on the $7.6 billion profit generated in 2012.
Margins remain weak, Tyler said. On revenues that are
expected to total $711 billion this year, the net profit
margin is expected to be 1.8%. Indicative of the characteristically razor thin profits of the airline industry, even
this small margin will make 2013 the third strongest year
for airlines since the events of 2001. In 2007 the industry earned 2.9% net profit margin ($14.7 billion) and in
2010 airlines generated a 3.3% net profit margin ($19.2
billion). This is a very tough business. The day-to-day
challenges of keeping revenues ahead of costs remain
monumental. Many airlines are struggling. On average
airlines will earn about $4 for every passenger carried less than the cost of a sandwich in most places, Tyler
said. Profitability is thin, but there is a solid performance

improvement story over the last seven to eight years.

More efficient use of assets is the main contributor. The
industry load factor is expected to average a record high
of 80.3% in 20136.0 percentage points above 2006
levels. Additionally, airlines have found new sources of
value that have increased the contribution of ancillary
revenues from 0.5% in 2007 to over 5% in 2013. Middle
East carriers are expected to show a profit of $1.5 billion, slightly improved from the previous projection of
$1.4 billion. Passenger demand is expected to continue
apace at 15.0%, well ahead of the anticipated 12.6% capacity expansion. The regions successful hubs continue
to connect long-haul traffic, with particular strength in facilitating connectivity to emerging economies in Asia and
Africa. Macro-economic factors have also contributed.
Oil prices are expected to average $108/barrel (Brent),
a little below the $111.8 average for 2012, in part due
to increasing supply from North America. Meanwhile,
the outlook for global economic growth has deteriorated
slightly since March as the recession in Europe proves to
be deeper than expected. The beneficial impact of lower fuel prices is expected to offset the adverse effect of
weaker economic growth, providing a moderate boost to
industry profitability. Generating even small profits with
oil prices at $108/barrel and a weak economic outlook
is a major achievement. Improved performance is whats
keeping airlines in the black. Airlines are putting more
people in seats. For the first time in history, the industry
load factor is expected to average above 80% for the year.
And with ancillary revenues topping 5%, it is clear
that airlines have found new ways to add value
to the travel experience and to shore-up the bottom line, said Tyler. A total of 3.13 billion passengers are expected in 2013the first time in history
that passenger numbers rise above the 3 billion mark.
In-flight Magazine


The position
of Female Singers in
Music after a Decade
in Afghanistan
Despite development and expansion of music after a decade in Afghanistan, the number of female artists is still
few because war and insecurity continues to affect the
psyche and spirit of the recovering society of Afghanistan.
It is a combination of factors, whether it be social conservative views on female musicians and artists, or a general lack
of awareness on the field that discourages aspiring women
from entering it. However, despite the many challenges
having to be confronted there are women who have taken
effective steps towards the art of music and singing and
have shown tremendous bravery and by doing so opening
the Afghan culture to a new dimension of modern music.
According to Waheed Qasimee, singer and researcher of
music, when asked about female singers of Afghanistan, he
has the following to say. I recall Masooda Jalal d/o Saeed
Jalal broadcasting manager of Kabul radio.
She was the first female singer who performed her first
song through Kabul radio in the year 1941 with the poem
Ze Dast-e-Azizan Watan Megzaram by Waqif Lahori
which means I abandon the country because of my dears.
Lady Masooda, so-called Ferishta broadcasted two songs
through the radio to citizens of Kabul. After that the number
of lady singers increased in Afghanistan. Ustad Mahwash,
Zheela, Salma Jahani, Miss Hangama, Miss Parastoo-singing torch of Afghan music, Seema Tarana, and Zhenoos are
20 In-flight Magazine

renowned and well-known singers amongst lady singers of

Afghanistan whose songs have been memorable for audiences and then viewers of Afghan Television. In the years
when Afghanistan was in the midst of war, these singers
immigrated to different countries and only their voices on
tapes and videos created memories for displaced people of
We can call the subsequent decade a golden period because
in the past years even though the people and government
of Afghanistan were trying to heal the wounds that were
consequent to the war, serious and outstanding actions
were taken in different sections, which cant be ignored.
Support of the Afghan government for freedom of expression and media activity, which music is a part of, not only
provided the tendency for the men and youngsters who
were interested in music but also for the female singers to
pursue their dreams in music. It goes without saying, the
paramount impact of music to its nations culture. Its role
is so significant and valuable in identifying and offering
opulence to the culture of its country.
Female singers in Afghanistan after a passing decade have
had effective and key roles in the introduction of this musical movement. In their songs we not only find love anthems
but also anthems about the country and outcry for justice.
As Farhad Darya, the renowned singer of Afghanistan

says, Afghanistans music did feel the absence of ladies

and their sound in the past decade although the number of
ladies in this section isnt salient, their achievements have
been salient.
From the third generation of Afghan singing women we
can mention Miss Ghezal, Seeta Qasimy, Ariana Saeed
and Miss Muzhda as hardworking and proposed singers.
Despite the traditional society of Afghanistan, these ladies
have been able to get some achievements in this field and
introduce new female vocals and music after the war. Right
now a number of young girls are busy learning music and
playing instruments; their presence has reached Washington, the renowned capital of the United States of America
and shows no intent of slowing down. After the collapse of
the Taliban and upheaval in political situation of Afghanistan, people felt to have female singers such as Masooda
and Miss Parween, but a number of female singers who
are famous as agora singers, have demoralized Afghanistans music by performing at wedding parties in Pakistan,
and this problem has caused some people to have negative point of view against music condition in Afghanistan.
Furthermore, we can point out two problems that have obstructed female music; the first one is effects of terror on
the spirit and soul of female singers from the period of the
ossified Taliban regime which was an obstruction for female singers, and the second one is the conventional soci-

