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Zimbra Re: VMCH school meeting 6/3/13

From: Debra Sanders <> Subject: Re: VMCH school meeting 6/3/13 To: Nick Honey <>
Cc : Paul Dunaway <>, Mandy Hoffman <>, Kay Delaney <>, Georgia Ioakimedes <>, Carl Corbin <>, Jacqueline Gillespie <>, Leslie Winters <>, Stacie Kabour <>, Mark Regan <>, Stephen Palmer <>, Libby Hutton <>
Hello Nick (and all),

Fri, Jun 21, 2013 03:04 PM

This is just an update regarding one of the follow-up items that we identified at our last VMCH school meeting. I have communicated and/or met with the following school administrators. All of the responses that I received were open and positive. The schools seem comfortable with continuing to support foster youth and following the guidelines of AB 490. Due to AB490 and McKinney Vento, and the priority they place on school of origin, the districts involved anticipate that there will be relatively little actual change to the number of foster youth being enrolled. From review of this year's VMCH school enrollment data and discussions with Mandy and Georgia, I would agree with this perspective. Bob Bales, Superintendent, Kenwood School District Socorro Shiels, Superintendent, SRCS Doug Bower, Associate Superintendent, SRCS Rand Van Dyke, Principal, Maria Carrillo High School in SRCS Matt Marshall, Principal, Rincon Valley Middle School in SRCS The next step is that maybe we could host a meeting at VMCH which includes a tour of the facility. One date that might work for the school folks is August 7th around 11 :00. Our





follow-up meeting is later that week, so if we host this plior we can debrief. Thanks, Debra

From: "Nick Honey" <> To: "Georgia loakimedes" <>, "Debra Sanders" <>, "Carl Corbin" <>, "Jacqueline Gillespie" <>, "Leslie Winters" <>, "Stacie Kabour" <>, "Mark Regan" <>, "Stephen Palmer" <>, "Libby Hutton" <Libby.> Cc: "Paul Dunaway" <>, "Mandy Hoffman" <>, "Kay Delaney" <> Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2013 6:32:41 PM Subject: VMCH school meeting 6/3/13
Hi everyone, As promised here are my notes from Monday's meeting. I am keeping this brief so am only outlining action steps, not summarizing the content of the meeting. Action steps:-


Follow up meeting to clarify the responsibilities and actions re education placement decision making for VMCH children - Debra, Mandy Hoffman, Stephen, Mark, ?VMCH social worker/sup/mgr, Paul Dunaway

2. 3.

Plan for VMCH summer program - Georgia and Leslie Develop a communication plan with the school districts primarily impacted by the closure of the VMCH school (Debra and Georgia) and invite these school districts to come to a meeting at VMCH-Leslie and Stacie


Write up the decision making process from #1 into policy format.- TBD Clarify the role of the Dependency Court especially at the Detention Hearing re making clear who is the holder of education rights for each child - Libby, Madeleine, court best practices group



Provide training for social workers regarding decision making checklist for education placement - Debra, Paul Develop a clear plan for notification of SCOE re child being admitted to VMCH Stacie, Stephen, Mark, Debra


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Develop an action plan for response to community complaints - SCOE and FYC to each develop a separate policy and approach - Libby and Carl.

I hope that captures the main points of discussion. Please feel free to edit as appropriate. We agreed to meet again re VMCH school follow up on Friday August 9th from 9 to

10.30 at Apollo Way_

Division Director Family, Youth and Children's Division 1202 Apollo Way, Santa Rosa, CA 95407 Tel; (707) 565-4343 Fax: (707) 565-4299 To report suspected child abuse or neglect 24 hours a day, please call (707)565-4304 or (800)870-7064. ======Confidentiality Statement====== The confidential information in this communication is intended for the use of the addressee only (or by others who have been authorized to receive it). If you are not the intended recipient, or it you are not the agent responsible for delivering this transmittal to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or reproduction of this communication is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by email, by telephone at (707) 565-4343 or by facsimile at (707) 565-4299, and destroy all copies of this communication. Thank you.


