Preparing Research Cards

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Every social research (particularly academic & quantitative) starts with a literature survey on the topic. The survey of existing sources is done with the objective of extracting concepts (variables and their attributes) about the topic under study for further research. This process is called preparing Cards. A separate card is prepared for every single source of data, for example, every book, research paper, news article etc available in hard copy or online, is extracted into a unique card. Following are the components of a typical card.





------------------------Definition of the Concepts For example, in a research on PERSONALITY, a definition of the topic will appear as Personality is the name of physical, psychological and cognitive powers of an individual. It is the definition of first concept. Now find the definitions of three remaining concepts: physical, psychological and cognitive powers. The Relationships between the concepts What the authors say about which of the concepts affect/affected by other concepts? For example, Psychological and cognitive traits are affected by physical attributes. Importance of the Concepts and their Relationships For example, If cognitive powers are not developed, psychological process can be affected negatively. Results of the research (in case of research-paper): Multiple tables will be prepared to reduce data from the documented empirical research. Following is an example-table used to summarize (reduce) empirical findings from the secondary sources (research papers & reports): Hypotheses H1 H2 Hn Independent variables Gender Age & Experience Dependent variable(s) Commitment Commitment Test (analysis) t-Test/Chi Regression Results Accepted/Rejected R2

---------------------------------------------1. Approach a. Which of the approaches for data collection have been used survey, experiment, casestudy and observation. b. Population and Sample, Sampling procedure, and Sample size. c. Levels of measurement and Scales. Methods of Data Collection a. Literature survey (secondary data) b. Questionnaire (primary data) c. Interview (primary data) d. Observation (primary data) Methods of Data Analysis a. Qualitative analysis b. Quantitative Analysis i. Descriptive (tabulation & graphics) ii. Inferential (correlation, regression and tests of significance)



Allah Nawaz AP/DPA/GU/DIK Pakistan

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