ety and traditional beliefs that have resulted in pessimistic

conditions for singing ladies.
The government of Afghanistan has always declared its
support for freedom of expression and artistic activities especially of ladies in singing and cinema, and this support
has caused female artists to come forward bravely.
Lack of necessary facilities is another challenge that female
singers face and for this reason they record their songs out
of Afghanistan. Programs that are for the purpose of improving music and include ladies are held by the different
media and we can say holding these programs has put an
end to the common traditions and has brought ladies to the
singing spotlight. In the Afghan Star program, which is
held by Tolo TV every year; more than ten ladies have participated in it and are known as singers.
Some of them have recorded nice and melodious songs and
this initiative is estimable. Despite all of these, it seems
that Afghanistans music especially music of female artists needs corporeal and supersensible support so that it is
improved and more artists are witnessed in Afghanistan.
Without question music has the power to heal, and it is
obvious that this is exactly what this country needs. This
movement has the power to change the face of the nation,
having the potential to prompt a paradigm shift, giving Afghan culture a more modern, liberal mindset, helping to
free the nation from its past shackles.
In-flight Magazine


which is a city
worn-out by three decades
of war, is now healing. Although the City aims to put the
war behind it and leave the past
in the past, the memory of war is
still fresh in the minds of its people.
The citizens of Afghanistan struggle to
come to terms with the sleepless nights, loss
of loved ones, fear to walk on the streets and every
other detrimental effect of war from their lives. Though
the scars remain deep, the Afghan people welcome peace
and desire above all, the betterment of their homeland.
Recently a number of young Kabul residents filled the
sky with colours by releasing ten thousand pink balloons,
aiming to spread peace and tranquility. Although on one
side of the city, youngsters were busy spreading peace,
on the other side of Kabul Taliban terrorists entered a
non-governmental building and terrorized its residents,
aiming to strike fear into the hearts of Afghans, but the
determination of the Afghan people both in the capital and in different provinces seem determined to bring
peace. The directors carried out this program from Timor
Shahi Park and distributed pink balloons among Kabul
residents in every street and all participated in releasing
the balloons in the azure sky of Kabul in order to convey
the message of peace throughout the city. Along with the
government, the youngsters of Afghanistan, both men
and women have tried to convey the message of peace
to others by organizing different programs and these acts
22 In-flight Magazine

illustrate that the people of Afghanistan are tired of war

and fighting and are looking forward to bringing durable
and sustainable peace. During the past 11 years, the government has made numerous efforts to propagate peace,
however it will take more to instill the message in people,
and this comes down to the people of Afghanistan willing
to fight for peace and ensure its survival. The organizers
of the Kabul balloon operation say they meant to convey
the message of peace to the people by any means so that
the civilians of Afghanistan feel responsible for bringing
peace, and thereby struggle to bring peace to the country.
Bilal Ahmadi, one of the participants of the program
told Safi Magazine, I still havent forgotten the bad
memories of war and vagrancy, and now it is the time
to struggle for bringing peace and everybody whether in
the capital Kabul or in the remote parts of Afghanistan
has the responsibility to struggle to bring peace and stability in the country Afghanistan. Today by organizing
this program we want to convey the message of peace
to the people of Afghanistan and they also have the responsibility to convey the message to every resident in
Afghanistan. Peace what for? It is obvious that peace
is a necessity for Afghan civilians and we must all come
together and struggle to bring peace. This program of
colorful balloons was organized two and half years ago
by Yazmani Arbolda, a citizen of Columbia who had
come from America to Kabul. In addition to Afghanistan,
this program was organized in countries such as India,
Kenya and Japan. In Kabul the youngsters most of whom
were the civil society activists, after weeks of preparation
got together in Timor Shahi Park and started the distribu-

tion of ten thousand balloons to the civilians of Kabul.

Nasima Rezayee, one of the participants of this program
said, We believe in balloons and these balloons are sent
to sky in order to bring a change in peoples mindsets
and covey the message of peace. This is a symbolic act,
but its message is powerful and I know the civilians of
Afghanistan feel peace as value and necessity. As the
organizers of this program say $16000 was consumed for
this program; on the other hand, it was something new for
other people. It was surprising for some people when they
saw the youngsters having pink balloons with them because it was an initiative. In the past years, some Afghan
artists in the capital and provinces of Afghanistan propagated the message of peace to civilians of Afghanistan.
Amongst them we can mention the live concert of the renowned Afghan singer Farhad Darya, who organized it in

0799 44 65 60

somewhat insecure province Helmand. Nargis Azaryoon,

one of the organizers of this program mentioned that they
struggle to preach equality all over Afghanistan and this
program is a starting to create a social stigma, whereby
affecting the mindset of civilians, resulting in an optimistic outlook on the future. The media showed interest in
reporting this program and hours later the event of releasing was telecast both internationally and nationwide.
To the common reader, releasing balloons into the sky
may not make for an extra ordinary read, but what is extra
ordinary isnt the physical aspect of releasing the balloons,
but the ideology behind it. Battling through adversity, the
Afghan people continue to be unrelenting in their struggle
for peace, and it is through gestures such as this event that
the youth propagate the message of peace in Afghanistan.

