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I.Join each pair of clauses or sentences, using ENOUGHTO or ENOUGH FORTO. 1. He is sick enough to need a doctor. 2.

The exercises are easy enough for you to do. 3. Those oranges are ripe enough for you to eat. 4. My sister isnt well enough to go to work. 5. The book is small enough for me to put in my pocket. 6.She is tall enough to reach the top shelf. 7. Mr Brown isnt rich enough to buy a car. 8.Those shoes are large enough for you to wear. 9. Your sister is clever enough to do this exercise in a few minutes. 10. The air is fresh enough for us to have some holidays there. 11. Peter is ill enough to see a doctor. 12. Mary isnt old enough to do that work. 13.We werent early enough to see the first part of the play. 14. She has enough money to buy that dictionary. 15. The children were eager enough to start playing without me. II.Combine each pair of senteces, using EN0UGH 1. The moon is bright enough for me to read a book 2. I have enough money to pay this bill 3. These rubber trees are big enough to give us milky liquid 4. This novel is interesting enough for us to read 5. This kind of rubber is good enough for us to use to make tyres for cars 6. We think you are strong enough to lift this table 7. He hasnt enough time to finish this work 8. My friend is well enough to work again 9. There arent enough time for the pupils to write this essay 10. She doesnt explain this exercise clearly enough for her pupils to do it III.Combine each pair of senteces, using EN0UGH 1.She isnt old enough to get married 2. This coat isnt warm enough for me to wear in winter 3. That chair isnt strong enough for us to stand on that chair 4. Are you tall enough to reach the top shelf? 5. It isnt warm enough for us to go outside 6. I am not strong enough to lift the box 7. Tom doesnt heave money to pay his pills 8. This bed isnt wide enough for 2 people to sleep in this bed 9. The water wasnt clean for us to swim in 10. He wasnt experienced to that job 11. I dont have money enough to lend you some 12. He is hungrry enough to eat 3 sandwiches 13. Peter isnt old enough to stay at home alone 14.This seat isnt wide to lit on it 15. Susan isnt old enough to stay at home alone 16. That box is light enough for her to lift 17. I didnt have enough time to eat breakfast this morning 18. This shirt is big enough for him to wear 19. Mary doesnt have enough money to buy a new bicycle 20.Its is warm enough tonigh for us to go out IV.Join these pairs of sentences with TOOTO 1. The radio is too expensive for me to buy 2. My grandfather is too old to work hard 3. This boy is too young to see this film 4. Its is too dark for us to take a photograph here 5. He is too busy to talk to me now 6. The water is too hot for her to have a bath 7. This bed is too small for 2 people to sleep in 8. Farmers are too poor to buy cattle 9. The children were too late to see the display of fireworks 10. Your brother is too young to go swimming 11. He was too old to ride the bumper car 12. Mary was too tired to go on with the work 13. Im too anxious to wait for you V. Combine each pair of sentences, using TOO+ADJ/ADV+TO DO SMT 1. Hes too stupid to understand this matter


