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[Transitive verb: to picture to oneself; envision a career dedicated to promoting peace] - Merriam Websters Dictionary online


CONTENT: NEW MED CENTER LIBRARY RESOURCE ....................................... 1 SLUSOM CONSTITUTION UPDATE ... 1 ACADEMIC PORTFOLIO ................... 1 FACULTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE ....... 2 SPOTLIGHT ON ................................ 2 FACULTY/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ............................... 3 UPCOMING PROGRAMS .................. 3 PAST PROGRAMS ............................ 3 NEW FACULTY ORIENTATION .......... 3

Clinical Key Medical Center Library

Beginning on July 1, 2013 the Medical Center Library will be providing access to an important new online information resource Clinical Key ( Clinical Key provides comprehensive and integrated point-of-care content organized for immediate online access, with more than 1,000 e-books, 500 top e-journals, 15,000 videos and 3.5 million images. The introduction of Clinical Key represents a significant enhancement to available information resources for medical and surgical specialties. To promote and publicize Clinical Key access, the library has arranged with the vendor (Elsevier) to hold a high visibility launch event that would include hands-on demos, complimentary refreshments, and a raffle for an iPad provided by the vendor to highlight the strong mobile capabilities of this resource.

Save the Date August 19, 2013

More Details to Follow

A subcommittee of the Faculty Affairs Committee, working in conjunction with the Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development, has revised and updated the Constitution of the School of Medicine. This effort, led by Dr. Laurie Byrne, ensures that the School of Medicine bylaws and constitution will more accurately reflect the current organizational structure of the School of Medicine, the University and address shared governance. A Google Site ( with a draft of the revisions is available to all faculty for review and comment. We encourage your feedback. The final revised document will be presented at the fall General Medical Faculty Meeting on October 14, 2013, after which an electronic ballot will be sent to all faculty for a final vote to approve. The School of Medicine has a new and improved tool to guide non-tenure track faculty when preparing their promotion packet. The Credentials committee noted a wide variability in academic portfolios submitted. As a result, non-tenure track faculty were, on occasion, held up in moving forward to the Promotions and Tenure committee due to lack of organization and sufficient documentation of their teaching and service efforts. A subcommittee of the Faculty Affairs committee, led by Dr. Miguel Paniagua, undertook the task of enhancing the framework for the academic portfolio. The new framework has been reviewed by the Credentials committee, the Chair committee, the Executive committee and was presented at the recent General Medical Faculty meeting. The revised template for the School of Medicine academic portfolio can be found at A faculty development workshop, Navigating Your Academic Career on Wednesday, June 12th at 4:30 in Schwitalla Hall, Lecture Hall 1, will seek to assist those preparing their promotions packet. As with all faculty development workshops, this session will be recorded and available through Tegrity. Thank you to Dr. Paniagua and committee members: Drs. Preeti Dalawari, Kelly Everard, Craig Krausz, Gillian Stephens and Barb Whitman for their time and efforts on behalf of the non-tenure track faculty.

Constitution of Saint Louis University School of Medicine

Academic Portfolio

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The Faculty Affairs Committee Annual Report

- Submitted by: Dr. Laurie Byrne, Chair

The Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) has been hard at work this year, with a focus on enhancing the academic environment for faculty at the School of Medicine and adapting documents governing faculty life at the School of Medicine to appropriately reflect the current university administrative structure. Last year, the FAC revised the Bylaws of the School of Medicine. These revisions were approved by the faculty of the SOM. The Bylaws call for a simultaneous review of the SOM Constitution. Therefore, a subcommittee has been hard at work revising this document. The proposed revisions are currently available on a Google site for faculty review and comment. Based on the Constitution and Bylaws, a faculty vote is required to approve these revisions. An electronic ballot will be sent to all faculty in October. Another subcommittee of the FAC has been charged with revising the Academic Portfolio template: A special thanks to Miguel Paniagua for chairing and to the subcommittee for finalizing their great work for further info, refer to the first page in this newsletter. Faculty elections were held this spring. We had a number of interested faculty submit nominations. A slate of candidates was reviewed and approved by the FAC, per the faculty bylaws. Congratulations to the following new FAC and Faculty Senate members elected by faculty vote: Faculty Affairs Committee: Mary Mayo, PhD Terrance Egan, PhD John Chibnall, PhD Faculty Senate: Christine Hachem, MD Reema Syed, MD Daniela Salvemini, PhD Robin Chamberland, PhD