In-flight Magazine


+93 0 799 446 560


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In-flight Magazine 27



An overview
of Afghanistans
media activity in the
past decade

Since the collapse of the Taliban regime at the end of

2001, the condition of media has changed a lot in the
country. Although media activity was something new in
the past decade, the media has had noticeable development and improvement in the past years as have other
fields. Based on an estimation presented by Nai, which
is a supporting organization of Afghanistans media, 166
local radios, 68 televisions, 663 newspaper and weekly
papers, and more than 500 magazines have received
broadcasting and activity permits from the Information
Ministry of Afghanistan.
The keenness of Afghanistans residents in bringing
changes and cooperation of the international community, have been accounted to two basic motives. One of
the positive changes is the quick development of media
because of which the availability of internet facilities in
the cities has been facilitated, and development in mobile phones for the first time in the country has provided
the facility to connect the cities to the suburbs and out
of country. The freedom of media has been guaranteed
in Afghanistans constitution and residents of the country have the right to reach the information and actions
of government and responsible bodies of government in
accordance with this law.
In the past 11 years reporters and media managers of Af28 In-flight Magazine

ghanistan have gained a lot of experience through vocational training, practical work, exchange of experience
with foreign media and work with foreign media. We
can say that the media in the country has done noticeable
work in the area level. Competition between government
and private media caused presenting public likeable programs. Private media in comparison with the government
media has better realization of public demand.
The activity of the foreign media in Afghanistan and the
fact that the government cant restrict their activity mean
that the government wouldnt dare to restrict local media
freedom because the government knows that if it doesnt
want the information to reach to the public, it surely
reaches to them through foreign media. The media has
also had achievements in upgrading the quality of programs. Moreover, the media has been able to arrange hard
talks about the problems that the country faces. Non-government media has tried to discuss the problems that the
country faces by arranging roundtable debates. In such
programs, the performances of government policies, policies of interfering countries in Afghanistan, and policies
and aid supply of United Nations and the international
community are criticized.
Some of the private media broadcast the notions of Taliban even though the government has wanted them not to

provide a media facility to terrorists. Now the residents of Afghanistan are availed with TV and radio
international news in most parts
of the country. A number of western countries have installed radio
boosters in Afghanistan and telecast television programs through
the televisions channels which are
available. Recently BBC Persian
channel through TV 1 telecast
programs for two hours in Kabul
and other provinces.
The residents of the country have
had achievements in translating
foreign movies in official languages of Persian and Pashto. Some
of the Turkish and Indian television serials dubbed in Persian and
Pashto languages have plenty of
viewers among the residents, especially the families. During the
first few years the relationship
between the government and the
media was very friendly and the
local and foreign media supported
governments policies, though the
situation became quite the opposite in the last few years, especially after the second term of
presidential elections differed and criticisms from the actions
of government and responsible bodies of the government increased more in the media.
The government has prevented the work of media and reporters in the center to some extent; nevertheless, reporters in
provinces sometimes come across challenges, such as being
unable to reach government resources, teasing and disturbing
by responsible bodies of government, and even threatened or
murdered by Taliban terrorists and other government armed
Nai in its annual report of 1391 proclaimed 69 cases of cruelty against reporters and some these cruelties have been committed by responsible bodies of the government, nonetheless,
Sediqe Sediqee, Speaker of the Ministry of Interior Affairs
says that before the situation is taken under control in the cases
of suicide attacks, due to the safety of reporters they are prevented because in such cases it more likely that the terrorists
continue their attack and this may cause casualties of reporters. For this reason, the police are responsible for securing the
lives of reporters.
One of the other positive changes is the capability of some
media in performing their activities. Tolo Television, which
is a private network, is the most successful network throughout Afghanistan. Moby is consisted of a media group and includes two television networks, two local radios and a produc-

tion network named Kaboora and also a song and

video clip production networks named Barbud. This
media group has had outstanding achievements in
provision of media and art work, such as making Afghan serials and songs. ATN Ariana Television Network which belongs to Afghan Wireless Company
and Bayat Foundation stands in second position.
This network has local telecasting in more than 18
provinces in the country. The Afghan Annual Music Celebration is carried out through this network
by the partaking of hundreds of Afghan artists from
all over the world. This program is counted as one
of the best programs with achievements in the field
of Afghan music. Most of the televisions and radios
obtain their expenditure by telecasting and broadcasting commercials.
Besides video and audio media, written media has
also secured a good position. It has been able to
have its special addresser in the field of reporting.
The classifying of written media is different from
video and audio media in the center and provinces.
For this reason, the addressers in addition to listening to news and reports through televisions and radios, present research reports, special interviews, and
economic reports, along with special pages of tradition which are the axial matters in written media.
The production networks in Afghanistan besides
other media have done outstanding work in making
commercials and most of the businessmen record
their commercials in these networks.
iDesign, which is a production company, besides
working in Kabul and Herat has its branch in Dubai
and in addition to making local commercials it
makes foreign commercials, documentary films and
song clips with interesting scenes and high quality.
Most of the written media work is carried out in Kabul and high level provinces, such as Herat, Balkh,
Nengarhar and Kandahar, but also in most of other
provinces as far as 5-11 media such as the newspaper, weekly paper, monthly paper, calendars, etc.
Most of them include research reports and hobby
The financial and economical problems are counted
the biggest challenges for the non-governmental media in Afghanistan. It is worth mentioning that based
on the estimation proclaimed by media and reporting agencies, 90% of working bodies for the nongovernmental media and reporting agencies consists
of youth between the ages of 20-35 and among them
60% have higher education in the field of reporting
and the rest have joined short term courses or have
gained experience by working in reporting field
through the years.