2. This book is too difficult for me to read 3. The river is too wide for me to swim across 4. These exercises are too hard for her to do them 5. That programme was too long for them to broadcast in one night 6. My friend is too busy to come the meeting 7. She was studying too hard to have no time for games 8. This hat is too small for me to put on 9. He was too poor to buy this house 10. That film is too bad for the children to see it 11. I was too busy to visit her 12. The morning was too cold for us to go swimming 13. It was toolate for them to go to the party 14. The dress is too dirty for her to wear it VI.Combine these sentences using TOO+ADJ/ADV(FOR SMB)+TO DO SMT 1. Im too busy to talk to you 2. The food was too hot for us to eat 3. He spoke too quickly for us to understand him 4. Alice is too young to stay home alone 5. Its too late for us to go to the movies 6. I was too sleepy to finish my homework last night 7. Tom is too short to touch the ceiling 8. Some movies are to violent for children to watch them 9. I live far from school to walk there 10. Its too cold for us to go swimming today 11. Mike was too busy to go to his aunts house warming party 12. This jacket is too small for me to wear 13. The test was too long for me to finish it in half an hour 14. Peter is too tired to study 15. The piano was too heavy to move it 17.That picture is too heavy for us to hang it on the wall 18.He reached the station too late to catch the train. 19.The pencil is too short for her to use it. 20.The meeting is too important for them to miss it. 21. 22.Its too cold fou us to go swimming. 23.The story is too long for you to read it in an hour. 24.You look too tired to walk home. 25.The river is too cold for us to have a swim. 26.The suitcases is too small for Peter to put all his clothes in them. 27.He was to short to be a goal keeper. VII.Rewrite the following sentences, using TOO or ENOUGH 1. He was too weak to stand. 2. He is strong enough to work without any help now. 3. That knife is 4. He was polite enough to ask us to dinner. 5. They ran too slowly to catch the bus. 6. The teacher explained clearly enough for everybody to understand. 7. This boy is careful enough to do difficult job. 8. The way is long enough to get a taxi. 9. Daisy was too short to reach the picture. 10. Jack is clever enough to do this work. 11. Diana was kind enough to help you with the work. 12. The little girl was too shy to tell me the story. 13. He is sick enough to see a doctor. 14. The driver was too hurried to waited for us. 15. The movie was so exciting to attract all the audience. 16. They are too busy to help you. 17. The lady was too old to live there by herself. 18. The children are early enough to have good seats. 19. Its was too dark for me to see the words. 20. It was early enough for me to tell you one more story. 21. Dick is clever enough to lear this in a short time. 22. My mother is too old to do that work. 23. That hous isnt large enough for us stay there for the night. VIII.Rewrite the following sentences, using ENOUGH instead of TOO

1. He isnt young enough to wear this colored shirt. 2. She isnt strong enough to carry this bag. 3. This pen isnt cheap enough for me to buy. 4. Bill isnt clever enough to understand what I say. 5. This bag isnt light enough for her to carry. 6. The test wasnt easy enough for them to do. 7. That sentence wasnt short enough for me to memorize. 8. The land isnt infertile enough for us to grow crops. 9. The room isnt quite enough for us to study. 10. Thisbook isnt lively enough to read. 11. We werent early enough to get good seats. 12. Jack isnt hard enough to make progress in his study. 13. I am not rich enough ot help you with the money. 14. These oranges arent ripe enough for us to eat. 15. The shelf isnt low enough for the boy to read. 16. This road isnt safe enough for her to go out at night. 17. The water in this pool isnt clean enough to drink. 18. Martha isnt pretty enough to have a boy friend. 19. This room isnt light enough for us to study in. 20. He didnt study well enough to pass his exam. 21. The pencil isnt long enough for you to use. 22. It wasnt hot enough for us to go swimming. IX.Complete these sentences using TOO, TOO MANY, TOO MUCH, ENOUGH with one of the following adjectives or nouns in the box: 1. You should stop to think first. You always acted hastily too much. 2. This quiz is rather easy. The questions arent too difficult. 3. Can I have some more sugar in my coffee, please? It isnt sweet enough. 4. I cant afford a new stereo. It would be too expensive. 5. Theres a water shortage. There just hasnt been enough rain. 6. I cant read your writing. You dont write clearly enough. 7. Try to be more careful, please. You are making too many mistakes. 8. The roads are very crowed. Theres simply too much traffic. 9. I cant understand these instruction. Theyre too complicated. 10. Thousands of people are starving because they cant get enough food. X.Complete the answers to the questions. Use TOO or ENOUGH with the word in brackets 1. A: Is she going to get married? B: No, she isnt old enough to get married. 2. A: I need to talk to you about something. B: Well, Im afraid I too busy to listen to you now. 3. A: Lets go to the cinema. B: No, its too late to go to the cinema. 4. A: Why dont we sit in the garden. B: Its not warm enough to sit in the garden. 5. A: Would you like to be a politician? B: No, Im too nice to be a politician. 6. A: Do you want to play tennnis today? B: No, I havent got enough energy to play tennis today. 7. A: Did you hear what he was saying? B: No, wee were too far away to hear what he was saying. 8. A: Can he read a newspaper in English? B: He doesnt know enough English to read a newspaper. 9. A: Why dont you put the wallet in your pocket? B: Its too big to put in my pocket. 10. A: I think you should apply for the job. B: Im afraid I havent got enough qualifications. XI.Make one sentence from two. Use TOO or ENOUGH and a pharse with FOR or a TO INFITIVE 1. The food is too hot for us to eat. 2. I didnt have enough money to get a taxi. 3. Sarah is too busy to take a day off. 4. Its too wet to go on a picnic. 5. The piano is too heavy for no one to move the piano. 6. This coat isnt warm for me to wear in the winter. 7. I havent got enough chair for all my guests. 8. The situation is too coomplicated for me to explain. 9. This sofa isnt wide enough for three people to sit on.

