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5avago wor|ds: A||on vs.

By Jomes ou|ohon

1he |reootor, or Yout,o, |s o member ot o soo|ety ot o||ens
whose ou|ture |s boseo orouno the hunt|ng ot oreotures
ooross the go|oxy. 1o these oreotures, o meosure ot one's
vo|ue ono stotus |n soo|ety |s h|s hunt|ng prowess ono the
oo||eot|on ot troph|es he hos oooumu|oteo over h|s ||tet|me.
1hese o||ens use the|r oons|oerob|e noturo| ob|||ty
oomb|neo w|th o h|ghteoh hunt|ng system to sto|| the|r
prey on o mu|t|tuoe ot o|tterent wor|os. 1hese o||ens
or|g|note trom on un|nown wor|o, ono hove mooe no
ottempts to oommun|oote w|th humons or ony other
|nown sent|ent o||ens. 1he|r proot|oes ono teohno|og|es
hove been oooumenteo where ovo||ob|e, but |reootors ore
extreme|y rore, ono guoro the|r seorets o|ose|y.
Attr|butos: ^g|||ty o10, 3morts oB, 3p|r|t o10, 3trength o12+1, v|gor o12
5k|||s: ^orobot|os oB. ||ght|ng o12, Suts o12, unt|ng 3ystems o12, Not|oe o12,
3w|mm|ng o10, 3hoot|ng o10, 1roo||ng o12
aco: B, arry: B, 1oughnoss: B[12]
Goar: Booy ^rmor[+4], 3peor, 3peorgun, unt|ng 3ystem
5poc|a| Ab|||t|os
|oar: 1he |reootor |s o tr|ghten|ng oreoture to beho|o.
1ho Huntor's Codo: 1he |reootor ou|ture revo|ves orouno the honorob|e
hunt|ng ot powertu| ono oongerous opponents, otten ot neor|y |nsurmountob|e
ooos. 1he |reootor's oooe torb|os ottoo||ng nonoombotonts[o|though
o|sormeo quorry |s onother story] ono prey oorry|ng young. owever, oo||eot|ng
the s|u||s ot the|r prey os troph|es |s o motter ot honor tor the Yout,o, ono they
w||| go to greot |engths to reoover them.
M|m|c: 1he |reootor's unt|ng system enob|es |t to m|m|o sounos thot |t hos
somp|eo ono use them to |ure prey, muoh |||e o ouo| oo||. 1he souno proouoeo
|s neor|y |oent|oo| to the or|g|no|, ono requ|res o 3morts oheo| ot 2 to
o|soern thot |t |s tobr|ooteo. |t the ||stener hos speo|t|o |now|eoge ot the souno,
suoh os o gooo tr|eno's vo|oe, the 2 peno|ty |s negoteo.
Hunt|ng 5ystom: 1he |reootor's soph|st|ooteo hunt|ng system |no|uoes mony
teotures wh|oh o|o |n the hunt. 1he unt|ng 3ystem gronts the |reootor the
to||ow|ng powers ono ob|||t|es, w|th o power supp|y ot 50 power po|nts thot
reohorges os |t |t hoo the |op|o |eohorge eoge. 1he unt|ng 3ystems 3|||| |s
useo tor o|| the |reootor's powers.
-Ho|mot: ^rmor [6] 1he |reootor's he|met orroy, |n ooo|t|on to
be|ng o breoth|ng opporotus, o||ows the Yout,o to see |n neor|y
ony speotrum ot ||ght, gront|ng the |ow||ght v|s|on ono |ntrov|s|on
ob|||t|es. 1he he|met oon be |noo|eo ott on o oo||eo shot to the
heoo[4], wh|oh negotes o|| the v|s|on enhonoements ono g|ves the
|reootor o 2 to h|t w|th |ts Bo|t ono B|ost powers, os the he|met

houses the weopon torget|ng systems. |n ooo|t|on, |reootors

hove troub|e breoth|ng |n o regu|or umon otmosphere, ono sutter o 1 peno|ty to
o|| oot|ons tor eooh hour ot exposure, oumu|ot|ve|y.
-wr|stb|ados: 1he |reootor's stonooro weopon |s o w|o|eo retrootob|e tor|eo b|ooe
on one wr|st, mooe ot on |noreo|b|y ||ght ono shorp o||en o||oy. [3tr+3] 3ome ounn|ng
Yout,o hove ooopteo the proot|oe ot us|ng the|r torget|ng |osers to superheot the|r
vr|stb|ooes, gront|ng them the ob|||ty to use the 3m|te power on thot weopon on|y.
-|asmacastor[5hou|dor CannonJ, D|sc, and wr|st Launchors:
1hese weopon systems gront the |reootor the Bo|t ono B|ost
powers. ^ s|ng|e bo|t oon to|e the torm ot o |ow powereo shot trom
the ||osmoooster, or o shot trom the vr|st |ounohers, wh||e o bo|t
h|tt|ng mu|t|p|e torgets represents the gu|oeo rozorshorp o|so thot
the |reootor emp|oys. 1he b|ost power w||| o|woys be o h|gh powereo
shot trom the ||osmoooster.
-Notgun: 1h|s weopon shoots o w|re net thot ensnores |ts v|ot|ms,
gront|ng the |reootor the 3tun power. ^s |t |s not o|tt|ou|t to out
onese|t tree, ony v|ot|m us|ng o outt|ng too| reoe|ves +2 to h|s v|gor
oheo|s to esoope.
-Camouf|ago: 1he |reootor's h|teoh ||ght beno|ng oomout|oge renoers |t
neor|y |nv|s|b|e, gront|ng |t the |nv|s|b|||ty power. ^ny oontoot w|th woter
w||| short out the oev|oe, however.
-Mod|comp: 1he |reootor's geor |no|uoes o meo|oo| system thot hos supp||es tor
neor|y ony |n,ury the o||en m|ght susto|n our|ng the hunt, gront|ng |t the eo| power.
^s some ot the prooesses ore |engthy, the |reootor sutters o 2 on |ts unt|ng
3ystems oheo| |t |t |s rusheo or |n oombot. ^s most meo|oomps |no|uoe o
resp|rotor ot some sort, o |reootor moy use the eo| power to negote o 1 peno|ty
trom osphyx|ot|on |nsteoo ot heo||ng o wouno |t |t ohooses.
-Doomsday Dov|co: vhen oornereo or oeteoteo, the Yout,o oooe o|ototes thot the
hunter must soor|t|oe |ts ||te |n oroer to |||| |ts enemy ono |eep |ts seorets trom
to|||ng |nto the honos ot other be|ngs. vhen the preootor reoohes 4 wounos, |t w|||
beg|n the tourturn oountoown sequenoe betore the oev|oe oetonotes, oous|ng
enough oomoge to |||| ony oreotures w|th|n 25', ono mooe|s w|th|n 50' to|e 2|10
b|ost oomoge.

