Sims Life Stories Cheats

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Kaching - Add 1,000 Simoleons motherlode - Add 50,000 Simoleons maxMotives - Maximum motive bars of all Sims on lot

unlockCareerRewards - Selected Sim gains access to all career reward objects in the catalog familyFunds [family name] [+/-][value] - Add or subtract from current funds PlumbBobToggle - Toggle showing of plumbBob lockAspiration - Stops aspiration decay or gain for all Sims on lot motiveDecay on - Stops motive decay for all Sims on lot motiveDecay off - - Starts motive decay for all Sims on lot showHeadlines - Makes all thought balloons, speech balloons, and ++/-- type headlines hidden or visible Vsync off - Disable vsync Vsync on - Enable vsync deleteAllCharacters - Remove all Sims Note: use in neighborhood view boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads false - Remove roads from neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads true - Enable roads at the neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel true - Enable bridges at neighborhood. boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel false - Remove bridges from neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora false - Removes trees/plants from neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora true - Enable trees/plants at the neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps true - Enable props at the neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps false - Remove props like rocks and towers from neighborhood boolProp enablePostProcessing false - Disable postprocessing cheats boolProp enablePostProcessing true - Enable postprocessing cheats (requires video card that supports pixel shaders) StretchSkeleton - Change Sims size (default is 1.0) slowMotion <0-8> - Toggel slow motion mode (0 - normal, 8 - slowest) exit - Quit from console window expand - Expand or contract console window clear - Clear console window moveObjects on - Objects can be placed anywhere in buy and build modes moveObjects off - Deactivate object moving aging off - Prevent Sims from aging aging on - Enable Sims aging boolProp displayPaths true - See the path where the selected Sim walks to boolProp displayPaths false - Can't see the path where the selected Sim walks to boolprop locktiles false - Place floor tiles outside lot boolprop locktiles true - Disable placing floor tiles outside lot boolprop objectShadows true - Enable shadows on objects outside house boolprop objectShadows false - Disable shadows on objects outside house faceBlendLimits on - Turn ON facial DNA blending in Create A Sim faceBlendLimits off - Turn OFF facial DNA blending in Create A Sim

boolprop carsCompact true - Cars will have more detail in neighborhood boolprop carsCompact false - Cars will have less detail in neighborhood boolprop lotWater true - Enable water (ponds) from lots boolprop lotWater false - Removes water (ponds) from lots boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel true - Walls no longer cut away from selected Sim boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel false - Walls cut away from selected Sim boolprop lotTerrainPaints true - Enable floorpainting on lot boolprop lotTerrainPaints false - Disable floorpainting on lot uild or buy mode setHour [0-23] - Set the hour of the day TerrainType desert - Desert terrain type (use in neighborhood view) TerrainType temperate - Temperate terrain type (use in neighborhood view) You can use the following types in Neighborhood creation: terraintype desert terraintype concrete nhdregiontype desert nhdregiontype Testing cheats mode: While playing the game, press CTRL + SHIFT + C keys to bring up the console. Then enter "boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true" as a code to activate testing cheats mode. This test mode enables different things. Testing cheat mode - New features in Create A Sim menu: Press SHIFT + N before making a Sim to go to the debug mode. Now you can access to the following things in Create A Sim, like: Skin tones, Clothing, Viewing the skinfilenames etc. Testing cheat mode - New features during the game play: After activated this code, hold SHIFT and left click on a Sim. You can access lots of new options, like: Changing clothes, Make your Sim thin or fat, Modify their aspiration level etc. This code also can summon various items like: Tombstone of L(ife) Tombstone of D(eath) family members. Testing cheat mode - New features on mailbox: After enabled the code, hold [Shift] and click on a mailbox. You can access lots of new options, like: Invite all neighbors over, Force pregnancy relations, Force everyone you know to be friends, Forcing a burglar to rob,

Know all Sims in the neighborhood, etc.

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