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Table of f Con ntents s

1 Introducti ion
What is Pr roSteel V8i? Training Setup S Checklist Training Course C Overvi iew About This Manual tation Conven ntions Document Intallation Folders Files

2 2 4 5 6 7 8

a Model Setup S 2 Template File (dwt) and

Program Startup S and dw wt File Creation ProSteel Options O (Defau ult Settings)

12 14

3 Viewing an nd Moving Around the e Model

Utilizing Structural S Vie ew Tools Understanding and Man nipulating Cli ipping Planes s

26 32

a Editing Shapes and d Workfram mes 4 Drawing and

Grip Editin ng Drawing Steel S Shapes in the Model Editing Ste eel Shapes an nd Plates

36 40 47

5 Creating a Workfram me
Creating a Workframe and a Review Settings S ng Display Cl lasses, Area Classes C & Par rt Families Creating & Manipulatin North Dire ection User Defin ned Part Desc cription User Defin ned Template es

58 69 75 77 78

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6 Inserting and a Manipu ulating Shap pes

Inserting Steel S Shapes Using U the Lin ne Assigning Steel Membe er to a Display y Class Inserting Steel S Shapes Using U the 2 Point Method

80 86 87

7 Creating Connections C s Between Elements E

Creating a Basic End Pl late Connecti ion Modifying g Connections s Using Grip Editing E

90 102

8 Creating Base B Plates and Cross Bracing B

Creating Base B Plates on n Columns Drilling th he Base Plate to t Accommodate Anchor Bolts B Creation of o Dynamic an nd Static Brac cings Creation of o a Basic End d Plate Conne ection Modifying g Connections s Using Grip Editing E

108 116 120 132 144

9 Construction Groups
ProSteel 3D Grouping


10 Purlin Co ourses, Web b Angles & Shear Plate e Connections

Creating th he Purlins Coping the e Beam & Ad dding Web An ngle Connecti ions Adding Sh hear Tab & En nd Plate Conn nections to th he Purlin

159 160 167 175

11 Structura al Elements s
Creating th he Handrail Creating th he Stairs Ladder and d Frame Struc ctural Elemen nts Creating Custom C Workframes

180 190 198 208

12 2 Positionin ng and Mat terial Takeo offs

Positioning g the Model Creating a Parts List (B B.O.M.)

212 224

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13 3 Extras
User Creat ted Shapes Standard User U Shape Roof and Wall W Panels Combined d Shapes Welded Sh hapes Export to Pure P AutoCA AD Center of Gravity G Collision Detection D Unfold

234 234 238 238 242 246 246 247 248

14 4 2D Detail l Center
Componen nts Required Prior P to 2D Drawing D Creat tion Drawing In nformation Table, T Drawin ng Table and Title T Block Loading an nd Reviewing g the 3D Deta ail Center Assigning a Frame to a Style and Creating a 3D Deliverable D Drawing D M Detail ls Without a Frame F Creating Manual

250 251 253 269 277

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Introd ductio on

hapter provid des standard Bentley B ProSt teel course set tup instructio ons. An overv view This ch of the course is also o provided.

What is Pro oSteel V8i? Training Se etup Checklis st Training Co ourse Overvie ew About This s Manual Documenta ation Convent tions Intallation Folders F Files

2 2 4 5 6 7 8

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What is Pr rosteel V8i?


Bentle ey ProSteel V8i V (PSV8i) is s a structural steel s construc ction applicati ion for AutoC CAD. If you have previou usly used trad ditional AutoC CAD tools or other 2D app plications to cr reate d you u will need to adjust to a ne ew method of f creating steel construction drawings, drawin ngs. ProSteel 3D allows yo ou to model your y actual str ructure in a manner m similar r to actual erection of th he structure. This T model is then used by y the program m to automatic cally genera ate the require ed 2D shop dr rawings.


This ch hecklist will assist a you in setting s up and d organising your y facility's s training room m for a ProS Steel training session. It de escribes syste em requiremen nts, software requirements s and installa ation, as well l as training ro oom instructional aids and d "First Day of Training" recommendations. Adherence A to o these guideli ines will help p provide stud dents with a positiv ve learning en nvironment an nd an opportu unity to utilize e this certified d training to its i fullest.


Bentle ey requires a personal p comp puter for each h student in order o to realize the maximu um benefit of the trainin ng courses. Maximum M clas ss size is 8 stu udents. The following fo are system m requirement ts for optimal l software per rformance.
Proces ssor Operat ting System Min. Intel Pentium m IV-based PC/wo orkstation Microsoft Window ws 2000, Service Pack P 4 or later OR R Microsoft Window ws XP Professiona al, Service Pack 1a or later, OR Microsoft Window ws Vista Microsoft Office Professional P Editio on (Access and Ex xcel 2000 or later) Microsoft Internet t Explorer 6 or gre eater Min 1GB RAM (M More memory typic cally results in bett ter performance.) 2GB minimum fre ee hard disk space e 3 Button Mouse Any industry-stan ndard output devic ce supported by Windows W Min. 512 MB Vide eo Card AutoCAD 2007 and up Supports Oracle 8.1.6, 8.1.7 and 9i SQL Server 7.0, 2000, 2 or 2005 MS Access 2000 or XP and MSDE E 2000 databases.

Micros soft Office Interne et Memor ry Hard Disk D Input Device D Output t Device Video Graphics Card CAD Engines E Databa ases

Before e you install th he Bentley Pr roSteel V8i so oftware, you should confir rm that you have adequa ate hardware and software capabilities to t install and use the produ uct.

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Train ning Setup Che ecklist


Al ll systems mu ust have the AutoCAD A soft tware fully in nstalled. AutoCAD does no ot ne eed to be auth horized beyon nd evaluation mode. m The AutoCAD A appl lication shoul ld be lau unched at leas st once before e ProSteel V8 8i is installed. . Al ll required mo odules from th he ProSteel V8i V product su uite should be e installed and d ex xecuted in ord der to set the operation o of th he software in nto evaluation n mode. This s will au uthorize the so oftware for a 10-day period d. It is preferr red that the ev valuation mod de is NO OT set more than t 1-2 days s before the tr raining session n is scheduled d to begin. If f sy ystems are una able to be set to evaluation mode, you must m contact th he consultant prior to arrival so the e required temporary license es can be obtained and bro ought to your fac cility. In many instanc ces, a working ProSteel pr roject that includes the draw wing files use ed in thi is training ses ssion will also o be provided d.


An n LCD projec ctor that can be b connected to a laptop co omputer. Proj jector should de eliver a screen n resolution of 1024 x 768 or better. A white board with w dry erase e markers, or large easel-m mounted notep pad for the ins structor. Al ll training ma aterials received from Bent tley. Po ower strip/ext tension cord for f instructor's s laptop comp puter.


Please arrange early access to t the facility for the Bentl ley consultant t to ensure pro oper ap pplication inst tallation and setup s of the tr raining room. Time may be e needed to verify v the e installation of software and a modules, licensing of the t training sy ystems, and ins stallation of all a necessary training t files by the Bentle ey consultant. . Pr romptly assem mble all studen nts to ensure time for intro oductions and d training cour rse ov verview. Ensu ure that the tr raining materi ials are availa able for the st tudents. Pr rovide a conta act phone num mber in case of o system/netw work problem ms. If special security measures are in place, please p work with w the Bent tley consultan nt to arr range for entr ry and exit fro om building, as well as acc cess to and fro om restroom fac cilities.

It is a violation v und der the copyrig ght laws of th he United Stat tes and other countries to copy, c distrib bute, or use fo or other purpo oses than inten nded manuals s and material ls registered by b Bentle ey Systems.

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Training Course C Overview


To pro ovide optimum m trainer to st tudent ratio an nd to ensure hands-on h lear rning experien nces for eac ch student, Be entley recomm mends the fol llowing class configuration n:

Eight (8) studen nts maximum m On ne (1) workstation per stud dent


This course is inten nded for new and a existing users. u Our goal is to train students s to be egin using ProSteel P Mod delling succes ssfully on a pr roject. A user r experienced d with previou us version ns of ProStee el software wi ill learn the modelling m concepts introduced with the new n produc ct as quickly as a possible.


This course assume es the followin ng experience e:

Au utoCAD 2D and a AutoCAD D 3D Stu udents should d have a minimum of six months m experi ience with Au utoCAD 2D and a some familiarit ty with 3D commands and concepts.


Le ecture: The in nstructor will introduce i and d explain a co oncept or proc cedure. Studen nts sh hould listen ca arefully and ta ake notes of key k points. Th his is not an appropriate a tim me to use the worksta ation in any way! w Ex xample: The in nstructor will l demonstrate an example of o the feature e or procedure e just de escribed. Stud dents should watch w the step ps carefully du uring this sec ction. Ex xercise(s): Stu udents will pe erform the exe ercise on their r individual workstations. w Du uring this sess sion the instru uctor will circ cle the classro oom and resolve problems en ncountered by y the students. . Su ummary: Be su ure all your questions q are answered a bef fore the instru uctor moves on o to the e next topic. Ask A Question ns!

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About This Manual M


This se ection provid des a brief des scription of th he content in each e chapter of o this Basic Trainin ng Manual.

Ch hapter 1: This chapter prov vides an overv view of the co ourse format and a system req quirements. Ch hapter 2: This chapter prov vides instructions that descr ribe how to st tart and load the software, create e a Bentley Pr roSteel V8i te emplate start-up file (dwt), , and set ProS Steel V8 8i Options an nd/or default settings. s Ch hapter 3: This chapter prev views the vario ous Structura al tools availab ble to view an nd mo ove around th he drawing as s well as chan nging the UCS S and clipping g planes. Ch hapter 4: This chapter intro oduces the var rious methods s of drawing, Grip editing and ma anipulating st teel shapes an nd workframe es. Ch hapter 5: In th his chapter, we e will create a structural "W Workframe", learn how to mo odify it and le earn to contro ol how objects s and shapes are displayed d while model lling. Ch hapter 6: In th his chapter, we e will be inse erting steel shapes into the drawing and lea arning how to o modify them m and assign them t to "Disp play Classes". Ch hapter 7: In th his chapter, we e will learn to o create and modify m joint connections c an nd inv vestigate the impact of "Gr rouping" conn nection comp ponents for ea asier display and a de etailing contro ol. Ch hapter 8: This chapter will contain information on cre eating Cross bracing b utilizing bo oth "Static" an nd fully "dyna amic" method ds. We will al lso insert base e plates and use u the e drilling func ction inherent t in the ProSt teel Structural l software. Ch hapter 9: This chapter will contain information on gro ouping interconnected part ts int to "Construct tion Groups." Ch hapter 10: Thi is chapter con ntains informa ation on creat ting purlin cou urses within our o str ructure. Once e created we will w modify th hese to split th hem into indiv vidual pieces. We wi ill then modif fy the pieces by b adding cop pes using the Coping funct tion, Web An ngles an nd Shear tabs. Ch hapter 11: In this t chapter we w will add str ructural eleme ents to our dr rawing such as a Stairs, Handrail ls, Frames an nd Ladders. Ch hapter 12: In this t chapter we w will learn to "Position" the t model and d generate rep ports. Ch hapter 13: In this t chapter we w will learn about a extra fu unctionality av vailable withi in Pr roSteel V8i. Ch hapter 14: In this t chapter we w will be intr roduced to the e 2D Detail Center C and wil ll lea arn to create our o frame del liverable draw wings. Ch hapter 15: Pro ovides some Tips and Tric cks when usi ing ProSteel V8i. V Ap ppendix

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Document tation conventio ons


A num mber of conve entions are ma aintained thro oughout ProSt teel documen ntation to impr rove the ide entification an nd understand ding of the inf formation pre esented.
Program Cod de

DESCRIPT TION Precedes information of gen neral importance. Precedes optional time saving information. Precedes information about actions that shou uld not be performe ed under normal operating conditions. Directory paths p and file nam mes are in italics. Example: \PROSTEEL 3D D directory, AUTO OEXEC.BAT file. Excerpts from f text or basic script s files and scr ript variables and statements s appea ar in the font shown n. Command ds or information th hat must be manu ually entered are bolded b in the font shown. s Menu com mmands and dialog g buttons appear in a Sans Serif fon nt that stands out from f normal body text. Example: After A selecting Setup S > Drawing Preferences from m the Tools men nu, press the OK button in the e dialog. Dialog and d database table names n are in italics. Example: The T Preferences dialog. d Indicates that t the command must be executed d from a menu or dialog. Indicates an a item (compone ent or point) that may m be picked on a drawing. Throughou ut this manual, the e menu command sequence require ed to execute a command will be explicitly defined d in the text, while the associa ated toolbar button n is presented in the margin.

INPUT Menu & Buttons

Dialogs Field_Names Select Pick


The va arious dialogs, toolbars, t etc, illustrated throughout this tutorial were capture ed running Auto oCAD 2007 in the Windows XP X environmen nt.

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Installation fo olders


Listed below are the folders and subfolders cr reated during the installatio on process. Most M of the discussion ab bout these wil ll be made by y the instructo ors.

* * * * * *







For an optimu um usage of Pr roSteel V8i, folders marked with w an * (ast terisk) should be b located in one o single hard dr rive & should be b shared via the t network to all ProSteel V8i V users mach hines when usiing multiple statio ons running Pro oSteel V8i. The Temp fol lder should ne ever be locate ed on a networ rk drive.
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Files listed in this sec ction can be ed dited with any text t editor exce ept for the data abase (.mdb) fil les.


The co onfiguration file f (PRO_ST T3D.CFG) is located l in the .\PRG\CONF FIG\ folder. This T file is divided into 2 sections. Section n1 Comm ments: This section is identifiable with th he ; at the beginning b of each e line. Section n2 Files & folders loca ation: This sec ction is used if sharing file es or folders over o the network.

The de efault location n for this file (ProStructure db) is in the ..\LOC CALISED\LA ANGUAGE\DA ATA\ folder. These T materia als will be sor rted in the selecti ion list during g modelling according to th he order that they t appear in n this file, regard dless of their index i No. Thi is means that you can mov ve materials up u the list if yo ou want th hem to be at the t beginning g of the select tion flyouts du uring modelli ing. Each line l has the fo ollowing infor rmation: Inde ex, Material, Comments, C W Weight (Kg/m ), Usage e Flag.


This fi ile (PRO_ST3 3D.FDF) is lo ocated in the ..\LOCALISE . ED\LANGUAG GE\DATA\ fo older. For mo ore informatio on about the use u of this file see ??? - User Us Defined Part P Descripti ion.


The de efault location n for this file (PRO_ST3D D.HDT) is in th he ..\LOCAL LISED\ LANGU UAGE \DATA A\ folder. Afte er the comme ent lines, the file f is divided d into columns. Each line l correspon nds to a hole diameter d avai ilable. This is how the file is structured: : Index, hole size in mm m | gap in mm m # hole size e in inches | gap g in inches rtant: inch va alues are enter red in decima al format) (Impor


The de efault location n for this file (PRO_ST3D D.PDC) is in th he ..\LOCALI ISED\ LANGU UAGE \DATA A\ folder. The ese are the av vailable names for plates. This T is how th he file is structu ured: Index, Description

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The de efault location n for this file (PRO_ST3D D.PTT) is in th he ..\LOCALI ISED\ LANGU UAGE \DATA A\ folder. The ese are the av vailable plate thicknesses to o be used. Th his is how the file is struc ctured: Index, plate thickne ess in mm # plate thickness s in inches rtant: inch va alues are enter red in decima al format) (Impor


The de efault location n for these files (.MDB) is in the ..\DA ATA\SHAPES S\ folder. Yo ou will al lso find in cor rresponding subfolder here e Bolts & Plat tes databases as well as UserSh hape subfolde ers. The Instru uctor will ela aborate on this s during train ning.

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Templat te (dw wt) Fil le and d Mod del etup Se

This ch hapter covers s the creation of an AutoCA AD dwt temp plate file used d when starting a new Bentley B ProSte eel V8i model. In addition, , you will lear rn how to set ProSteel V8i i option ns and/or defa ault settings. There are two (2) le essons in this chapter. Each h lesson begin ns with a list of objectives that define the informati ion that you will w learn in th hat lesson. A number of ex xercises are provid ded in each les sson that are designed to te each you the topics listed in i the Objecti ives section n at the start of o each lesson n. Program St tartup and Tem mplate File Creation C ProSteel Op ptions (Defau ult Settings) 12 14

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Program Startup S and Tem mplate File Cre eation


The ob bjectives of Lesson L 1 are as a follows:

Learn how w to start the ProSteel P V8i software. s Learn how w to initialise the t applicatio on.


ProSte eel V8i has all the capabilit ties of AutoC CAD, plus fea atures that acc celerate and ea ase workin ng on models of steel struc ctures. In this exercise, you y will lear rn how to start s the ProSteel V8i software. The main applica ation menu an nd toolbar are e also introdu uced. TO START T PROSTE EEL 1. Start ProSteel (Windows ( Sta art menu > All l Programs > ProStructure V8i > ProStru ucture 8i for AutoCAD D 200?) or {DO OUBLE CLICK K} ProStructur re V8i icon on your desktop p. V8

2. Close the active a dwg fi ile (do not sav ve it) then select FILE > NEW. N We wi ill use the e V8i Imper rial [US-CDN N].dwt file pro ovided.

Th his file is alre eady tagged as being an imperial file. If we open a non tagge ed file (m metric or impe erial) we wou uld get a war rning dialog asking a us to tagged t this pe er following im mage.

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Program Startup S and Template File Cre eation

A menu and to oolbars, which h provides ac ccess to an in ntegrated set of o ProSteel Design D ap pplications and d supplement tal utilities is now available.

UNITS S & MEASURE EMENT VALU UES ProSte eel 3D uses AutoCAD A unit ts, so you must set your un nits as you nor rmally do wit th AutoC CAD. Keep in n mind you wi ill have to set t the units for the 3D mode el and the 2D drawin ng files. This can be achiev ved automatic cally by prepa aring dwt tem mplate files for r modelling and for 2D 2 drawings. n another r variable to be b set properly y in order to be b Consequently ProSteel 3D also needs o insert the ste eel shapes in the proper dim mensions. Le et us explain here h how it all able to works. re populated with w all the in nformation ne eeded to build d each steel sh hape. Shape Databases ar nformation in the shapes databases d is ei ither in metric c or imperial values. ProSt teel The in 3D knows which sy ystem was use ed in each dat tabase thanks s to the shape configuration n.

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Program S Startup and Tem mplate File Cre eation

Once inside i a dwt file, f ProSteel 3D needs to know k what sy ystem is going g to be used th here. Thank ks to this ProS Steel 3D can now n tell if it needs n to conv vert the size of f a shape read d on a metric c database to be b inserted in nto a metric (n no conversion n needed) or an a imperial (2 25.4 scale down d factor) model. m These two settings (Units & Mea asurement) ar re very impor rtant to be abl le to work pro operly P 3D. We W strongly recommend yo ou set these up u inside a dw wt file for each h with ProSteel possib ble combinatio on you might need so you do not need to t worry abou ut it ever again n. To set this, type m measurement at the comma and prompt and a select

0 (zero) ( for Imperial or o 1 (one) for Metri ic.

Note Once the model is sta arted in either measurement m s system, it cann not be converte ed to the other o measurem ment system

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P ProSteel Option ns (Default Set ttings)


Here we w will take a look at the ProSteel V8i i settings don ne within ProS Steel V8i. Ke eep in mind that t because ProSteel V8 8i needs to differentiate d m metric from imperial i draw wings, these settings s exist in double. When ProSteel V8i i installs it sh hould by defau ult give you access a to the templates t inc cluded in the installation. an modify the ese settings an nd save them m as templates for each diff ferent situatio on that You ca you ne eed (per proje ect, per client, , per job, etc).

The ob bjectives of th his lesson are as follows:

Learn how w to access the e ProSteel Op ptions dialog. Learn wha at is controlled d by the settin ngs in this dia alog.


1. Op pen the ProS Steel Options (ProSteel 3D menu > ProS Steel 3D Optio ons or right-click on the e drawing area a and select Pro oSteel > Optio ons)

2. Se et dialogs as shown s below Th his multi-pag ged dialog contains c the default sett tings data, or o global se ettings inf formation, for r the model. As ssign the Opti ions option pa arameters sho own below, th hen go to the next n selection n or sel lect OK if you u have comple eted all settin ngs.

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ProSteel O Options (Default Settings)

As ssign the Grip ps option par rameters show wn below, th hen go to the e next selecti ion or sel lect OK if you u have comple eted all settin ngs.

ssign the Sha apes option parameters p sho own below, then t go to the e next selecti ion or As sel lect OK if you u have comple eted all settin ngs.