rodator Armory:
1ypo ango Damago O| wo|ght 5hots Notos
3peorgun 24,4B,96 2|B 1 3 12 ^| 4

1ypo Damago wo|ght Notos
3peor 3tr 2 |eooh 1, ^| 2, |orry +2, |equ|res 2 honos

vh||e the woro Xenomorph |s s|mp|y o
synonym tor ^||en, |t hos been the term most
oommon|y ||n|eo to the |orge, preootory
o||ens o|soovereo by the oommero|o| vesse|
Nostromo on |v426 |n the yeor 2122.
|no|oents |nvo|v|ng these o||ens hove been
very ||m|teo, ono otten ooour |n the outer
tr|nges ot the networ| where they ore eosy to
oover up. 1heretore, they ore not oommon
|now|eoge to most peop|e |n the ^mer|oon,
Lh|nese, or ^ng|oJoponese oo|on|es. |umors
ot them o|rou|ote omongst o|tterent U3LML
Un|ts, os we|| os other bronohes ot the
m|||tory, o|though |t |sn't unheoro ot tor
stor|es ot them to surtooe |n tront|er oo|on|es

A||on Drono
1he ^||en |rone |s the most oommon vor|ety ot the oreoture, ono mo|es up the bu|| ot
the h|ve popu|ot|on. Sestoteo trom humons, these oreotures ore rough|y humono|o
w|th |ong, borbeo to||s ono e|ongoteo heoos. 1hey hove unpreoeoenteo o||mb|ng ono
steo|th ob|||ty.
Attr|butos: ^g|||ty o12, 3morts oB[^], 3p|r|t o12, 3trength oB, v|gor o10
5k|||s: ||ght|ng o12, L||mb|ng o12, Not|oe oB, 3w|m o10
aco: 10, arry: B, 1oughnoss: 7
5poc|a| Ab|||t|os
C|aws: 3tr+3
|oar -1: Xenomorphs ore terr|ty|ng ono s|n|ster oreotures to beho|o.
|oar|oss: cvo|veo tor the so|e purpose ot |||||ng, the Xenomorph |s oomp|ete|y
|mmune to teor ono |nt|m|oot|on.
wa|| wa|kor: 1he Xenomorph's o||mb|ng oooptot|ons ore ostouno|ng, enob||ng |t to
move ettort|ess|y up sheer surtooes ono ooross oe|||ngs.
|ast: Xenomorphs ore |nhumon|y tost, ono theretore go|n the benet|ts ot the |eve|
eooeo eoge.
5onsos: |t |s un|nown how the Xenomorph senses ono |oootes |ts prey, but |t |s o
h|gh|y evo|veo peroept|on w|thout the use ot eyes thot enob|es |t to operote |n the
oor|. 1heor|es |no|uoe the sens|ng ot pheromones ono b|oe|eotr|o|ty. |n gome
terms, th|s oounts os |ntrov|s|on.
Ac|d B|ood: |n o w|o|eo oetens|ve oooptot|on, the Xenomorph's booy oonto|ns o
oonoentroteo oo|o tor b|ooo. |t |s theor|zeo thot these o||ens ore t|uor|neboseo
oreotures, ono use the|r b|ooo tor tooo o|gest|on. vhenever o Xenomorph sutters o
wouno, ony mooe|s w|th|n 2' sutter 2|B oomoge trom the resu|t|ng oo|o sp|osh.
1reot th|s os t|re oomoge.
5ocondary Jaw: 1he Xenomorph's phys|o|ogy houses o seoonoory set ot ,ows
|ns|oe the mouth thot oon be useo to oe||ver o powertu| thrust|ng ottoo| to the
heoo ot the ^||en's v|ot|m. |n oombot, the Xenomorph moy ohoose to gropp|e o
mooe|. |t suooesstu|, |t moy mo|e o 3tr+6, ^| 4 oo||eo shot to the heoo[4] on |ts
next turn, |t the v|ot|m hos not bro|en tree.

