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Superintendents Forum

FCPS: Where Do We Go From Here?? Summer, 2013

Since Coming Aboard:

Over 60 school visits Dozens of meetings (community members, local politician, parents, community events, etc.) About one million emails, texts, phone calls, and Twitter messages

Reaching Out/In:
Communication: Superintendents Blog Twitter Friday Features Superintendents Page Webpage Redesign (in progress)

Informed Observations
Fauquier County takes GREAT pride in our educational system. The sky is the limit for students, and parents want more opportunities for kids. Facilities are well maintained, clean, and attractive. The organizational structure seems logical and efficient. Frustration with the state assessment system is evident. Staff turnover is relatively low. Preserve and enhance rather than radical change as needed.

My Path
Born and raised on Whittier, Ca. youngest of seven children (youngest of eleven if you include step siblings) Degrees from Nyack College, Southern Miss, and UVA) Married for 23 years to Rhonda. Two sons, Caleb (17) and David (20) Eights years as a HS social studies teacher, seven years as HS principal, five years as supt FCPS was and is a dream opportunity

My Vision
we and less about me

The direction and goals of the school division are more about

Never underestimate the kids

Opinions abound, but in the end you must make decisions that are in the best interest of ALL students I cannot please everyone, and if I try to please everyone, I will ultimately please no one What lies ahead of us is significantly more important than what lies behind us. If we dont pay attention to those things, we are failing our students You cannot lead effectively if you are not willing to go out on a limb occasionally

Our Vision
we and less about me

The direction and goals of the school division are more about

Never underestimate the kids

Opinions abound, but in the end you must make decisions that are in the best interest of ALL students I cannot please everyone, and if I try to please everyone, I will ultimately please no one What lies ahead of us is significantly more important than what lies behind us. If we dont pay attention to those things, we are failing our students You cannot lead effectively if you are not willing to go out on a limb occasionally

Expectations Have Changed

Then: Now:

Coverage Tracking Teacher Ownership of Learning

Gatekeepers Technology as a novelty

Understanding Rigor for All Student Ownership of Learning (aka Purpose)

Partnership Builders Technology as a daily component for learning

Fear Technology 20th Century

Embrace Technology 21St Century

What does 21st Century teaching and learning look like? What do we mean when we talk about it?

21st Century Skills

Information, Media and Technology Skills: Literacy for All!! Core Subject and 21st Learning and Life and Career Skills Century Themes Innovation Skills
Imbed themes into core subjects: Global Awareness Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy Civic Literacy Health Literacy Environmental Literacy Creativity and Innovation Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Communication and Collaboration Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and SelfDirection Social and CrossCultural Skills Productivity and Accountability Leadership and Responsibility

STEM: Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Why does the new superintendent keep talking about STEM?

There are currently 3 million unfilled STEM related jobs in the US 8.65 million new STEM related jobs in the US by 2018 1% of US college graduates earn a degree in Science Only 5 percent of U.S. college graduates major in engineering, compared with 12 percent of European students and 20 percent of those in Asia.

Why is it a critically important dialogue?

Because the discussion is overdue Because we are being irresponsible if we do not at least discuss this issue Because we are lagging behind the rest of the world, and we have the resources to do something about it
What colleges and employers want and expect from the students and employees do not match the current instructional or assessment model nationally. There is a major disconnect in this area

How does it fit with 21st Century skills attainment?

Google, on what they look for in new employees:

We arent looking for people who know a lot of facts. Were Google. We already have all of the facts. We are looking for people who can take an ill-defined problem and work collaboratively in order to solve it.

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