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Industrial byproducts dont belong in our drinking water

December 2010 Sheridan City Council Voted To Fluoridate Sheridans Water

To get involved sign the petition and help overturn the decision. Petition sites are at the Good Health Emporium, 45th Parallel, Deines Chiropractic, Buchanan Chiropractic, Atlas Chiropractic, Star Liquor and Bagels & Beyond. Thank You! Fluoride accumulates in the body. Many studies show that silicouorides at the levels found in drinking water negatively impact multiple organs and systems in the body. to a Harvard meta-analysis (Choi et al, 2012). 1:6 Children have a developmental disability (CDC, n.d.). We should work very hard to decrease the amount of toxins our children are exposed to. Sources of uoride additives. The chemicals used in water uoridation are unpuried waste products from the phosphate fertilizer industries scrubbed smoke stacks (CDC, n.d.). The majority of these industrial plants are foreign and do not have to comply with the strict environmental protection laws that regulate toxic exposures like in the United States. The citizens of Informed Consent! Sheridan have the inalienable right to refuse to be medicated!

Fluoridation chemicals would add arsenic, lead and mercury to our water

The City Council Voted to have 1 ppm of uoride placed into our water supply which is no longer in the acceptable range according to the EPA and Health and Human Services (EPA, 2011). The World Health Organizations data on tooth decay and uoridated water in 24 countries does not support the theory that swallowing uoride prevents cavities (Neurath, 2005). Fluoride exposure at the level found in drinking water has adverse effects on childrens neurodevelopment according


Help us overturn the Sheridan City Council decision to uoridate the municipal water supply. Protect our environment, health, economic wellbeing and community quality of life. NEW Fluoride Recommendations
EPA. (2011). EPA and HHS announce new scientic assessments and actions on uoride. News Release Water. Retrieved from

Excerpt: The new EPA assessments of uoride were undertaken in response to ndings of the National Academies of Science (NAS). At EPAs request, NAS reviewed new data on uoride in 2006 and issued a report recommending that EPA update its health and exposure assessments to take into account bone and dental effects and to consider all sources of uoride

World Health Organization Data

Neurath, C. (2005). Tooth decay trends for 12 year olds in non uoridated and uoridated countries. American Environmental Health Studies. Retrieved from Research note Fluoride 38(4)324325 Neurath November 2005 ... Actual Statistics: Excerpt: The World Health Organization data on dental decay trends in 12 year olds in 24 countries do not support uoridation as being a reason for the decline in dental decay that has been occurring in recent decades

Harvard Meta-Analysis of Fluoride

What is considered safe today will not necessarily be thought safe tomorrow. Join the conversation at Clean Water Sheridan on FaceBook. Thank You!

Choi et al. (2012). Developmental uoride neurotoxicity: A systematic review and metaanalysis. Environ Health Prospect. Retrieved from term=10.1289/ehp.1104912 Excerpt: Future research should include detailed individual-level information on prenatal exposure, neurobehavioral performance, and covariates for adjustment

1:6 Children Developmentally Disabled

CDC. (n.d.). Key ndings: trends in the prevalence of developmental disabilities in U.S. children, 1997-2008. National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities. Retrieved from. Excerpt: Data from the study showed that developmental disabilities (DDs) are common: about 1 in 6 children in the U.S. had a DD in 2006-2008

Sources of Fluoride Additives

CDC. (n.d.). Water uoridation additives. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from wfadditives.htm Excerpt: Most uoride additives used in the United States are produced from phosphorite rock. Phosphorite is used primarily in the manufacture of phosphate fertilizer

Medical Ethics & Human Rights

Cross et al. (2003). Fluoridation: a violation of medical ethics and human rights. Int J Occup Environ Health. retrieved from Excerpt: Silicouorides, widely used in water uoridation, are unlicensed medicinal substances, administered to large populations without informed consent or supervision by a qualied medical practitioner. Fluoridation fails the test of reliability and specicity, and, lacking toxicity testing of silicouorides, constitutes unlawful medical research

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