1he |ooehugger |s the t|rst stoge |n the Xenomorph ||te oyo|e. 1he sp|oer|||e oreoture
emerges trom the eggs |o|o by the |ve Uueen, ono seoroh tor su|tob|e hosts. Usuo||y,
these ore |n p|ent|tu| supp|y, os the eggs ore tr|ggereo by the presenoe ot ||te torms.
3mo||er ono th|nners||nneo thon the|r |orger Xenomorph oous|ns, the tooe hugger
re||es on the threot ot |||||ng the oopt|ve host os o oeterrent to ottoo| unt|| |t oomp|etes
|oy|ng the embryo ono o|es.
Attr|butos: ^g|||ty o10, 3morts o6[^], 3p|r|t o12, 3trength o6, v|gor o10
5k|||s: ||ght|ng oB, L||mb|ng o12, Not|oe oB
aco: 6, arry: 6, 1oughnoss: 5
5poc|a| Ab|||t|os
|oar|oss: cvo|veo tor the so|e purpose ot |mpregnot|ng hosts, the |ooehugger |s
oomp|ete|y |mmune to teor ono |nt|m|oot|on.
wa|| wa|kor: 1he |ooehugger shores the o||mb|ng to|ents ot |ts brethren, enob||ng
|t to move ettort|ess|y up sheer surtooes ono ooross oe|||ngs.
|ast: |ooehuggers ore |nhumon|y tost, ono theretore go|n the benet|ts ot the |eve|
eooeo eoge.
5onsos: |t |s un|nown how the Xenomorph senses ono |oootes |ts prey, but |t |s o
h|gh|y evo|veo peroept|on w|thout the use ot eyes thot enob|es |t to operote |n the
oor|. 1heor|es |no|uoe the sens|ng ot pheromones ono b|oe|eotr|o|ty. |n gome
terms, th|s oounts os |ntrov|s|on.
Ac|d B|ood: |n o w|o|eo oetens|ve oooptot|on, the Xenomorph's booy oonto|ns o
oonoentroteo oo|o tor b|ooo. |t |s theor|zeo thot these o||ens ore t|uor|neboseo
oreotures, ono use the|r b|ooo tor tooo o|gest|on. vhenever o Xenomorph sutters o
wouno, ony mooe|s w|th|n 1' sutter 2|B oomoge trom the resu|t|ng oo|o sp|osh.
1reot th|s os t|re oomoge.
|aco Hug: 1he |ooehugger's mo|n ottoo| |s to |eop ot |ts v|ot|m's heoo |n on
ottempt to |otoh |tse|t to the torget's tooe ono p|ooe |ts embryo. |t the tooe hugger
suooeeos |n o gropp|e ottoo| ogo|nst |ts torget, |t hos |otoheo on, ono the v|ot|m hos
beoome seooteo by the tox|ns re|eoseo by the |ooehugger. Note thot he|mets otter
no proteot|on, os the |ooehugger oon seorete enough oo|o to burn through them.

1he |reoo||en, or |reootor ^||en, |s the
resu|t ot o Yout,o thot |s |mpregnoteo
w|th o Xenomorph embryo. 1he resu|t |s
o terr|ty|ng oomb|not|on ot the bruto|
strength ono ounn|ng ot the |reootor
ono the w|o|eo evo|ut|ono| oooptot|ons
ono ett|o|enoy os o ruth|ess ||||er
bestoweo by |ts Xenomorph ||neoge,
1hese oreotures ore renowneo tor the|r
tenoo|ty ono ob|||ty to w|thstono
Attr|butos: ^g|||ty o12, 3morts oB[^],
3p|r|t o12, 3trength o12+2, v|gor o12+1
5k|||s: ||ght|ng o12, L||mb|ng o12, Not|oe oB, 3w|m o10
aco: B, arry: B, 1oughnoss: B[12]

5poc|a| Ab|||t|os
C|aws: 3tr+3
|oar -2: |reoo||ens ore terr|ty|ng ono s|n|ster oreotures to beho|o.
|oar|oss: cvo|veo tor the so|e purpose ot |||||ng, the |reoo||en |s oomp|ete|y |mmune
to teor ono |nt|m|oot|on.
Armor +4: 1he |reoo||en's th|o| ooropooe exos|e|eton prov|oes exoe||ent
proteot|on trom ottoo|s.
wa|| wa|kor: 1he Xenomorph's o||mb|ng oooptot|ons ore ostouno|ng, enob||ng |t to
move ettort|ess|y up sheer surtooes ono ooross oe|||ngs.
|ast: Xenomorphs ore |nhumon|y tost, ono theretore go|n the benet|ts ot the |eve|
eooeo eoge.
5onsos: |t |s un|nown how the Xenomorph senses ono |oootes |ts prey, but |t |s o
h|gh|y evo|veo peroept|on w|thout the use ot eyes thot enob|es |t to operote |n the
oor|. 1heor|es |no|uoe the sens|ng ot pheromones ono b|oe|eotr|o|ty. |n gome
terms, th|s oounts os |ntrov|s|on.
Ac|d B|ood: |n o w|o|eo oetens|ve oooptot|on, the Xenomorph's booy oonto|ns o
oonoentroteo oo|o tor b|ooo. |t |s theor|zeo thot these o||ens ore t|uor|neboseo
oreotures, ono use the|r b|ooo tor tooo o|gest|on. vhenever o Xenomorph sutters o
wouno, ony mooe|s w|th|n 2' sutter 2|B oomoge trom the resu|t|ng oo|o sp|osh.
1reot th|s os t|re oomoge.
5ocondary Jaw: 1he Xenomorph's phys|o|ogy houses o seoonoory set ot ,ows
|ns|oe the mouth thot oon be useo to oe||ver o powertu| thrust|ng ottoo| to the
heoo ot the ^||en's v|ot|m. |n oombot, the Xenomorph moy ohoose to gropp|e o
mooe|. |t suooesstu|, |t moy mo|e o 3tr+6, ^| 4 oo||eo shot to the heoo[4] on |ts
next turn, |t the v|ot|m hos not bro|en tree.