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Zimbra Valley of the Moon School- foster Youth

from: Debra Sanders <> Subject: Valley of the Moon School - Foster Youth
To :
Cc : Georgia Ioakimedes <>

Mon, Jun 17, 201301:02 PM

Hello Socorro,
(I tried to call you last week, but felt that email might be easier for you considering how busy you must be. Please forgive me if the message below gives too little or too much background.)

Because Valley of the Moon Children's Home (VMCH) is located in Santa Rosa and associated with SRCS High School District, I wanted to make you aware of a change for the 2013-14 school year. We anticipate that there will be little direct impact to SRCS, but wanted you to know and be able to participate in a conversation.

VMCH is the temporary emergency shelter for foster youth. It is operated by human services and located on Highway 12. For the past many years, SCOE has operated a school program at VMCH for students in need of a temporary school placement. The enrollment in the school program has been steadily declining over the past few years. This is mainly due to the effective implementation of AB490, the legislation which entitles foster youth to remain in their schools of origin. Currently, youth staying at VMCH are transported to school all across the county.

Beginning in the 2013-14 school year, SCOE will no longer be operating the school at VMCH. In most cases, this will have no impact, because typically youth are already transported to their schools of origin. However, it is possible that there may be a foster youth for whom returning to school of origin is not possible or considered in her/his best interest. In this case, it may be that the youth would enroll in an SRCS school as the "school of residence", since the temporary residence is VMCH. Rand Van Dyke and I saw each other at iSonoma, and had an informal conversation about his history of supporting the youth at VMCH and working well with social workers. I also


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mentioned to Doug Bower that there was going to be a conversation about the viability of the VMCH school program. Basically, I just wanted to contact you directly so that you are aware of the change. If you are interested in taking a tour of the VMCH facility and meeting the human services team, I would be happy to alTange that. Otherwise, I plan to connect with Ann Guzman in August since she will be taking over as the McKinney Vento and Foster Youth Liaison, and with Rand and Matt Marshall since they and their teams have direct contact with the enrollments. Thank you. Please feel free to contact me. Debra

Debra Sanders, Ed.D. Foster Youth Services Coordinator Sonoma County Office of Education (707) 524-2661 office (707) 888-8919 cell


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Foster Youth - Update

From: Debra Sanders <> Subject: Foster Youth - Update To :

Hello Bob,

Mon, Jun 10, 2013 03:03 PM

At your convenience, I am hoping to speak with you about a couple of changes in relation to education for youth who are temporarily residing at Valley of the Moon Children's Horne. I thought that we might connect by phone, and then possibly schedule a time to meet in person over the summer and incorporate a brief tour of the VMCH facility. Please feel free to email or call. Thank you. Debra

Debra Sanders, Ed.D. Foster Youth Services Coordinator Sonoma County Office of Education (707) 524-2661 office (707) 888-8919 cell

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Re: Programming for July-August

From: Debra Sanders <> Subject: Re: Programming for July-August To : Stacie Kabour <>
Hi Stacie,

Tue, Jun 18, 2013 03:09 PM

Just a thought from the education perspective - if AB 490 is being followed with fidelity, then the school of origin will be the default for youth entering VMCH. That makes the need for timely transportation a high priority. Ideally, we'd have a system that routed the youth to their school so quickly that the school would not even notice a difference in terms of attendance, and then the social worker would just need to make contact to alert them that the youth was in placement. Then, while the youth is being supported to continue in their school of origin, if there is a concern about the youth's best interest, the social worker can convene a meeting with the ed rights holder, school, and myself to discuss best interest and complete the checklist. If the youth is from out-of-state or a school of origin cannot be identified, then the enrollment should take place as soon as possible. Once the school is engaged to enroll the youth, they will do so immediately in accordance with AB490 and McKinney Vento. Let me know if any of that creates more confusion than it resolves. Thanks, Debra

----- Original Message ----From: "Stacie Kabour" <> To: "Debra Sanders" <> Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 1:08:46 PM Subject: RE: Programming for July-August