In-flight Magazine 29

The Art of Tourism and Its Future

Perspective in Afghanistan
Even though problems and challenges obstruct the
way of tourism in Afghanistan, the Tourism Department
of Culture and Information Ministry say in recent years
the art of tourism has improved to some extent and by
focusing the present situation, the improvement of this
art has been satisfactory. Ghulam Nabi Farahi adjuvant of
the Ministry of Culture and Information, in an interview
with the reporter of Safi magazine said that in the recent
years, tens of local and foreign tourists have visited the
provinces that have eye-catching sights for the tourists
and this art is spreading and improving more annually.
Provinces such as Bamyan, Herat, Parwan, Panjshir and
Badakhsahan are the provinces that have elevated areas
and natural visible sights and this position has caused
not only local tourists but also tens of foreign tourists to
travel to these provinces and furbish tourism. Although
the art of tourism is taking steps in the right direction,
struggles have been felt to improve tourism in Afghanistan in the recent years. Afghanistan is named the cradle
of ancient civilization possessing 5000 years of history.
Most historic monuments belong to the period of Zoroastrians, Greek civilization and Alexander the great. The
great fortress of Balkh in Balkh province, throne of Rustam (Takht-e- Rustam) in Samangan province, hubbub
city (Shahr-e- Gholghola) in Bamyan province, the collection of Musalah (place for prayer outside the town) of
30 In-flight Magazine

Timoryan period, the fortress of Ekhtyaruddin, the great

mosque of Herat in Herat Province and Jam minaret in
Ghor province are all monuments that are the remnants of
different archeological periods. Provinces such as Herat,
Balkh, Ghor, Bamyan, Kandahar and Badakhshan have
the most tourist attraction in them and therefore have become the focusing point for tourists.
The sky-scraping mountains of Salang are situated north
of Parwan province. This area is situated 80km from Kabul and it is the most ancient means of tourism in Afghanistan and is still regarded as the most important point
for improvement of tourism in Afghanistan. Ameers
dam (Band-e-Ameer) and Shah Folaady Mountain have
worldwide fame and tens of local and foreign tourists
visit these places.
Bamyan is enumerated one of the archeological provinces with long history in Afghanistan and the statues of
Buddha with 5000 years of history augments to the grandeur of this province. Beautiful landscape and elevated
mountains are the other specialties that attract worldwide
tourists to this province. Pameer Mountains which are
situated in the north-eastern part of Badakhshan province
and have boundaries with three neighboring countries
such as China, Pakistan and Tajikistan, are enumerated
the most eye-catching tourist attractions in Afghanistan.
Pameer is famous as the roof of the world and the highest

peak named Nowshakh is located in this area and tens of

foreign tourists visit this place yearly in order to conquer
Nowshakh Peak. Sayed Zamanuddin Baha, manager of
the tourism bureau of Afghanistan says that the government of Afghanistan has some schemes in order to improve the art of tourism and by putting these schemes in
action; there will be more chances for foreign tourists to
Adab Shah Gohari, manager of a private tourism company is in Pameer- Badakhshan, in an interview with Safi
Magazine stated that in the year 2012, one hundred and
ten foreign tourists travelled to Pameer Mountains to visit
Nowshakh Peak and everyone spent 11 to 27 days in this
region. He also emphasized that the ministry of culture
and information has started reconstructing ancient fortresses and historic buildings, along with the protection
of archeological areas, and it also has some schemes for
formation of hotels and other necessary facilities to improve tourism in Afghanistan.
The government has formed more than 80 hotels and guest
houses with the support of the private sector throughout
Afghanistan and only last year more than 10,000 tourists travelled to these places. The responsible members
of the tourism department claim that Tora Bora Mountain
which was once the stronghold of Al-Qaida leader Bin-eLaden during Taliban regime, will be changed to a very
important location for tourists in the future. The caves
located in Tora Bora area are unknown and adventurous
places for adventurous tourists.
Now the Ministry of Culture and Information plans to reconstruct the archeological areas and monuments within
the next seven years, and are developing a national park
in Tora Bora, titling Tourists, Messengers of Peace, Preferment of Culture and Civilization and by this means,
developing tourism.
Organizing trade exhibitions and spreading tourism in

Kabul are also other schemes and activities of the government of Afghanistan in developing and spreading
tourism. Economists believe that if tourism is developing in Afghanistan and investment is done in this sector,
there will be more work opportunities for thousands of
Afghan civilians and the income of government will also
increase. According to local reports, 400 tourist companies and 100 guest houses have been registered. The
responsible members of tourist services in the Ministry
of Culture and Information say that most of the tourists
who visit Afghanistan are the citizens of Tajikistan, Iran,
China, and Japan.
Sayed Zamanuddin Baha claims that the government
obtained more than 40 million Afghanis from the tourists tax and it shows the daily increase of income from
tourism. By any means if peace is secured in the country
and chances of investment are provided for local and foreign businessmen, tourism is considered one of the most
income generating sources for both the government and
local and foreign investors because the attractive sights
and places in Afghanistan will attract thousands of tourists from different countries of the world.
The chairman of the Ministry of Culture and Information
hopes that if security and resilient peace are provided,
Afghanistan will be the host of not only local but also
thousands of foreign tourists in the near future. At present however, there seems to be lack of possibilities and
infrastructure available to the local and foreign tourists
who want to visit these tourist attractions.
Besides that security problems in the remote areas of
Afghanistan obstruct the improvement of said infrastructure. Anyhow it is said that 400 tourism companies have
received the permit of activity from the Ministry of Culture and Information and work in different provinces of
Afghanistan and carry tens of foreign tourists to tourist
destinations nation wide.