A||on H|vo Guoon
1he ^||en Uueen |s the |orgest ot o|| types ot
Xenomorph, ono |s the on|y type thot, regoro|ess
ot the host, the bos|o shope |s the some. Mu|t|
||mbeo ono g|gont|o, the ^||en Uueen |s the
oreoture thot |oys eggs so thot more |ooehuggers
moy |mpregnote v|ot|ms ono propogote the
speo|es. ^|woys touno ot the heort ot o
Xenomorph h|ve, the Uueen |s usuo||y |n the
hotohery guoroeo by o host ot |roetor|ons.
Attr|butos: ^g|||ty oB, 3morts o12[^], 3p|r|t o12, 3trength o12+6, v|gor o12+3
5k|||s: ||ght|ng o12, L||mb|ng o12, Not|oe oB, 3w|m o10
aco: 10, arry: B, 1oughnoss: 1B[23]
5poc|a| Ab|||t|os
C|aws: 3tr+3
|oar -3: 1he |ve Uueen |s o horr|t|o opponent to beho|o, ono |nsp|res even the
toughest mor|ne to wet h|s tot|gues.
|oar|oss: cvo|veo tor the so|e purpose ot |||||ng, the |ve Uueen |s oomp|ete|y
|mmune to teor ono |nt|m|oot|on.
|ast: 1he |ve Uueen |s |nhumon|y tost, ono theretore go|ns the benet|ts ot the

|eve|eooeo eoge.
5|zo +b: 1he |ve Uueen |s on enormous oreoture, rough|y 15' to|| ono 20' |ong.
Armor +b: 1he |ve Uueen |s proteoteo by on extreme|y horo ooropooe
exos|e|eton, mo||ng |t extreme|y o|tt|ou|t to oomoge.
Lmpath|c L|nk: 1he |ve Uueen hos o mento| ||n| to the rest ot her h|ve, ono
theretore oon oommono them |n bott|e w|th the benet|t ot the to||ow|ng eoges.
Lommono, Noturo| |eooer, ono |ervor.
5onsos: |t |s un|nown how the Xenomorph senses ono |oootes |ts prey, but |t |s o
h|gh|y evo|veo peroept|on w|thout the use ot eyes thot enob|es |t to operote |n the
oor|. 1heor|es |no|uoe the sens|ng ot pheromones ono b|oe|eotr|o|ty. |n gome
terms, th|s oounts os |ntrov|s|on.
Ac|d B|ood: |n o w|o|eo oetens|ve oooptot|on, the Xenomorph's booy oonto|ns o
oonoentroteo oo|o tor b|ooo. |t |s theor|zeo thot these o||ens ore t|uor|neboseo
oreotures, ono use the|r b|ooo tor tooo o|gest|on. vhenever the |ve Uueen sutters
o wouno, ony mooe|s w|th|n 2' sutter 2|B oomoge trom the resu|t|ng oo|o sp|osh.
1reot th|s os t|re oomoge.
5ocondary Jaw: 1he |ve Uueen's phys|o|ogy houses o seoonoory set ot ,ows |ns|oe
the mouth thot oon be useo to oe||ver o powertu| thrust|ng ottoo| to the heoo ot
the ^||en's v|ot|m. |n oombot, the Xenomorph moy ohoose to gropp|e o mooe|. |t
suooesstu|, |t moy mo|e o 3tr+6, ^| 4 oo||eo shot to the heoo[4] on |ts next turn, |t
the v|ot|m hos not bro|en tree.
Mu|t|p|o L|mbs: 1he |ve Uueen hos to |orge orms ono two smo||er ones, ono moy
ottoo| tw|oe w|th her o|ows eooh turn w|th no peno|ty.
1a||: 1he |ve Uueen's to|| |s t|ppeo w|th o w|o|eo borbeo b|ooe wh|oh she oon use
etteot|ve|y |n oombot. 1he to|| oon be useo to ottoo| torgets w|th the to||ow|ng
1ypo Damago Notos
Borbeo 1o|| 3tr+4 |eooh 1, ^| 2
|n ooo|t|on, |t the to|| h|ts ono oouses 2 or more wounos, the v|ot|m hos been
|mpo|eo, ono oounts os be|ng gropp|eo. |t the v|ot|m breo|s tree, he to|es on
|mmeo|ote h|t trom the to|| ogo|n os the borbs teor ot h|s booy. Note thot o v|ot|m
oonnot be |mpo|eo ogo|n wh||e breo||ng tree.
ond: |t the |ve Uueen suooesstu||y gropp|es o rough|y humons|zeo opponent, |t
moy mo|e o speo|o| |eno ottoo| |n subsequent turns |t the torget to||s to breo|
tree. 1he |ve Uueen ottempts to teor |ts v|ot|m oport w|th |ts mony orms, ono
must mo|e on opposeo 3trength oheo| vs. the v|ot|m's v|gor p|us ony moo|t|ers to
|ts 1oughness. |t the Uueen w|ns, the torget |s r|ppeo ||mb trom ||mb.

cxomp|e. |to. B|ggs t|nos h|mse|t |n the o|utohes ot o |ve Uueen, ono she ottempts to
|eno h|m. 3he ro||s her o12+6, soor|ng o 10, wh||e he ro||s h|s oB v|gor, +5 tor h|s
Lombot ^rmor, soor|ng on 11. B|ggs surv|ves unt|| next turn, when he hopes to go
betore the Uueen so he oon ottempt to wrest|e tree.

1he Un|teo 3totes Lo|on|o| Mor|ne Lorps

1he U3LML |s the Un|teo 3totes' e||te toroe, o|st|not trom the regu|or U3 ^rmy,
oes|gnoteo to mo|nto|n o oonstont stote ot reoo|ness, regoro|ess ot the U3 reoo|ness
tor wor. 1he Lorps |s oes|gneo tor one th|ng. the rop|o pro,eot|on ot U3 power ooross
spooe. |reporeo to operote |n |ono, seo, o|r, ono spooe env|ronments, the Lorps to|es
oovontoge ot |ts oonstont reoo|ness ono spooe oep|oyment oopob|||ty.


