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Specify the Research Design

What type of research is going to be used and the source(s) of the data. For example, deciding between exploratory, experimental, or descriptive research

Research Design
Definition A framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research project Components Information needed Data collection methods Measurement and scaling procedures Sampling process and sample size Data analysis procedures

Exploratory Research
What are its characteristics? Research is flexible and unstructured Findings tentative Used as building block for more research e.g. pilot surveys, secondary data, focus groups Done on a small non-representative sample

Why is it used? When looking for insights into the problem To help define hypotheses (but does not test) and key variables To identify alternative courses of action When Information needs vague For establishing priorities for further research

When is it done? Generally initial research conducted to clarify and define the nature of a problem What is its main limitation?

Does not provide conclusive evidence - subsequent research expected

Conclusive Research
Characteristics inflexible, versatile Results conclusive Research formal and structured Used when information needs clearly defined

Why is it Used? To provide decision maker with the information needed to make sound decision. Testing hypotheses and insights and examining relationships Provides estimates of population parameters

a. Descriptive Research
What is the Objective? To describe something, e.g. Target market population characteristics, proportion of users, predict future demand, What are the characteristics of descriptive research? More rigid than exploratory Problem well understood Tests specific hypotheses Formal and structured Large representative samples Provides a snapshot of the market environment

What Methods are Used? Surveys (primary data) panels scanner data (secondary data) When Used? Often a follow-up to exploratory research For example I keep six honest serving men, (they taught me all I knew), their names are what and why, and when, and how, and where

b. Causal Research

To obtain information regarding cause and effect relationships Characteristics? Independent variable manipulated in a relativelycontrolled environment Main method is experiment Used to understand which variables are causes (independent variables), and which variables are the effects (dependent variables)

Qualities of Good Research Design

It is easy to suggest a problem but difficult to make a good research design Each problem / research work is unique & demands unique research design & unique combination of methods & techniques A good research design is half the battle No ideal design; TRADE OFF between efforts & fruits COMPREHENSIVE: Consider many different aspects

FLEXIBLE APPROPRIATE (PURPOSE / OBJECTIVE) Efficient, economical, maximum reliability, minimum biases & smallest error Identify & delimit variables Cautious about differences concerning cause & effect Illustration) Chooses appropriate combination of methods and techniques based on: 1. Objectives 2. Possible implications of results 3. Overall environment 4. Current knowledge 5. Suitability to problem 6. Available resources 7. Competence of researcher & staff 8. Kind of data required

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