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Republican Party Leaders Blasted by Longtime Republican Stephen Nodine former City Councilman and County Commissioner of Mobile,

Alabama expressed interest running for Congress from jail.

( PolitiFact Check, MSNBC Hardball, Daily Caller, articles attached) I have served the Republican Party for over thirty years in many capacities. I have served under President Reagan during the height of the Cold War, on a nuclear missile site on the border of then communist East Germany. I have served both Bush presidencies, Bush 43 on the front lines of hurricane recovery after the devastating storms Ivan, Katrina and Rita. I have served on the Executive Committee of the local Republican Party, supported dozens of national, statewide and local candidates. I have raised money for the party and those who wanted to serve in the public arena as a Republican. I served Chairman of the Republican Party, Haley Barbour in advance capacities at the 1988 Republican Convention and the Presidential Inauguration hauling the Mormon Tabernacle Choir around Washington D.C. for all of the Inaugural events. I became a Republican at an early age. I was raised by a single mother, we were on food stamps, and we received welfare. I watched the Watergate hearings like they were Hogans Heros and thought Gerald Ford was a great hero for pulling the country together, and then forgiving President Nixon for his deeds. I thought that was a profound point in the Republican Party, providing forgiveness for an imperfect person. I recently expressed interest in the 1st Congressional seat currently held by Jo Bonner in Alabama. That was met by some within the Republican Party, most notably Assistant District Attorney Matt Simpson who chairs the Baldwin County Republican Party (the county where I reside) and Alabama Party Chairman Bill Armistead with ridicule and public assertions that I would not be placed on the ballot come hell or high water. This sentiment, of course, stems from the wrongful and malicious prosecution of me that was dismissed, with prejudice, after exposing a rogue former District Attorney and a deeply disturbing and flawed investigation. Despite a dismissal of the original charges, I am currently serving in the Community Corrections Program for other charges which were brought against me solely for who and what I am in order to punish me for my personal, moral lapses and failings rather than any criminal behavior. The local and state Republican Party did absolutely nothing to criticize the former Republican District Attorney who wrongfully brought charges of murder against me, nothing against the current (running for election) Republican

Sheriff who botched the investigation, not a word about the Republican Coroner who did not stand up and exalt the truth when it was plainly visible. It seems the Republican Party has a hard time forgiving those within their own ranks. Senator Ted Stevens, Congressman Gary Condit and many others were also wrongfully accused for crimes they, as it turned out, did not commit. The Party chose to distance itself from them before the passage of time and the truth showed them to be innocent, like it did me. But alas, the Republican Party is perfect, no mistakes allowed, no personal baggage; you have to be as pure as the freshly driven snow! This is the party which claims God as its own, yet the Republican leaders will not stand for flawed candidates or voters, it seems. It would behoove the so-called Party of God to start practicing what it preaches.
Matthew 6:14 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. This hypocrisy and superficiality is one reason the Republican Party

continues to fail, in Presidential races and soon congressional, state and local races. There are over 8 million citizens in Americas priso ns, over 20 million on probation. Those in prisons have an average of 6 family members affected, over 40 million Americans affected by personal and moral lapses and failings. Yet the Republican Party wants nothing to do with these potential voters, Republicans want perfect candidates and perfect voters. The percentage of Hispanics and black Americans affected by the prison system is greater than 75%, yet the republicans who claimed to want outreach to these voter demographics have closed eyes, n o failings in our party! Do the Democrats and Independents have a better understanding of forgiveness? President Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Eliot Spitzer and many other leaders who have made mistakes are forgiven by the Democratic Party and, it seems, the majority of the voting public. God forbid a Republican like me who has admitted his moral and ethical mistakes and wants to serve the public, again. I have done so both on a national and local level and have asked for forgiveness to start anew. My request to be placed on the ballot is stomped on by Republican Party leaders depriving the people their right to vote for a candidate of their choosing.

I do not wish to damage or harm the Republican Party nor the 1st Congressional District in any way, therefore I inform the public I shall not seek the 1st Congressional District seat as a Republican.

Stephen Nodine (Former City Councilman, County Commissioner of Mobile, Alabama. or 1-251-654-6536) The Prosecution( Persecution) of Stephen Nodine How a Suicide Became a Murder by Brendan Kirby can be found at or Power and Passion CBS 48 Hours program can be found at

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