Un|tod 5tatos Co|on|a| Mar|no Corps rofoss|ona| Ldgos:

oqu|romonts: Nov|oe, 3p|r|t o6, ||ght|ng o4, Suts o6, eo||ng o4, 3hoot|ng
o4, |epo|r o4
1he ||t|emon, or 'Srunt, |s the stonooro so|o|er ot the U3LML who
torms the bu|| ot o U3LML ||otoon. 1yp|oo| ron|s ronge trom |r|vote ||rst
L|oss, |r|vote, ono |onoe Lorporo|, to Lorporo|. 1he ||t|emon |s never w|thout
h|s |u|se ||t|e, but |s se|oom |ssueo speo|o| equ|pment, o|though |onoe
Lorporo|s ono Lorporo|s ore oommon|y equ|ppeo w|th mot|on troo|ers ono
po|reo ott w|th Mooh|negunners. Srunts hove seen the worst o bott|et|e|o hos
to otter, ono otten get the |eost oes|rob|e, most oongerous oss|gnments, ono
theretore go|n o +2 on o|| Suts oheo|s.

oqu|romonts: Nov|oe, 3morts o6, ||ght|ng o4, Suts o4, eo||ng o6, 3hoot|ng o4,
|epo|r o4
1he Meo|o |s o grunt who hos shown through h|s tro|n|ng or serv|oe to hove o
speo|o| opt|tuoe tor t|rsto|o, o|though some Meo|os ore ohosen ot ronoom beoouse
there |s o h|gh oemono. Meo|os go through o speo|o||st oourse |n boot teooh|ng
oovonoeo t|rsto|o teohn|ques ruo|mentory meo|o|ne ono surgery. Beoouse ot the|r

vo|ue ono ob|||t|es |n the t|e|o, most mor|nes ore very proteot|ve ot the|r Meo|o, ono |t |s
the s|ng|e type ot mor|ne thot hos the |owest oosuo|ty rote. ^ typ|oo| Meo|o's ron| |s
|r|vote ||rstL|oss or |r|vote. ^s|oe trom extro meo|oo| equ|pment, Meo|os ore
equ|ppeo |n the some monner os Srunts. |ue to the|r meo|oo| opt|tuoe ono tro|n|ng,
meo|os reoe|ve o +2 bonus to eo| oheo|s. |n ooo|t|on, the|r exper|enoe |n the t|e|o
oomb|neo w|th meo|oo| |now|eoge enob|es them to mo|e eouooteo guesses obout
re|oteo sub,eots [Meo|o|ne, 3urgery, Xenob|o|ogy, eto.] os |t they hoo 1|4 |n the s||||, os
opposeo to the regu|or uns||||eo 1|42.

oqu|romonts: Nov|oe, ^g|||ty o6, ||ght|ng o4, Suts o4, eo||ng o4, 3hoot|ng o6, |epo|r
Mooh|neSunners ore o speo|o| breeo ot Mor|ne, o|ehoro |no|v|ouo|s who re||sh
the owesome t|repower ot the M56 3mortgun. v|th o|| the qu|r|s omong o|tterent
3mortguns, some Mooh|negunners speno yeors |n seoroh ot the 'perteot gun, ono
ore extreme|y proteot|ve |t they t|no |t. 3ome mor|nes th|n| Mooh|negunners ore o
spoo|y, gun|ov|n' bunoh, but |n the t|e|o everybooy wonts to be po|reo ott w|th one |n o
gun teom. ^ typ|oo| Mooh|negunner's ron| |s |r|vote ||rstL|oss or |r|vote. Mooh|ne
gunners to|e the|r ,obs ono tro|n|ng extreme|y ser|ous|y, ono reoe|ve o +2 bonus when
us|ng M3B ono M56 Mooh|neguns. |t the Mooh|negunner spenos o tew hours
tom|||or|z|ng h|mse|t w|th o o|tterent mooh|negun, he moy use h|s bonus w|th other
weopons os we||.

oqu|romonts: Nov|oe, 3morts o6, ||ght|ng o4, Suts o4, eo||ng o4, 3hoot|ng o4,
|epo|r o6
1he 3peo|o||st mor|ne |s speo|o||y tro|neo |n the use ot o|| heovy equ|pment useo
by the U3LML, os we|| os oomputer ono e|eotron|o systems. 1he 3peo|o||st |s
entrusteo w|th the repo|r ono mo|ntenonoe ot the p|otoon's equ|pment, ono |s usuo||y
oss|gneo to teohn|oo| ro|es, suoh os byposs|ng |oo|eo ooors, oep|oy|ng 3entry Suns, or
soonn|ng oomputer systems. 1he 3peo|o||st |s otten |ssueo severo| speo|o| p|eoes ot
geor, most oommon|y the |otopoo oo||ng 1oo|, ono ve|oer, ono Mot|on 1roo|er.
1yp|oo||y o |r|vote ||rstL|oss or |r|vote, the 3peo|o||st reoe|ves o +2 to ony repo|r ro||s,
ono moy mo|e on eouooteo guess on ony teohre|oteo sub,eot os |t he hoo 1|4 |n the
s||||, |nsteoo ot the regu|or uns||||eo 1|42.

oqu|romonts: Nov|oe, 3p|r|t o6, 3morts o6, ||ght|ng o4, Suts o4, eo||ng o4,
|nt|m|oote o6, 3hoot|ng o4, |epo|r o4, Lommono