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P ProSteel Option ns (Default Set ttings)

Assign n the Shape Label L option parameters p sh hown below, then go to th he next selecti ion or select OK if you hav ve completed all settings

n the Sketch Display D option parameters shown below w, then go to o the next sele ection Assign or sele ect OK if you have h complet ted all setting gs

Assign n the Naming Conventions s option param meters as sho own below, th hen go to the e next selecti ion or select OK O if you have completed all a settings

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ProSteel O Options (Default Settings)

Assign n the Flat Ste eel Selection option param meters as shown below, th hen go to the e next selecti ion or select OK O if you have completed all a settings

Assign n the Straigh ht Plates opt tion paramete ers as shown n below, the en go to the e next selecti ion or select OK O if you have completed all a settings

Assign n the Plate Label option pa arameters as shown below, then go to th he next selecti ion or select OK if you hav ve completed all settings

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P ProSteel Option ns (Default Set ttings)

Assign n the Plate Description D op ption parame eters as show wn below, then go to the e next selecti ion or select OK O if you have completed all a settings

Assign n the Calculation Method op ption paramet ters as shown n below, then go to the nex xt selecti ion or select OK O if you have completed all a settings

Assign n the Bolts op ption paramete ers as shown below, then go g to the next t selection or select OK if you y have com mpleted all set ttings

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ProSteel O Options (Default Settings)

Assign n the Workfram me option par rameters as sh hown below, then go to the e next selectio on or select OK if you hav ve completed all settings

Assign n the Assembly option para ameters as sho own below, th hen go to the next selection n or select OK if you hav ve completed all settings

Assign n the Values option o parame eters as shown n below, then n go to the nex xt selection or select OK if you hav ve completed all settings

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P ProSteel Option ns (Default Set ttings)

Assign n the Logical Links L option parameters p as s shown below w, then go to the next selec ction or sele ect OK if you have h complet ted all setting gs Note The alllow additional data allows C Connection Det tailing

Assign n the Revision n Check option parameters as shown bel low, then go to t the next selecti ion or select OK O if you have completed all a settings

Assign n the Display option o param meters as show wn below, then n go to the ne ext selection or o select OK if you hav ve completed all settings

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ProSteel O Options (Default Settings)

Assign n the Colours option param meters as show wn below, the en go to the ne ext selection or o select OK if you hav ve completed all settings.

n the Monitor Colours optio on parameters s as shown be elow, then go to the next Assign selecti ion or select OK O if you have completed all a settings

Assign n the Configur ration / Isometric View option parameter rs as shown be elow, then go o to the nex xt selection or o select OK if f you have com mpleted all se ettings

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P ProSteel Option ns (Default Set ttings)

Assign n the Layer op ption paramet ters as shown below, then go g to the next t selection or select OK if you hav ve completed all settings

Assign n the Flat Stee el Selection op ption paramet ters as shown n below, then go to the nex xt selecti ion or select OK O if you have completed all a settings

Assign n the Dialog Settings S option n parameters as shown below, then go to t the next selecti ion or select OK O if you have completed all a settings

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ProSteel O Options (Default Settings)

Assign n the Tooltips option param meters as show wn below, the en go to the next selection or select OK if you hav ve completed all settings

Assign n the Classes / Families opt tion paramete ers as shown below, b then go g to the next selecti ion or select OK O if you have completed all a settings

Assign n the Match Pr roperties opti ion parameter rs as shown below, then go o to the next selecti ion or select OK O if you have completed all a settings

When all of the sett tings have bee en set, press OK O to apply all a of the settin ngs to the Pro oSteel odel (File men nu > Save). model. Save the mo

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P ProSteel Option ns (Default Set ttings)

Setting g Dialog Settin ngs option to Expert Mode e.

Additi ional fields will w be added to t the Options s page

and a new page Files will be available a at th he very end of the list.

Hin nt

After do oing some con nfigurations usin ng the expert mode m , always set it back to beginn ner mode.

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View wing & Mo oving Arou und the Mode el

In this chapter, you u will learn ab bout ProSteel s view manipu ulation functi ions. The ProSteel tools provided p to ad djust the Auto oCADs UCS S will also be covered. There are two (2) Lessons L in this s chapter. Eac ch Lesson beg gins with a lis st of objective es that de efine the infor rmation that you y will learn n in that Lesso on. A number r of Exercises s are provid ded in each Le esson, which are designed to teach you the stated obj jectives. Utilizing St tructural View w Tools Understand ding and Man nipulating Clip pping Planes 26 32

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Utilizing St tructural View Tools T


The ob bjectives of th his Lesson are e as follows:


Learn how w to change th he view of the e model. Learn how w to center a shape s in the view. Learn how w to set the UC CS by a shape e either at a point p or center red on the sha ape.

Differe ent types of views v are avai ilable in ProS Steel V8i, som me are automa atically create ed while others are use er defined/cre eated, they are e all viewing tools serving g the same pur rpose ke working in n 3D environm ment much ea asier than plai in AutoCAD tools. t These views v to mak can/wi ill also be use ed to create en ngineering 2D D plans, eleva ations & build ding cross-sec ctions as well as fabricator rs erection drawings. d

ProSte eel V8i provid des 5 isometri ic view points generated as per settings in the ProSte eel V8i Global Settings s discussed in n chapter two. . We will now w explain how w these setting gs work.

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Utilizing Structural S View Tools

These views can be e used to navigate in the model as well as a to generate e isometric vie ews of the whole structu ure or of indiv vidual parts, assemblies a or r connection details. d cking any of the t 5 provide ed views, you will notice th he viewing direction of the e By clic model changes acco ording to thos se settings.


In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to change e the view of the t model util lizing ProStee el's ew and Choose e View comma ands. Overvie

1. Op pen the VIEW WMOD.dwg tr raining drawin ng (File menu > Open). Br rowse to the training t file directory. Sele ect VIEWMOD. .DWG drawing g file and then press Open. isplay the model in an isom metric view (C Click Isometric c Overview Icon). 2. Di 3. Tr ry out the othe er view tools in this menu. . Additional view v comman nds are provid ded in the e ProSteel Zo oom / View to oolbar. When you y are finish hed, return the e drawing to the t Iso ometric Overv view view. 4. An nother very ef ffective meth hod of changin ng the view on o the model is i by using the Ch hoose View com mmand. This function con ntains predefin ned views, wh hich are au utomatically created c when a workframe is created. Th his simplifies the process of o vie ewing a mode el from any of o the standard d directional views v (e.g., Front, F Right, Left L etc c.). 5. Op pen the Select t View dialog (ProSteel me enu > Zoom/Views > Choose e View) or Click C Se elect View Icon n.

6. Th hen select the Bentley_TOP P view, and th hen press the Set S the Curren nt View button n.
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Utilizing St tructural View Tools T

No otice how the e view is chan nged to match h the selected view name. Execute E the Ov verview comm mand and swit tch back to th he Overview 1 view. 7. Se elect the Choo ose View comm mand again. Select S the TOP view and th hen press Set UCS. No otice how the e UCS is chan nged to the vie ew but the vie ew of the mod del does not ch hange.


In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to switch the view in th he model so a selected sha ape will be e set as the cu urrent view an nd will have the t AutoCAD D UCS set to this t shape.

1. Ch hange to view w to the cross section of the e beam (W14X X34) (ProSteel V8i menu > Zo oom/Views > Object O View Ce entered) or Click Overview Centered Icon n.

Pick the beam located l at the angle whose part name is displayed (W14X34 W ). When n prompted with the multi-coloured directio on indicator, pick p the axis highlighted in n ye ellow and then n click your le eft mouse but tton to accept t the selection n. 2. No otice how the e UCS is now centered in th he shape and the model vie ew is changed d to the e cross sectio on of the beam m. Experiment with this op ption by pickin ng a different t axis wh hen prompted d with the dire ection indicat tor. Notice the e change in th he model view w.


In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to move the t AutoCAD D UCS to an object o at a spe ecific point without w chang ging the mode el view.

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Utilizing Structural S View Tools


1. Re eset the view to the standar rd isometric view v (Click Iso ometric Overv view Icon). 2. Ce enter the UCS S on the W14X X34 member r (ProSteel V8i i menu > Zoom m/Views > Obj ject UC CS centered) or o Click Objec ct UCS centere ed Icon . Pick k the same W14X34 member r as ab bove, then pick the same le eft hand axis (yellow). ( This s time notice how the UCS S mo oves to the ob bject but the view v does not t change. 3. Tr ry this again and a this time pick p a differe ent axis and note the chang ge of the UCS S loc cation and pla ane. Understan nding and Ma anipulating Cl lipping Planes

The ob bjectives of th his Lesson are e as follows:

Learn wha at Clipping Pl lanes are and how they effe fect the view of o the model Learn how w to turn clipp ping planes on n and off. Learn how w to change th he clipping pla ane distances s so as to chan nge the resulta ant view.


In this section, you will learn spe ecifically wha at a Clipping Plane is and how it affects s what you y see in the model. Worki ing with a 3D D model can qu uickly becom me complex, especially e if many m parts are e spatial lly stacked or r overlap one another. By using u AutoCA AD "Clipping g Planes," ProSteel offers a command to t hide parts in i front of and d behind the current c work plane, p or the socalled cutting plane e. implifies the construction process p significantly since e only those objects o This si approx ximately in th he same work plane are vis sible. This pre events the acc cidental manipulation of sta acked shapes. The term app proximately is s used here in n the sense tha at only th he objects wit thin the Clipp ping Planes cr reated are vis sible to the fro ont and rear. If one of the defined d views or an n object view is selected, th he hide option n is activated as the def fault setting unless u the com mmand has be een deactivate ed globally. This command can be selectively y activated or r deactivated to permit view wing the dept ths of rts simultaneo ously for a gen neral overview w of the comp ponent parts of the model. all par More on o this in a la ater exercise.

1. Co ontinuing with h the VIEWM MOD drawing, change back k to the standa ard isometric view (Click Isometric c Overview Ico on). Notice the e two front-to o-rear connect ting members s. The ele ement on the left side of th he frame is low wer in elevati ion than the element e on the e rig ght side of the e frame. 2. Ch hange to the left side view Bentley_SID DE_L (Click Ch hoose View Ic con). Th hen select the Bentley_SIDE E_L view from m the dialog displayed d and d then press Set Vie ew. Notice that when the model m regener rates you are now in the le eft-hand view, , but are e unable to se ee the membe er on the right t side of the fr rame. This is because the cli ipping plane distance d for th he left frame view is set to o 500mm and the member

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Utilizing St tructural View Tools T

loc cated on the right r side of th he frame is ou utside of this range. 3. Ch hange to the right r side view w Bentley_SID DE_R (Click Choose C View Icon).

hen select the Bentley_SIDE E_R view from m the dialog and a then press Set View. Notice N Th tha at the membe er on the left side s of the fra ame is not visible. Once ag gain this is bec cause the e left-hand member m is outs side of the clipping distanc ce set for the right-hand r vie ew. Ex xercise 2: Tog ggling Clippin ng Planes On and Off In this exercise you u will learn ho ow to toggle the t state of the clipping pla anes using the e Flip command.

1. Ch hange to the left side view Bentley_SID DE_L (Click Ch hoose View Ic con). Se elect the Bentl ley_SIDE_L vi iew from the dialog displa ayed and then press Set Vie ew. No otice that the members located on the ri ight side of th he model are not n visible. 2. To oggle the clipp ping planes OFF O (ProSteel l V8i Menu > Zoom/Views Z > Clipplane >Fl lip) or Cli ick Clip Plane es Flip Icon. No otice how the e clipping plan nes are deacti ivated and the e members on n the right sid de of the e model are now n visible. 3. Re epeat the Flip command sev veral times no oting the chan nge in the vie ew of the mod del.


In this exercise you u will learn ho ow to change the clip plane e distance so that even thou ugh the clip p planes are still s ON, the view v in the model m will change to show members m that t were origina ally outside of o the clipping g planes.

1. Ch hange to the left side view Bentley_SID DE_L (Click Ch hoose View Ic con). Se elect the Bentl ley_SIDE_L vi iew from the dialog displa ayed and then press Set Vie ew. 2. Change the e clipping plan nes so that the e view displa ays the membe ers located on n the ght side of the e model (ProS Steel V8i Menu u > Zoom/View ws > Clipplane e > Distance) or o rig Click Clip Plane es Distance Ico on.

On n executing th he clipplane distance d comm mand, the Cu urrent Clippin ng Plane Dist tances dialog d is invo oked. Enter a value for the e Back Distance type 8-0 and keep fron nt dis stance 1-6 and a press accept Note that the view now w shows the column c in the mi iddle of the model. m

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Utilizing Structural S View Tools


You will learn later ho ow to set the clip planes at the e time the work kframe is genera ated.

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Utilizing St tructural View Tools T

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Draw wing & Edit ting Shape S es and Workf W frame es

In this chapter, you u will learn ab bout ProSteel's Grip edit fu unction used to edit and manipulate steel sh hapes and plat tes and other elements. e is chapter. Each lesson beg gins with a lis st of objective es that There are three (3) lessons in thi define the informati ion that you will w learn in th hat lesson. A number of Exercises are provid ded in each les sson that are designed to te each you the topics listed in i the Objecti ives section n at the start of o each lesson n. Grip Editin ng Drawing St teel Shapes in n the Model Editing Ste eel Shapes and d Plates 36 40 47

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Handle Ed diting

In this lesson, you will w use AutoCAD Grips to o edit steel sh hapes in order r to change size, length, shape, type and display options. o You will w also use grips g to edit ProSteel P Obje ects.

The ob bjectives of th his lesson are as follows:

Learn how to activate th he grips and in nvoke the Pro oSteel Propert ties (ProSteel 3D
f Properties) function. Learn how to change var rious shape properties p such h as size, type e and length. ructural Objects such as Workframes. W Learn how to modify Str

In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to activate e a componen nt's grips and subsequently y display y the Shape Properties P dia alog. This dial log enables you to modify the propertie es that define a shape. ACTIV VATING A SHA APE'S GRIPS AND MODIFY YING ITS PRO OPERTIES 1. Op pen the VIEW WMOD.DWG training mod del (File menu > Open). Br rowse to the training t file directory. Sele ect the ViewMo od.DWG file and a press Ope en. 2. Op pen the Shape e Properties dialog. d Zo oom in on the e wide flange beam labeled d W14X34. Using the mouse e, pick the ele ement to invoke its Au utoCAD grips s (which shou uld appear as blue squares) ). With W the grips of o the elemen nt still highlig ghted, {RIGHT-CLICK} and select s PS 3D Pr roperties from m the context menu. m

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Handle Editing E

The Shape Pro operties dialog g will display y as shown be elow.

tion of the shape property dialog pages is provided below. b A brief descript Layout pag ge: contains th he display op ptions for the shape. s Shape page: contains th he shape type, , class, and size of the shap pe. Position pa age: contains information relating r to shape's insertion n point and orientation n. Dimension n points page: contains extr ra options for r advanced dim mensioning. ormation avai ilable for bill of materials, pos flags, etc c. Data page: contains info Values pag ge: contains dimensional d an nd weight inf formation. Assignmen nts page: cont tains data for detailing the part and disp playing the pa art in relation to the model an nd other shape es in the mod del.. Conical pa age: contains data d pertainin ng to slope a shape s placed in the drawin ng. Other O pages th hat will event tually appear depending on n the elements modificatio ons: Cuts page: : contains info ormation with h regard to cu uts on the shap pe. s the setting fo or links betwe een elements. . Loglinks page: contains 3. Ch hange the sha ape size. Selec ct the Shape Type T tab on th he Shape Prop perties dialog g. Se elect C6X10.5 from the Sha ape Size drop down. Notice e the change of the shape in i the mo odel. Note ProSte eel uses "non-m modal" dialogs. This is a majo or benefit when editing a shap pe or othe er object as the e changes made in the dialog are immediate ely reflected in the actual model.

4. Sw witch to the La ayout tab and d locate the La ayout group box b in the upp per left hand co orner of the di ialog. Move the t dialog off f to the side so o you can see e the shape be eing ed dited. 5. Cy ycle through the t various di isplay method ds and note th he changes in the shape and d ho ow it changes in the model. Return the display d to the Edge Inside mode. m

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Handle Ed diting

6. In the Options group g box on n the right han nd side of the Layout tab, experiment wi ith the e display opti ions of the shape and note the changes in i the model. Disable the Part P La abel option an nd notice how w the part nam me associated with the shap pe is no longe er dis splayed in the e model. nally, switch to the Values s tab and chan nge the value in the Length h field. Notice e the 7. Fin ch hange in lengt th of the shape. 8. Re eturn the valu ues to their ori iginal settings s and close th he dialog. Note Modific cation with mor re precision and d in relation to other ProSteel objects will be e covered in more dept th in Chapter 5.

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D Drawing Steel Shapes S in the Model M


The ob bjectives of th his lesson are as follows:

Become fa amiliar with th he Shapes dia alog. Learn vari ious methods of inserting Steel S Shapes in i a model.


There are several methods m of ins serting shapes s into a model l, including in nsertion via a line in the model, pickin ng 2 points in n the model, and a the selecti ion of multipl le lines. You can also in nsert a shape in i a cross sect tion, where th he shape is dr rawn in the ne egative Z-Axi is from th he current X-Y plane. The tw wo most comm mon methods of inserting shapes s are the e Line method d and the 2 Po oint method. For our tra aining purpose es we focus on o these methods. ection provid des an overvie ew of the ProS Steel V8i Shap apes dialog. This se SHAPE E SELECTION N/INSERTION 1. co ontinue in View wMod.DWG 2. Op pen the ProSt teel V8i Shape es dialog (Pro oSteel V8i men nu > Shapes or o Click Shape es Ico on) and click on the Straigh ht Shapes tab b if it is not op pen.

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Drawing S Steel Shapes in n the Model

The sh hape selection n dialog conta ains 3 tabs as shown in the above figure e. Together they contro ol the shape ty ype and size as a well as its orientation, o le ength, offset, material and method of insertion n. The options s provided in the Straight Shapes S dialog g are describe ed in the fol llowing table. .
FIELD Shape Type DESCRIPT TION Shows the e shape tables ava ailable for the use in the model. The e options displayed d in this depend on n which selection (S ( tandard shapes, User shapes, Co ombination shapes s and Roof and Wall shapes s ) is current in the drop down above it List the av vailable shape disp play resolutions List the sh hape sizes available for the currently y selected Shape Type. Additionally y, it controls the display y directly to the rig ght of the size list. List the sh hape sizes available for the currently y selected Shape Class. Once a spe ecific size member is s selected an imag ge of that shape will w appear indicatin ng the possible ins sertion points with h the selected inse ertion point highlig ghted in RED. Also o indicated by the image is the current rotation of the sh hape about its axis s of insertion. Displays th he current shape that t will be inserte ed if any one of the e insertion method ds at the bottom of the t dialog were to o be selected. This s is the actual shape that gets insert ted and can be differen nt than the shape shown s in the Shap pe Type and Shap pe Size sections of o the dialog. The mater rial that will be ass signed to this mem mber at the time of f insertion. Provides a drop down list of f available layers for f the elements. If family classes have been defined, you can set s them here. The selection of the family class can influence the colour of the part. If detailing g styles have been n defined, you can set them here. If display classes c have been n defined, you can n set them here. If area clas sses have been defined, you can se et them here. If general parts descriptions s have been define ed, you can set the em here. The sele ection of the description n can influence the e colour and the la ayer. The insertion offset in X-dire ection. This field can only be entered d, if you have sele ected the Free as insertion point p (this is the biggest displayed in nsertion point). position F The insertion offset in Y-dire ection. This field can only be entered d, if you have sele ected the Free as insertion point p (this is the biggest displayed in nsertion point). position F An item nu umber can be ente ered directly here. Specify the e length of the sha ape. This is important if you want to o insert shapes in the t crosssection. In nputs in this field overwrite o the length h specified by the insertion points. The shape e will be rotated ab bout its insertion axis a this value. This option n creates a group out of the shape after a insertion. Click this button b to open the e following dialog where w all relevant shape data are diisplayed. All inserted d shapes are still connected c with the dialog, so that subsequent s modific cations can also be tra ansferred to alread dy inserted shapes s. If you dont want this option, , you can interrupt t the connection using this button. However, H the shape is not deleted in this case. Swap Sha ape: All inserted sh hapes, which are still s connected with h the dialog, are mirrored m along their r Y-axis. You will obtain o this by exch hanging the insertion points.

Resolu ution Shape Class Shape Size


Materia al Layer Part Fa amily Detail Style S Display y Class Area Class C Descrip ption Delta X Delta Y Item No o. Length Turn Create Group

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D Drawing Steel Shapes S in the Model M


DESCRIPT TION Match Pro operties of Selecte ed Shapes Rotate Shape: The shapes are a turned either positive p (turned lef ft in shape directio on) or turned right in sha ape direction) arou und their insertion point using the en ntered negative (t value. Allows the e user to pick one line and then set the t orientation of the t shape about th hat line. Prompts th he user to pick a start s point and end d point of a shape. . Enables yo ou to insert a shap pe diagonally betw ween two points. Prompts th he user to pick a start s point, an end point and an axis of rotation for the e shape. Allows you u to select multiple e lines. Upon selec cting the lines the program will place one shape on each e line picked. For this method of insertion, , the orientation of f the shape is base ed on a point and entered ue. The length of th he shape is assign ned based in the value v you entered in the angle valu LENGTH field f of the dialog. You will be promp pted to pick a poin nt first and then will be prompted to enter an angle. You can use this option if yo ou have indicated a fixed shape leng gth. You are prom mpted for an p and for an alignment. Then the e shape will be inserted on the curre ent XYinsertion point plane of th he UCS with the co orresponding leng gth to the back (int to the depth). Displays th he Shape Catalog g dialog allowing you to customize th he shapes that are e displayed for selectio on in the Shape Classes C section. Displays th he Shape Modifica ation dialog allowing you to add ben nt or straight segm ments to a straight or already bent shap pe. Enables th he insertion of sec condary beams between two existing g main beams. Enables yo ou to insert multip ple secondary shap pes between primary shapes Enables in nsertion of beams at gridlines. With Alt selection is via polygon, with Co ontrol Lines in all Levels are used, other rwise only the ones at the current UC CS Plane. Enables in nsertion of columns at selected poin nts.

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Drawing S Steel Shapes in n the Model


In this exercise, you u will learn th he Line and 2 Point method ds of inserting g shapes into the model. INSER RTING SHAPE ES INTO A MODEL O 1. Op pen the ProSt teel V8i Shape es dialog (Clic ck Shapes Ico on). 2. Op pen the Straig ght Shapes tab b and set the parameters p as s shown in the e figure below w. Make sure to pi ick the top ce entre insertion n point in the image of the shape. This will w ins sert the shape e at the TOS centre c point.