In-flight Magazine



Safi Airways, a privately-owned international
airline, is all poised to introduce new business and
economy class catering services during the current
month, an official said on Thursday. Safi airways
launched operations in 2006 to fill the market gap for
a reliable service airline in linking Afghanistan with
the rest of the world by the Safi Group of companies,
a conglomerate based in Dubai.
The airline was in the process of strengthening all departments with expertise, knowhow and technology,
Naeem Mahamoor, marketing manager, told. The
airline will introduce its new catering service in business and economy classes from the middle of June.
32 In-flight Magazine

Business class passengers will be welcomed with

our very own Safi Airways signature drink, he said.
He added the passengers would enjoy a selection of
carefully prepared canaps with refreshing beverages and tempting appetizers, local and international
main courses and a choice of delectable desserts.
Economy class passengers would be offered the best
of local and international cuisines, he promised, calling Safi Airwaves the only full service carrier operating to and from Kabul. We firmly believe in quality and excellence for Safi Airways valued clients.
The majority of our clientele are western expatriates
and affluent locals, the marketing manager insisted.

Their flight attendants are doing all they could to attain excellence in various disciplines of catering
and presentation, with an emphasis on how to exceed guest expectations and pay attention to the
smallest service details. This is what will set Safi Airways apart from its competitors in the region
and stay on top as a leader in the full service category.
We are honored as President Hamid Karzai also flies with us on our domestic and international route
network, Mahamoor continued. He reiterated the airline -- the first Afghan carrier meeting European Aviation Safety Agency requirements - remained committed to maintaining uncompromising
international safety standards. We are the first Afghan carrier certified as complying with International Civil Aviation Organization and IATA Operational Safety Audit regulations.
We operate a modern fleet of Boeing and Airbus aircraft, he maintained. The airline currently operates two flights a day from Kabul to Dubai and daily flights to New Delhi on the international route
network and from Kabul to Herat. With its commercial team trying to obtain government approval,
the airline will have a couple of more destinations added to its route network by the end of the year.

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Eighty years ago from today, in the year 1933, during the
government of Nadir Shah, the building of Kabul University was established in Dehboori, the second district
of Kabul City and only a medical faculty was included.
However by passing the years, a number of other faculties were established within this university and today it
has eighteen faculties and each one has separate departments. The Kabul medical faculty which was the first one
at Kabul University, some years ago became independent
and now works by the name of the Medical Faculty of
Kabul. This faculty was developed by Turkish teachers at
that time and according to head of publication of Kabul
University, it only had eight students in its first year of
Kabul University passed a long and intricate route in the
last eighty years. In the first years of Kabul Universitys
activities, students who graduated from schools didnt
have to pass the conquer exam to be admitted to the university; only having high marks of the last three years
were needed and the students that obtained high marks
from ninth up to twelfth class were given the priority to
be admitted to the university, but then taking and passing
the conquer exam became imminent. A large number of
those who participated in the conquer exam were admitted to the university because the number of participants
wasnt so large that the university wouldnt have the
capacity to accept them. Mohammad Azim Hasanzada,
36 In-flight Magazine

head of publication at Kabul University says that Kabul

University was made based on an agreement between the
ex- government of Afghanistan and Turkey, and funded
by the Turkish government for some time.
It is worth mentioning that for some time there were
separate classes for boys and girls at the university. For
the students of literature, natural sciences, and even
medical studies, separate faculties were constructed. At
the occasion of celebrating eighty years of Kabul University, President Hamid Karzai said, Paying attention
to education and learning means improving society, for
this reason the government of Afghanistan pays special
and more attention to education than other sections. It
is said that the level of education at Kabul University;
especially engineering and literature faculties, is equal to
the curriculum standards of big universities of the world
such as American universities. This university has close
academic relations with credible scientific centers of the
world such as, India, Slovakia, Germany, Nebraska, Russia, China, France, and Bulgaria. The buildings of agriculture, engineering, Sharahyat (Religious Laws), education, law and political sciences, literature, economics
and pharmacy faculties are the first buildings that were
constructed in area of Kabul University in the year 1942.
Nowadays Kabul University graduates nearly 3000 students at bachelor and above levels annually.
Even though the university faces challenges in the lack

of text material, professional teachers, building for more

demand and the lack of a hostel, according to authorities
in the Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan, the
education system at Kabul University parallel to international standards.
Currently there are 18 active faculties at Kabul University and more than 20,000 students are busy studying at this
scientific center, where amongst them 40% are girls. 800
teachers are busy teaching at different sections a number
of whom are ladies. 50% of Kabul University teachers
have bachelors degrees and are included in staffing positions based on academic standards. Amongst the teachers,
100 of them have PhD degrees from different universities
around the world. Based on an estimation presented by
instructor Abdul Azeem Noorbakhsh; 8,000 students are
admitted to this university and more than 3,000 students
are graduated yearly. Right now the masters section of
Dari and Pashto literature is active at the university and a
PhD section will be activated soon.
Before the years of war, Kabul University had a prosperous period and the teachers of university call that period
the golden period, and entitle Kabul University one the
most reliable academic institutions in the region, and also
the world. At that time, most of the European, American
and Asian countries implemented bilateral and multilateral plans for the exchange of teachers, students and text
materials with Kabul University. Afghan and foreign students were traveling to each others countries for research
projects. It is said that Kabul University is one of the most
renowned universities in world, so much so that students
from countries such as Palestine, Iran, Pakistan and India