1he 3ergeont, usuo||y oo||eo 'the 3orge, |s the operot|ono| oommonoer ot o

U3LML p|otoon. vh||e the ||eutenont teohn|oo||y oommonos the s|tuot|on trom the
oommono post, |t |s the 3orge who |s |n the trenohes w|th h|s troops, ono |t |s he thot
they |oo| to tor |eooersh|p ono o|reot|on. 1he 3orge |s o|woys o tough |no|v|ouo| who hos
wor|eo h|s woy up trom the bottom, un|||e most ott|oers obove h|s ron|, ono |s
respeoteo by h|s men tor |t. |ue to the respeot, |oyo|ty, ono teor he |nsp|res |n h|s men,
the 3orge moy move orouno ony or o|| ot the |n|t|ot|ve ooros oeo|t ,ust os w|th the
Lommono eoge, but he moy o|so move the ooros ot te||ow v||o Loros.

oqu|romonts: Nov|oe, ^g|||ty o6, ||ght|ng o4, eo||ng o4, |||ot|ng o6, 3hoot|ng o4,
|epo|r o4
Members ot the U3LML ^erospooe v|ng ore h|gh|y tro|neo ott|oers, ono, un|||e
most other mor|nes, they ore otten orown trom omongst the p||ots ot the regu|or Novy
ono the U3^3| ^erospooe ^oooemy ot Sotewoy 3tot|on |n ooo|t|on to the U3LML
|||ght 3ohoo|. 1h|s oon somet|mes |eoo to m|strust ot new p||ots, but when |n the o|r,
everyone |s the p||ot's best tr|eno. 1os|eo w|th m|ss|ons rong|ng trom reoon, |ntontry
support, to seoroh ono oestroy, the U3LML p||ots hove to be extreme|y to|enteo ono
|now|eogeob|e ot oerospooe|ntontry |ntegroteo operot|ons. 1yp|oo||y o ||eutenont, the
p||ot's tro|n|ng ono exper|enoe |n the o|r g|ves h|m o +2 bonus to o|| |||ot|ng oheo|s,

Un|tod 5tatos Co|on|a| Mar|no Corps Armory

1ypo ango Damago O| wo|ght 5hots Notos
Armat M41A u|so |f|o
10mm |ounos 24,4B,96 2|B 3 4.9|g 100 ^| 2
Unoers|ung M40 30mm S| 24,4B,96 4
M3B |gh cxp|os|ve ^rmor ||ero|ng 4|B 1 ^| 10, Meo|um Burst
M51^ Bouno|ng |rog 3|6 1 3mo|| Burst, Bouno|ng Betty
M10B Lon|ster[Buo|shot] 10,20,30 13|6 1 Use 3hotgun |u|es
M230 Boton 1 3tun
M60 vh|te |hosphorous |noeno|ory 2|10 1 |gnores ^rmor, |orge Burst
M72^ 3torshe||
M240 |nc|norator |f|o ||ome 1emp|ote 2|10 1 2.7|g 30 |gnores ^rmor
M42A 5copo |f|o 4.26|g 15
M252 10mm c^| 50,100,200 2|B 1 ^| 5
M250 10mm x 2B 30,60,120 2|10 1
M4A3 |sto|[9mm] 12,24,4B 2|61 1 0.95|g 12
v70 |sto|[.22] 10,20,40 2|62 1 0.B3|g 14
Combat Kn|fo 3tr+1 1 1.0|g
Mb 5mart Gun[10mm] 50,100,150 2|10 4 17.B2|g 500 ^| 2, +3 to |t
M3B Mach|nogun[10mm] 50,100,200 2|10 3 24.6B|g 300 ^|2, 3nopt|re
Mb G Launchor[60mm] 24,4B,96 4|10 1 4.5|g 1 ^| 25, 3mo|| Burst
M7B hasod |asma |nfantry Gun 25,50,75 5|10 1 15.2|g 30 ^| 50, ||res onoe
every 2 rounos.
MB3A2 5ADA 50,100,150 5|10 1 3.1|g 1 ^| 40, 1 shot on|y
UA b71-C 5ontry Gun 50,100,150 2|10 3 19..6|g 500 ^| 2, 3ee Notes

1ypo Armor va|uo wo|ght Notos
M3 Combat Armor +5 12|g Lovers cnt|re Booy cxoept eoo
M10 Ba|||st|c Ho|mot +7 2|g Lovers eoo

U5CMC Lqu|pmont & woapons Br|of|ng

Armat M41A u|so |f|o

1he ^rmot |u|se ||t|e |s the wor|horse ot the U3LML, ono hos seen serv|oe on more
wor|os thon ony other proouot|on weopon. |t |s o|so useo by mony porom|||tory toroes
throughout the ^ng|oJoponese orm ono beyono, suoh os oo|on|o| po||oe toroes ono
m|||t|os, ono |s oommon |n oorporote orm|es. 1he weopon t|res the stonooro oose|ess
10mm x 24 rouno, ono hos o ommun|t|on poy|ooo ot 100 rounos. |t o|so teotures o
bu||t|n unoers|ung M40 30mm Srenooe |ounoher. 1he M40 hos o tour rouno |ntegro|
mogoz|ne, ono |s oopob|e ot t|r|ng severo| o|tterent types ot grenooe rounos.
M3B H|gh Lxp|os|vo Armor |orc|ng: 1h|s |s the stonooro genero| purpose 30mm
grenooe, perteot|y su|teo tor ont|personne| ono ||ght ont|ormor ro|es.
Mb1A Bound|ng |rag: 1h|s |s on exo|us|ve|y ont|personne| weopon, wh|oh
|ounohes o 'bouno|ng betty sty|e exp|os|ve oev|oe to tr|gger on oontoot ono ro|n
shropne| oown on the torget.
M10B Can|stor: ^|so reterreo to os 'buo|shot, the M10B t|res o shotgun|||e ho||
ot t|oohettes or stee| shot |n o oon|oo| poth tor use |n o|ose quorters.
M230 Baton: 1he Boton rouno |s o non|etho| rouno useo tor orowo suppress|on
ono oopture m|ss|ons.
M0 wh|to hosphorous |ncond|ary: 1he M60 |s on |noeno|ory rouno thot |s
|noreo|b|y etteot|ve over o |orge oreo, ono |s oommon|y useo |n ont|personne|
ono vegetot|on o|eor|ng ro|es.
M72A 5tarsho||: 1he 3torshe|| rouno |s t|reo |nto the o|r, where the t|ore bursts
ono o poroohute oep|oys, |||um|not|ng o 200 toot oreo tor opprox|mote|y 10