3. Ne ext, switch to the Options tab t and set the parameters as shown bel low.

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D Drawing Steel Shapes S in the Model M

The op ptions provide ed in this dial log are descri ibed in the fol llowing table. .
NAME Height Start Offset O End Of ffset Radius s Scale Horizon ntal Offset Vertica al Offset Angula ar Insertion Insert in XY Plane Orienta ate Dynam mic Insert Ref R Points Insert as a 2D Shape Close Dialog D Keep Length L Second dary Beam DESCRIPTION Specify insertion height above curr rent XY plane. Specify offset of shape s from start point. p Specify offset of shape s from end po oint. Specify arc radius s for bent shapes created from poly yline. Specify scale of 2D 2 shapes. The distance of th he shapes if a sha ape class has been selected permitt ting an offset of se everal shapes in horizon ntal direction. The distance of th he shapes if a sha ape class has been selected permitt ting an offset of se everal shapes in vertical direction. List of available in nsertion points for r angle. Determine es the insertion po oint if Insert with Le ength under Angle is se elected. Enable insertion of o shapes current XY plane. Enable orientation of shapes during g insertion using right-mouse r click. Enables dynamic c insertion of shape es. Enable reference e point creation fro om insertion points s. Enable 2d Shape e creation. Enable dialog clo osure after shape insertion. Enable persistenc ce of length field after a dialog closure e. Connect AEC Lin nes: Enables connection of AEC line es of beams with AEC A lines of main elements. Cope: Enable add dition of cope to secondary beams. If selected, enables you to select a cope template from the e drop down list be elow. Opens th he Structural Cope e dialog allowing you y to edit a cope style.

4. Sw witch back to the Straight Shapes S tab an nd place the sh hape using th he Line insertio on me ethod. (Press the Line butto on near the bo ottom of the dialog). d 5. Th he prompt:
Pic ck the Desired poin nt <Line>

is displayed. Pick the back le eft vertical fra ame line at co olumn locatio on 2A he prompt: 6. Th
Click Lef ft-Hand Mouse Bu utton to Rotate the e Shape in Position n or Enter to Acce ept

is displayed. Cl lick the left mouse m button until u the shap pe rotates into o the position hown below. When W the shap pe is in the co orrect position n, press Enter r to end the sh ins sertion of the shape, and th hen press Ente er again to en nd the comma and. 7. When W the Struc ctural Shapes dialog displa ays, press OK to close the dialog. d

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Drawing S Steel Shapes in n the Model

8. Insert another shape s using th he Line method (Click Shap pes Icon). efine the shap pe as shown below. b 9. De

et the paramet ters in the Options tab the same as befor re and insert the t shape (Pre ess 10. Se the e Line button) ). 11. Th he prompt:
Pic ck the Desired poin nt <Line>

wi ill appear. Pic ck the top line e located 2A When W prompted d to:

Hi it Left-Hand Mouse M Button n to Rotate th he Shape in Po osition or Rig ght-Hand Mou use to Ac ccept. 13. Pr ress the Accep pt current Sha ape to prevent t further chang ges button. Th his will allow w you to place additio onal shapes us sing different settings from m this dialog without w losing g the set ttings of the shape s just pla aced.

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Editing Steel Shapes and Plates P


The ob bjectives of th his lesson are as follows:

Become fa amiliar with th he Element Modification M d dialog and its inherent functions. Modify ste eel shapes and d plates using g the Element t Modification n dialog commands s.


In this section we are a going to ha ave a close lo ook at some of ProSteel V8 8i modificatio on tools. s and plates can c be lengthe ened, shortene ed, coped, no otched, divided, joined, ang gle Shapes cut and d have boolea an operations performed on n them. There e are several methods m avai ilable to mod dify shapes an nd plates othe er than by Han ndle editing. Manipulation n commands are a availab ble in the mai in Structural Modify M Eleme ent dialog tha at is accessed through the Structu ural > Manipula ate menu. ProSteel V8i Manipulate dialo og (ProSteel V8i V menu > Manipu ulate > Dialog) or Click Mod dify Icon This se ection covers the Element Modification dialog. SHAPE E MANIPULATION COMMA ANDS / FUNCT TIONS 1. Op pen the Eleme ent Modificat tion dialog shown below (P ProSteel V8i menu m > Manipu ulate > Dialog) D or Clic ck Modify icon n

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Editing Ste eel Shapes and d Plates


Everytime you see this Icon in a dialog you have th he option to dis splay a Bitmap p (Graph hics)

How wever Setting the t Global Dia alog Settings to t Expert Mode will not show w Bitmap (Graph hics). This dialog d is divid ded into six fu unctional tabs. The options s in the Comm mon tab are describ bed in the following table. In the next exercise, e you will w execute some s of these e functio ons on the sha apes in the Vi iewMod.DWG G model.

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Editing Steel Shapes and Plates P

NAME Extend d/Trim

DESCRIPTION At Line: The T shape is cut at a a line. This can be an MicroStatio on line as well as an a imaginary line tha at can be created on fly by entering the letter "P" whe en prompted to pic ck the line upon which to cut t. When you enter r a value in the Dis stance field in the main dialog the shape will be gapped from the t line this amoun nt. To Extend to a Line: L Insert a shap pe into the drawing g and draw a line across its path a few f feet away. Select the icon to extend/trim m to line. At this po oint it is necessary y to select the sha ape and once that is done e, hold down the [A Alt] key and sele ect the line the elem ment should be ex xtended to. To Trim to a Line: Begin in the same manner as ab bove by placing a shape s in the drawing, this eate a crossing line e that intersects th he shape. Select the icon to extend/ /trim to line. time however cre To trim to a line simply s select the object o on the side that t should be rem moved then select t the line itself. ct: The shape is cu ut or extended at another a shape. In order for the cut to o take At Objec place the centerline of the object to o be cut must inter rsect some part of f the shape upon which w you t When you ente er a value in the Distance field in the e main dialog the shape s will are cutting back to. be gapped from the t cutting elemen nt this amount. Distance: Offset to t cutting line or cutting element. Creates Straight Cut: Creates a str raight cut at a line or object, no matt ter how these are positioned to the cut object. To Extend to Object: O Extending to a object/shape es is fairly straightf forward. Place two o shapes in the drawing; a co olumn, and a bea am going towards the columns flan nge. Leave a spac ce between them. Select the icon to extend/trim to shape. Then n select the shape e to be extended (beam) and then select the shape to extend to o (column). Note that t the element will w extend to the point p where ches the object it is extending to. its centerline touc To Trim to Obje ect: For this example recreate the same s geometry be etween two object t/shapes as above but this tim me have the beam m cross past the column. c Cut to sha ape is done by fir rst selecting the shape that is to be cut and the en choosing the sh hape it will cut aga ainst. Here the sho orter side is always removed and as mentioned d above, the element will extend to the point where its centerline ct it is extending to o. touches the objec

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Editing Ste eel Shapes and d Plates

NAME /Connect Divide/

DESCRIPTION Divide: By B using this functiion a shape can be b divided into two o shapes. The cutting line may be any line or o object. Pick the shape to be divided and then the dividing d line or poin nt. When you have entered d a value in the Dis stance field in the main dialog BOTH H new ends will be e shortened this am mount. Distance: Distanc ce between eleme ents after division. Separate on Leve el: If this option ha as been activated, you are asked for r three points, which have to form a plane. The e parts are divided d along this plane. To Divide: With divide d it is possible to take a single shape and break it into two completely separate element ts. To do this, plac ce a shape into the e work area. Next t choose the divide e icon and select the shape. Once the shape is i selected it is po ossible to divide it either e by selecting g a point e. (default) or by selecting a line that crosses the shape It is important to keep k in mind that when selecting a point that the divis sion will be made from that point, perpendicu ular to the shape. Connect: : This function allo ows two shapes of f the same type to o be joined as one. They must be exactly aligned. a Distance: Distanc ce between eleme ents after division. Separate on Leve el: If this option ha as been activated, you are asked for r three points, which have to form a plane. The e parts are divided d along this plane.

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Editing Steel Shapes and Plates P

NAME Notch

DESCRIPTION Using thiis function, you ca an insert simple ge eometrical shapes of outlets and cou untersunk parts into your sh hapes. You can cre eate square, wedg ge-type, and circular shapes using the t dialog which displays up pon selecting this option. Square Notch: To T use this option simply select the member and then n the location on the t member where the notch should s be placed. Once this is done, fill out the valu ues for Width, He eight and Depth and a select the pos sition of the nce with the point that was selected d. A blue, yellow and a red crosshair will indicate notch in accordan the point that was s selected. Wedge Notch: Wedge W works the same s way that 'Sq quare' does but inc cludes two new op ptions, 'Edge Front - Edg ge Back' and 'Edge Top Edge Bottom'. The first option is s whether the vertical flat side should d face the 'front' or o 'back'. This dete ermines the notches direction in relation to the direction that the member m is being drawn. d For examp ple if the n left to right then the t vertical flat sid de for the 'front' is always to the left and a the member is drawn 'back' always to the right. on is 'top' or 'bottom m' edge. This will place the horizont tal flat side facing whichever The second optio direction is chose en. Again this is re elated to the way the member has been drawn. If, for example, the beam is place ed in the drawing upside u down (rota ated 180 degrees) the 'edge bottom'' would place the flat side e at the top and the 'edge top' would d place the flat side at the bottom. Radial Notch: Th he radial notch wo orks differently than Square and We edge. It takes into account a the radius, length & angle a of the cylinder. It also has the option to use the outer or inner radius. Position: Under the 'Position' tab, the notch rotation n can be adjusted along any axis. He ere there y +/- 90 degrees or o if needed a valu ue can be entered and +/-Phi are options for rotating the notch by can be used to ro otate by the specif fied amount.

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Editing Ste eel Shapes and d Plates

NAME Polycuts

DESCRIPTION Pick: Pr ress the Pick butto on then pick the shape s to be cut. Ne ext, pick the point of the polyline defining the t boundaries of the cut. The Com mplete, Only Upper r Half and Only Lo ower Half settings decide where w to apply the cut. If a value is entered e in the Gap p field, an offset fro om the cut line will be mainta ained equal to the value entered in the t Gap field. Polyline: Press the Polyline button then pic ck the shape to be e cut. Next, you pic ck the polyline that defin nes the boundaries s of the cut. In this s case the polyline e must be drawn with w MicroStation and be drawn prior to initiating the polycut command. The Complete, Only Upper Half and Only Lower Half H settings decid de where to apply the cut. If a value is entered in the Gap G field an offset from the e cut line will be maintained m equal to o the value entered in the Gap field. Subtract t: This button is us sed to subtract the e volume of one sh hape from the volu ume of another. Press th he Subtract button n, then pick the sh hape to be cut, the en the shape to act as the boundary shape. The Complete, Only O Upper Half and Only Lower Hallf settings decide where w to apply the cut. If a value is entered in the Gap field an n offset from the cut c line will be main ntained equal to the value e entered in the Gap G field.

fter reviewing g the options of the Elemen nt Modificatio on dialog, pre ess Cancel to close. c 2. Af

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Editing Steel Shapes and Plates P

In this section, you will use the options o in Str ructurals Elem ment Modification dialog to t modify y steel shapes s and plates. SHAPE E MANIPULATION 1. Op pen the Eleme ent Modificat tion dialog (Pr roSteel V8i me enu > Manipulate > Dialog). . 2. Cl lick on the Sh hape tab. You u will shorten, , cope and mitre cut some shapes as ex xplained below w.

The ta able below pro ovides descrip ptions of the option o availab ble in the Sha apes tab.
NAME Shorten Shapes By Pick: : Allows you to sho orten a shape by picking p the distanc ce. Initiate the command and be egin by picking the e shape to be shor rtened. Pick a star rting point then an n end point of the shorte ening and the sha ape is shortened by b this distance. By Dime ension: Allows you u to shorten a shape by a distance equal e to a set valu ue. Pick the shape th hen, when prompte ed, type in a value e and the shape is s shortened by this s amount. ault: Shortens the shape s a distance equal e to the value e entered in the De efault By Defa field. Type a value in the Default fie eld and initiate the e command. Pick the t shape to be shortened near th he end you want re educed and the sh hape will automatiically be shortened d this amount. If you co ontinue to pick the same element the e shape will contin nue to be shortene ed the default value. Lengthen Shapes By Pick: : Same as the Sho orten Shapes By Pick P except the shape is lengthened d by the distance picke ed. By Dimension: Same as th he Shorten Shapes By Dimension except the shape is s lengthened by the e dimension enter red. By Defau ult: Same as the Shorten S Shape By Default except the e shape is lengthe ened by the default value. DESCRIPTION

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Editing Ste eel Shapes and d Plates

NAME Cope/N Notch

DESCRIPTION Cope: Copes C one shape where w it meets ano other shape. The shapes must inter rsect. Once the command is initiated pick the shape to be coped followed by the shape upon which to cut. After picking the shapes, s a dialog displays d giving you u additional option ns controlling the actual a cope distances and parameters.

Mitre Cuts C Angle Bisect: This function allows for mitering two shapes tha at are of the same e size and type. Additionally y you can define a Gap between the e two mitered shap pes by entering a value v in the Gap field. on allows for miter ring two shapes th hat may not be the e same size Outside Edge: This functio and type. Addition nally you can defin ne a Gap between n the two mitered shapes by enterin ng a value in the Gap field end: Performs a miter m and replaces the beveled edge e with a shape sec ction with a Insert be radius as specifie ed in the Radius fie eld.

ress the By De efault button. The T prompt: 3. Pr

Pic ck Shape at End to o be Shortened

Pick any shape. . Notice that the t shape sho ortens. Press OK O to close th he dialog and end the e command. 4. Op pen the Eleme ent Modificat tion dialog (Pr roSteel V8i me enu > Manipulate > Dialog). . 5. An ngle miter the e two shapes that t are angle ed adjacent to each other. In I the Miter Cuts C section of the dialog, d press th he Angle Bise ect button. he prompt: 6. Th
Sellect First Shape fo or Angle Cut

is displayed. Pick one of the two shapes that t are angled d adjacent to each other. he prompt: 7. Th
Sellect Second Shape for Angle Cut

is displayed. Pick the other shape s and not te the mitre th hat is applied to the two sh hapes. 8. Pr ress OK to close the dialog. . 9. Op pen the Eleme ent Modificat tion dialog (Pr roSteel V8i me enu > Manipulate > Dialog). . 10. No ow you will cut c one shape back from an nother. Press the t At Object button in the Ex xtend Trim section of the dialog. d 11. Th he prompt:
Sellect Shape to Cut or ESC for more Shapes S to Cut

is displayed. Se elect one of th he beams that t tees into the flange of a co olumn. he prompt: 12. Th
Sellect Shape on Wh hich to Cut

is displayed. Pick the interse ecting column n. Notice the cutback c that is i applied to the t be eam.

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Editing Steel Shapes and Plates P

Take a few minutes s to familiariz ze yourself wi ith the other manipulation m functions

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Creat ting a Wor rkfram me

In this chap pter, you will learn how to create ProSte eel V8i Workf frames, modif fy them, and create a Dis splay Class in n which to add d the frames. There are fi ive (5) lesson ns in this chap pter. Each less son begins wi ith a list of ob bjectives that define the in nformation th hat you will le earn in that le esson. A numb ber of exercis ses are provid ded in each lesson n that are desig gned to teach h you the topic cs listed in the Objectives section s at the start of each less son. Creating a Workframe W a Review Settings and Creating & Manipulating Display Cla asses, Area Classe es & Part Fam milies North Direc ction User Defined Part Descr ription s User Defined Templates 58 69 75 77 78

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Creating a Workframe an nd Review Sett tings


The ob bjectives of th his lesson are as follows:

Le earn how to cr reate a symm metrical Workf frame. Le earn how to cr reate a non-sy ymmetrical Workframe. W Ed dit the Workfr frame to chang ge its properties and dimen nsional setting gs.


We stro ongly recommend the use of WorkFrames as a often as possible, even tho ough it is possib ble to model a complete stru ucture without using one. The WorkFrame is a 3D object made-up of lin nes in the form m of square/rec ctangle, cylind der/cone or pyr ramid. It provid des the user with the followin ng:

Ro outing lines fo or steel placem ment. Au utomatic clipp ped views, fo or 2D drawing g generation also a for viewi ing.

A struc cture can be mo odelled with on ne or several WorkFrames. W


In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to create and a edit a wo orkframe. reate a new dr rawing using the template created in Ch hapter 2 and set s the view to o 1. Cr Iso ometric Overv view 1. 2. Di isplay the Pro oSteel V8i Wo orkframe dialo og and place a workframe (ProSteel V8i me enu > Structural Objects > Workframe) W o {CLICK} Wo or orkframe icon. he prompt: 3. Th
Sellect Origin of Work kframe or Enter fo or UCS Origin

is displayed. {R RIGHT-CLICK} to accept the e UCS origin. he prompt: 4. Th

Spe ecify X Axis for Workframe W or Enter for UCS X Axis s

is displayed. {R RIGHT-CLICK} to accept the e UCS X Axis s.

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Creating a Workframe and a Review Se ettings

5. Th he ProSteel V8i V Workframe e dialog displ lays as shown n below. Set the t size and nu umber of divis sions as show wn in the dialo og below.

6. Ne ext switch to the Views tab b and set the parameters p as shown below w.

7. No ow set the par rameters in th he Text X and Text Y tabs as s shown below w.

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Creating a Workframe an nd Review Sett tings

8. Bo orderlines


witch to the Options O tab an nd set the valu ues as shown below. Sw

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Creating a Workframe and a Review Se ettings

Finally, sw witch to the Blocks B tab an nd set the valu ues as shown below, b then press p OK to cr reate the workfram me.

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Creating a Workframe an nd Review Sett tings


In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to edit a workframe's w d dimensional s settings. VIEWIN NG THE WOR RKFRAME SETTINGS E 1. Se et the model to o the Overvie ew 1 view (Cli ick Isometric Overview O Icon n). Zoom into o the fro ont left corner r of the workf frame just cre eated and pick k the yellow collared c Axis De escription. On nce the AutoC CAD grips are e active, {RIG GHT-CLICK} to o access the co ontext menu. Se elect the PS 3D D properties option. o This will w open the ProSteel P V8i Workframe dia alog. This is the t same dialo og used to cre eate the work kframe. From this dialog yo ou are e able to chan nge the workf frame's length h, width, height, number of f divisions, gr rid sy ystem, grid siz ze etc.


Once steel s members have been pla aced on a workf frame and the workframe is modifie ed the shapes WILL W NOT upd date to match th he new dimens sions of the workfra ame.

2. Le eave the work kframe values s unchanged. Press P OK to return to the model. m If the grips g are e still active, press [ESC] to o deactivate them. t The di imensional po ortion of a Wo orkframe is what w is known n as a 'Structu ural Object'. This T portion n of the work kframe contain ns all of the dimensional d d necessary data y to define its size and location. In add dition to the dimensional d d there is sp data pecific frame data associat ted with ev very face (top p, left, right, front, f back an nd all faces in n between) of the workfram me. Each one o of these faces fa is indepe endent of the others and ca an be modifie ed separately. These individual fra ames also con nstitute the fra ame sections that are autom matically proces ssed by the 2D D Detail Cent ter. In the nex xt exercise you will view and modify on ne of these frames. f

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Creating a Workframe and a Review Se ettings


In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to view/ed dit a workfram me's propertie es. VIEWIN NG THE WOR RKFRAME PROPERTIES R 1. With W the model l in the Overv view 1 view, window w into th he front left corner c of the wo orkframe you u created. 2. No ow, pick on th he bottom fro ont magenta collared c frame e. On nce the AutoC CAD grips are e active, {RIG GHT-CLICK} to o access the Context C menu. . rowse the men nu and select the PS 3D pro operties optio on. This will open o the Br Workframe Wo Pro operties dialog g. Each tab within w the dial log allows you u to view/mo odify va arious propert ties of the wor rkframe as sh hown below.

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Creating a Workframe an nd Review Sett tings

3. Fr rom within thi is dialog you can change th he display of f this workfram me. You have e the ab bility to chang ge the name, size s and spaci ing of the wor rkframe axis. You can also o set the e clip plane distances d on th he front and back b (or above and below) of the workfr frame. Yo ou can turn on n the Area Na ame as well as rename the complete fram me, set the Ca amera locatio on and view lo ocation etc. 4. Le eave the Work kframe Prope erties unchang ged and press s OK to close the t dialog.

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Creating a Workframe and a Review Se ettings


In this exercise you u will use the Axis A Distance e method to create c the non n-symmetrical l workfr rame Bentley y2. When usin ng Axis distan nces you will assign each axis a (Length, Width, Height) a se eries of distan nces to form th he frame.

1. Se et the model to o the Overview w 1 view ({CL LICK} Isometric Overview ic con). 2. Ad dd another wo orkframe ({CL LICK} Workfra ame icon). 3. Th he prompt:
Spe ecify Origin of Wo orkframe or Right Mouse M Button for UCS U Origin

dis splays. Pick lower back lef ft corner of workframe w Bentley. 4. Th he prompt:
Spe ecify X-Axis of Wo orkframe or Enter UCS X-Axis

dis splays. Press Enter. 5. Cl lick on the La ayout tab and make m sure the e Workframe Layout is set to Rectangular. Make sure the options o in the e Dimensions and Division ns section are all disabled. 6. Se et the Length, Width, and Height H values as shown bel low. Not te: Both the Width W and Heig ght have multiple values to pro oduce 2 bays wide and 2 levels high.

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Creating a Workframe an nd Review Sett tings

7. Sw witch to the Views V tab and make sure all l other setting gs are set as sh hown below.

8. Ne ext, switch to the Text X an nd Text Y tabs s of the dialog g and set the axis a descriptio on va alues to match h the figures below. b

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Creating a Workframe and a Review Se ettings

9. Fin nally, set the parameters in n the Options tab as shown n below.

W the settin ngs are as sho own above, pr ress OK to clo ose the dialog. 10. When 11. Yo ou will also need n to modify fy the axis disp play settings in the previou us Bentley wo orkframe. Se elect the yello ow workframe e of Bentley using u the left hand h mouse button, b then {R RIGHT-CLICK} and select the e PS 3D Prope erties from th he menu list. Se elect the Text X tab select the t individual l Setting Butt tom.

