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Where do I go now?

Where to go
Postcode: TBA Grid Coordinates: OL 12 - 984,323 Time and Date: 12 July 2013

In accordance with the NHS and MWHQ guidelines on infection.

Raging Infection The Facts

You may not know it, but the world you are living in is over. The world is collapsing around you, streets are overrun, cars are burning, your neighbourhood is empty and co-op is out of special brew. This handy Man Week HQ leaflet will guide through the ups and downs of infection, what it means for you and how to battle the raging onslaught of mindless hordes while keeping on top of your everyday life.

What to take
Tent, water, beer, food, simple cooking equipment, walking boots, warm cloths, waterproofs, poncho, condoms, a rucksack, compass, more beer, rucksack, torch, change of cloths, ID, Landrover, toolkit, manly item, moustache, special brew, survival instincts, stepladder, even more beer, camouflage, sense of humour and a dedication to win.

What to leave
Your family, your friends, your fears.

Surviving tomorrow - starts today

Contact Details
For further information about infection, what it means for you, local testing in your area and survival tips contact MWHQ on call 09:00-18:00 daily to answer any questions you may have. Commodore Reilly 07868 304 785 Commander Burton 0790 404 7171 Chief General Bear 07900 496 428 Remember, infected are human too.

The history of Infection
In an openly secret three year experiment to re-create the essence of man, Major Sufferings Secret Sci-Lab (MSSSciLab) have conducted voluntary medical experiments on un-willing volunteers. Early attempts to create the virus designed to increase the longevity of life were first met with scepticism by the general public who were unaware of any potential consequences, side effects or virus. The initial plan was to release the drug into common daily life through a strain of special M&S foods. Men would be able to live longer and not have to worry about the future, people could relax safe in the knowledge they had plenty of time to accomplish their goals, drink bourbon and let the rush of day to day life dwindle to non existence. Any worries about side effects were to be forgotten, however the specific Viral Aging Genome V3.1 had the unfortunate consequence of mutating and extending cell regeneration even after significant body trauma i.e. death in a 4 stage process. Once stage 4 had been attained men no longer had the normal constraints imposed on them by society and they would be filled with an intense aggression (commonly known as the Stella Stage)

What do I need to know?

Signs of infection:
Stage 1: The infected will develop strange attachments to unusual objects. (The Wine Stage) Stage 2: The infected will spontaneously loose control of their limbs. (The Tequila Stage) Stage 3: The infected will become overly anxious and aggressive. (The Jaeger Stage) Stage 4: The infected will enter the extended life stage, this is the most dangerous and infectious stage. Any contact here has the potential to contaminate you. Stage 4 infected are highly aggressive and dangerous, filled with a rage within. (The Stella Stage)

What do I do if I meet an infected?

It is advised not to meet an infected under any circumstance, however if you do it is recommended that you dont.

What will happen on Man Week?

You will attempt to undergo extensive un-necessary training in order to survive the upcoming un-survivable outbreak.

Will I survive man week?

Provided that nothing bad happens to you, you will almost certainly have a slim chance of survival.

Who is Major Suffering?

Major Suffering has been a long standing enemy of MWHQ and is the individual behind the outbreak of infection.

Self-interest is but the survival of the animal in us. Humanity only begins for man with self-surrender

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