Quarter 1 Health Activities

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ACTIVITY # 9 Making Good Decisions In your activity notebook, label the page with the letters D E C I D E vertically.

Use the six steps in decision making in going through this activity. 1. Your classmates are going to a party this weekend, this is the first time that you are asked to attend by a friend but then you discern that your parents will not approve it. You dont want to make your friends angry by not going, but you also dont want to get in trouble with your parents. Determine what decision you should make. 2. One of your closest friends tells his/her problem and asks for your support. He got his girlfriend pregnant / she got pregnant. How can you show your support and stand firm with the morals that having children should be the choice of matured individuals under the blessing of marriage? The following guide questions may help you decide. Is it safe? Is it legal? Is it healthful? Does it show respect for me and others? Does it follow norms and standards of society? PROCESS
1. Follow the instructions below to help you complete the poem I Am and make it a poem about you. Write this in a whole sheet of paper. Post it in the display area of the classroom. I Am Line 1: I am (write your name). Line 2: I am the child of (write the full names of your parents). Line 3: I am the grandchild of (write the full names of your four grandparents). Line 4: I am the brother/sister of (write the first names of your brothers and sisters, if any). Line 5: I am the friend of (write the names of a few friends). Line 6: I am (write three descriptive words that describe you). Line 7: I am a (write something that you do well for example, I am a volleyball player). Line 8: I am a resident of (write the name of the barangay and the city in which you live). Line 9: I am (write your citizenship). 2.

WHAT TO REFLECT AND UNDERSTAND ACTIVITY # 14 Read the Story Love In Action by Teofilo Guiang Jr. Answer the following questions. Did you like the story? What lesson/s did you learn from it? Do you know how to express affection to your loved ones? How do you do it? ACTIVITY # 16 For each factor listed below, provide examples of how this factor affects your sexual attitudes and behaviors. Write your answer in your paper. 1. Family. Family values oftentimes determine your own values. Describe how your family affects your values regarding human sexuality. 2. Culture. Filipinos living in different regions have diverse cultures and beliefs. Your cultural background can affect your values regarding sexuality, along with the norms and standards set by society. Describe how your culture affects your human sexuality. 3. Peers. Like your family, your friends can also have a significant impact on your views on human sexuality. Describe how your friends affect your human sexuality. 4. Media. The media plays a significant role in our lives as we regularly watch televisions, listen to radio, search the internet, read newspapers

TRANSFER ACTIVITY # 20 In your paper, answer the following questions: 1. Do you believe that virginity is important for both boys and girls? Why? 2. What are your attitudes and standards towards virginity? Compare it with the norms and standards set by society. Does it confirm? 3. How do you value virginity? ACTIVITY # 22 Critical Thinking Let us try to connect our lesson to current issues in our country. Here are some current issues the focus on sexuality, gender equality, and sexual orientation. BULLYING RH BILL SEXUAL HARASSMENT CYBERCRIME LAW

Choose one topic and write your personal views. Discuss how it will affect the health of the community as a whole Suggest ways on how to manage this issues

This is your opportunity to show your understanding of gender role in the media. Choose a movie or a television show which you believe has gender role labels in it and you must deconstruct and analyze. Extract any gender-biased content. Recreate one of the scenes of the film by submitting a script of your own for this scene.

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