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Creating a Workframe an nd Review Sett tings

12. By y double click king on the ax xis A & B the ere will be an X placed in n the Invisibl le co olumn which will w turn axis decryption.

13. Se elect OK. 14. To o finalize the Workframe, you y will add additional con nstruction lin nes for an awn ning fro om grid C bet tween column ns 2 and 3. Zo oom into the corner c of the workframe w at t C2. 15. Tr race an AutoC CAD line from m level 10-0 using polar cords @120,0 16. Ro otate this line to give it a 10 degree slop pe down. 17. Re epeat at colum mn C3 or use AutoCADs A c copy comman nd Yo our model sho ould appear as a below:

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Creating and Manipulatin ng Display Clas sses, Area Clas sses & Part Families

The ob bjectives of th his lesson are as follows:

Le earn about Dis splay Classes s, Area Classe es & Part Fam milies. Cr reate Display Classes, Area a Classes & Part P Families s. As ssign our Wor rkframe to th he Display Cla asses, Area Classes C & Par rt Families. Cy ycle the Displ lay Classes to o control the view v in the model. m

In this section, you will learn wh hat Display Classes, C Area Classes C & Pa art Families are a and ho ow to create th hem. Addition nally you wil ll learn how to o assign struc ctural element ts and objects s to them to make m viewing g the model ea asier in the ca ase of comple ex models. DISPL LAY CLASSES S Displa ay Classes are e a ProSteel V8i V tool used to t separate a model into ob bject visibility y classes s. The Di isplay Classes s command allows a you to organise obje ects (Shapes and a Structural l Object ts) from different AutoCAD layers into visibility gro oups that are independent i f from the lay yers they resid de in. Contrar ry to "freezing g" layers in AutoCAD, A wh hich turns off the display y of the comp plete layer, (re esulting in nu umerous layer rs to control display) d Displa ay Classe es allows you u to select enti ire groups or just j a few obj jects and mak ke them visibl le or hidden n. This will he elp simplify th he view of th he model displ layed on the screen. s


Each element can exist t only in one Display Clas ss at a time. This means that it will be removed from one cla ass if it is ass signed to ano other.

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Creating a and Manipulatin ng Display Clas sses, Area Classes & Part Fa amilies

In this section, you will learn how to create di isplay classes s. Some of the e display clas sses you cr reate will be used u later in th he modelling process. 1. Op pen the ProSt teel V8i Displ lay Classes di ialog (ProStee el menu > Display Classes > Dia alog) or {CLIC CK} Display Cl lasses icon.

2. Yo ou need to ass sign names to o our Display Classes. In order o to assign n a name doub ble cli ick on one of f the empty lis st entries and enter a name in the input field. f The firs st Di isplay Class will w be named d ***Marked Me embers***. 3. As ssign names to t Display Cla asses, ***Mark ked Members* ***, Beams, Co olumns, Struts s, Wi ind Beams, Wall W Stiffeners, Stair Stringer rs, Joist, Purli ins, Girts, etc, , as shown be elow.

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Creating and Manipulatin ng Display Clas sses, Area Clas sses & Part Families

AREA CLASSES In add dition to Displ lay Classes, PSV8i P include es Area Class functionality y to organize and a contro ol the visibility y of construct tion areas (wo ork areas, con nstruction pha ases, builds, etc.). e The us ser can create e Area Classes s, assign obje ects to those classes c and the en control the e visibility of the obje ects by turnin ng on or off th he Area Class ses.

In this section, you will learn how to create Area A Classes. Some S of the Area A Classes you create will be used later in the modelling m proc cess.
The image cannot be display ed. Your computer may not hav e enough memory to open the image, or the image may hav e been corrupted. Restart y our computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, y ou may hav e to delete the image and then insert it again.

1. Op pen the ProSt teel V8iArea Classes C dialog (ProSteel menu m > Area Classes C > Dial log) or {CLICK} Area a Classes icon n.

2. Yo ou need to ass sign names to o our Area Classes. In orde er to assign a name double click on n one of the em mpty list entr ries and enter a name in the e input field. The T first Disp play Cl lass will be na amed 1st Wor rkFrame. 3. As ssign names to t Area Classes, as shown below.

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Creating and a Manipulatin ng Display Clas sses, Area Classes & Part Fa amilies

PART FAMILIES Part Fa amilies are a mechanism to o automatical lly allocate pr refixes, colou urs and DetailStyles during g the modellin ng/positioning g process by categorizing c d different types of compo onents (eg, co olumns, beam ms, gusset plate es, etc). 2D li ine types and colour can al lso be contro olled through the t Part Fami ilies. Part Fa amilies shoul ld be created, components assigned to th hese and then n the Part Fam mily prefix should be use ed during pos sitioning. Note Each compo onent can belon ng to only one Part Family at a time.

In this section, you will learn how to create Part Families. Some of the display d classe es reate will be used u later in th he modelling process. you cr
The link ed image cannot be display ed. The file may hav e been mov ed, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

1. Op pen the ProSt teel V8i Part Families F dial log (ProSteel menu > Part Families F > Dia alog) or {CLICK} PartFamilies icon n.

2. Yo ou need to ass sign names to o our Part Fam milies. In orde er to assign a name double e click on n one of the em mpty list entr ries and enter a name in the e input field. A new dialog g will ap ppear, enter Description, D Pos Prefix and d Colour.

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Creating and Manipulatin ng Display Clas sses, Area Clas sses & Part Families

4. Cr reate Part Fam milies as show wn below. We will use the em later

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North Dire ection

The Be enchmark is a symbol that t can be insert ted into the 3D D model to sp pecify/control the directi ion marker for erection pur rpose of each assembly.


In this section, you will learn how to create a North Direct tion. o insert a be enchmark int to the 3D model, m {CLICK K} the Bench hmark icon on o the 1. To Pr roSteel V8i Utilities U toolba ar, then speci ify an origin/p point and a north n direction, the dia alog shown below b will app pear.

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North Dire ection

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User Defin ned part description


PSV8i i provides a mechanism m to assign user definable d part/ /shape descrip ptions that ca an be used during d the crea ation and edit ting of parts (eg, ( specifyin ng layers, colo our and line ty ypes), search hing and organ nizing and filt tering the display of parts during 2D dr rawing produc ction. To ass sign a Descrip ption to a shap pe, select a sh hape in the V8i model, {RIG GHT-CLICK} and a select PS3D Propert ties from the context menu u, the Shape Properties P dia alog will appe ear. From the t Descriptio on dropdown n in the Assign nment tab, sel lect any prede efined descrip ption.

This dropdown d list is controlled by a text file (..\LOC CALISED\USA_C CANADA\DATA\PRO P _ST3D.FDF). It contains some s predefin ned descriptio ons but is modifiable m by y the user wit th the help of a text editor such s as Micro osoft Notepad d. The PR RO_ST3D.FD DF data conte ent is arranged d as follows: Index, description [,layername [ e,layercolor, , layerlinety ype][,color normal, n line etype norma al, colour hi idden, linety ype hidden] ] Where e "normal" ar re visible line es on 2D detai ils and "hidd den" are hidde en lines on 2D D details s. Note Layername, colour an nd linetype par rameters are op ptional and will only be applie ed if the la ayer does not exist e when the description is assigned. a

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Use er Defined temp plates


Templ lates allow users to save all values relate ed to a dialog gbox (includin ng all tabs) to oa user de efined templa ate name and then reuse the values by lo oading the tem mplate. This functio onality saves time and allo ows settings to o be shared be etween co-wo orkers and standa ardised within n projects.. Each type t of functio on has a dedicated file to which w user de efined templat tes are saved. . Templ late files are grouped g into the t Varia fold der under two separate subf folders, Metri ic & Imperi ial. Templ lates can be cr reated throug gh most PSV8 8i dialogs. To cre eate or to load d/import a tem mplate {CLICK} on Template Templ late Manager dialog will ap ppear. . The ProSteel P V8i

To cre eate a new tem mplate in a ne ew folder, {CLIICK} on New Folder . A new folder is i added with the nam me "New Fold der". Type a new n name for the folder (eg g, "FirstFolder r"). {CLICK} } once outside e the name fie eld, then {CLIC CK} on Save Te emplate As. A new w template is added a with th he name "Template". Type a new name for f the templa ate (eg, "FirstTemplate F " This saves "). s the fields/set ttings in the dialog d to the corresponding c g templa ate listed abov ve. To loa ad a template, , {CLICK} on Te emplate. The ProSteel l V8i Templat te Manager dialog d will ap ppear. Select a template fro om the list of f templates and {CLICK} on Load L Template e This will w populate all fields/sett tings in the dialog from the e template.

To imp port a templa ate, {CLICK} on Template . The ProSte eel V8i Templ late Manager r dialog will appear. {CLICK} on Import and d the file brow wser will appe ear. Select an ng template an nd {CLICK} on Open. existin The ex xisting templa ate will be loa aded into the ProSteel P V8i Template Ma anager dialog g.

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Inser rting & Manipulating Shape S s

u will learn ho ow to insert st teel into a Wo orkframe usin ng the Line an nd 2 In this chapter, you m Afte er insertion you y will edit th he steel furthe er so you can n detail the joi ints in Point methods. later ch hapters. There are three (3) lessons in thi is chapter. Each lesson beg gins with a lis st of objective es that define the informati ion that you will w learn in th hat lesson. A number of ex xercises are provid ded in each les sson that are designed to te each you the topics listed in i the Objecti ives section n at the start of o each lesson n. Inserting St teel Shapes Using U the Line e Assigning Steel S Member r to a Display y Class Inserting St teel Shapes Using U the 2 Po oint Method 80 86 87

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Inserting Steel S Shapes Using U the LINE


The ob bjectives of th his lesson are as follows:

Create a st teel Shapes Template T to minimize m the sh hape selection n. Learn how w to insert stee el Shapes on a workframe. Introduce the t Divide com mmand from the Manipulat te menu.

In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to create a template file of the Austr ralian steel sh hapes.

1. Ch hange to the standard s isom metric view ({C CLICK} Isomet tric Overview icon). 2. Yo ou will begin by inserting the t columns on o the Bentley y workframe ({CLICK} Shapes ico on). 3. Be efore you plac ce a shape you need to min nimize the nu umber of shap pe types displa ayed wi ithin the dialo og. To do this s you will crea ate a template e file and save e this so that you y ca an recall it late er. Fr rom the ProSt teel 3D Shape es dialog, pres ss the Display y button. 4. As s you can see the Shapes Catalog C shown n below is div vided into thr ree main secti ions.

Th he list of shap pe tables shipp ped with the product p is sho own on the fa ar left and the list of f available sha apes for each table is displa ayed in the ce enter. The Cu urrent Shape Cl lasses section n on the right contains only y the shapes you y want to se ee when you inv voke the Shap pes Insert com mmand. Al lter the Curre ent Shape Cla asses to show only the AISC US IMPER RIAL steel sh hapes an nd have them display in Im mperial units. 5. To o begin, press s the << button n to remove all a the shapes from the Cur rrent Shape Cl lasses section n.

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Inse erting Steel Sha apes Using the e LINE

6. Ne ext, disable al ll of the optio ons in the cata alog section except for the AISC US IM MPERIAL Th he List of Ava ailable Shapes s to the right will reflect th he change. 7. No ow press the >> > button to add a all of the shapes in the List of Availa able Shapes section to the Current C Shape e Classes list. 8. Fr rom the center r of the dialog g, select the Automatic A rad dio button. Th he dialog shou uld no ow appear as shown s below.

9. To o save the new w settings, pic ck the Templa ate button. Wh hen the ProSt teel 3D Temp plate Manager Ma dialog g appears, cre eate a new fol lder named Bentley B , then n add a templa ate to the e folder name ed Training. . The dialog should s appear r as shown be elow. Pr ress Enter to return to the previous p dialo og and press OK O to return to o the Steel shape ins sertion dialog g.

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Inserting S Steel Shapes Using U the LINE


In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to insert steel s shapes on our workfra ame using the e Line method. INSER RTING SHAPE ES 1. Fr rom within the e ProSteel 3D D Shapes dialog, set the op ptions as follo ows and select t the Shape Size to W12X X45. Set the in nsertion point to the "center of steel" by picking the node n on the center of the shape image e.

2. Pr ress the Insert shape on Sel lected Line bu utton. The pro ompt:
Pic ck the Desired Point <Line>

dis splays. Select t the vertical line l of the wo orkframe loca ated at grid co oordinate A1 in i the wo orkframe FR1. 3. Th he prompt:
Clic ck Left-Hand Mouse Button to Rotate the Shape in Po osition or Enter to Accept

dis splays. Click the left mous se button to tu urn the shape in the direction shown bel low.

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Inse erting Steel Sha apes Using the e LINE

4. When W the shape e is orientated d correctly, {R RIGHT-CLICK} } twice to end d the comman nd and ret turn to the dia alog. 5. Pr ress the OK bu utton to close the ProSteel 3D Shapes dialog. d 6. Re epeat this com mmand and in nsert the same e type and size shape (W12x45) at grid li ine A2 2. At all rema aining vertical grid lines, in nsert W12X45 shapes. Note When selecting s the ve ertical grid lines in Frame Bentley2, be sure e to pick the verticall grid lines near the top of the e frame so as not n to select the e Bentley grid lines. Also A remember r to change the Area Class va alues to 2nd Wo orkFrame

7. Ne ext, return to the ProSteel 3D Shapes di ialog. Keep th he Shape Type as AISC_I_W W, an nd set the size to W21X44. Using U the Line e method, insert and orient t the beams on n the ho orizontal lines s as shown in the following g figure. Mak ke sure that th he beams are ins serted using the t top center r "TOS" insert tion point.


Do not forget the options that need to be changed when inserting g the beams. Keep in n mind also the e 2 different Wo orkFrames for Area Classes.

Yo our model sho ould appear as a shown belo ow.

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Inserting S Steel Shapes Using U the LINE

In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to divide a steel shape by dividing it i into multipl le shapes s at column in ntersections. Now th hat you have some elemen nts inserted in n your model you y will need d to divide som me of these where w they in ntersect a colu umn. To do th his you will us se the Manipu ulate and Divid de commands along with w the Shape e Point comma and from the ProSteel 3D Osnap toolba ar.

1. Op pen the Eleme ent Modificat tion dialog ({C CLICK} Modify y icon). 2. Pr ress the Divide e button in the e Common tab b. 3. When W prompted d to select the e shapes to be e divided, cho oose the W21X X44 beam loca ated be etween coordi inates A3 to C3 C . {RIGHT-CL LICK} to accep pt the selections. 4. When W prompted d to pick the dividing d poin nt or line, 5. When W prompted d to pick a sh hape point, choose the colu umn located at t coordinate B3 B . Th he snap will lo ocate a point on the centro oid axis to use e as the dividi ing point. 6. Pr ress OK to com mplete the com mmand. 7. Re epeat the sam me process for the W21X44beam b coordina ates A2 to C2. 8. Zo oom into one of the W21X4 44 shapes at th he intersection n with the col lumns and no ote tha at the elemen nt is now divid ded into two pieces. p

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Assigning Steel Member rs to a Display Class


The ob bjectives of th his lesson are as follows:

Learn how w to assign me embers to a Display D Class from within the t Display Class C dialog. Learn how w to assign sha apes to a disp play class glob bally by Grip editing shape es.

In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to place shapes into a display d class using u the Disp splay n feature. Class dialog Assign ASSIG GNING SHAPE ES TO A DISP PLAY CLASS 1. Op pen the Displ lay Classes di ialog (ProStee el menu > Disp play Classes > Dialog) or r {CLICK} Display y Classes icon n. 2. Se elect the Colum mns Class to make it activ ve, then press the Assign bu utton. 3. Th he prompt:
Select ob bjects you wish to add to the Displa ay Class

dis splays. Pick all a of the colu umns within th he model and d then {RIGHT-CLICK} to ret turn to the Display Classes C dialog g. 4. Th hen turn off Columns C Class s to remove th hem from the display. This s makes it eas sier to be e able to selec ct the other ite ems. 5. Se elect the Beam ms Class to make m it active then t press the e Assign butto on. 6. Th he prompt:
Select ob bjects you wish to add to the Displa ay Class

dis splays. Choos se all beams except e two be eams located between b A3, B3, B and C3. {R RIGHT-CLICK} to return to th he Display Cl lasses dialog. . 7. Pr ress OK in the Display Clas ss dialog to re eturn to the model. m


1. Se elect the two W21X44 W beam ms located alon ng A3 and B3 3 to highlight their Grips. {R RIGHT-CLICK} to access the ProSteel 3D Properties. 2. When W the Shap pe Properties dialog appear rs switch to th he Assignmen nts tab. 3. Ne ext to the Disp play Class pi ick box, selec ct the drop dow wn arrow and d, from the lis st of av vailable displa ay classes, sel lect the Beams display clas ss. Select OK to return to th he mo odel. 4. Ad dd the remain ning shapes to o the respectiv ve display cla ass in the sam me manner (ie be eams located along a B3 and C3).

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Inserting Steel S Shapes Using U the 2 Point Method


The ob bjective of thi is lesson is as s follows:

Le earn how to in nsert shapes in n a model usi ing the 2 Point method.

INSER RTING THE SHAPE H USING THE T 2 POINT METHOD 1. Op pen the ProSt teel 3D Shape es dialog ({CL LICK} Shapes icon). 2. Fr rom within the e Structural Shapes S dialog g, set the Shap pe Type to be AISC_I_W an nd the Sh hape Size to W16X31 W Se et the insertion n point to the e "top center of o steel" by pi icking the nod de on the center of the e top flange on o the shape image. {CLICK} on the Options tab to o make sure the t Orientate after insertio on option is en nabled. 3. Se elect the 2 Po oint method of f insertion and d zoom in on n the intersecti ion of the col lumn at coordinate B2 2 and the exis sting beams. W prompted d to select the e insertion point of the sha ape, choose th he WorkFrame e at 4. When B2 2 at Level 2. Fo or the second end insertion n point, transp parently zoom m to the colum mn at coordina ate B3 ch hoose the Wor rkFrame inter rsection at tha at point. 5. {R RIGHT-CLICK} to accept the rotation of th he shape. {R RIGHT-CLICK} again to retur rn to the dialo og, then press s OK to end th he command. 6. Fi ill the rest of the structure at level 2 Your model m should d now appear as a shown belo ow:

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Inserting Steel l Shapes Using g the 2 Point Method M


1. Ad dd the awning g beams, as W6X25 W , from columns c B3 and a C3, using the previousl ly drawn construc ction lines. 2. As ssign these be eams to their respective r dis splay classes. 3. Sa ave your mode el. Your model m should d now appear as a shown belo ow.

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Cre eating g Connectio ons Bet tween n Elem ments s

is chapter. Each lesson beg gins with a lis st of objective es that There are three (3) lessons in thi ion that you will w learn in th hat lesson. A number of ex xercises are define the informati provid ded in each les sson that are designed to te each you the topics listed in i the Objecti ives section n at the start of o each lesson n. Creating a Basic B End Pla ate Connectio on Modifying Connections Using Grip Editing E 90 102

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Creation a Basic End Pla ate Connection n


The ob bjectives of th his lesson are as follows:

Le earn how to cr reate an End Plate P connection. Le earn what eac ch data field controls c in the e design of the e End Plate. Le earn how to ad dd additional design featur res to an End d Plate connec ction.


In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to create a basic End Plate P connection. 1. Zo oom to the sta andard isomet tric view ({CL LICK} Isometri ic Overview ic con). 2. Yo ou will begin by zooming into the joint between the column W12X X45 and Beam ms W2 21X44 at coor rdinate A1. 3. Place an end plate (ProSteel 3D menu > Co onnections > End Plates > Endplates E Nor rmal) plates icon. or {CLICK} Endp 4. Th he prompt:
Sellect the Shape to Connect

is displayed. Pick the W21X4 44 member ru unning along Axis A 1. he prompt: 5. Th

Sellect support shape e or <RETURN> fo or no support shape

is displayed. Se elect the colum mn that the be eam is to be connected c to. The ProSteel l 3D En ndplates dialo og will display y. Set the par rameters as sh hown below and a press OK to t pla ace the end pl late.


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Crea ation a Basic En nd Plate Conne ection

Hole Dimensions D from top of end d plate

Conne ect


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Creation a Basic End Pla ate Connection n

Assign nment

Repeat the same pro ocedure and place p the sam me end plate on n the opposite e end of the 44 beam W21X4 A desc cription of the e fields within n the differen nt tabs of the ProSteel P 3D Endplates E dia alog is provid ded in the following tables. .
LAYOUT T TAB Layout of Plate Th his option lists the following connect tion types to choos se from: Au utomatic: The prog gram makes the distinction between n a spliced / butt or normal plate con nnection. An n angle of approx. 45 is assumed to o be the critical an ngle. Sp plice: The connect tion is always a sp plice connection. No ormal: The connec ction is always a normal n plate conne ection. Fla ange: The connec ction has a plate welded w to its flange es. Sp pecify the basic dim mensions of the co onnecting plate. Width: means the width w of the plate (in case of I shapes s: parallel to the sh hape flange). Th hickness: means the t thickness of th he plate. Le ength: means a fixed length of the plate independent of o the shape heigh ht. Entering the va alue 0 for the e length, you can enter the plate len ngth variably in the e Offset Top/Offse et fields as distanc ce from the e upper and lower r edge of the selec cted shape. Ga ap: specifies that an a indicated space e is left between th he supporting sha ape and the plate. This allows you to consid der finishing tolera ances. ouble Plate: means that two connec cting plates of the same s size are cre eated. Do Se elect if plates are created c using a fla at steel or polyplates Ro otates connection upside down. When the Double Pllates option is ena abled, this forces both b plates to be id dentical in form. Pr ress this button to retrieve the dimen nsion of the plate from f a shape. Pr ress this button to set the dimension ns of the second plate p to those of the first plate.

