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Tamilia Abrams Megan Keaton ENG 111-08 9 July 2013 Global Warming Michelle Kerns wrote an article for an online newspaper called eHow. The title was The Effect of Global Warming. In this article she referenced a quote from the former Vice President of the United States Al Gore stating Global Warming is the most dangerous crisis we have ever faced by far. Global warming has been a topic of discussion in the world for a very long time now. It is a very important subject and something that should be taken extremely seriously. Live Science refers to Global Warming as The term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the earths atmosphere and its ocean, a change that is believe to be permanently changing to the earths climate. (Global Warming: News, Facts, Causes & Effects." N.p., n.d. Web. 10 July 2013.) Global warming is something we as a society contribute to as well. Industrial activity such as factories, plants, smoke pollution is all a contribution to Global Warming. The hotter the earths temperature the more the climate changes which leads to natural disasters, all around the world. In the national geographic Billie Abbot stated Global Warming has adverse effects, on weather patterns, human health, wildlife, sea levels and the oceans. (Abbot, Ideas to help reduce Global Warming Home Guide 2013.) Scientist is 90% sure that global warming is caused by human activities. In this paper I will discuss for solutions to Global Warming that we can contribute to help our planet.

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One way people can contribute to helping prevent Global warming is to drive smarter cars. According to the Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC) electric cars such as hybrids cut oil and reduce global warming pollution. The NDRC list driving smarter cars as number 3 on their list of Global Warming solutions, Paul Scott of Santa Monica CA informed the NDRC If we make our cars more efficient over the next ten years, we'll cut global warming pollution by more than 350 million metric tons and save 2 million barrels of oil a day. (Scott, NDRC.) By people taking action and completing this it gives hope to save the planet. The people can also take other means of transportation to get from one place to another to prevent the use of less fuel being used. Encouraging individuals to ride a bike walk or even car pool will help insure the preservation of our earths atmosphere. Another way to prevent global warming is to plant more trees An article in home guide magazine talks about how planting trees in our own backyard can help prevent Global Warming. The author Rachel Steffan states Because carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas, planting trees and other plants can slow or stop global warming. (Steffan, Top Ways to stop Global Warming Home Guide 2013.) She also stated Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. They use carbon to build their own tissues and return some of it to the soil in a process called sequestration. (Steffan, Top Ways to stop Global Warming Home Guide 2013.) People think that when it comes to subjects such as Global Warming, there is no way they can get involved however, the truth is people can do things to help. A little help can sometimes go a long way. Recycling and reducing waste are other ways we can help prevent Global Warming. Dumping waste in land fields produces greenhouse gases and methane. Staffen says Reducing your consumption patterns and reusing items whenever possible minimizes your carbon

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footprint, since fewer new items need to be made. (Steffan, Top Ways to stop Global Warming Home Guide 2013) If individuals recycle and reuse items, there will be a lesser demand to produce more items which cause pollutions to be released in the air caused by factories, and distribution plants which increases Global Warming. After drinking a bottle of, before disposing it in the trash it is good to try and consider the effects of adding to waste, and what the effects of reproducing another bottle will cause to the planet. An alternate solution other than throwing the bottle in the garbage can be to place it in the recycling bin so that it can be reused, or keep it and reuse it for something else. Global warming is something that has and will continue to impact the planet for years to come. This is a subject that I was not aware was this serious until I began to read, research, and watch documentaries to gain information for this paper. You hear the talk of global warming in the news, magazines, in world news and on the weather channel. However as a human race some of us have no idea as to how serious and important the subject really is. It is truly a problem that the world is facing. It is something that can potentially get worse or better with time. For now, we need to do our part in helping prevent climate changes around the world that can devastate our human population. I believe as an individual that lives on this earth, the best solutions to help solve the problem for global warming are doing our part. Planting trees and recycling. We as a human race should care more about the world we live in. If we are not the ones that can make drastic contributions to help save the planet, the least we can do is what we can. I feel that is every single person in the worlds starts recycling, and planting trees, it will have a great effect on the climate, and the air we breathe.

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Works Cited Kerns, Michelle. "The Effect of Global Warming | EHow." EHow. Demand Media, 20 Jan. 2009. Web. 10 July 2013. LiveScience Topic: Global Warming: News, Facts, Causes & Effects." N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jul. 2013. Abbott, Billie. "Home Guides." Home Guides. Demand Media, n.d. Web. 10 Jul. 2013. Scott, Paul. "Step 3: Drive Smarter Cars." NRDC: Global Warming Solutions. NDRC, n.d. Web. 10 Jul. 2013. Steffan, Rachel. "Home Guides." Home Guides. Demand Media, n.d. Web. 10 Jul. 2013.

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