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Hi Debra, We have started the discussion, however only briefly. We know that it is going to change a lot of things for us, however it is really difficult to predict how it will all go. If kids are going to their school or origin then we know they will return quickly. If kids are having to be enrolled in a district school because they are not returning to their school of origin then we need to consider how long this process takes and how long they are on the unit. This will affect our daytime programming in a big way! Stacie -----Original Message----From: Debra Sanders [] Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 12: 16 PM To: Stacie Kabour Subject: Re: Programming for July-August Stacie, Thanks. It sounds like we're getting closer to a plan. I agree that summer planning will need to be on the radar for the VMCH team for future years, and it will be easier with 12 months of lead time. There is a related topic that comes to mind, and while it's not my place, I might as well mention it...are you and your team discussing how VMCH supervision and youth support may look a bit different when all of the youth are attending schools in the community? Debra ----- Original Message ----From: "Stacie Kabour" <> To: "Debra Sanders" <> Cc: "Georgia Ioakimedes" <>, "Becky Downard" <>, "Leslie Winters" <> Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 8:36:11 AM Subject: RE: Programming for July-August The program will be part of our daily schedule for the summer. It will not be looked at


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as an extra activity or outing etc. It will be part of the schedule just like school is now, so all teens will be going to the activity unless they are in crisis at the time. I appreciate you figuring out how to keep this within the grant requirements. Meg and the AM Supervisors will meet tomorrow to see what we can come up with for the pre-teens. I think that by next summer we will have a chance to really work on summer programming. This summer is just going to be a stretch for us. Thank you Stacie -----Original Message----From: Debra Sanders [] Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 8:29 AM To: Stacie Kabour . Cc: Georgia Ioakimedes; Becky Downard; Leslie Winters Subject: Re: Programming for July-August Becky and I developed a rough plan for how she could provide the teens with a program that will "support the gaps in their academic and social skills", and that is in keeping with the grant requirements. My only concern in our last email exchange was the fact that it would be hard for her to run that program in a meaningful way if the group ranged from pre-teens to teens. How will the attendance expectation work? I am worried about a low turn-out, but also worried about what it will do to the group dynamics if youth are required to attend. Thanks, Debra ----- Original Message ----From: "Stacie Kabour" <> To: "Debra Sanders" <> Cc: "Georgia Ioakimedes" <>, IIBecky Downard" <>, IILeslie Winters" <> Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 8:19:50 AM Subject: RE: Programming for July-August


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Hi Debra, The farm is on Tuesdays. If we end up doing the option where Becky comes out for themed activities, is this covered under the FY grant funds? Thank you for the guide on the camp section, I will look into those options for the pre-teens. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you Stacie

From: Debra Sanders [] Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 5:28 PM To: Stacie Kabour Cc: Georgia Ioakimedes; Becky Downard; Leslie Winters Subject: Re: Programming for July-August Stacie, The dilemma that I'm facing is that in order to use FY grant funds the services need to be geared to academic support and remediation. There is some wiggle room in there because social skills, peer relationships, and self-esteem can be tied to academic progress. But we seem to be moving towards programs that are enrichment and recreation. That said, I really want to find something that will work. The other consideration is what I expressed earlier about the need to provide age-appropriate activities. When I began exploring options it was with the understanding that I was seeking to develop programing for up to 10 teens. The tots and pre-teens would need their own activities.

SR Parks & Rec does offer scholarships. The link to the SR Parks & Rec activity guide camp section is: htto:/ /default.aspx If a youth was interested in attending an education-related program, I would be happy to work on a case by case basis to see if there is a connection to academic remediation.


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Here are some other contacts for programs that I have been exploring. While there isn't enough time to develop a program specifically for VMCH this summer, these may be resources to keep in mind for planning for next summer. SR Boys and Girls Club - Margie Duran (938-8544 ext. 105) YMCA - Erin, Program Director (545-9622 ext. 3319) SR Parks and Rec - Patty (543-3755) Note: they start their summer program planning 9 months in advance Sylvan Learning Center - Jim Rogers (528-6000) Can you remind me again which day the youth have farm? Is it Tuesday? Debra From: "Stacie Kabour" << To: "Debra Sanders" << Cc: "Georgia Ioakimedes" <<, "Becky Downard" <<, "Leslie Winters" << Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 3:42:55 PM Subject: RE: Programming for July-August Hi Debra, I think that we can figure out programming for the first week of July. I would like to look at getting both our teens and our pre-teens into programming for the summer. If the program that is offered is for the teens then we will need to figure something out for the pre-teens. You mentioned the option of Park and Rec camps for the younger ones if we do transportation. Is this something that would be funded or would they offer scholarships for them to participate? We have not had much time to prepare for them as until recently we thought they would be in summer school so we have not been able to develop those relationships with Park and Rec and gather funding. What are your thoughts on this? I appreciate you looking into the programs for the teens and trying to come up with ideas. I think camps are great for the young ones, however funding will be an issue. Thank you Stacie From: Debra Sanders []