Plate Dimensions D

As Poly yplate Rotate Connection Plates Equal

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Crea ation a Basic En nd Plate Conne ection

LAYOUT T TAB Plate Offset O Ho orizontal: means th he complete plate connection is shif fted parallel to the e flange of the connecting shape. ertical: means the complete plate co onnection is shifted d parallel to the web of the connectiing shape. Ve

HOLES TAB Withou ut Holes Vertica al Wi Without Holes: The connecting plate is i entered without drill holes if this fiield is selected. Th his allows you to determine the num mber of vertical drill holes in the plate e. As symmetrical: If this field is checked, , you can determin ne the distances of o the holes. Other rwise, a symmetrical s distrib bution is determine ed according to th he defaults. Nu umber: You determ mine the number of o drill holes in ver rtical direction. You u can select betwe een 1 an nd 10 drill holes. (Vertical Hole Patter rn): The drill hole spacing s in a vertic cal direction (heigh ht) is determined. epending on the entry, the values ha ave different mean nings. Examples are a given at the en nd of De the e command descr ription. Yo ou can enter the distance of the upp per row of holes fro om the plate's upp per edge in the Up pside fie eld. If this value is 0, and the value in n the box Downsid de is also 0, the on nly entry that will be b us sed is in the Middle e field. Yo ou can enter the distance of the first t and second row of o holes from the upper u and lower plate p ed dge in the Middle field. f The holes will be distributed un niformly between the t two outer hole es if this value is 0. The other o rows of hole es will be arranged d in the same man nner if the number is eater than 4. gre Yo ou can enter the distance of the lowest row of holes fr rom the plate's low wer edge in the bo ox Do ownside. Only the entry in the Middlle box will be used d if the value in the e Downside and Upside U fie eld is 0. You can enter a simultaneou us shifting of all ro ows of holes with respect r to the plat te up pper edge in the Offset O field. Shifting g will be carried ou ut with respect to the t plate lower edg ge wh hen entering negative values. If you have selected the e Asymmetrical op ption, the structure e of the e hole pattern inpu ut changes and a list with an input field appears. Depending on the num mber of holes, you can de etermine each dist tance individually by clicking the pos sition in the list and by sp pecifying the distan nce in the input fie eld. Additionally, yo ou can determine whether the dis stribution starts fro om upper or lower r plate edge, depending on the chec cked field upper ed dge or low wer edge. Th his allows you to determine the num mber of horizontal drill d holes in the plate. Nu umber: You determ mine the number of o drill holes in hor rizontal direction (w width) in the list. You Y ca an select 1, 2, or 4 drill holes. Thus, 1 to 40 hole patte erns can be created. (Horizontal Hole Pat ttern): The drill hole spacing in a ho orizontal direction (width) ( is defined here. xamples are given at the end of the command descrip ption. The distance e between the out ter left Ex row w of holes and the e central left row of o holes, if the num mber of rows is 4, is i entered in the Left L fie eld. The distance between b the two in nner rows of holes s is entered in the Middle field. The rows r of holes are generallly arranged centra ally, unless they are a offset by an entry in the Offset fie eld. Th he distance betwee en the outer right row of holes and the t central right ro ow of holes, if the nu umber of rows is 4, is entered in the Right field. Simult taneous shifting of all rows of holes with res spect to the right plate p edge is entered in the Offset fiield. When enterin ng negative values s, shifting will be carrie ed out with respec ct to the left plate edge. e If the t Asymmetrical option is enabled, , this provides a lis st of options to determine where the e hole off fsets are measure ed. The available options o are Upper Edge Plate, Uppe er Edge Shape, an nd Lo ower Edge Shape.

Horizon ntal

Measured from

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Creation a Basic End Pla ate Connection n

CONNECT TAB Bolt Se ettings Th he Bolt Style allow ws you to select the e type of bolts (e.g g., 8.8S) to be use ed for the connection. The Ed dit Style button nex xt to this field disp plays a dialog allow wing you to create e new Bolt styles and a edit ex xisting ones. Yo ou can enter the bolt diameter for the connection in th he Dia field and the e required hole dia ameter of the e bolted connectio on, in most cases +2 mm in the Wo orkloose field. Th he Weld Style allow ws you to select th he type of weld to be used for the co onnection. The Ed dit Style bu utton next to this fie eld displays a diallog allowing you to o create new weld d styles and edit ex xisting on nes. Yo ou can enter the welding w seam thick knesses by enablin ng the Weld Flang ge Side Weld Web b Side op ptions and in enter ring the thickness in the corresponding fields. Welding g marks can be subsequently assign ned to the welding g seams.

Weld Settings S

GROUP TAB Group and Cope If the t Create Group option is enabled, , the plate and the e shape to be conn nected are arranged to form a group g in this field. The plate is allocated to another gr roup, if the shape is already part of that t gro oup. The same ap pplies to the suppo orting shape and the associated stiff ffeners. Th he bolts or welds fo or the shape to be e connected are also assigned to the group in With Bo olts or Wi Welds fields. With To op Left: Leaves a gap g in the angle in n the upper left sid de. To op Right: Leaves a gap in the angle in the upper right side. Bo ottom Left: Leaves s a gap in the anglle in the bottom left side. Bo ottom Right: Leave es a gap in the ang gle in the bottom right r side.

Safety Copes

In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to create an a End Plate connection with w a gusset plate p on the lower surface of the beam m. 1. To o place a conn nection plate, first, zoom to o the intersection of the thr ree W21X44 beams b wi ith the W12X4 45 column loc cated at coord dinate A2. 2. Place an end plate ({CLICK} Endplate E icon n ). he prompt: 3. Th
Select th he Shape to Conne ect

is displayed. Pick the W21X4 44 member ru unning along Axis 2. he prompt: 4. Th

Select su upport shape or <RETURN> for no support shape

is displayed. Pick the column n to display th he ProSteel 3D 3 Endplates dialog shown n be elow. Set the parameters p as s shown below w and then pr ress OK.

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Crea ation a Basic En nd Plate Conne ection


Do not forget to set each plates info ormation in the Assignment ta ab.

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Creation a Basic End Pla ate Connection n

The follow wing table pro ovides a desc cription of the e fields within n the Bt. Train tab:
NAME Select Haunch DESCRIPTION E Sp pecify the position of the haunch as well as any additional stiffeners. If the t Top Haunch field is checked, the haunch is create ed on the topside of the shape to be e co onnected. If the t Bottom Haunc ch field is checked, the haunch is cre eated on the botto om side of the sha ape to be co onnected. Cr reates the bottom train from a coped d shape Cr reates a rectangular web plate. Cu uts the web plate parallel p to the supporting shape. On nly available when the Coped Shape e option is en nabled. Cr reates the flange of o the bottom train as Polyplate. t Support Shape e field is checked, stiffeners are add ded to the support t shape. These stif ffeners If the are e created in addition to those create ed together with th he connection. If the t Connection Sh hape field is check ked, additional stif ffeners are added to the connection shape. Sp pecify the haunch plates (plates). If the t Coped Shape field is checked, the t haunch is not created c from indiv vidual plates but fr rom one cro opped shape. The e shape size corresponds with the connection shape. All other shape size fields are e then insignifican nt. Fla ange Width is the width of the haunch flange if the ha aunch is designed from plates. Fla ange Thickness is s the thickness of the t haunch flange e if the haunch is designed d from plat tes. We eb Thickness is th he thickness of the e haunch web plat te if the haunch is designed from pla ates. Sp pecifies the exterio or haunch dimensiions. A bitmap illu ustrating the dimen nsions is available e by pre essing the Hide Graphics G button at t the bottom of the e dialog. Different illustrations will diisplay de epending on the ty ype of shape size you y select. The dimension numbers s will correspond with w the fie eld numbers in the dialog. Ha aunch Length: Set ts the length of the e bottom train. Cu ut Width: Sets the cut height in the connecting c shape. . To op Height: Sets the e top of the height t of the web plate. Fla ange Width: Sets the width of the fla ange of the bottom m train. Fla ange Thickness: Sets S the thickness of the flange of th he bottom train. Pla ate Thickness: Se ets the web plate th hickness. Fa acet Size: Sets the e facets on the we eb plate on the inn ner edges. Fa acet Horizontal: Se ets the horizontal facet f on the outer edge of the web plate. p Only availab ble when the e Rectangular Plate option is enable ed. Fa acet Vertical: Sets the vertical facet on the outer edge e of the web plate. Only available wh hen the Re ectangular Plate option o is enabled. Su upp. Plate Width: Sets S the width of the t supporting plat te underneath the coped shape. Su upp. Plate: Enable es the Input of the strength plate und derneath the cope ed shape. Su upp. Plate Thickne ess: Sets the thick kness of the suppo orting shape under rneath the coped shape. s Su upp. Shape as Polly: Creates a supp porting plate as po olyplate.

Coped Shape Rectan ngular Plate Normal to Column As Poly yplate Stiffene er in Suppor rt Shape Stiffene er in Connec ct Shape Shape Size

Dimens sions

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Crea ation a Basic En nd Plate Conne ection


1. Re epeat the prev vious exercise e to place ano other end plate e with a haun nch on the oth her en nd of the same e beam. 2. Se et your model l to a BENTLE EY2_Y_2 view w and it should d appear as sh hown below.

In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to create an a End Plate connection with w a gusset plate p on the upper and lower surface of o the beam. eturn to an Ov verview 1 view w, then zoom to the interse ection of the three t W21X44 1. Re be eams with the W12X45 colu umn located at a coordinate B2 B . 2. Place an end plate ({CLICK} Endplate E icon n ). 3. Th he prompt:
Select th he Shape to Conne ect

is displayed. Pick the W21X4 44 member ru unning along Axis A 2. he prompt: 4. Th

Select su upport shape or <RETURN> for no support shape

is displayed. Pick the column n to display th he ProSteel 3D 3 EndPlates s dialog shown n be elow. Set the parameters p as s shown below w. When finis shed, press OK K to place the e pla ates.

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Creation a Basic End Pla ate Connection n

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Crea ation a Basic En nd Plate Conne ection


Once again, a dont forg get to set each h plates information in the As ssignment tab.

ure and place another a end plate p with gus sset plates on the other end d of Repeat the procedu me beam. You ur model shou uld appear as s shown below w. (Bentley2_Y Y_2 view) the sam

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Creation a Basic End Pla ate Connection n

In this exercise, you u will finish building b End plate p connect tions between n beams and columns. 1. At t the intersect tion of all W21 1X44 beams with w the colum mn WEBS, cr reate an End Plate P co onnection ({CL LICK} Endplat te icon) with the following g parameters

Th he other param meters in this dialog should d remain unch hanged. t the Intersect tion of the W1 16X31 (located d in the TOP elevation of workframe w 2. At Be entley2) with the t column WEBS W create End E Plate conn nections ({CL LICK} Endplate e ico on) with the following f para ameters

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Modifyi ing Connection ns using Grip Editing E

3. Th he remaining settings for th hese endplate es will remain n unchanged, so after settin ng the La ayout paramet ters as shown n, press OK to place the end dplate.


The ob bjectives of th his lesson are as follows:

Le earn how to use u grip editin ng to modify an a existing En nd Plate conn nection. Manually modi ify a connecti ion and add "c common" bol lts to two back to back End d Plate connectio ons. Int troduce the BOLTING B comm mand.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Zo oom to the sta andard isomet tric view ({CL LICK} Isometri ic Overview ic con). Zo oom into the joint j between n the column and a beams at coordinate A1. Pick the W21X4 44 beam runn ning along Axis 1 to highlig ght its grips. RIGHT-CLICK} and select PS S 3D Propertie es. {R Fr rom the Shape e Properties dialog d select the t LogLinks tab.

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Modifying Connections using u Grip Editing

6. Se earch the Link k until you fin nd the End Plate located at t this intersect tion. This can n be accomplished by b using the arrow a buttons at the bottom m of the LogLi inks tab. Note The nu umber and desc cription of the link changes as s you cycle thro ough the availab ble links. Also note n that in the model, as you u move from en nd plate to end plate, the intersecting g column at the e connection wiill highlight. Thiis is your indicatiion that this is the t joint that will w be edited.

7. On nce the End Plate P connecti ion is located, , select the Ed dit button to in nvoke the edi it dia alog. 8. Ed dit the connec ction as indica ated in the fig gures below changing c the Offset O in the Plate P Di imension and the bolts defi finition.

9. Pr ress the OK bu utton to close the dialog an nd apply the changes. c 10. While W still in th he Shape Prop perties dialog g, use the arro ows and cycle e to the End Plate P co onnection loca ated at the oth her end of the e same beam and a modify it t in the same ma anner. 11. Se et your model l to a Bentley_ _Y_1 view and d the front fra ame should ap ppear as show wn be elow.

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Modifyi ing Connection ns using Grip Editing E

Hin nt

The off fset value will be b a Negative number n when the t desired res sult has the plat te extended beyond the limits of the be eam. This is tru ue in all cases including an offset on o the top side of the beam. Positive e numbers are used only whe en the plate ne eeds to be smaller in height than the intersecting beam. The ed diting of a connection can also o be accessed by selecting th he connecting plate (a activating its grips) and using g the PS3D Ch hange Connect tion option from the con ntext menu (right-click).

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Modifying Connections using u Grip Editing


1. Re eturn to an Ov verview 1 view w and zoom to o the joint between the bea ams and the co olumn located d at coordinate e A2. 2. Us se the AutoCA AD Erase com mmand to era ase the bolts th hat exist betw ween the co onnections of both beams on o Axis A and the column. Note Each connection c that was created at a this location added a a set of bolts to the connec ction if the glob bal options were e not set prope erly. Otherwise the connection n should already be usiing one single set of bolts.

3. No ow that the bo olts have been n manually de eleted, you will w need to bo olt the connection tog gether using the t correct len ngth bolt. The e new length needs to be lo ong enough to o accommodate both b end plate es and the col lumn web thic ckness. elect Bolts fro om the ProSte eel menu or {C CLICK} the Bo olt icon. This will load the 4. Se Pr roSteel Bolt Styles S dialog. Cl lick on the Bo olting tab and set the values s as shown be elow.

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Modifyi ing Connection ns using Grip Editing E

Th he following table t provides s a description of the fields s in the dialog g shown abov ve.
NAME Bolt B Style Single S Hole Bolt Create C dynamic Connection C Bolt B Settings DESCRIPTI ION Contains the bolt type (e.g., 8.8S) 8 for the bolted d connections. The different bolt typ pes d which allows a you to add self-defined types s. are filed in databases When enabled, bolts are also o defined for single e holes. Normally, two opposite drill holes i Geometry Settin ng are necessary for bolting. with their tolerances defined in If this field is s checked, all invo olved elements are e created with a lo ogical link. Thus th he bolting can be automatically adapted a if a component is modified. In the Diam meter field, enter the diameter for the e bolt(s) to be used d in the connection. In the Work kloose field, enter the t desired hole clearance c of the bo olted connection, in most cases 2 mm. In the Addit tional Length field, you can enter a length addition to the t grip of the bolt t, which will be taken into consideration when sellecting the bolts. In the Gap field, f you enter the e distance up to which w two drill holes can be consider red as matching an nd the component t parts concerned can be bolted together, in most cas ses 2 mm. In the Angle e field, you enter th he angle difference of two hole axes s, up to which two drill holes can be e considered to be e well aligned and d the component parts p concerned ca an be bolted toget ther, in most cases s 1. Hint

Tolerances T

You should not adjust Y a this value to 0, since in so ome cases this would w p prevent bolt faste ening due to an inexact calculat tion, although in p practical application a connection would be poss sible.

Bolting: Pre ess this button to create c the connect tions. For this purp pose, you must se elect all compone ents to be connect ted according to th he defined mode (maximum ( of 50 parts p in one opera ation). Then the program defines the possible bolt settings and inserts the bolts into the model. Single Bolt: Press this button to insert a single bolt at the desired d position. Turn: Press s this button to rota ate inserted bolts for f mounting reaso ons. For this purpose, select all bo olts that are to be turned. t

4. Cl lick on the Bo olt Style tab to o display the fields f shown below. b

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Modifying Connections using u Grip Editing

Th he following table t provides s a description of the fields s in the Bolt Styles S tab shown ab bove.
NAME Bolt Style Additional Parts Option Buttons DESCRIPTION N Here, the selec cted style name is s displayed. The options along the left side of o the display deter rmines the compo onents of the bolt s you check an item, it will appear in n the display to the e right. connection. As The buttons on n the right side of the Additional Par rts section display y dialogs that proviide more detailed information about t the corresponding component. For a component button able checkbox for r the corresponding g component on the left to be enabled, you must first ena eption is the Bolt button. b It will alway ys be enabled. side of the diallog. The only exce Save: Click this button to save th he bolt style in the e drawing. Please note that you hav ve to c the drawing g later, too, to keep the information. save the style here first and of course Load from File e: Click this button to load a bolt style from a file you received e.g. from another user.

5. Se et the values as a shown abov ve and Save to t save the sty yle in the draw wing. Note New Bo olt Styles can be b created thro ough the Sort ta ab of the dialog g. Once created and saved, they will be b added to the e Bolt Style dro op down list.

6. Re eturn to the Bolting tab and d press the Bo olting button at a the bottom of the dialog. . 7. Th he prompt:
Select alll Parts to be Bolte ed (max 50): Select Objects: O

dis splays. Pick the t column an nd BOTH end d plates. 8. Pr ress Enter. This will insert bolts b and retu urn you to the e ProSteel 3D D Bolt Styles dia alog. 9. Pr ress OK to close the dialog. . Hin nt You sh hould not perfor rm this type of operation until ready to begin n the detailing or o creation of an MTO. After A performing this operation, any editing performed p on the t End Pla ate connection ns via the "Logical Links" mod dification procedure will reinsert bolts b for each end e plate thus doubling d the qu uantity of bolts if the global setting are not set to allow back to back b connectio ons. You will need to manu ual add the bolts to the const truction group if required. 10. Sa ave your mode el (File menu > Save). Yo our model sho ould appear as a shown in th he following figure. f

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Modifyi ing Connection ns using Grip Editing E

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Creat ting Base B Plates s and d Cross Bra acing

is chapter. Each lesson beg gins with a lis st of objective es that There are three (3) lessons in thi ion that you will w learn in th hat lesson. A number of ex xercises are define the informati provid ded in each les sson that are designed to te each you the topics listed in i the Objecti ives section n at the start of o each lesson n. Creating Ba ase Plates on Columns Drilling the e Base Plate to Accommod date Anchor Bolts B Creation of f Dynamic and Static Braci ings 108 116 120

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Creating Base B Plates on Columns


The ob bjectives of th his lesson are as follows:

Le earn how to use u the Base Plate P comman nd to insert Ba ase plates on a column. Cr reate Base Pla ates using the e Plate comma and in conjun nction with the e MODIFY fun nctions to sho orten shapes.

1. Se elect Zoom/Vie ews > Isometr ric Overview from f the ProS Steel menu. 2. Zo oom in on the e bottom end of o the column n at coordinat te A1. 3. Se elect the Base eplates option. (ProSteel menu > Connec ctions > Basep plates, Or {CLICK} Bas seplates icon. W prompted d to: 4. When
Sellect the Shape to connect c

Pick the column n near the bot ttom end. Set t the values in n the ProSteel l DSTV Basep plate dia alog as shown n below

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Creating Base e Plates on Col lumns

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Creating B Base Plates on Columns

When W finished setting the pa arameters pres ss OK. 5. Re epeat this process on the co olumn at coor rdinate B1. The fo ollowing table es provide a description d of f the fields in the t ProSteel 3D 3 DSTV Basepl late dialog.
NAME Layout t Tab Selecte ed Column Plate Width W Plate Height H Plate Thickness T Grout Thickness T Align Plate P to Shape Normal Shorten Column Displays the co olumn selected for baseplate. Width of the ba ase plate (parallel to the support flange), related to a vertical supporting g shape. Height of the base b plate, related d to a vertical supp porting shape. Thickness of th he base plate. Enter the grout thickness, or how w high the plate sh hall be above the current Niveou. The base plate e will be entered vertically v to the lon ngitudinal in Profile e Direction: axis of f the support in this field. If not, the ba ase plate will be aligned parallel to the t x/y axis of the WCS, provided d, it is a "real" sup pport. The supporting g shape is shorten ned by the plate th hickness and the grout g space underneath in this field. Ot therwise, the base e plate is fastened to the support. Th he point of referen nce is determined by y the shape axis in the case of inclined supports. The base plate e and the support member are arran nged to form a gro oup in this field. If the t support memb ber is already part of another group, the base plate is assigned to that group. g If this field is checked, the base plate is always aliigned parallel towards the x/y-plane e and the smallest to orsion is searched. Otherwise it is alligned parallel tow wards the flanges. DESCRIPTION N

Form Group G As Poly yplate

Holes Tab Inner Holes H Drill Inner Hole es: Enable this opt tion to create inne er holes according to the settings be elow: Hole Distance: Enter the width of o the inner holefie eld, or 0 if you only y want holes in the e Height. nly want holes in th he Hole Distance: Enter the Height of the inner holefiield, or 0 if you on width. r: Enter the diamet ter of the inner ho olefield. Hole Diameter

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Creating Base e Plates on Col lumns

NAME Outer Holes H

DESCRIPTION N Drill Outer Holes: Enable this op ption to create oute er holes according g to the settings be elow: ese two fields, input the number of desired d holes in th he Outer Holefield. . Number: In the Holefield Width h: Enter the total Width W of the outer holefield. Holefield Heigh ht: Enter the total Height of the oute er holefield. Hole Diameter r: Enter the diamet ter of the outer ho olefield.

