Sampo Hänninen Portfolio - 2013 - 2

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Das Portfolio von Art Direktor Sampo Hnninen Anfragen & Buchungen bers Tel.

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Title: Liras date an integrated campaign for female footballer Lira Bajramaj to launch her shoe for the womens WM 2011 in Frankfurt. Client: Nike Deutschland

Title: Liras date The campaign included POS, out of home, and a social media activation to increase the fanbase for Lira and rise attention for womens soccer. Client: Nike Germany

Title: Liras Date The task was to activate and get more fans for Lira Bajramaj, a german female footballer before the finals of womens WM 2011 in Frankfurt. The story consisted of her posting videos and competitions to help the fans follow her way to the finals. Client: Nike Deutschland

Title: #willpower a relaunch campaign for a german Fitness-chain McFit. #willpower was used as the campaign slogan to manifest the new attitude, and to build a dialog with consumers. Client: McFit

Title: #willpower a relaunch campaign for a fitness-chain McFit. #willpower was used as the campaign slogan to manifest the new attitude, and to build a dialog with consumers. Client: McFit

Title: #willpower The campaign was collected on a microsite, showcasing peoples Tweets, Instagram images and downloadable & shareable content to continue the story. Client: McFit

Title: #willpower a visual concept for a new customer campaign - breaking through old habits. Client: McFit

Title: CHEERS a concept to promote Heineken as the official beer for the Champions League finals in Mnchen 2012. Messages vary from general to tactical, placing the brand in the center. Client: Heineken

Title: Superkommentator a social media campaign where you can record your own game commentary on top of the footage and post it to the competition to win tickets. Client: Heineken

Title: so Berlin A print campaign for a city magazine referring to things and phenomena that are featured in the current issue. Positioning: Zitty knows what is so Berlin Client: Zitty Magazine

Title: so Berlin A print campaign for a city magazine referring to things and phenomena that are featured in the current issue. Positioning: Zitty knows what is so Berlin Client: Zitty Magazine

Title: a printThumb booster about free sms messaging. The summer campaign was made in a Baywatch theme, with print, television & festival promotion. Client: TeliaSonera ( a mobile network company)

Title: a printTurbo talk about cheap weekend calls. The summer campaign was made in a Baywatch theme, with print, television & festival promotion. Client: Zeroforty, TeliaSonera ( a mobile network company)

Title: zeroforty mixer a launch site for the new mobile operator Zeroforty, where you can mix your own techno tracks to create customized ringtones. Client: Telia-Sonera Finland

Title: an advertisign campaign Move like a panther for a liqourice candy Pantteri, teaching the public how to move smoothly like a panther by demonstrating different moves. Client: Cloetta Fazer

Title: Turbo-leap print ad for a campaign Move like a panther for a Finnish Liqourice candy. Client: Cloetta-Fazer

Title: Panthur website The campaign concept was to teach people to move like Panther, by a candy brand Panther. On the site you can try out different moves, create your own moves, play a game and read about the history of Panther campaigns. Client: Fazer


TV Title: Fans mind An epic visual journey into a soccer fans mind was the idea for Bundesliga campaign, where we dive into a digital fresco made out of all things football. Client: Sky

Title: LPG Biostory website a story of the shop unfolds by a parallex scrolling design - while you scroll down, the aspects of the brand fly by as a moving visual storyline. Client: LPG Biomarket

Title: Berlin Fashionweek a design concept for a website: event-calendar and showcases scale seemlessly open, while you pick and tag your personal timetable of things too see. Client: Berlin Fashionweek

Title: X a keyvisual for promoting Xherdan Shaqiri, the rising star of the Swiss national junior soccer team. Client: Nike Switzerland

Title: Reader a launch print campaign idea for Sonys digital book. Client: Sony

Title: Reader a launch print campaign idea for Sonys digital book. Client: Sony

Title: brownwhite ad examples for football club St Paulis concept everything is brownwhite Client: FC St. Pauli

Title: 30% Reduziert a print & outdoor suggestion for a campaign against climate change. Client: Greenpeace Deutschland

Title: The truth is in the details print campaign concept for a jeans brand. Client: Denham the Jeansmaker

Title: logo & channel identity for finnish channel 4. Client: Nelonen (Channel 4)

Title: VAIO Lifestyle Scout a POS & web campaign for the VAIO notebook, aimed for women. Client: Sony Deutschland

POS stand where you can shoot yourself into the cover of Vogue.

Fashionmagazine extra-cover turns it into a laptop.

A website where you can tune your own unique laptop bags.

Outdoor megaposter wall with the competition.

Title: VAIO Lifestyle Scout a POS /web/print campaign for the VAIO notebook, aimed for women to lift the VAIO image as a fashion item, not just a generic laptop. Client: Sony Deutschland

Title: logo & cover art for an annual design magazine Bulgaria Client: Bulgaria design

Beruflicher Hintergrund

Der Art Direktor Sampo Hnninen ist geboren in Helsinki ( Jahrgang 1975). Mit Beendigung der Schullaufbahn begann er als Trainee fr die Werbeagentur Grey Direct zu arbeiten, im Anschluss daran nahm er im Jahr 1996 das Werbe- und Marketingstudium an der School of Arts in Turku. Im Jahr 1997 bestand er die Aufnahme zum Grafik-Design-Studium an der University of Industrial Arts in Helsinki (1997 - 2004). Whrenddessen arbeitete als Designer fr die Onlineagentur Digia (1998 - 2001). Im Jahr 2001 setzte er seine Laufbahn als Junior AD fr die Agentur Hasan & Partners (2001 - 2005) in der klassischen Werbung fort. Er arbeitete hier fr eine Vielzahl an Kunden, u.A. fr einen Mobilfunkanbieter, einen Fernsehsender, einen Sssigkeitenhersteller sowie auch fr eine Bank und eine Versicherung. Im Jahr 2005 machte er den nchsten Schritt und arbeitete als Art Direktor fr die Agentur W. Steinmann. Im Jahr 2007 zog es ihn nach Berlin, um fr die Werbeagentur Select NY zu arbeiten (2007 - 2008). Im Anschluss daran wechselte er in die Agentur Plantage, mit Kunden wie Sony und Mini. In jngerer Zeit arbeitete er fr die Agenturen A&B One und VCCP, mit Kunden wie Nike, Sky, Heineken, and Ebenso setzte er eine Vielzahl an freien Projekten um, wie z.B. fr einen Radiosender, verschiedene Plattenfirmen und auch MTV Nordic. Er ist Teil des finnischen Designkollektivs Bulgaria, das ein jhrlich erscheinendes Designmagazin herausbringt. Sein Arbeitsspektrum reicht von Grafik Design, Illustration und Layout bis hin zu Kampagnenentwicklung und -umsetzung. Hierbei konnte er mit den verschiedensten Medien Erfahrungen sammeln: Funk & Fernsehen, Print, Online, Aussenwerbung und Guerilla.

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