come to Afghanistan for continuation of education and

continue their education at Kabul University. In fortieth
decade and after, Kabul University was one of the two big
universities in Kabul. The second university was developed in Nengarhar and different fields of learning in Dari.
Pashto and English are taught at that university.
During the years when Afghanistan was involved in civil
war, students movements had lots of activities at Kabul
University and this institution was the center of political and social activities and the students had an important
role in changing governments. Some of the teachers and
students abandoned the university due to upheaval of the
last forty years from the time of the Communist regime,
through to Mujahedeens victory and the Talibans empowerment; and because of many reasons, went to foreign countries or didnt return to university.
The destruction of the universitys buildings harmed the
prosperous period of the university. After empowerment
of the present government, the university flourished again
and endeavors to heal the wounds and scars that were
caused by the relentless fighting that took place. At present, more than 40 students from foreign countries such as
Turkey and Germany have been admitted to Kabul University.
It is worth mentioning that from the year 2001, by starting an interim government and cooperation of the international community, up to now Kabul University has had
a lot of improvements and it hopes to gain more achievements in higher education for the young generation of
Afghanistan in the future.
In-flight Magazine 37


38 In-flight Magazine



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Embassy of Canada
House #256, Street 15,
Wazeer Akbar Khan
P.O.Box 2052
Tel: 0799 742 800
Embassy of Italy
Great Masoud Road
Tel: 0202 103 144
Embassy of China
Shah Mahmood Ghazi Watt
Tel: 0202 102 545
Fax: 0202 102 728
Ambassador: Zheng Qinqdian

Embassy of The United Arab Emirates
Shah Mahmud Ghazi Watt
Tel: 0202 101 389

Safi Landmark Hotel & Suites

Charahi Ansari
Tel: 0202 203 131

Embassy of Iran
Peace Avenue, Charrahi Sirpur
Tel: 0202 101 391
Fax: 0202 101 396

Kabul Star Hotel

Zabbaq Square Ankara Street.
Tel: 0797 601 111

Embassy of the United Kingdom

Off Street 15, Roundabout,
Wazeer Akbar Khan
P.O.Box 334
Tel: 0700 102 273
Fax: 0093 70 010 2250

Embassy of the Netherlands

House #2&3, Street 4, Ghiassudeen Watt
Shahr-e Naw
Tel: 0700 286 641

Embassy of the United States of America

Great Masoud Road
Tel: 0700 108 001

Embassy of Tajikistan
Tel: 0202 300 392


Embassy of India
Malalai Watt, Shahr-e Naw
Tel: 020 220 0185
Fax: 0093 202 203 818

AIB main office, opposite of camp Eggers


Embassy of Pakistan
House #10, Najat Watt Road,
Opposite (WHO office)
Wazeer Akbar Khan
Tel: 0202 300 911
Embassy of Spain
Right Lane 3, Shirpur
Tel: 0202 203 787

40 In-flight Magazine

Kabul City Center, Shahr-e Naw (AIB)

AIB Shahr-e Naw Branch, next to Chelsea

Supermarket (AIB)
HQ ISAF, Outside Cianos Pizzeria, US
Embassy Street (AIB)
KAIA Military Airbase, Outside Cianos Pizzeria, Airport (AIB)
Finest Supermarket, Wazeer Akbar Khan
World Bank Guard Hut, Street 15, Wazeer
Akbar Khan (Standard Chartered)
Stnadard Chartered Branch, Street 10, Wazeer Akbar Khan (Standard Chartered)

North Gate
Tel:0795 988 830
National Aviation Road PD9, Kabul,
Tel:0790 845 973
The Intercontinental Hotel
Baghe Bala Road
Tel:0202 201 321
Kabul Serena Hotel
Froshgah Street
Tel: 0799 654 000
The International Club
Haji Yaqoob Square, Street 3, Shahr-e Naw
Tel: 0774 763 358
Golden Star Hotel
Haji Yaqoob Square, Shahre-e Naw
Tel:0799 333 088, 0799 557 281
Roshan Hotel
Charaye Turabaz Khan, Shahr-e naw
Tel: 0799 335 424
Diana Inn Hotel & Restaurant
Street 15 Left on Lane 3, Wazeer Akbar Khan

Charahi Ansari, Shahre naw
Tel: 020 444 4444

Street 10, Left Lane 1, House #255

Tel: 077 730 0090

Japanese Restaurant
Fine Japanese Cuisine
Tel:0795 857 127

Red Hot Sizzlin Steakhouse

District 16, Macroyan 1, Nader Hill Area,
0799 733 468

+93 799 200 600

Le Pelican Cafe du Kabul

Darulaman Road, opposite to Russian

Street 1 Qalae Fatullah Main Rd
Tel: 0774 212 256, 00700 210 651
Herat Restaurant
Shahr-e Naw main Rd, Diogonally oposite of
Cinema Park
Khosha Restaurant
Above the Golden Star Hotel
Tel: 0799 888 999
Marcopolo INN
3rd Taimani Street
Kabul Afghanistan
Tel: 0775 549 700
UAE: +1 510 759 0250
Le Dizan
(formerly LAtmosphere)
Street 4, Taimani
Tel: 078 224 982, 0798 413 872
Flower Street Cafe
Street 2, Qala-e Fatullah
Tel: 0700 293 124, 0799 356 319
Habibis Steakhouse
Street 15, Right Lane 2,
Wazeer Akbar Khan
Tel: 079 336 3725
Kabulk cofeehouse & Cafe
Street 6, On the Left, Qala-e Fatullah
Tel: 0752 005 275
Jirga Restaurant