Conne ect Tab With Tiie Bolts With Anchor bolts e outside Label Use Do owel If With Tie Bolt ts is selected, the anchor bolts are displayed d by symb bols and can be entered in the parts list. Inserts anchor rbolts also in the outer o holefield. Description for r the anchor bolts. Use Anchor Do owels instead of a symbolic bolt. Th he dowels are stor red in a database which is defined in th he field below. The e browse button alllows you to navigate to the desired database. Define the weld style to be used d in this field. Enable this option to use welds on the flange side e of the connection n shape. The thickness ou to enter the thic ckness of the weld d if you want to override field next to thiis option allows yo the weld style thickness. Enable this option to use welds on the web side of o the connection shape. s The thickne ess field next to thiis option allows yo ou to enter the thic ckness of the weld d if you want to override the weld style thickness.

Weld Style S Weld Flange F Side

Weld Web W Side

Data Tab T Column n Load in kN Hole diiameter Concre ete Availab ble Standard Baseplates Maximum force to be carried by the plate. List of standardized hole diamet ters. Concrete grade of the elements. You will find ba ase plates for the clicked supporting g shape under Sellection Templates. These are defiined according to the standard DAS ST guidelines. The values in the t fields below ar re displayed and can c be changed. When W you select a plate, the base e plate is immediately attached; you u can then directly check the result and a make modifica ations, if necessary y. Note: The plat te width and the plate height refer to o vertical supports s. The values are correspondingly increased to ma aintain the shape edges in the case e of inclined suppo orts. Clone Press this butt ton to apply the da ata of an already existing e base plate e to a new plate. This T requires that you y press the Existing Base Plate bu utton.

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Creating B Base Plates on Columns

There may be times s when using the Base Plat te command may m not be th he best method d of adding g a base plate. In these situ uations you ca an create the base b plate by shortening th he column using the modify m comma and and then inserting the plate using th he plate functions. 1. Zoom to the standard isome etric view ({CL LICK} Isometr ric Overview icon). 2. Zo oom in on the e base of colum mn located at t coordinate C2 C . 3. Op pen the Eleme ent Modificat tion dialog. ({C CLICK} Modify y icon) 4. Cl lick on the Sh hapes tab. You u will use the e Shorten Sha apes by Defaul lt function to sh horten our colu umn by a dist tance equal to o our fabricate ed base plate thickness. Se et the Default field value to o 1 1/8. Press s the By Defau ult button and d when promp pted to:
Sellect shape at the End E to be shortene ed

Pick the column n near the end d. This will sh horten the col lumn by the value v of 1 1/8 . Hin nt Before using the Shorten by Default t function, mak ke sure to windo ow in on the elemen nt to be shorten ned. As the com mmand automa atically shorten ns the column when picked p when zo oomed out you may not notice e the shortenin ng of the eleme ent and willl pick the same e element twice e, thus shorten ning the shape a second time.

5. Pr ress OK to close the dialog. . 6. Us sing the same e function, sho orten the colu umn located at a coordinate C3 C .

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Creating Base e Plates on Col lumns

1. While W still zoom med in on the e column at co oordinate C3, invoke the Plates comman nd (ProSteel menu > Plates > Pla ates) or {CLIC CK} Plates icon n. 2. In the ProSteel Plates/Polyp plates dialog set s the parame eters as show wn below. Mak ke su ure to select th he CENTER insertion i poin nt in the image of the plate.

The fo ollowing table e provides a description d of f the fields in the t ProSteel 3D 3 Plates/ /Polyplates dialog d .
NAME Length Width Thickne ess Height Offset: Dimens sions X-Offse et Y-Offse et Item No o. Grid DESCRIPTIO ON Sets the plate e length if the plat te is rectangular. Sets the plate e width of the plate e is rectangular. Thickness of the plate to be cre eated. Either enter a value or select t a value from the list. The insertion n plane of the plate e is moved by this value in negative direction towards s the reference pla ane (active ACS or r element ACS). Enter the plat te dimension into the Length and Width W fields if you have h selected the contour Rectangular. Sets the plate e X-Offset if the pllate is rectangular r. Sets the plate e Y-Offset if the pllate is rectangular r. Changes the Plate article number If the Active Layer L field is enab bled, the plates are e not inserted in th he plate level (def fault is PS_PLATE) but rather in the current MicroStatio on level. If the Grid field is enabled, an additional a grid is visible v at the upper r side to display gridirons, for example.

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Creating B Base Plates on Columns

NAME Insert Plane P

DESCRIPTIO ON Here you indicate the reference e plane for the ins sertion of the plate e. t ACS field is mark ked, the corner po oints of the polyline e are referenced with w the If the Current current ACS when creating the e plate if you have selected the cont tour Adapt Contou ur. This is the standard case if the drawn ply-line is located d within the ACS. If the Object ACS A field is marke ed, the element ACS of the polyline e is considered to be b the reference pla ane when creating the plate if you ha ave selected the contour c Adapt Con ntour. Use this setting if the polyline is not t located in the cur rrent ACS and you u want to insert a plate to it. The User Def fined Plane is defiined by two lines (on ( which you hav ve to click). Thus, this will allow you to align a a plate on a shape. This is working when you cr reate a plate by se electing points. The selection n Top, Middle, or Bottom B determines s the insertion plane of the plate. Please note that the value es for the insertion n height apply up to t this plane. Label: Allows s you to select the name of the polyp plate Material: Cho oose the material from f this list, whic ch will be associate ed with the plate in n the parts list. s: Enables the selection of the Display Class of the pllate. Display Class Description: Enables E the selection of the Free Description of the plate. p Active Layer: Enables you to select the Level for r the plate. Insert Polypoint: Inserts a polypoint by specified s points. s polygon, circle c or arc. Insert on Polygon: Inserts a plate by a selected ate: Inserts a recta angular plate on an n insertion point. Insert Rectangular Pla ate: Inserts a recta angular plate on a selected diagonal. Insert Rectangular Pla tangular on Line: Inserts a rectangular plate along a liine. Rect Four r Points: If the By 4 Points field is ch hecked, you determ mine the form of th he plate by picking any fo our points in the space you like. The e first three points determine at the same time the insertion plane of the plate. The fourth point is plumbed toward ds this plane. Thus you have y to create a plate without setting the ACS before. the possibility Stee el into Poly: Transf forms already inse erted flat steel sha apes into plates. This can some times be b useful, if you wa ant to carry out modifications which h cannot be made with a shape. u to name and save the current settings s as a temp plate that Template: Allows the user can be recalled later. ension: Press this button to re-spec cify the reference liine for the plate le ength. Dime Grid: Enable this optio on to re-specify the e reference line fo or the plate grid. Addit tional Flange: Ena ables creation of additional a flanges to t a plate.

Insert Edge E Options s

Placem ment Options

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Creating Base e Plates on Col lumns

ress the Insert button at the e bottom of th he dialog and when w prompt ted to: 3. Pr
Pic ck Insert point of th he Rectangular Pla ate

pic ck the bottom m shape point of the column n. The plate will w be created d at this point t and yo ou will return to the dialog. . 4. Re epeat the proc cess on the co olumn located d at coordinate e B3.

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Drilling the e base plate to accommodate e anchor bolts


The ob bjective of thi is lesson is as s follows:

Le earn the use of o the Drill com mmand.


Now th hat you have inserted the base b plates yo ou will need to t drill these to t accommodate anchor r bolts using the t Drill comm mand. 1. Zo oom to the sta andard isomet tric view ({CL LICK} Isometri ic Overview ic con). 2. Zo oom into the area a of the ba ase plate locat ted at the base e of the colum mn located at co oordinate C2. 3. Se elect the Drill option o (ProSteel menu > Dr rill) or {CLICK K} Drill icon. 4. In the ProSteel 3D Drill dial log loads set the t parameter rs shown belo ow.

ollowing table e provides a description d of f the fields in the t dialog. The fo

NAME Hole Field Description DESCRIPTIO ON Layout: The following f options are a available to se et the layout type for the hole field: Rectangular: For a rectangular r drill hole field, the e drill holes are ar rranged as a recta angle with rows and d columns around the insertion poin nt. Radial: At a radial r drill hole field, the drill holes are a arranged in a complete c or partial circle around the insertion poin nt. When this optio on is selected, add ditional input fields s will d by means of o which round drilll hole fields can be e be displayed as shown in the dialog determined. Single Holes: When this box is s activated, the drilll hole description is ignored, and yo ou vidual holes into th he shape. can drill indiv Shape/X Dir: Description of drill hole field in shap pe direction, for pllates in x direction n of

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Dril lling the base plate p to accomm modate anchor r bolts


DESCRIPTIO ON the ACS. Det tails on how to des scribe a drill hole field f are given on the next page. Cross/Y Dir: Description of drill hole field perpen ndicular to the shape direction, for plates in y direction of the ACS. Number/Radi dius: Enter the num mber of drill holes to be created in th he Number field an nd the radius which the drill holes are distributed around the insertion poiint in the Radius fiield. Area/Start: In n the Area field, en nter the number of f degrees that the bolt holes are to be b distributed ar round (for instance e the value 180 for a semicircle). If you y enter the value 0, the complete circle will be used d. You can enter an angle of the firs st drill hole toward ds the axis of the component in the input fiield Start if the partial circle has to be b insertion X-a rotated. er: When the Shap pe Center box has s been clicked, all points on the shap pe Shape Cente centerline are e put perpendicula ar to the shape center. If the Show Axis A field is checke ed, the midline, gra avity line, and trac cing dimensions are displayed afte er clicking the sha ape. The axes are removed again af fter the drilling has s concluded.


Diameter: En nter the hole diame eter here. Workloose: Addition A to the hole e diameter as ente ered, e.g., for galv vanizing. Slot Length: If in the input field Slot Axis a value bigger than 0 has s been entered, the d as slotted hole. The T entered value determines the distance between the hole is drilled two holes wh hich are drilled as slotted s holes. In case of a slotted s hole, two drill d holes with a pit tch as entered in the t input field will be created, and the space in betw ween will be cut ou ut. Hole Type Drill Through means that the material m will be com mpletely drilled thr rough. (If a top flan nge is drilled, the bo ottom flange will not be drilled through.) Drill Blink Ho ole means that the drill hole has the depth as entered in the Bore Hole Depth D field. Weld marks means m that small holes are spot-drillled for marking ad dd-on pieces. Dimensioning g of these small ho oles can be carried out automaticallly. Flange Selec ction: Upper Chord d means that the fla ange which is "rea ached first by the drill" d will be drilled d. Lower Chord d means that the se econd flange whic ch is "reached by the t drill" will be driilled. This function allows a bottom flange f from the top p view to be drilled d on the shape. Both Chords means that both flanges f are drilled. Create Threa aded hole: Creates s a threaded hole. . This will appear differently d in 2D. Single: You can c insert the com mplete hole field or r several single holes into one shape e. First, click the e shape or the pla ate. Then click or ty ype the hole field insertion point. When having g selected single holes, h you can inse ert different single holes until you pr ress the Enter key y or the right mous se button. All holes will be drilled now.

Layout and Position

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Drilling the e base plate to accommodate e anchor bolts


DESCRIPTIO ON Multiple: You u can insert holes in i several shapes at the same time, , e.g., when shape es are placed upon each other, and a hole for a through h rod shall be drilled. First, click all pes or plates and then drill the holes s as described in Single S . desired shap

Each of the selected s shapes be eing hit by an imaginary beam that starts at the insert ted drill holes (in both directions, th he beam direction is the position of the hole axis!) willl be drilled at the point of impact, th he hole size being identical. Thus, th he holes are exact tly aligned. Adopt: Drill holes in shapes can be taken over according to the "beam principal" ase, the entries in the dialog are ignored. First, click all a described in Multiple. In this ca h to be transfe erred and then all shapes to adopt the t hole. Using this shapes with holes function, drill holes from a conn necting plate may be rapidly transfe erred to a shape.

5. Pr ress the Settings tab and se et the values shown s below.

The fo ollowing table e provides a description d of f the fields in the t dialog.

NAME Hole Ty ype Group DESCRIPTION Normal Drill: the holes h are drilled as a normal holes wh hich are drilled thr rough and which always a have the same diiameter. Countersunk: If th his field is enabled d, the holes are dr rilled as countersu unk holes. In the neighboring input t fields, you can sp pecify the counter rsunk depth and th he opening angle of o the hole.

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Dril lling the base plate p to accomm modate anchor r bolts


DESCRIPTION Step Hole: the ho oles are drilled as step hole with two o different diamete ers. The upper diameter is bigger than the e lower diameter. In the neighboring input fields, you can c specify the de epth and the diameter r of the upper hole section.

Depth/A Angle Depth/Radius Hole Ty ype

Depth sets the length of the straigh ht part of the countersunk hole. he upper opening angle for the coun ntersunk hole. The Angle sets th Depth sets the Le ength of the lower part of the step hole. The Radius sets diameter of the up pper part of the ste ep hole. Hole Type: The selection s list offers s you several Hole e Types to choose from, which determines how the t drill holes appe ear in the detailed d shop drawings. You Y can choose fro om Hole Representation, Field Drill, Field Bolt, or Shop Bolt B . You can define a relative offset by which the actual hole h insertion poin nt to be moved away from the clicked point. p This enable es you to offset the e starting point of a hole group against the shape starting g point and click on o the starting poin nt, or to insert asymmetrically positio oned hole groups. t the insertion po oint. No Offset means that the clicked point corresponds to Rectangular Offset means that the offset data in the Distance box are assumed as x/y values. d in the Distanc ce box are assum med as distance/pit tch Polar Offset means that the offset data values. Here, you can specify a rotation of the drill hole field around the insertion point. These boxes are activated if you se elected a relative offset under 'Offse et'. If you have sellected Rectangular as offset, you can ente er the two distances in the input fields X-Offset and YY ve selected Polar as offset, you can n enter the distanc ce and the angle in n the Offset . If you hav corresponding inp put fields Distance e and Angle. Here, you can verify the selected drill d hole field and determine d the inse ertion point by means ts. The bigger red point shows the current c insertion po oint. of the small point


Rotatio on Distanc ces


Re eturn to the Dimensions tab b and press th he Single butto on from the bottom b of the dia alog and Sele ect the Object t to be Drilled d pic ck the plate. 6. When W prompted d to:
Pic ck the Insertion point of Drill Pattern

pic ck the bottom m end of the co olumn. This will w add the holes h to the pl late and return n you to the dialog. Pr ress OK to en nd the function n. epeat the sam me procedure on o the column ns base plate located at coo ordinate C3. 7. Re Hin nt When drilling d objects, , be sure to hav ve the ACS in the top plane of o the object to be drille ed or pick the insertion i point of the drill pattern as the top surface of the object. The Drill command operates s exactly like a real world drillling process. You Y would not n drill up from m the bottom of f the plate. When drilling a sh hape such as a wide fla ange it is only necessary n to pick p the shape point p of the objject as the drill pattern n insertion point as the switches "Drill First Flange", F "Drill Next N Flange", and a "Drill Both Flanges" will w control the actual a ACS pla ane from which the drill pattern originates.

8. Yo our model sho ould appear as a shown belo ow.

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Drilling the e base plate to accommodate e anchor bolts

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Creation of Dynamic c and Static Bra acings


The ob bjectives of th his lesson are as follows:

Le earn how to cr reate Dynami ic cross bracin ng. Le earn how to cr reate Static br racing. Int troduce ProSt teel 3D "Construction line es and delve further fu into the e ProSteel 3D D SN NAPS.


In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to create Dynamic D Cro oss bracing. 1. Zo oom to the sta andard isomet tric view ({CL LICK} Isometri ic Overview ic con). 2. To o begin the cr ross bracing command c you u need to prep pare the mode el. This requir res yo ou to set the view v of the mo odel to the fra ame that will contain the cr ross bracing and a to create constr ruction lines to t act as your guide lines fo or the bracing g. hange the disp play to the sav ved Bentley_Y Y_1 view ({CL LICK} Choose e View icon). 3. Ch When W the dialo og appears select the Bentle ey_Y_1 view from f the list and a press the Set Vie ew button to set s model to this t view.

4. Cr reate the requ uired construc ction line by drawing d an Au utoCAD line. 5. When W prompted d to:
Specify the Sta art Point of Line

Se elect the objec ct centre of th he upper left hand h beam, Se elect the lowe er centre point t of the right hand h column, , Yo our model sho ould appear as a shown belo ow.

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Creation o of Dynamic and d Static Bracing gs


In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to define and create Dy ynamic Cross s Bracing. 1. While W still in th he Bentley_Y_ _1 view select t the Dynamic Bracing optio on (ProSteel 3D 3 me enu > Connec ctions > Bracin ng > Bracing dynamic) d or {C CLICK} Bracin ng Dynamic ic con. 2. When W prompted d to:
Pic ck System Line of Brace Member <L Line>,Point

pic ck the AutoC CAD diagonal line between n the columns. 3. When W prompted d to:
Sellect First Main Me ember to connect Brace: B

pic ck the left han nd column. 4. When W the prom mpt:

Pic ck Second Main Member to which th he bracing connec cts at opposite end d:

dis splays, pick th he other colum mn. This will l open the Pro oSteel 3D Bra acing dialog. Set the e parameters as shown below.

The fo ollowing table e provides a description d of f the fields in the t Common tab.
NAME Bracing g Type DESCRIPTION N Here you selec ct which geometry y will be used. Dep pending on the selection (Normal, Rod R or Pipe) only the corresponding tab b (Shape, Rod or Pipe) will be used to generate the bracing. Indicates the utilized u shapes for the bracing bars. Enter the Shape Catalog into the first selection box, the Shape Type in nto the second, an nd the Shape Size e into the third. Indicates the th hickness of the gu usset plate. Determines the e minimum distance between Borde ers or Border objects to the bracing rods. Rounds the ca alculated length of the bracing rods to t this value. Sets the maxim mum width of the gusset g plates if the e triangular symm metric is selected.

Shapes s (Type & Class) Plate Thickness T Edge Distance D to Round Shape Length to Plate Width W Minimum

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Creation of Dynamic c and Static Bra acings

NAME Offset Depth accord. a ACS Gusset t Position Gusset t Type

DESCRIPTION N Selects how fa ar the Gusset Plate es shall overlap th he Bracing Rods sideways. s Sets the depth h of the Bracing ac ccording to the AC CS system Sets the position of the Gusset plates p according to o the connection plane. p Sets the form of o the Gusset Plat tes.

Openin ng Angle Cross Bracing B Welded d Bracing Form Group G Symme etrical Dynam mic

But tt Strap Rec ctangular Tria angular Minimised d Tria angular Symmetric cal

Here you can determine d the ope ening angle of the gusset plate towa ards the bracing ba ar at the shape Tria angle bent If this switch is s enabled, the brac cing is designed in n the form of a cro oss stay. Otherwis se, only one bracin ng bar is added to o the clicked on sy ystem line. If this switch is s enabled, the brac cing is welded in its entirety. No bor rings are added in that case. If this switch is s enabled, the individual bracing ele ements are formed d into groups. If this switch is s enabled, the brac cing is designed in n the form of a cro oss stay and rema ains symmetrical if modified with its grips. g Otherwise, every e bar can be changed c individua ally. If this switch is s enabled, the brac cing immediately depicts d the modific cations made in th he dialog. If you would w like to modif fy many values, yo ou can deactivate this option for the e time being. Add Cutting Ed dge: By pressing this t button, you ca an add additional boundary b edges (lines) for the gusset plate calculation. Delete Cutting Edge: Press this s button to delete an a additional boun ndary edge. To stop the Cr reation of a gusset t plate at the end of o a bracing bar, ju ust click on this bu utton. Includes bracin ng bar which does snt belong to the bracing b in the crea ation of a gusset plate p Excludes any bracing b bar which doesnt belong to o the bracing from the creation of a gusset plate.

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Creation o of Dynamic and d Static Bracing gs

The fo ollowing table e provides a description d of f the fields in the t Shape Bra acing tab.
NAME Shape Position Shape Insertion Hole Position Shape Distance Rotatio on Angle Offset Shorten Mirror Shapes S Divide All Center r Hole Bind Plates

Hin nt

Bracing g command ma ay require that you "Add Cutting Edge" in or rder to better define the limits of the e bracing and the t gusset plates. This may not n be enough to t properlly define the plate in which ca ase you can us se additional MODIFY comma ands to shape the t plates as needed. n This would include su uch commands s as "Ext tend/Trim to Lin ne". Also of importance is tha at Dynamic bracing can be modifie ed after its initia al insertion. It will w also dynam mically adjust as s changes are made to t the adjacent members and the distance between b them.

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Creation of Dynamic c and Static Bra acings

o clean up the e bracing guss set plates, retu urn to the Com mmon tab of the t ProSteel 3D 3 5. To Br racing dialog, , select the Ad dd Cutting Edge function, select s the und derside of the beam to reshape and adjust a the gus sset plates. When W finished, , press OK to close the dial log.

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Creation o of Dynamic and d Static Bracing gs


In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to prepare e the model to o create Static c Bracing. 1. Zoom to the standard isome etric view ({CL LICK} Isometr ric Overview icon). o begin the br racing comma and you need to prepare th he model. This s requires you u to 2. To set t the view of the model to your frame th hat will conta ain the cross bracing b and to o cre eate construct tion lines to act a as your gu uides for the bracing. b 3. Ch hange the disp play to the sav ved Bentley2_ _Y_3 view ({C CLICK} Choos se View icon). 4. When W the dialo og appears select the Bentle ey2_Y_3 view from the list and press the e Set Vie ew button to set s model to this t view.