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Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 1:39 PM To: Stacie Kabour Cc: Georgia Ioakimedes; Becky Downard; Leslie Winters Subject: Re: Programming for July-August Hi Stacie,

It depends upon Becky's availability, but I would not object to shifting one of the camp weeks to July 1. However, with the 4th of July on Thursday, we'd only be planning to do activities on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Since this is an enrichment activity, it would be open to all teen residents. We were planning to offer this as a good-faith bridge from the school closure, so I was only expecting to have the teens. My concern with opening the program to the younger residents is that the different age groups benefit from age-appropriate experiences, so I am not sure that Becky can meet such a broad range of needs in one group.

If it is the younger residents who are a higher priority, then Becky and I could look into shifting the program to be more for that age-group. In that scenario, maybe the older youth could partiCipate in Sylvan on a voluntary basis. I know that a few of the high school youth are interested in academic support. (I could probably fund a limited number of Sylvan sessions in addition to the camp.)
Another option for the younger guys, (I know that transportation is an issue), it may be worth considering opening the option for preteen youth to partiCipate in an SR Park and Rec camp. This would allow the youth to partiCipate in something more related to their specific interests and age. Please feel free to share any other thoughts. We are in the development phase, and all input is helpful. Thanks, Debra From: "Stacie Kabour" << To: "Debra Sanders" << Cc: "Georgia Ioakimedes" <<, "Becky Downard" <<, "Leslie


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Winters" << Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 12:47:05 PM Subject: RE: Programming for July-August Hi Debra, After looking at the options I think I like the Weekly Themed Summer Activity Program that would be done by Becky Downard. If we did something like this would we have an option to do a week long summers came the first week of July? If not we can do some programming, however wanted to if it was an option. I wanted to make sure that all our residents would be able to attend the summer programs regardless of whether or not they attend district school or not. This would be a mandatory program for out residents. Are these just for teens? Or both groups? We would like something that all would be included in. Thank you, Stacie From: Debra Sanders [] Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 8:42 AM To: Leslie Winters; Stacie Kabour Cc: Georgia Ioakimedes; Becky Downard Subject: Programming for July-August Good morning, Becky Downard, the FY tutor, and I have been brainstorming ideas for programming that can be offered to the VMCH teen following the conclusion of the summer school session. It would help to get some input from the two of you so we can decide what type of approach might work best. We can select one of the ideas below, or I am happy to explore other options once I have your perspective. I am also still exploring a few other options which might be able to be added. Thanks for any thoughts and ideas. Debra Here are some logistics questions:


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Will participation in the activities be voluntary? * If the participation is voluntary, what can we do to try to insure that the summer program is utilized by at least a portion of the youth? * Is there the possibility that VMCH staff could transport youth to programs off-site?

Potential Program Options:

Sylvan Learning Center - Academic programs designed for the needs of the individual student, ex. math, reading, or study skills. Dates: July 8 - August 8 Days: Tuesday & Thursday Hours: 10:00 - 12:00 or 1:00 - 3:00 TBD Location: VMCH At the start of the program, each youth would take an assessment which takes approximately 2 hours and would be administered on July 8th and 9th. Weekly Themed Summer Activity Program Dates: up to 3 weeks TBD during the period of July 8 - August 8 Days: Tuesday - Friday Hours: 12:30 - 4:30 Location: VMCH Becky Downard will direct week-long camp sessions each with a specific theme. For example, youth will explore the "flight of the bumble bee", through hands-on activities, literature, art, a guest presenter, and outdoor exploration. Enrollment in Santa Rosa City Parks and Recreation Summer Camp If transportation were available, there are a range of camp options through the parks and rec department. Most are week-long, full-day, and youth may appreciated having the opportunity to select an activity of their choice.

