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Hi, Im with a new model.FIRION Lets start.

this is easy, cut, fold and glue all together and its over, hahaha First build parts 1-4 for the foot

And attach pieces 5 and 6 Fold part 7 and trim the excess, then glue it to the foot in flap a

Cut and glue pieces 8,10 and attach on the foot

Glue pieces 11,12 (knee) and then attach piece 13

Do the same for pieces 14 to 26

Glue pieces 27, 29, 31 on the right leg

Pices 28,30,31 are form the left leg

Attach pieces 33,34 and 35

Glue the legs together

Attach 36 and 37

Attach pieces 38 and 40 on the back side of the legs

Glue piece 39

And attach 41 and 42 (trim the excess) and attach

Glue parts 43 and 44, then glue 45 on the belt

Build 46-49 and attach to the belt

Build 50-57 (fingers)

And attach to 58,59

Build 60 to 65 and glue to the hand Glue 66-68 and attach to the arm

Build 69 to 74 and attach to the shoulder (its difficult) Attach the arm on the body Glue part 75 and trim the excess

Build 76-83 (fingers)

Attach them to (84,85)

Glue pieces 86-94 to finish the arm

Now attach 95-100 Glue the back side, piece 105 and attach 106 and 107

On piece 101 (on the black dots) glue pieces 102-104. and trim the excess

Glue it to the arm and attach all to the body Glue piece 108

Build 11-113 Attach 109, 110 and 128 in the back

Glue it on the right shoulder

Build 114-125

Attach to the body on the b flaps

Glue pieces 126/1 and 127/1

Build 126-130 and 131-135

And attach them to the legs

Build 136, 137 and 138

Attach them on 139 on the c flaps

Glue pieces 140-143

And attach all to the legs

Glue pieces 144 to 147

Now lets start with the most difficult part. the head

Assemble 169-183 to finish the face

Attach 184-188 to the face

Glue pieces 189 yo 191, trim the excess and add them to the face Attach 192 and 193

Glue pieces 194-196

Build 197-200, glue the f flaps, and attach to the head

Add piece 201, trim the excess

Glue 202 and 203, trim the excess

Attach from 204 to 210, its a Little bit difficult Take 211 and glue to 209 and 210, trim the excess

Assemble 213 and 214, trim the excess

Attach to the head

Build 212, 215-217

Glue 218 and trim the excess

Add pieces 219 and 220

Glue 221 and 222, trim the excess

Attach 223

Glue 224 and 225

Attach 226 to 229, attach piece 226 on g flap

Assemble 230-234 and attach to head

Attach 148 to 154

Glue 167 and 168

And attach the head

Fold piece 162 and attach pieces 163-166 by the red dot

Attach to pieces 155-161, attach piece 161 on e flap

Glue it on the back

Assemble 235-237

Build 238-252 Attach to the blade

Assemble 255-262

Build 263-266 Glue 267-269 pairs and trim the excess Attach to the grip

Build 272-274, attach by Build 270 and 271, glue them on i flap j flap

Glue them together

The same for 275-279

Attach them with piece 280

Assemble 281-286, trim the excess

Attach with piece AA

Build 287-290

Glue all together

Build 291,292

Attach them together

Fold and glue 293-295

Glue 296,297 on l flap

Trim the excess and attach 298

Attach 299 and 300

Glue 301, add 302-304 Glue 305 and 306, trim the excess

And its finished. Now its time to Exchange all these cool Weapons for gardening tools and fill the world with wild roses

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