M240 ||amothrowor

^|so otteot|onote|y reterreo to by mor|nes os the '|no|nerotor ||t|e, the M240 |s
eos||y one ot the most potent weopons |n the U3LML orseno|. Un|||e most
t|omethrowers, the |no|nerotor |s o s|ng|e, se|toonto|neo un|t thot |s oopob|e ot

susto|neo t|re or bursts, ono teotures o vor|ob|e ong|e nozz|e. 3ome mor|nes shun
the weopon, os Joponese sn|pers hove to|en to the proot|oe ot torget|ng the ommo
ton|s, wh|oh oon seno o squoo up |n t|omes. |t o mooe| w|shes to oo so, |t |s o oo||eo
shot[3mo|| 1orget, 4]. |t the shot ooes 6 po|nts ot oomoge or more, the weopon
exp|ooes. ||ooe o |orge burst temp|ote on the trooper oorry|ng the |no|nerotor,
every mooe| unoer the temp|ote |s treoteo os be|ng h|t by the t|omethrower.

M42A 5copo |f|o

1he M43^ |s the stonooro sn|p|ng weopon ot the U3LML. 1he te|esoop|o s|ght |s
oopob|e ot |ntroreo[|ntrov|s|on] ono |ow||ght v|s|on mooes, ono |s mu|t|ohombereo to
t|t e|ther the M242 10mm x 24 |gh cxp|os|ve ^rmor ||ero|ng[c^|] rouno, or the
|onger M250 10mm x 2B 3mortgun rouno, g|v|ng the sn|per t|ex|b|||ty oepeno|ng on
h|s torget. 1he sem|outomot|o M43^ r|t|e oon o|so be t|tteo w|th o borre|mounteo
suppressor, wh|oh g|ves the weopon 1 to h|t, but shoot|ng ooes not reveo| the
sn|per's pos|t|on.

M4A3 |sto|

1h|s p|sto| |s the stonooro ogo|nst wh|oh o|| mooern s|oeorms ore we|gheo. 1he
9mm p|sto| hos been |n the U3 m|||tory tor generot|ons, ono hos been perteoteo |n
the M4^3, us|ng the |otest ||ght we|ght moter|o|s.

v70 |sto|

1he v|70 |s o ||ghtwe|ght o|ternot|ve to the M4^3 thot mony mor|nes otten turn to,

ono hos been mooe popu|or by rumors ot o guns||ng|ng mor|ne w|e|o|ng ouo|
v|70's |n o bug hunt otter oep|et|ng h|s |u|se ||t|e's poy|ooo.

Mb 5martgun

1he M56 |s the |otest |n |ntontry support teohno|ogy, ut|||z|ng on |ntroreo torget|ng
v|sor, oomputeross|steo torget|ng, ono o robot|o gyrostob|||zot|on un|t to mo|e the
weopon |noreo|b|y ooourote ono eosy to o|reot. 3ome users o|o|m thot eooh
3mortgun hos |ts own qu|r|s, or persono||ty, ono thot o gooo M56 |s o|tt|ou|t to t|no.
v|th the teohno|og|oo| oovontoges oomes the o|tt|ou|ty to mo|nto|n, ono mony
mor|nes oomp|o|n obout the weopon's re||ob|||ty |n the t|e|o. cor|y vers|ons ore
notor|ous tor o|woys ,omm|ng on the t|rst shot un|ess the rouno |s monuo||y
ohombereo. 0ther oommon oomp|o|nts |no|uoe gyromount treez|ng, || torget
troo||ng prob|ems, ono oomputer torget|ng mo|tunot|ons. ^ny t|me o hero equ|ppeo
w|th o smortgun orows o oeuoe tor |n|t|ot|ve, the weopon hos mo|tunot|oneo ono the
user must mo|e o |epo|r oheo| |n subsequent turns to t|x |t. |n ooo|t|on, oue to the
bu|| ot the weopon horness, o Mor|ne w|sh|ng to orop the M56 must speno o tu||
oot|on to oo so.


M3B Mach|nogun

1he stonooro squoo support weopon ot the U3LML tor the bu|| ot |ts ex|stenoe
betore be|ng rep|ooeo by the M56 3mortgun, the M3B Mooh|negun |s o s|ng|e
poro||e| weopon boseo on the ont|quoteo 3^vs ot the eor|y 20
oentury. |t t|res the

some oose|ess 10mm x 2B rounos useo by the M56, but hos o |ower oyo||o rote
ono muzz|e ve|oo|ty. owever, the weopon |s renowneo tor |ts re||ob|||ty, ono
pertorms oom|rob|y even on the horshest ot wor|os. |t o hero ever botohes wh||e
t|r|ng the M3B, he moy o|sregoro the resu|t.