Tex Mex
La Cantina
Third Left off Butcher Street, Shahr-e Naw
Taverne du Liban
Street 15, Lane 3, Wazeer Akbar Khan
tel: 0799 828 376
The Grill
Stree 15, Wazeer Akbar Khan,
Tel: 0799 792 879
Cedar House
Behind kabul City Center, Shahr-e Naw
Tel: 0799 121 412
Turkish Istanbul,,
Main Road, On th Left, Between Massoud
Circle jalal Abad Road, Roundabout
Tel: 0799 407 818
Iranian Shandiz,,
Pakistan Embassy Street, off Street 14,
Wazeer Akbar Khan
Tel: 0799 342 928
Italian Everest Pizza,,
Main Road,Near Street 12,Wazeer Akbar
Tel: 0700 263 636, 0799 317 979
Bella Italia
Street 14, Wazeer Akbar Khan
Tel: 0799 600 666
Springfield Pizza Take Away
Dutch Embassy Street, Shahr-e Naw
Tel: 0799 001 520

Street 15, Left Lane 4, Wazeer Akbar Khan
Tel: 0799 567 291
Delhi Darbar
Shahr-e Naw, Close to UK sports
Tel: 07099 324 899
Anaar Restaurant
Lane 3, Street 14, Wazeer Akbar Khan
Tel: 0799 567 291
Golden Key Seafood Restaurant
Lane 4, Street 13, Wazeer Akbar Khan
Tel: 0799 002 800, 0799 343 319
Mai Thai
House 38, Lane 2, Street 15, Wazeer Akbar
Tel: 0796 423 040
New World
Between Charrahi Haji Yaqoob and Charrahi
Ansari , on the right, Shahr-e Naw
Tel: 0799 199 509
Supermarkets, Groceris & Butchers A-one
Bottom of Shahr-e Naw Park
Shahr-e Naw main Road, Oppsite of Kabul
Wazeer Akbar Khan, Opposite of British
Wazeer Akbar Khan Roundabout
Fat Man Forest
Wazeer Akbar Khan, main Road
Modern Butcher
Qala-e Fatullah, Main Road, Near Street 4

In-flight Magazine 41


In the recent weeks despite the government of Afghanistan addressing important political issues such as the
upcoming presidential elections, discussions have taken
place regarding the visit of President Hamid Karzai to
Turkmenistan. The purpose of this visit is to commemorate the opening of the railway project of Turkmenistan,
Afghanistan and Tajikistan.
Authorities of the government of Afghanistan mentioned
that by making this railway Afghanistan will be connected to the international railway network. Speaking at a
press conference, Mr. Ahmad Shah Waheed ,assistant at
the Ministry of Public Works of Afghanistan, mentioned
that 85km of this railway will be made in Turkmenistan
and more than 300km of it will be made in the northern
provinces of Afghanistan. Mr. Waheed also added that
this railway will connect Afghanistan with its northern
neighbor Tajikistan via the Sher Khan Port in Kunduz
province. Although the fraction of the railway that is
made in Afghanistan needs research and exact topography, authorities at the Ministry of Public Benefits estimate that 350 million dollars will be consumed for the
The Asian Development Bank has promised to fund the
42 In-flight Magazine

said project. At present, many countries have shown interest in the extension of Afghanistans railway and by
these means regional relations are secured in boundaries
of Afghanistan.
According to authorities at the Ministry of Public Benefits, It will be a great revolution in the regions economy. The memorandum of understanding between
Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan about the construction of the railway was signed at the international
celebration of Nowroz in Ishqabad last year. Afghanistan is one of the few countries that didnt have railway
until the year 2010; a railway with the length of 75km
was connected from Uzbekistan to Balkh province and
started its official activity in the year 2011.
Right now the businessmen in the north of Afghanistan
import their goods from Central Asian countries to Balkh
airport through Hairatan Railway. It is worth mentioning
that another railway is being implemented from Sangaan
region in Khurasan province of Iran. This railway has
enormous potential in terms of connecting the war torn
nation to the modern world, enabling an ease of supply
into the country along with an ease of trade both inside
and outside Afghanistan.

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provides One Billion Dollars in aid
of the Power Sector in Afghanistan

Authorities in the Ministry of Water and Power say

Kunar Dam is going to be built with the cost of one billion, one hundred and twenty million American Dollars
by the help of the World Bank in the near future. Mohammad Ismail, Minister of Water and Power of Afghanistan,
at a press conference told the media that the authorities of
the World Bank in Kabul have promised to pay the cost of
building this dam. n the south of Afghanistan, is enriched
with water and a river passes through this province, but its
water hasnt been utilized to maximum effficiency yet and
all the water flows into the neighboring country Pakistan.
Mr. Mohammad Ismail mentions that by completing the
power project of Kunars Dam, an enormous portion of
necessary power in Afghanistan will be supplied. He
expressed hope and said that the representatives of the
World Bank talked about their cooperation with the ministry. As a result they expressed readiness to pay the cost
of Kunars Dam and start construction of the dam as soon
as possible.
The World Bank has been a good colleague of Afghanistan during the past eleven years and still helps the country in developmental sections, education, reconstruction,
health, agriculture, water and power; and these aids have
been consumed by the government of Afghanistan.
Even though the international community has helped Af-