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Re: Segregation

From: Jeni Stum <> Subject: Re: Segregation To : Leanne Wheeler <>

Thu, Jun 13, 2013 12:07 AM

Cc : Homeless Mail <>, Christina Dukes <>, Debra Sanders <>, Nick Honey <>, Leslie Winters <>, Jerry Dunn <>, Happy@DSS Stuart <>, Mickey Porter <>, Steve Herrington <>, Jennifer Beach <>, Millie Gilson <>, Georgia Ioakimedes <>

Hello Everyone, I am glad to hear VOMCH will finally come into compliance and close the school. However, I do not think this is the end of the story for VOMCH school. We have two major issues to deal with as the school closes. First, we need to develop a plan for helping the children whose academic progress has been hindered by the inadequate education at SCOE school at VOMCH. Many children have reported being unable to graduate because their credits did not transfer properly from VOMCH school or had to retake several semesters of successfully completed courses because of credit transfer problems. Many also report they are not adequately educated so they fell behind academically or did not have access to basic high school and junior high education at SCOE school at VOMCH. Every child who has been at SCOE school at VOMCH who has not yet graduated needs follow up assistance to get them on track academically and have help getting appropriate credits. I have asked SCOE about their plans to address this issue but I have not heard back about their plans.


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Secondly, we need to be open about the future process for determining where a child goes to school. We need to develop a process to assure the rights of youth will be respected this time. The current process requires youth or educational rights holders to dispute an educational placement which was determined by someone at DHS, not by the McKinney Vento liaison after the child's school placements have already been changed. So any dispute comes after academic instability already occurs. It also requires youth to take direct action to dispute the wishes of their social worker or other DHS employee, an action that can have devastating consequences to the child's welfare. The current problem of post-educational placement disputes is not solved by just closing the school. If we work together, we can develop a plan which complies with the law and that DHS and SCOE are capable of adhering to long term. I have included Community Care Licensing, Improvement & Accountability Division of the State of California, Human Services of Sonoma County, National Center for Homeless Education at SERVE, advocates and SCOE in this email to make sure all concerned agencies are involved. We should also have youth involvement, if anyone knows a youth who would like to be involved please forward this along to them. McKinney Vento Liaison Debra: will you please tell us the formal process which you will use to determine a youth's educational placement upon entry into VOMCH and during their stay. Will you also tell us what will happen to youth who were previously at a non-public school, like a group home school without VOMCH school. Vice Superintendent Mickey: will you please tell us what services will be provided by SCOE for the youth who have been academically derailed and how you will identify them. Human Services Section Manager Leslie: Please let us know about any problems or concerns that you are trying to overcome or worries you foresee. Anyone who has it: please send us any formalized plans for closing the school. Everyone else, please let all know your concerns. Jeni

On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 2:34 PM, Leanne Wheeler <> wrote:


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Hello Jeni and Christina,

Thank you first of all with bringing me into this discussion and topic.

I had a lengthy conversation with Debra Sanders, Homeless and Foster Youth Liaison for the Sonoma County Office of Education. She was a wealth of information and a true advocate for the homeless and foster youth population we care so much for.

Debra indicated that with the implementation of California's AB 490 and the Education for Homeless Children and Youth provisions, VOMCC's school will be closing as of June 30, 2013. The school was originally established to help with the educational continuity of the foster youth coming into the home, placed by social services. But with the provisions of both of the laws listed above, the enrollment has drastically decreased and the county does not see a need for it. The school districts in Sonoma county are successfully implementing students returning to their school of origin, immediately.

Even though the school is closing, I don't believe that this was a separate school issue. I merely think that students were temporarily placed in the school setting, there on site, to keep a daily routine for the student until staff could find out the necessary information to get them back to their school of origin.

Jeni, you are welcome to call upon me, the State Coordinator for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth, or Debra Sanders, Homeless Liaison for Sonoma County. Debra's contact information is or 707-524-2661.