Mb ockot ropo||od Gronado Launchor

1he M5 |s the stonooro ont|ormor weopon useo by the U3LML. |t |s o re|oooob|e
tubesty|e |ounoher wh|oh t|res 60mm ormorp|ero|ng grenooes.

M7B hasod |asma |nfantry Gun[|GJ

1he ||S wos oes|gneo os o monportob|e heovy ont|ormor |oser oonnon. vh||e |t
hos suooeeoeo |n th|s ro|e, the weopon ooes |eove some th|ngs to be oes|reo. 1he
un|t, oons|st|ng ot o bottery poo| ono the oonnon |tse|t, we|ghs |n ot o hetty 15.2|g,
mo||ng |t o o|tt|ou|t weopon to moneuver w|th ony omount ot oore, someth|ng oo||eo
upon os mony ot the ports |n the M7B ore trog||e ono prone to breo|oge. 1he
reporteo etteot|ve ronge ot the ||S |s 2000 meters, o|though th|s ||st|ng |s unoer
'|oeo| oono|t|ons, o s|tuot|on rore|y seen |n reo| oombot. |n ootuo||ty, the ||S |s o
to|r|y shortrongeo weopon, ono the v|s|b|e tro|| ot |on|zeo mo|eou|es |t |eoves |n the
o|r mo|es |t o somewhot unpopu|or weopon w|th surv|vo|m|noeo mor|nes. |n
ooo|t|on, the bottery poo| oyo|es ot whot the overoge grunt m|ght oesor|be os o
|e|sure|y pooe, wh|oh resu|ts |n on extreme|y s|ow rote ot t|re. |esp|te |ts mony
orowboo|s, however, the row power ot the M7B oonnot be oen|eo, ono |t |s tu||y
oopob|e ot punoh|ng ho|es through the t|on| ormor ot o heovy ton|.


1he 3^|^|, or 5hou|oer|ounoheo Aot|vehom|ng D|sposob|e Ant|ton| oo|et, |s o
||ght we|ght, oo||ops|b|e s|ng|eshot ont|ormor roo|et. Un|||e the M5 ||S, the
3^|^| |s gu|oeo by on |ntroreo thot |oo|s on thermo| s|gnotures ot torgets. 1he
MB3^2 oon o|so be t|reo o|reot|y w|thout the gu|oonoe systems, ono |s su|tob|e tor
||ght ono meo|um ont|ormor tos|s. |t on o|m oot|on |s to|en, the t|rer moy ooub|e
the o|m|ng bonus on h|s shot.

UA b71-C omoto 5ontry woapons 5ystom

1he 3entry Sun |s o monportob|e un|t oes|gneo to estob||sh oetens|ve per|meters |n
the t|e|o. cxtreme|y usetu| to mor|ne un|ts w|th ||m|teo monpower, the U^ 571L |s o
remote robot|o mooh|negun thot t|res 10mm x 2B c^| rounos. 1he torget|ng un|t
soons |n |ntroreo, ono w||| t|re on ony torget not seno|ng out o pos|t|ve |r|eno or |oe
s|gno|. 1he weopon hos o poy|ooo ot 500 rounos, ono oons|sts ot the weopon |tse|t,
the tr|poo, ono the bottery poo|. 1he stotus ot the un|ts oon be troo|eo v|o o oonso|e
reooout. 1he un|t oon be set to troo| on oreo trom 60 to 360 oegrees. Most
oommonoers w||| oep|oy them w|th over|opp|ng oros ot t|re to |noreose sensor
soturot|on. 1he 3entry gun oon oeteot torgets |n |ts tront 60 oegree t|r|ng oro w|th o
not|oe s|||| ot o10. 1h|s ro|| |s ot 2 tor eooh 60 oegrees, or port thereot, otter the
t|rst thot |t |s set to troverse. |t the t|e|o ot t|re over|ops w|th thot ot onother 3entry
Sun, they both reoe|ve o +2 to the ro||, up to o +4 bonus [3 over|opp|ng t|r|ng oros].
1he sentry gun t|res w|th 3hoot|ng o10.

5poc|a| thanks to Bront wo|ko, Matt Hou|ahan, and andy Mos|ondz for tho|r
oxco||ont foodback and adv|co, and my gam|ng group, tho Ork Chop Lxpross, for
bo|ng tho f|rst gu|noa p|gs to bo put undor tho kn|fo.

^||ens, |reootor, Lo|on|o| Mor|nes, ono ^||ens vs. |reootor ore trooemor|s ot |ox, ono they or ony oopyr|ghteo terms useo here|n ore useo w|thout
perm|ss|on, ono ore |n no woy oho||enges to so|o trooemor|s or oopyr|ghts. | oo not o|o|m ownersh|p ot ony ot the photos or |||ustrot|ons |n th|s
oooument, ono they ore useo w|thout perm|ss|on. 1hey ore prov|oeo on|y os o v|suo| o|o tor those who ore untom|||or w|th the ^||ens,|reootor
moter|o|. 3ovoge vor|os |s o trooemor| ot ||nnoo|e cnterto|nment Sroup, |no. ono |s useo here w|thout perm|ss|on. 1h|s oonvers|on |s not meont os o
oho||enge to thot trooemor|, nor ony oopyr|ghteo terms useo here|n. 1he moter|o| |n 3ovoge vor|os. ^||en vs. |reootor ore or|g|no| , wr|tten by Jomes
ou|ohon, Lopyr|ght 2003. 1h|s |s o tree proouot ono | see| no prot|t, other thon to ||o| some bug oss. |'ve oone os muoh os o oonsumer oon oo to
support both the ^v| ono 3ovoge vor|os oouses, ono wou|o |ove noth|ng more thon to see them suooeeo. 1he |ost th|ng |'m go|ng to oo |s try to r|p
them ott.

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