44 In-flight Magazine

ghanistan in different sections, Hamid Karzai president

of Afghanistan has said, Foreigners havent helped the
government satisfactorily to build power dams. According to Mr.Karzai, dams werent made because our foreign
colleagues had little attention to this and the government
wasnt able to pay the cost of building big power dams
alone. Based on a survey done by the Ministry of Water
and Power on Kunars Dam, this dam has two points capable of generating power and just one of them can generate 787 mw of energy.
Mohammad Ismail spoke about the cost of building this
dam; based on a primary survey done by the Ministry
of Water and Power, only the design of this dam costs
ten million American dollars and needs three years, and
building this dam needs one billion, one hundred twenty
million American dollars and will take ten years to complete. Mr. Ismail also stipulated; if the project on Kunars
Dam is implemented, in addition to securing plenty of
power, work will be provided for citizens of the country.
By having power, lots of companies and factories can operate freely and local production will also improve.
He went on to add that jobs will be secured for citizens
and people will support the government. Furthermore,
authorities in the Ministry of Water and Power are in the
process of preparing the master plan of securing power

for the future twenty years in Afghanistan.

This scheme includes all provinces and provides cheap
and assured power for illumination and industry. Mr.
Ismail stated that the Ministry of Water and Power has
prepared this scheme by financial support of the Asian
Development Bank and is adjusted by the Fashioner
Company of Germany and the Ministry of Water and
Power of Afghanistan. It is said that preparing this master
plan started two years ago and international parties participated in preparing this plan.
It is worth mentioning if this twenty year master plan
is implemented and succeeds, Afghanistan will become
self-sufficient in this sector because this design has been
prepared based on the detachment of each province and
supply of cheap and assured power. Based on this plan,
Afghanistans electricity will be secured from water, coal
and gas sources. Preparing this master plan has cost one
million, five hundred thousand American dollars and it
has been paid for by Japan.
Based on this master plan, Kajaki, Kunar and Kokcha
dams will secure a great amount of power. At present, the
majority of power used by Afghanistan is secured from
Central Asian countries and Iran.
Mohammad Ismail, Minister of Water and Power also
says they struggle to make Afghanistan self-sufficient
in electricity. We are more interested to step towards

self-sufficiency by utilizing natural resources especially

water, thermal energy, gas and new energy. According
to authorities in the Ministry of Water and Power, the
imports of electricity from Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and
Uzbekistan will also continue because imported electricity costs are currently cheaper than the electricity generated in Afghanistan.
The Ministry of Water and Power also asks America to
help in building the Kajaki power dam in the Helmand
province. We demand that America with the promises of
its ambassador in Kabul, start the project of Kajaki dam;
they talk about a lack of security in Helmand, but the
lack of security is not so serious to obstruct their work.
Meanwhile, experts believe if investment is carried out
on Afghanistan rivers, and power dams are developed;
Afghanistan will not only become self-sufficient but may
also secure the necessary power of the neighboring countries. Rivers of Kokcha and Aamoo in Kunduz and Badakhshan; located in the north of country, Helmand River
in Helmand province located in the south, Panjshir River
in the north of Kabul, Kunars River in the south-western
part and tens of other rivers in different provinces of the
country flow and a billion cubic of water flows to the
neighboring countries-Iran and Pakistan without being
utilized annually.

In-flight Magazine 45

SAFI AIRWAYS Ticket Office Staff

Attend Amadeus Training in Dubai
Safi Airways Kabul and Herat ticket office staff concluded Amadeus reservations training in Dubai. Amadeus is a global travel distribution system service
provider offering air travel, auto rental and accommodations booking. Safi Airways uses Amadeus as one of
its B2B & B2C distribution links.
Participants also experienced what Dubai as a destination
has to offer for the Afghan population and had the chance
to spend Four days in Dubai to enjoy its rich hospitality.
As per Mr. Hanif Zakaria Regional Manager Safi Airways Gulf stated Today we live in a digital world and
automation is a key necessity, knowing how to use automation is very important, we at Safi Airways are doing
our best in training our young Afghan staff in achieving
the skill required in being true airline professionals.
Amadeus was formed in 1987 by an alliance between
Air France, Lufthansa, Iberia Airlines and Scandinavian Airlines System. Today, it is the leader in terms
of number of bookings worldwide with around 35%
of the global market and strong in Europe & Asia.
Mr. Farid Nazari Safi Airways Country Manager Afghanistan was upbeat with the training programs and

46 In-flight Magazine

stated for the first time training is being conducted for

staff in Kabul & Herat, the marketing department recently conducted basic and intermediate training. The
course outlined many aspects crucial to Sales and Marketing, especially in this competitive environment. By
mixing theory and practical work, the attendants found
the course exciting, interactive and informative. Familiarization of the emirates has inspired the participants
to promote Dubai as one of the finest tourist locations in
the GCC region. Mr. Mohammed Aslam Safi Airways
Regional Manager Afghanistan & India mentioned
Safi Airways is committed in maintaining uncompromising customer care support to its valued customers
and it could only be achieved by educating the frontline staff of our product, service and our limitations.
Communicating correct information to the end user
is our paramount objective he stated. Today Safi
Airways operates a full service commercial airline with a two cabin services, business and economy class, from its hub in Kabul, catering to the
ethnic local Afghan and the international traveler
with a modern fleet of Boeing and Airbus aircraft.


The largest dealer of iron & steel
bar varity with international
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Address: Salang Watt infront of old Inhesarat Kabul Afghanistan
Contact: 020 777 77 77 / E-mail: In-flight Magazine





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