Life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier Albert Schweitzer

Committee service is a great way to feel more actively a part of the SOM. It is a great way to meet and work with other excellent faculty at the SOM. In addition, committee service is a necessary component of faculty promotion. If you are interested in being more involved, I encourage you to contact a member of the faculty affairs committee. We also reach out to faculty for our subcommittee efforts. In the upcoming year, the FAC plans to focus their energies on faculty retention and engagement through transparency of the promotions process, creating a buddy system for newly promoted faculty, develop best practices for the annual review process, and create a mentoring program for faculty. We are open to all faculty suggestions.

Spotlight on: Sophia Chung, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, Neurology and Psychiatry, and Neurosurgery Dr. Walter F. and Sharon Ryan Davisson Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology
On December 3, 2012, Dr. Sophia Chung was honored with the Dr. Walter F. and Sharon Ryan Davisson Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology. Dr. Chung, a neuro-ophthalmologist has been a faculty member at SLU for 23 years. She has been a principal investigator for NEI-sponsored research and is currently a member of the Neuro-Ophthalmology Research Disease Investigator Consortium. Dr. Chung has served on numerous local and national boards and committees, including the American Board of Ophthalmology where she serves as a Board Director. For her many contributions to the American Association of Ophthalmology, Dr. Chung received the Senior Achievement Award from this organization in November, 2012. Throughout her career at SLUSOM, Dr. Chung has been involved in the education of residents and medical students, earning five teaching awards, three best lecturer awards and was one of the recipients of the Distinguished Teaching Award.

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Faculty Development / Professional Development / Programs

The third annual Spotlight on Women in Medicine and Science Symposium (SWIMS) will be presented on Wednesday, October 9, 2013. This years Keynote Speaker will be Elizabeth Travis, Ph.D., the Mattie Allen Fair Professor in Cancer Research, Department of Experimental Radiation Oncology, Division of Radiation Oncology and Associate Vice President for Women Faculty Programs at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Her presentation is entitled The Importance of Mentorship and Sponsorship in the Career Advancement of Academic Faculty."

Upcoming Programming: Navigating Your Academic Career

June 12, 2013 4:30-5:30 pm Schwitalla Hall, Lecture Hall 1

SBIR/STTR Grant Proposal Prep Seminar

June 18-19 8:30 am to 4:00 pm

An intensive two-day seminar on SBIR/STTR funding how to craft a competitive proposal.

Center for Emerging Technologies 4041 Forest Park Avenue St. Louis, MO 63108 Sponsored by BioSTL /Registration

Getting Promoted at SLU School of Medicine

August 7, 2013 12:00-1:00 pm Location TBD

The Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development strives to bring programming to SOM faculty that encompasses a wide variety of topics. We have targeted three specific areas of development which include 1) Leadership Development; 2) Academic Skill Development; and 3) Personal Development. Towards that goal our office has sponsored programs in the past year which include the following: Leadership Development: The Art of Self Promotion and Brown Bag Programs on Promotions, Mentoring and Strategies for Success, and our annual Spotlight on Women in Medicine and Science (SWIMS) symposium. Academic Skill Development: Financing the Healthcare Mission, A Primer for Medical Student Career Advisors, How to Be A Clinical Trialist, Junior Faculty Focus Group Session, a series of Women Faculty Focus Group Sessions and How to Write a Scientific Paper. Personal: A Prescription for Career Contentment, and Work Life Juggle. We welcome your active participation and any suggestions or ideas for future programming that may be of interest to you.
Fall New Faculty Orientation Tuesday, August 20, 2013 Busch Student Center PowerPoint presentations and documents pertaining to New Faculty Orientation can be found at:
If you are interested in contributing to future Newsletters or have a topic you would like to read about, please send ideas to Barb Chadwick (

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