10. jf 11. The wall is too high for us to climb over. 12. Natasha is good enough to be a professional musician. 13. The water isnt clean enough for us to swim in this river. 14. Somethings are too small for you to see without a microscope. 15. He wasnt experienced enough to get a job. XII.Use SO or SUCH 1. The sun shone so brightly that Maria had to put on her sunglasses. 2. Dean was such a powerful swimmerr that he always won the races. 3. There were so few students registered that they always won the races. 4. We had such wonderful memories of that place that we decided to return. 5. We had so good a time at the party that wee hated to leave. 6. The benefit was so great a success that the promoters decided to repeat it. 7. Jane looked so sick that the nurse told her to go home. 8. It was such anice day that we decided to go to the beach. 9. Those were such difficult assignments that we spent two weaks finishing them. 10. Ray called at such an earlly hour that we werent awake yet. 11. The book looked so interesting that he decided to read it. 12. There were so many people on the bus that we decided to walk. 13. We stayed in the sun for such a long time that we became sunburned. 14. He worked so carefully that it took him a long time to complete the project. 15. The program was so entertaining that nobody wanted to miss it. XIII.Put in SO, SUCH, SUCH A 1. I like Tom and Ann. Theyre such nice people.. 2. I was surprised that he look so well after his recent illness. 3. The weather is lovely, isnt it? I didnt expect it to be such a nice day. 4. He alwayss looks good. He wears such nice clothes. 5. It was such a boring film that I fell asleep. 6. The children had so much fun at the carnival that they begged to go again. 7. The food at the hotel was so awful. Ive never eaten such awful food. 8. The test was so easy that everyone got a high score. 9. I didnt realizee you lived such a long way from the city center. 10. I feel like I have so little energy that I wonderrr if Im getting sick 11. They ar such hard working carpenters that Im sure theyll make success of their new business. 12. Hes difficult to understand because he speaks so quickly. 13. She made such many mistakes that she failed the exam. 14. I cant decide what to do. Its such a problem. 15. A: Sorry, Im so late. WE had such lot to do at work. My boss gets in such a panic about things. She makes such a big fuss. B:You shouldnt do so much. You shouldnt be so willing to work such long hours. No wonder youre so tired. Youll make yourself ill, you know. XIV.Make sentences with SOTHAT 1. The lesson is so difficult that nobody can understand it. 2. The work is so hard that I cant finish it on time. 3. The novel is so interesting that I couldnt put it down. 4. The song is so simple that all of us can sing it. 5. My bothers and sisters were so excited about the trip that they couldnt sleep. 6. The weather was so hot that you could fry an egg on the sidewalk. 7. She talked so fast that I couldnt understand her. 8. Granpa help me so tightly when he huggme that I couldnt breath for a moment. 9. There were so few people at the meeting so that It was canceled. 10. Ted was so worried about the exam that he couldnt get sleep last night. 11. Jerry got so angry that he put his through the wall. 12. I have so many problems that I can use all the help you can give me. 13. His hand-writing is so illegible that I cant figure out what is this sentence says. 14. There was so little traffic that It took us only ten minutes to get there. 15. So many people came to the meeting that there were not enough seats for everyone. XV.Make sentence with SUCHTHAT 1. It was such an expensive house that nobody can buy it. 2. He is such a nice boy that we all like himm. 3. It was such cold weather that we couldnt go out. 4. It was such a dark room that we couldnt see anything. 5. It was such a nice day that we decided to go to the beach. 6. It was such a nice day that we took a walk. 7. It was such an expensive car that we couldnt afford to buy it.