6. No ow you will create c the con nstruction line e for our Static bracing. Inv voke the line co ommand and when w prompte ed to specify the first point 7. When W prompted d to:
Spe ecify first point:

sel lect the bottom m of the left columns c cen nter line to pla ace the start of o the line at th he ba ase of the colu umn. 8. At t the prompt:
Spe ecify Next Point:

Se elect the snap p and then select the CENT TER of the cr rossbeam, and d astrix will be b dis splayed at the e centre of the e beam to con nfirm you are in the correct location. 8. Th he last segmen nt of the line snap to the center c column ns base. 9. Yo our model sho ould appear as a shown belo ow.

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Creation of Dynamic c and Static Bra acings


In this exercise you u will finish define and inse ert Static Bracing compone ents. 1. Se elect the Static c Bracing opti ion. (ProSteel l menu > Conn nections > Bra acing > Bracin ng sta atic) or {CLICK K} Bracing St tatic icon. Thi is will open th he ProSteel 3D Static Brac cing dia alog. Set the parameters p in n the Shapes tab t as shown below. b

Th he following table t provides s a description of the fields s in the Shape es tab of the Pr roSteel 3D Br racing dialog.
NAME Shape S Type DESCRIPTIO ON Selects the shape type for the bracing rods.

ProSteel Modeling v8i MicroStation User M

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Creation o of Dynamic and d Static Bracing gs

NAME Shape S Class Resolution R Shape S Size ACS A Location

DESCRIPTIO ON Selects the shape that will be displayed d in the fie eld Shape Window w. Selects the re esolution in which the bracing rods will w be inserted. Determines the shape size for the bracing rods The position of the gusset plate e with respect to the plane of the br racing is determine ed. ge shows the plate e front edge. The second image sho ows the plate Cen nter The first imag and the third image shows the plate rear edge.

Rod R Insertion Rod R Position

Determines the position of the rod with respect to the insertion line e (system line). ert the rod in the Middle M , on the Grav vity line, or on the Root line. You can inse You can dete ermine the position n of the rod with re espect to the bracing plane. You can check the sellected position in the t Shape Window w in the upper righ ht corner of the dia alog field. eans that the rod is s flush with the fro ont edge of the gus sset plate (more Frontside me precise: in po ositive z direction of o the ACS). Backside means that the rod is s flush with the rea ar edge of the gus sset plate (more egative z direction of the ACS). precise: in ne Bothsides me eans that a rod is positioned on both h sides of the guss set plate. Centered me eans that the rod axis a is in a centere ed position in the ACS A plane. You can inse ert the rod in its no ormal position or ro otated by +90 degrees or -90 degrees. You can chec ck the selected mo ode in the Shape Window in the upp per right corner of f the dialog field. The shape ca an be inserted in a normal or mirrore red way. You can check c the selected d mode in the Shape S Window in the upper right co orner of the dialog. Thickness of gusset plates.

Rotation R

Mirror M Plate P Thickness Placement P Options s

u can create bracin ng rods and gusse et plates in one op peration. However, the You command is not suitable for the e connection of se everal rods from different systems. This T og field after creation. should be done using a single function. You will return to the dialo u can insert single rods that are auto omatically drilled. You Y will return to the t You dialog field af fter creation Exis sting shapes are drilled d on their ends, according to the e definitions in the e dialog field. You Y must select th he shapes for this purpose. You will return to the dialo og field afterwar rds. A gu usset plate will be created automatic cally. Select Bracin ng Rods that have already been drillled and then click Boundary Lines fo or the Plate Edges. The program will try to find a suitab ble plate dimensio on by keeping the edge e distances and d the boundary lin nes. It may be necessary to pick one e point at the planned bracing end. Click the approxim mate position of th he gusset plate. Yo ou will return to the dialog field af fterwards.

ProSteel Model ling V8i MicroStation User

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Creation of Dynamic c and Static Bra acings


DESCRIPTIO ON You u can determine th he shape of the gusset plate. Select the driilled bracing rods that are to be connected and pick a point on the planned bracing end. Click the approxim mate position of th he gusset plate. Th he edge distances s will be displayed. You then def fine the shape of th he plate by clicking the edge points of a polyline. You u can check the sha ape being created d. The functions av vailable for creatin ng the polyline are e the same as thos se available for dra awing a polyline using u MicroStation. The dialog will be restored after r creating the plate e. If yo ou have not determ mined the ACS pla ane before using the command, you u can do this subse equently: the active e ACS plane (and d consequently the e plane of the brac cing) will be determ mined by clicking 3 points. You will return r to the dialog g field afterwards.

lick on the Co onnect tab and d set the param meters as sho own below. 2. Cl

Th he following table t provides s a description of the fields s in the Connect tab of the Pr roSteel 3D Br racing dialog.
NAME Bolt B Style Diameter D Workloose W Number N Shape Number N Cross Distance D Hole H Position Weld W Bracing Plate P without Edges DESCRIPTIO ON Determines the style of bolt. Determines the diameter of the e bolts. Workloose be etween the Hole diameter d and Bolt diameter. You can ente er the number of bolts b (drill holes) in n shape direction of o the rod on each shape end. The spa acing will result fro om the selected bo olt diameter. Sets the num mber of bolts norma al to the bracing ro od direction. Sets the spac cing of the holes normal n to the bracing rod direction. You can dete ermine the position n of the holes in th he rod. You can insert the holes in th he Middle, on the Gravit ty line, or on the Pitch P line. The shapes and a gusset plates are not drilled if th he Weld Bracing field f is selected. The dimensions of o the gusset plate es, however, are determined as if drill holes were exis sting. The edges of f the gusset plate are not beveled but right-angled if the Plate without Edge E field is enabled.

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Creation o of Dynamic and d Static Bracing gs

NAME Create C Group With W Bolts

DESCRIPTIO ON A group is for rmed for each rod if the Create Group field is selected d. The bolts of the t bracing rod to be connected are e also allocated to the group if the With W Bolts field is select ted.

3. Ne ext, set the pa arameters of the t Distance tab t as shown below.

4. As s you are buil lding a static bracing b you will w need to build this in se ections. First you y wi ill define the bracing b angle es. Fr rom within the e dialog press s the Rod butt ton. When pro ompted to:
Pic ck System Line of Brace Member <L Line>Point

pic ck the AutoC CAD line on th he left. 5. When W prompted d to:

Pic ck Border Line of Brace B Member or Return for End <L Line>,Back, Point

pic ck the left col lumn. 6. At t the prompt:

Pic ck Border Line of Brace B Member or Return for End <L Line>,Back, Point

pic ck the cross beam b at the to op. 7. When W prompted d a third time e to:
Pic ck Border Line of Brace B Member or Return for End <L Line>,Back, Point

{R RIGHT-CLICK} to end the de efinition phase e and bring up p the Bracing g Rod Length mo odification di ialog. Here yo ou could set th he actual leng gth of the rod d by changing the Wanted W Bracing g length, then n press OK.

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Creation of Dynamic c and Static Bra acings

8. Re epeat this function for the other o brace ro od. 9. No ow you need to create the gusset g plates at each end of o the bracing rods. On n the ends tha at meet the co olumns you will w create two o single rod pl lates. At the int tersection of the t two rods with w the cross sbeam you will create a co ommon plate for f bo oth rods. 10. If the ProSteel 3D Bracing dialog d is not displayed, d ope en it now and d press the Pla ate uto button. Au 11. When W prompted d to:
Pic ck Connection End d of Brace Membe er to be connected d or Return for End d: Sellect Objects:

pic ck the lower end e of the lef ft bracing rod and {RIGHT-C CLICK}. 12. Th he prompt:
Pic ck Border Line for Gusset Plate or Return R for End <Lin ne>,Back, Point

dis splays. Pick the t inside edg ge of the colum mn flange. 13. When W prompted d a second tim me to:
Pic ck Border Line for Gusset Plate or Return R for End <Lin ne>,Back, Point

{R RIGHT-CLICK}. 14. When W prompted d to:

Pic ck a Point at the Proposed Brace En nd:

{R RIGHT-CLICK} to place the gusset g plate and return to the t Structural l Bracing dial log.

Note No

If picking the edge of the t beam is not t recognized by y the command d, type P (for point) when w asked to select s border and define 2 points along the edge e of the beam.

15. Re epeat the sam me process at the t lower end d of the right bracing b rod. 16. Re epeat the proc cess one more e time at the top t end of the e both bracing g rods. Press the t Pla ate Auto butto on. When W prompted d to:
Pic ck Connection End d of Brace Membe er to be connected d or Return for End d: Sellect objects:

pic ck the upper end e of BOTH H bracing rods s where they meet m the cros ss beam and {R RIGHT-CLICK} 17. When W prompted d to:
Pic ck Border Line for Gusset Plate or Return R for End <Lin ne>,Back, Point

pic ck in the lowe er edge of the e flange on the crossbeam and {RIGHT-C CLICK} to plac ce the gu usset plate and d return to the e bracing dial log.
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Pr ress OK to exit the comman nd. 19. Yo our model at the t location of o the bracing g should appea ar as below.

Hin nt

When adding a gusset plates you can n use the Selec ct Plate function n to define the plate. You Y must pick the t bracing rod d near the end to receive the plate and then pick a point p near the gusset g plate en nd. This will hig ghlight the elem ment with the edges of the plate lim mits and you the en must build a boundary that defines the shape of the plate.

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Cons struct tion Group G ps

G always s consist of on ne primary co omponent part t and as many y secondary parts p Each Group as desi ired. Groups cannot be nes sted, which means m that a gr roup cannot be b a secondar ry part of f another grou up. There is one (1) lesson in this ch hapter. The les sson begins with w a list of objectives o tha at define the informati ion that you will w learn in th hat lesson. A number of ex xercises are provid ded in each les sson that are designed to te each you the topics listed in i the Objecti ives section n at the start of o each lesson n. ProSteel 3D D Grouping 150

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ProSteel 3D 3 Grouping


The ob bjectives of th his lesson are as follows:

Le earn how to in nvoke the Gro oups dialog. Le earn how to determine d wha at parts exist in i groups and d which parts are not in a group. g Le earn how to manipulate m the e display with hin the model using groups s. Le earn how to ad dd parts to an n existing grou up.


Group ping in ProSte eel 3D is syno onymous to as ssembly. It de efines which parts p are deta ailed and sh hipped togethe er. Due to its importance, ProSteel P 3D provides p a num mber of tools s for creatin ng, editing, de eleting, search hing, viewing g, etc. A main n member and d any number of sub-members define a group stru ucture, howev ver, if desired d, a group can n be assigned to t a single member that is the main part. p Each element e can exist only in one Group at a time. Hint When creatin ng groups, star rt with the sub-groups and las stly the assemb blies. In most cases you will w simply work with the group ps. The sub-gro oups and assem mblies features s are for excep ptional use.

Assem mblies Asse emblies can in nclude groups s and subgrou ups as well as single parts. There is no main pa art to an assem mbly, just a collection of various v object ts. It is the lar rgest of the three group ty ypes. Group ps A group is a collection n of parts and / or sub-grou ups, which are e recognized as a a single item. A main n part is assign ned to the gro oup and all ot ther parts are considered subpar rts of the grou up. These gro oups can be ca alled into a 2D D drawing and dimensione ed together as a single item. Groups s are the defau ult type created when doin ng connection ns and other tasks t that hav ve the Group option o within its menu. Sub-G Groups Alm most identical in nature to th he groups, Su ub-Groups are e handled in the t same way w that grou ups are and ha ave access to all the same tools t as group ps do. Sub-gr roups can be used u when on ne single part is required in n two groups. . Since a single part ca an only be par rt of one Grou up at a time, a Sub-Group can be forme ed and the sam me single part can be placed p into thi is second grou up type struct ture.

ProSteel Model ling V8i MicroStation User

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Pr roSteel 3D Gro ouping


In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to access the Groups fu unction. 1. Zo oom to an isom metric view ({CLICK} ( Isom metric Overview w icon). 2. Op pen the Admin nister Groups s dialog (ProS Steel menu > Groups > Dia alog) or {CLICK K} Gr roup icon.

The fo ollowing table e provides a description d of f the fields in the t Administe er Groups dia alog.
NAME Create DESCRIPTI ION You can as ssign parts to mate erial groups by using this function. Click the ma ain part of the mat terial group and th hen select the part ts to be assigned. The parts to o be assigned can also be selected in a field. The main part that may have been select ted twice and othe er construction line es are ignored in th his case. Only ste eel or special part ts can be selected for a group. The part's new n selection is ignored if it already belongs to a grou up. A group can be detached by using this function n. To do so, click any part of the gro oup. f single parts from the group is also possible. Removal of You can delete all parts of a group g with this fun nction. Click any part of the group to o do this.

Releas se Delete

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ProSteel 3 3D Grouping


DESCRIPTI ION This function shows the group p data through the e following dialog.

You can ent ter the data of the e selected group fo or the parts lists in n the top fields. The position n in the field Pos. No. has been take en over from the main m part, provided d the "Takeover Mainpart M Info" field d was selected. Su ubsequent modific cation of the position number is possible. p You can see e the outer dimens sions and the tota al weight of the gro oup at the bottom. Takeov ver Mainpart Data Add Ele ements The data of f the main part is accepted a as group p data for the parts s lists. Subsequent modification n of this data is po ossible. Parts are ad dded to a group by y using of this func ction. The comple ete group will be se elected when you click any part of the e group. Further Accessory A Parts ca an be added by cliicking them. Parts are re emoved from a gro oup by using this function. f The comp plete group will be e selected wh hen you click any part p of the group. Click the parts to be removed. A group can n be exported and stored in an external file.It can be inserted into anoth her drawing by using Import Grou ups. The group str ructure will remain n unchanged. Whe en s objects by clicking c any part of f the group. prompted, select A stored gro oup can be inserte ed into your drawin ng by using this fu unction. The existing group struct ture is maintained, when the field Ex xplode Blocks afte er Insertion has be een clicked, or if f you drop the imp ported cell using PS_EXPLODE. P You decide whether a group is to be loaded co ompletely when selecting a part of it or whether the e parts shall remain independent wit th this function. Click any part of the e group. The mode will w change accord ding to your selection, and the current status will be displayed in n the command line. When Expo orting, this enables s you to select a whole w group by selecting just one me ember. If this field is s unmarked, you need n to select all Parts P explicitly to manipulate m them. All Groups gen nerated by ProStee el 3D during a con nnection have this feature enabled.

Remov ve Elements Export


Selection Mode

Export Complete Group

Dissolv ve Block after Inse ert Count

The group is s automatically ex xploded when bein ng imported. The structure s of the gro oup remains unc changed. All groups in n the drawing are counted and displayed in the Numb ber field below this s button.

lick on the Ve erify tab and re eview the foll lowing functi ions. 2. Cl

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Pr roSteel 3D Gro ouping

The fo ollowing table e provides a description d of f the fields in the t Verify tab.
NAME Check Groups DESCRIPTION Mark Orphans: If this field is check ked, all valid group ps are hidden acco ording to the specifications when checking a gro oup. Parts that belong to no group are a marked in colour. cify what colours to o apply. Coloured Use the command Global Settings > Colours to spec moved once you as ssign the parts to a group or when you y select the markings are rem Regenerate comm mand. Creates one grou up out of each sele ected Orphan obje ect. Hiding other grou ups can be used to o search for group ps. Enter the positiion numbers of the e groups to be sear rched in the field Search S Numbers and a click the butto on Search. Select the parts to be searched (in most cases, you will select all of the parts in a field) and a ection by pressing the Enter key or the t right mouse bu utton. Only those confirm your sele groups whose po osition numbers yo ou have entered will w remain visible. By using the Regenerate comm mand you can rec call the other group ps. Several position numbers n can be entered e at the sam me time, provided they t are separated d by a decimal point. Co omplete position areas must be sepa arated by a hyphe en. If you search th he positions No. 5 an nd 7 or 17 through h 28, you enter the e value 5,7,17-28 in the Search Num mbers field. If the Hide field is s enabled, all parts s not satisfying the e search condition n are hidden. The hidden parts beco ome visible again when the drawing g is regenerated. If the Mark field is s enabled, all of th he parts found in th he searched are highlighted h in the drawing. nts field is enabled d, all parts satisfying the search con ndition are automa atically If the Zoom Exten zoomed. A dialog g displays allowing g you to indicate th he Display Size (z zoom factor) and to o navigate to each component found d. Using the MainPa art, Singleparts, an nd All Parts option ns in this section you y choose which parts of a group you ca an hide. Click any part of the group to t do this. You can n recall the parts using u the Display comm mand. Displays all hidde en groups or group p parts. Groups of the sam me position are ch hecked for equality y in this function. Select S main Parts of the group to be checked. If the Com mpare and change e option is enabled d and the program m n number but with different structure e, indices are adde ed to finds groups with the same position the position numb bers to differentiat te them.

Orphan ns -> Groups Search h


Display y Compa are

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ProSteel 3 3D Grouping


1. With W the Admin nister Groups s dialog displa ayed and the Verify V tab sele ected, select the t Ch heck Groups button b and no ote the display y in the model. 2. Re efresh your di isplay to show w all parts in the t model (Pr roSteel 3D me enu > Groups > Dia alog, then pre ess Display). What took t place? When W initiatin ng the Check Groups G functio on, ProSteel 3D 3 scans the model and searches s for all parts associated to a group and disables their r display. This s acts as quic ck reference to t determine what w parts are e not in a grou up and leaves s these elemen nts display yed. This will l allow you to o better determ mine which groups, g if any, , these rogue elemen nts belong in. . Before e we proceed to adding the ese parts into a group we will w investigat te other functi ions within n the Groups function. f


1. Zo oom in on the e connection between b the crossbeam c and d the column located at co oordinate A1.

2. Op pen the Admin nister Groups s dialog (ProS Steel menu > Groups > Dialog). 3. Cl lick on the Ve erify tab. With h the Main Pa art option enab bled, press the Hide button n. The
Sellect Part of Group to be Hidden Sellect Objects:

is hidden. b and note e the display of the model. . {RIGHT-CLIC CK} to end the e Hide Pick the cross beam roups function n. Gr No ote that the al ll parts of the group disapp peared from th he view of the e model. This s sh hows how the hide groups function f can be b used to con ntrol model display. d This is i ve ery important when workin ng with a large model cong gested by man ny parts and

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Pr roSteel 3D Gro ouping

de etailed joints. 4. With W the Admin nister Groups dialog still di isplayed, pres ss the Display button to retu urn the e model to a full f display of f all parts. 5. Pe erform the sam me operation again only th his time with grouping g hidi ing only certa ain ele ements of the e group. Lo oad the group p function and d, before press sing the Hide button, set th he Hide sectio on of the e dialog to hid de only Single Parts by ena abling the dia alog radio but tton as shown n be elow

6. No ow press the Hide H button an nd pick the sa ame cross bea am as before. No ote the display y within the model. m This ti ime only the Sub Parts of the t group hav ve be een hidden. 7. Cl lick on to return the e set the displ lay to all parts s.

Before e moving onto o building gro oups it is imp portant to diffe erentiate betw ween the Relea ase button n and the Delete button that t are located in the Admin tab. t If you wish to break k up a group and a still have e the parts in the t model, use the Release e functio on. This will dissolve d the group g but leav ve all parts in n the model. If you wish to comp pletely remov ve the grouped d parts from the t model, use the Delete button n. This will dissolve the gro oup and delet te these items from the model. 8. Th he Settings Ta ab gives the user u the possib bility to make e multiple sele ections or loo op grouping comm mand.

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ProSteel 3 3D Grouping


In this exercise, you u will learn ho ow to add par rts to an exist ting group. oom into the area a of two manual m base pl lates located on o columns lo ocated at 1. Zo co oordinates C2 and C3 ({CLIC CK} Isometric Overview ico on).

2. Op pen the Admin nister Groups s dialog (ProS Steel menu > Groups > Dialog > Admin) or {CLICK} Admini ister Group ic con. 3. Fr rom the Group ps tab, select the Add Elem ments button. The T prompt:
Pic ck a Part of the wa anted Group

is displayed. Pick the column n located at coordinate c C2. he prompt: 4. Th

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Pr roSteel 3D Gro ouping

Sellect Parts to add to t the selected Gro oup ,Shift+ESC fo or Filter Sellect objects

is displayed. Pick the base plate located at a the bottom of the column n. {RIGHT-CLI ICK} { K} a second ti ime to end the e function. to end addition of parts and {RIGHT-CLICK Note: After selectin ng the group pa art to add components to, the e system will au utomatically sh hift to the ADD function f and pr rompt you to pick those eleme ents to add. Co ontinue selectin ng parts until do one and {RIGH HT-CLICK} to select s another group g part to add items to. {RIGHT-CLICK} twice to end the Add Ele ements functio on.

5. Re epeat the proc cess and add the t other plate e to the group p of the colum mn located at co oordinate C3. 6. Sa ave your mode el (File menu > Save).

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ProSteel 3 3D Grouping

This page intention nally left blank k.

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PurlinCourses,WebAnglesand ShearPlateConnections
Inthismodule,youwilllearnhowtopreparethemodelforthecreationofpurlins. Youwillalsolearnhowtocreateandmodifypurlins.

BasicWindowsknowledgeincludingfilenavigationetc. Previousexperiencewith3DCADsystempreferablyAutoCAD Completionofpreviousmodulesinthiscourserecommended

LearnhowtopreparethemodelforthecreationofPurlins. CreatetwoPurlinsintheupperelevationofourstructure. ModifythePurlinstopreparefordetailingthejoints. Learnhowtocopeshapesandcreateatemplateofthecopeforfutureuse. Addwebanglestothecopedelementsandaddwebangleswherethecopeis calledfromwithinthewebanglecommand.

PurlinCourses,WebAnglesandShearPlateConnections Copyright October-2009 Bentley Systems Incorporated


Creating the Purlins

Thissectiondescribeshowtocreatethepurlins. Exercise1:PreparingtheModelforthePurlin Inthisexercise,youwilllearnhowtosettheUCStotheproperplaneforthe creationofthePurlin. 1. Movetoanisometricview(clickIsometric Overviewicon). 2. SettheUCSusingtheObjectUCSatpointbyselectinganypartoftheupper flangeofthebeam. Note Purlins will be created along the "X" axis of the active UCS.