8. Were having such beautiful weather that I dont feel like going to class. 9. The classroom has such comfortable chairs that the students find it easy to fall asleep. 10. The tornado struck with such great force that it lifted automobiles off the ground. 11. This is such good coffee that I think Ill have another cup. 12. Karen is such a good pianist that Im surprised she didnt go into music professionally. 13. It was such a good book that I couldnt put it down. 14. We did such a lot of gymnastics that we couldnt walk afterwards. 15. They were such beautiful flowers that we took a photograph of them. XVI.Match the sentences and combine them, using so or such. 1. Sarah was so late home that Mark had already gone to bed. 2. Mike hadnt cooked for such a long time that hed almost forgotten how to. 3. The piano was so heavy that Mike and Harriet couldnt move it. 4. Tom was so annoyed about United losing that he wouldnt speak to anyone. 5. The band was such a big attraction that all the tickets sold out. 6. Vicky had such a lot of work to do that she was suree shed never finish it. 7. The party made such a lot of noise that It kept all the neighbors awake. 8. She speaks English so well that you would think it was her native language. 9. It was such horrible weather that we spent the whole day indoors. 10. The music was so loud that you could hear it from miles away. XVII.Combine two sentences, using SOTHAT or SUCHTHAT 1. The sun shone so brightlty that Maria had to put on her sunglasses. 2. Dean was such a powerful swimmerr that he always won the races. 3. There were such few students registered that the class was cancelled. 4. The house was so beautiful that I took a picture of it. 5. The coffee is so strong that I cant drink it. 6. This is such a good film that I want to see it again and again. 7. There were such a lot of food that everyone ate too much. 8. There were such a lots of guests that there wasnt enough food. 9. I ate such a lot of sandwiches that I felt uneasy. 10. David has such a lot of work to do that he cant come tonight. 11. He was so sick that he was sent to the hospital. 12. It was so dark that he couldnt see anything. 13. He has such wide knowledge that we cant help admiring him. 14. His conduct is so good that all his teachersss love him. 15. Mary has such a beautiful voice that we all like to hear her sing. 16. John is still so weak that he cant walk without a stick. 17. My father has such a good health that he seldom takes any medicines. 18. There is so much noise that we cant learn our lessons. 19. My friend is so strong that he can lift up the table by himself. 20. Bill is such an intelligent boy that he is alwayss at the top of his class. XVIII.Use SUCH intead SO to rewrite the sentences below. 1. He is such a clever boy that he can answer all my questions. 2. Mr.Keller is such a rich man that he can give the charitable society one million dollars. 3. This is such a large city that Ive got lost. 4. That was such a nice day that all of us went out for a walk. 5. This is such a small shop that we dont take notice of it. 6. That was such a big fish that it could weigh fifty kilos. 7. We did such a difficult test yesterdat that we couldnt finish it in an hour. 8. We saw such a bad play yesterday that we went out by halves. 9. He told us such a funny story that I couldnt help laughing. 10. Jane has such a good conduct that everybody likes her. 11. Mary has such a beautiful voice that we all like to hear her sing. 12. Miss Snow has such a valuable ring that she keeps it very carefully. 13. You have such a fierce dog that nobody dares to approach it. 14. He has such a beautiful house that he doesnt want to sell it. 15. We have such an old car that we must repair it three times a month. XIX.Use the constructions TOO+ TO INFINITIVE to rewrite the sentences below. 1. It was too cold for us to go out. 2. Mr.Pike is too weak to walk without a stick. 3. The ground is too hard for us to dig. 4. The elephant is too big to run fast. 5. Your-handwriting is too bad for me to read it. 6. This man is too old to work. 7. These shoes are too big for me to wear them. 8. These goods are too expensive to be sold quickly.

9. She walked too fast for her younger sister to follow her. 10. I got ups too late to have time to eat breakfast.

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