3. IftheUCSdisplayisstillincorrect,{RIGHT-CLICK}orpresstheenterbuttontwice andthiswillrotatetheUCStothecorrectorientation. 4. Zoomintotheareaaroundtheawning. Exercise2:CreatingthePurlins(RoofPurlins) Inthisexercise,youwillcreatethePurlins. 1. FromtheProSteelStructuralObjectstoolbarpressthePurlinicon. 2. Whenpromptedto:PickLowerLeftEdgeofPurlinObjectorESCforsecondary Beams,pickthetoplefthandcornerofthebeamongridline2. 3. Whenpromptedto:PickUpperRightEdgeofPurlinObject,pickthetopright handcornerofthebeamongridline3. Seebelowforthepurlininsertionpoints.

164 PurlinCourses,WebAnglesandShearPlateConnections Copyright October-2009 Bentley Systems Incorporated

Creating the Purlins

4. WhentheProSteel3DPurlindialogappears,settheparametersasshownbelow andthenpressOK.

Name Angle Description Thepurlinsarerotatedaroundthisanglevalue,whichmeanstheyarearrangedina diagonalfashion. ThisallowsyoutomovethepurlincourseinpositiveZdirectionbyapplyingtheindicated value. Ifthisfieldischecked,themodificationsofthesettingscanbemonitoredimmediatelyon screen. Ifthisfieldischecked,theareatobefilled(objectframe)remainssymmetrical. Ifthisfieldischecked,theareatobefilled(objectframe)ismarkedwithtwoadditional diagonals. Ifthisfieldischecked,thepurlinsattheedgesoftheareatobefilledarecutflush.Values inthefieldLeftProjectionandRightProjectionarethennotconsidered.



Symmetrical Draw Diagonal CutatEdge

Name Description

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Creating the Purlins

Name FixedGrid


IftheGridfieldischecked,youcanindicateintheneighboringinputfieldthe approximatedistanceofthepurlinswithintheareabetweenfirstandlastpurlin.The programdividesthedistancesregularlyaccordingtothisspecificationandthevalueis roundedupordowncorrespondingly.Theactualdistancesthenaredisplayedinthe EffectiveGridField. IftheGridfieldisnotchecked,youcanfreelydefinethegriddivisionwithinthearea betweenthefirstandlastpurlinintheDistanceslist.Youcanvarythenumberand thedistances,asyoulike. Thedistancesareusedinverted. Thedistancefromthecenterlineofthelowestpurlintotheouteredgeoftheselected area. Thedistancesfromthecenterlineofthetopmostpurlintotheouteredgeofthe selectedarea. Ifoneoftheseoptionsisactivated,theselecteddistancesarealsokeptinthegrid; otherwisetheyarecentered.


Turn OffsetBottom



ThefollowingtableprovidesadescriptionofthefieldsintheBorder Linestab.
Name CutLines Description Cuttingedgescanbeaddedsubsequentlytopermitthecreationofnonrectangular purlincoursesaswell. Clickthisbuttontoaddacuttingedge.Then,youarepromptedforaborderlinetobe clickedortobedefinedby2points.Allpurlinsintersectionthisedgearedividedat theedgewiththedistancespecifiedintheCutWidthinputfield. Clickonthisbuttontoremoveaselectedcuttingedge. PolyCut Apartfromcuttingedges,itisalsopossibletoaddsectionsforlightdomesorsimilar things.Theprocedureisthesameasforsections;theonlydifferenceisthatyouhave toclickonapolylinehere.


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Creating the Purlins


Description Clickonthisbuttontoaddanothersection. Clickonthisbuttontoremoveasection.

Hint: Asarule,aftercreatingapurlinyoushoulddeletetheyellowobjectthat insertsinthemodel.Thisisusedtomodifythepurlin. Ifbychanceyouleavethisobjectinthemodelandmodifyoneofthe shapesthatisapartofthepurlinseparatefromtheotherelementsand thepurlinandthengobacklaterandmodifythepurlinitselftheone elementpreviouslymodifiedwillbereplacedbytheshapedefinedinthe purlin.Thisholdstrueforall"ProSteel3DStructuralObjects".

Name ShapesHeadings Description Thisallowsyoutoselectthedesiredshape(ShapeClass,ShapeSize,ShapeType).All shapesareavailableforselection. Indicatestheinsertionpositionofthegirdersrelatedtotheinsertionaxis. Specifiestherotationoftheshapesaroundtheinsertionaxis. ProvidesoptionsLow,Normal,High

Position Rotation Resolution

5. Youwillnowaddthepurlinconnections. 6. SelectthePurlinConnectioniconand,whenprompted,selectallofthepurlins andrightclicktoaccept.Selectthetwobeamsthepurlinsconnecttoandright clicktoaccept. ThePurlinConnectiondialogisdisplayed.Settheparametersasshownbelow

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Creating the Purlins

7. SelectOKtofinishcommand.
168 PurlinCourses,WebAnglesandShearPlateConnections Copyright October-2009 Bentley Systems Incorporated

Creating the Purlins

Exercise3:CreatingthePurlins(FloorBeams) 1. Inthisexercise,youwillcreatethePurlinsFloorBeams. 2. YouwillnowusethePurlincommandtoaddfloorbeamstothetopofthe BentleyWorkframe. 3. SelectthePurlincommandand,whenpromptedtospecifylowerleftedge,press theEsckeytobeabletoselectshapesinsteadofthe2corners. 4. WhenpromptedtoSelectdesiredshape,selectthebeambetweencolumnsA1 andB1.ThenwhenpromptedtoSelectanotherdesiredshape,selectthebeam betweencolumnsA2andB2. ThePurlindialogisdisplayedsoyoucanmodifytheparametersifrequired. 5. SettheparametersasshownbelowandthenpressOK .

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Creating the Purlins

Exercise3:CreatingtheCopeandShearplateconnection. 1. WewillnowcreatetemplatesforthecopeandShearplateconnection.The1st (Cope)tobecalledwithinthe2nd(Shearplateconnection)whichwewillcall withinthePurlindistributiondialogbox. 2. Copethebeams(click Modify Icon).

3. Whenpromptedto:PickthesecondShapetoCope,pickanyoftheW12x22 purlinshapesjustinserted. 4. Whenpromptedto:Selectshapeonwhichtocut:,picktheW21x44 shape locatedonAxis A. TheProSteel3DCopedialogwillappear. ThefollowingtableprovidesadescriptionofthefieldsintheStructuralCope dialog.

Name Layout Description Thisallowsyoutoselecttheshapeofthenotch.Thedifferentvariantsareshown:Onthe upperleft,theinitialsituationbeforenotchingisshown(theshapesarestill overlapping),andontheupperrightyouseetheContour.Picturesbelowfromleftto right:FitShapeStart(thenormalnotch),FitShapeMiddleandFitShapeEnd.

Corner Layout Edgemeansthatthenotchesattheshaperadiiarecarriedoutwithabevelededge. Radialmeansthatthenotchesattheshaperadiiarecarriedoutwithadaptedradii.In


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Creating the Purlins


Description theRadiusinputfield,thedeterminedradiuscanbemodifiedlater. AccessHolemeansthatholesaredrilledintheinnercornersofthenotch.IntheRadius inputfield,theradiusofthedrillholescanbepreset.


IfFromInnerEdgeisactivated,thedimensionsrefertotheinsideoftheflanges. Otherwise,thedimensionsforthedistancebetweentopandbottomflangeinsiderefer totheoutsideoftheflanges. IfFromCenterisactivated,thedimensionsrefertotheendoftheshape(theexact positiondependsonthe'webdistance'value).Otherwise,thedimensionsforthe distancebetweentopandbottomflangeedgerefertotheoutsideoftheflanges.


AllowsyoutosetdistancesfortheTopFlangeInside,BottomFlangeInside,TopFlange Edge,BottomFlangeEdge,TopFlangeOutside,BottomFlangeOutside,theWeb DistanceandthedrillRadius. Pressingthisbuttonallowsanunknownshapetobeclicked.Theflangethicknessisthen enteredintheinputfieldsforTopandBottomFlange.Ifyouhaveenteredavalueinthe +Distancefield,thisvaluewillbeadded.Usingthisfunction,aflangedistancecanbe swiftlydeterminedwithoutknowingtheshape.Asreference,youshouldselectthe settingOuter Edge. IntheDatatab,alistofpreviouslydefinedcopesisdisplayedfromadatabase.These databasefilescanbecreatedbymeansofanyDBASEeditor.Thus,youcanpreviously defineaselectionofthemostfrequentcopes.Inthedifferentlistfieldsyoucanseethe basicdataofthelinkageandloadtherequiredcopebyclickingonanentry.

GetFlange Thickness

Listof Copes

5. BeforeexitingtheCopedialog,savethecopejustcreatedasatemplatesoitcan berecalledlater. 6. PresstheTemplatebuttonatthebottomoftheCopedialogtodisplaythedialog shownbelow. 7. CreateanewfoldernamedTraining,thenaddanewcopetothis.IntheName fieldtypethenameType1.NextpresstheSavebuttontosavethesecope settingsasatemplate.PressEntertoreturntotheCopedialog.

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Creating the Purlins

8. Wecannowdeletethecopefromthebeambyselectingit,rightclickandfrom thecontextmenuthatappearsselectPS3DDeleteConnection. 9. Youwillnowcreateashearplateconnection,thenyouwillsaveitasatemplate andfinallydeletetheconnection. 10. UsingtheShearplateconnection,selectanyofthepreviouslyinsertedpurlins, thenselectthesupportingW21x44beam. 11. WhentheProSteel3DShearplateconnectiondialogappears,settheparameters asshownbelowandthenpressOK.

Name Thickness CutPlate Description Here,youindicatethethicknessofthewebplate. Ifthisfieldischecked,theplateiscutattheconnectingshapeincaseofbeveledshapesto beconnected. Ifthisfieldischecked,theplateisnotinsertedinshapedirectionatbeveledconnecting shapesbutalwaysperpendiculartowardstheconnectingshape. Polyplatesareinsertedinsteadofflats.

NormaltoCut Plane Use Polyplates Position

Specifythewebsideoftheshapetobeconnected(leftorright),whichistobeusedfor attachingthewebplate.IfBothischecked,aplateisattachedtobothsidesoftheweb. meansthattheverticaloffsetismeasuredfromupperedgeshapetoupperedgewebplate. Theverticaloffsetreferstotheloweredgeofshapeandwebplate. IfyouhavecheckedthefieldUpto1st.Bolt,theverticaloffsetdoesntrefertotheedges ofthewebplatebuttothecenterofthefirstdrillhole.

FromEdge LowerEdge UptoFirst Bolt


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Creating the Purlins

Name Gap

Description IntheinputfieldGapyouenterthedistancetobeadheredtofromtheouteredgeofthe supportshapetotheouteredgeoftheshapetobeconnected. IntheinputfieldVerticalOffsetyouenterthedistanceoftheoffsetforthewebplatefrom theaxisoftheshapetobeconnectedtowardstoportotheright(dependingonposition). Negativevalueseffectanoppositeoffset.

Vertical Offset

Name Number EndOffsetinside Description

Numberofdrillholesinshapedirection. Distanceofthelastcenterofadrillholetotheendofthewebplateonthesideofthe connectingshape. Distanceofthelastdrillholetotheendoftheconnectingshapeonthesideofthe supportshape. Distancebetweentwodrillholesinthedirectionoftheconnectingshape. Numberofdrillholesintransversalshapedirection. Distanceofthedrillholestotheouteredgeofthewebplate. Distancesbetweentwodrillholesinthetransversaldirectionoftheconnectingshape.


DistanceBetween Number EdgeDistance DistanceBetween

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Creating the Purlins

Name Bolts Dia. Workloose Description Selecttheboltstyle(e.g.A325FIELD)fortheconnectioninthelist. Specifytheboltdiameterfortheconnection. Here,youenterthedesiredclearanceoftheboltedconnection,mostly1/16. Clickthisbuttontoprocesstheboltstyleortocreateanewone. WeldStyle Here,youspecifythekindofweldseam. Clickthisbuttontoedittheweldstyleortocreateanewone. Weld Connect/Support ShapeSide SpecifywhichseamstobecreatedinthemodelusingtheoptionWeldFlangeSideor WeldWebSide.TheThicknessofthedifferentweldseamsisspecifiedinthe correspondinginputfields.


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Creating the Purlins

Name Cope Description

Youcaneitherselectanalreadystorednotchvariantoryouenterthedatadirectly usingthebutton. Here,youspecifyhowtheconnectingshapehastobenotched.YoucanselectUpper Side,LowerSideorBoth.DefinethenecessarygapdistanceforthenotchintheGap field.

CopeConnection Shape

Name CreateGroup Description

Atinsertionoftheshearplateconnection,theinsertedpartsareautomatically assignedtoaconstructiongroupwhichiscreated. Theboltsandweldseamsarealsoaddedtothatgroup.

With Bolts/Weldment CreateaGroupof eachPlate


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Creating the Purlins

12. Onceallthesettingareasyouneedthemforthistypeofconnectionwewill createatemplateaswedidfortheCopeanddeletetheconnectionthesame way. Exercise3:Addingtheshearplatetemplateautomaticallytoallthepurlins. 1. Inthisexercise,youwilladdthepreviouslycreatedtemplatefortheShearPlate Connectiontoallthepurlinsautomatically. 2. SelecttheyellowX(parametricline) createdontopoftheBentleyWorkframeandrightclicktoselectPS3D Propertiesfromthecontextmenuthatappears. 3. GototheConnectionstabandsetasthefollowingimage

4. Theresultisthatthefloorbeamsareinsertedtothespacingenteredandthe shearplateconnectionsareautomaticallyaddedaccordingtothetemplate selectedwhichincludesthecopetemplate. Exercise3:Dividethepurlinsinhalfwithanewsupportbeam Inthisexercise,youwillusetheDivide optionfromthe Manipulate submenuto separatethepurlinsintomultiplepiecesandreadytheintersectionsforjoint detailing. 1. Zoomtoanisometricview(click Zoom/Views icon). 2. WewillnowinsertaW8X18beamatthemidpointoftheW21X44beams betweencolumnsA1B1andA2B2. 3. SelecttheProSteelShapesiconandsettoW8X18shape. 4. Inserttheshapeusingthe2pointsmethod.WhenpromptedtoSpecifythe shapestartpoint,selectthemidpointofthebeambetweenA1B1.When promptedtoSpecifytheshapeendpoint,selectthemidpointofthebeam betweencolumnsA2 B2.ThenselectOK.
176 PurlinCourses,WebAnglesandShearPlateConnections Copyright October-2009 Bentley Systems Incorporated

Creating the Purlins

5. OpentheChooseViewdialog(click Choose View icon).SelecttheBentley_TOP viewandthenpresstheSet View button.ThiswillsettheUCSandtheviewto theupperframeofourstructure. 6. Dividethepurlins(ProSteel3Dmenu>Manipulate>Divide)orclick Manipulate Divide icon.Whenpromptedto:SelecttheShapestobeDivided:selectall W12x22beamsaddedinthesecondpurlinexercise. 7. Afterselectingthebeamsrightclicktoentertheselections. Note: Tobeabletoselectmultipleshapesformodification,theMultipleObject Selectionoptionforthetypeofmanipulationyouareperformingmustbe enabledintheOptionstaboftheElementModificationdialog(ProSteel 3Dmenu>Manipulate>Dialog). 8. Attheprompt:PickDividingPoint<Point>,Line,clickontheendoftheW8X18 beamontheupperframe.ThiswilldividetheW12x22shapeswheretheycross theW8X18 shape. 9. SelectOKtofinishthecommand

PurlinCourses,WebAnglesandShearPlateConnections Copyright October-2009 Bentley Systems Incorporated


Adding Web Angle Connections

Theobjectivesofthislessonareasfollows: Addwebangleswherethecopeiscalledfromwithinthewebangle command.

Exercise1:addingtheWebAngleconnectiontotheW12x22Beams Inthisexercise,youwilllearnhowtoconnectW8x18beamtotheW12x44beams onAxis1&2andthentheW12x22beamsyoudividedtotheW8x18beambetween AxisAandB. 10. Zoomtoanisometricview(clickIsometric Overview Icon).Windowinonthearea wheretheW8x18beamintersectstheupperW21x44beam.

11. ThenselectWebangleconnection 12. WhenpromptedSelectShapetoconnect,picktheW8x18beam.When promptedSelectsupportShape,picktheW21x44 beamlocatedonAxis 2. Note: IfyoupressENTER(orrightclick)whenpromptedtoselectthesupport shape,youwillbeabletoaddawebangletotheselectedbeamwithout anysupportingbeam.
178 PurlinCourses,WebAnglesandShearPlateConnections Copyright October-2009 Bentley Systems Incorporated

Adding Web Angle Connections

TheProSteelWebAngleConnectiondialogwillappear. 13. WhentheProSteelWebAngleconnectiondialogappears,settheparametersas shownbelowandthenpressOK.

Name ShapeClass Description Hereyoucanspecifytheangleshapeoftheselectedconnection.Onlyshapesthatare equalsidedanglesandunequalsidedanglescanbeselected. Thewebanglewillbemadefrombentplatesteelinsteadofanglesteel.Entertherequired dimensionsintheThickness,lengthofLongLeg,lengthofShortLegandBentRadiusinput fields.Theprogramwilldeterminetheactuallengthofthesteelplate. Hereyoudeterminethesideoftheshape(LeftorRight)tobeconnectedtothewebangle. Ifbothhavebeenchecked,awebangleiscreatedateachsideoftheweb. Thelongandshortsideofthewebangleareexchangedsothatthelongsideissituatedat theconnectingshape. Hereyouindicatethedistancetobekeptbetweentheendoftheconnectingshapeandthe supportingshape. Hereyouindicatethedistancebetweentheweboftheconnectedshapeandtheweb angles(normally0oraslightclearance). Hereyouindicatethedistancethewebangleisshiftedfromtheaxisoftheshapetobe connected,upwardsortotheright(dependingontheposition).Anegativeentrywillcause shiftingintheoppositedirection.Selectingoneofthefollowingoptionspermitsyouto makeadditionalspecificationsreferringtothedimension. Meansthattheverticaloffsetismeasuredfromtheupperedgeoftheshapeuptothe upperedgeofthewebangle.






Vertical Offset


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Adding Web Angle Connections

Name LowerEdge

Description Theverticaloffsetreferstotheloweredgeofshapeandwebangleinsteadoftotheupper edge. Theverticaloffsetreferstothecentreofthefirstboltinsteadoftotheedgesoftheweb angle.

UptoFirst Bolt

Name Number Shape (allfields) Description Shape:Thenumberofdrillholesinbothsidesofthewebanglecrosswisetotheshapeto beconnected(intheoriginalpositionparalleltotheconnectingshape). Connecting:Thenumberofdrillholesinthelongsideofthewebangle(intheoriginal positionparalleltotheshapetobeconnected). Supporting:Thenumberofdrillholesintheshortsideofthewebangle(intheoriginal positioncrosswisetotheconnectingshape). Distance (allfields) Edge/InnerDistances:Thesedistancesrefertotheouteredgeoftheangleshapeforeach direction. IfyouindicateanadditionalSlotLengthintheinputfieldsbesideNumber,thedrillholes arecarriedoutasslottedholeswiththeindicatedslotlength. IfyouhavecheckedthefieldAbsoluteInnerDistance,theinnerdistanceoftheholesinthe shortlegmeansthedistancebetweentheholes. DistanceBetween:Thesedistancesspecifythedistancebetweentwoholesforeach direction.


PurlinCourses,WebAnglesandShearPlateConnections Copyright October-2009 Bentley Systems Incorporated

Adding Web Angle Connections

Name BoltStyle Dm Workloose Diagonal Offset GapSpacing Description Selecttheboltstyle(e.g.A325SHOP)fortheconnectioninthelist. Specifytheboltdiameterfortheconnection. Enterthedesiredclearancefortheboltconnection,usually1/16. Ashiftoftheboltaxesbetweensupportandconnectingbolts.

Distancebetweenthewebofthesupportingshapeandthewebangle. Clickthisbuttontoedittheboltstyleortocreateitanewone.

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Adding Web Angle Connections

Name WeldStyle Weld Description Specifythekindofweldseam. YoucanspecifywhichseamshavetobecreatedinthemodelviaWeldConnectShapeSide orWeldSupportShapeSide. TheThicknessofthedifferentweldseamsisspecifiedinthecorrespondinginputfields. Clickthisbuttontoedittheweldstyleortocreateitanewone.


PurlinCourses,WebAnglesandShearPlateConnections Copyright October-2009 Bentley Systems Incorporated

Adding Web Angle Connections

Name Cope Connect. Shape Description Selectanalreadystoredcopetemplateoryouenterthecopedatadirectly. Hereyoudefinehowtheconnectingshapehastobecoped.YoucanselectUpperSide, LowerSideorBoth.SpecifythenecessarygapdistanceforthecopeintheGapfield. Clickthisbuttontocreateormodifythecopetemplate.Toactivatethebuttonyouneedto unchecktheCopeselection. Hereyoucanspecifywhetherasafetycopehastobecarriedout.Inaddition,theinserted anglecanbeshortened.


5. SelectOKtofinishcommand. 6. RepeatfortheotherendoftheW8x18.Theconnectionshouldappearwithall thesettingsthesameasthepreviousconnectionsononeedtoworryabout goingthruallthedialogspages 7. Nowrepeattheconnectiononallthepurlins(W12x22)whereyoudividedthem attheW8x18intersectionusingthesamesettingsexceptfortheweldingpageas follows:

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Adding Web Angle Connections


184 PurlinCourses,WebAnglesandShearPlateConnections Copyright October-2009 Bentley Systems Incorporated

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