Leanne Wheeler, Consultant


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School Turnaround Office Improvement and Accountability Division California Department of Education 1430 N Street, Suite 6208 Sacramento, CA 95814 Homeless Education Program 916-319-0383

For information on the educational rights of children and youth experiencing homelessness, visit the National Center for Homeless Education at The SERVE Center Webpage: Free: 800-308-2145

From: Jeni Sturn [] Sent: FridaYI June 071 2013 4:01 PM To: Homeless Mail Cc: Leanne Wheeler Subject: Re: Segregration

Christina l Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I will call you as soon as I can.

I did know that the LEA is supposed to be doing the best interest determinations. That is one of the reasons that I was doing research. I am trying to educate Human Services and the LEA about that but they repetely assert the current way they are doing it is in compliance.
VOMCH school is not a school for delinquents. Children who enter foster care


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through probation do not go to VOMCH. It is my understanding that it exclusively for children who enter through the welfare system. The principal told me that no children who are not at VOMCH go to the school, so there is not delinquent intermingling. VOMCH does not qualify under and of the exceptions for ranches, probation school, juvenile hall school,etc. Based on what the FY&C department head told me, VOMCH received 5.5 million dollars in funding last year though and I believe $0 came through probation or justice departments. Is there a funding question I should ask or something I should look out for?

VOMCH is in Sonoma County, which you are correct - is not one of the covered counties with exceptions in MKV. Jeni

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 10:57 AM, Homeless Mail <> wrote: Hi Jeni: Ultimately, it would be most easy to discuss this via phone. If you would like to do so, my direct line is 336-574-8729. In the meantime, I'll do my best to provide clarification. Firstly, it is important to understand that under the McKinney-Vento Act, it is the responsibility of the school district, not the child welfare agency, to determine eligibility for McKinney-Vento services by determining if the student's living arrangement meets the M-V definition of homeless. The school district (and more specifically, the local liaison and/or school district employees that have been trained and authorized to do so) should be identifying and determining the eligibility of students for the McKinney-Vento program. Child welfare agencies do not have authority to do so. I think we're on the same page, but I just wanted to make sure.


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It sounds like this separate school is being held at a child welfare shelter. I would be interested to know a little bit more about the school's funding and administration. For instance, while this is not my area of expertise, I am familiar with schools that sometimes are connected with homes or shelters connected with the child welfare and/or juvenile justice systems. They may, for instance, be funded at least in part and authorized by Title ID (Neglected and Delinquent). As such, this school might be of a different nature than simply a "separate homeless school". I'm copying Leanne Wheeler, the California State Coordinator for Homeless Education, on this email. She likely is aware of the school and may be able to provide additional information. I do know that the M-V Act does allow for four "exempted counties" where separate schools do occur, but they are "(i) San Joaquin County, California; (ii) Orange County, California; (iii) San Diego County, California; and (iv) Maricopa County, Arizona." From your message, this school you mention is not based in one of these four counties. Leanne - can you provide any insight?


National Center for Homeless Education at SERVE P.O. Box 5367 Greensboro, NC 27435 Toll Free Help Line: 1-800-308-2145 Fax: 336-315-7457 Web site:

> Jeni Stum 06/03/13 5:46 PM >

Christine, I am a little confused about the distinction you are making between welfare state and homeless when it is the welfare state tha determines that they are homeless. Is it that it is permissable to segregate them because they are foster children without placements, not because they are homeless?





Jeni On Jun 3, 2013 1:38 PM, "Homeless Mailll <> wrote: Hi Jeni: I understand your concern and thank you for reaching out.

If this were a separate school at a homeless shelter having no intersection

whatsoever with the child welfare system, I would be more concerned. However, from the details you have given, this sounds like a school where students are directed based on child welfare status, as opposed to the issue of being a separate school for homeless students. It happens that some (or all?) of the kids that attend there are homeless by virtue of being "awaiting foster care placement", depending on how that school district is defining and implementing that portion of the McKinney-Vento definition of homeless. This sounds a little different than what the McKinney-Vento Act would consider to be a separate school for homeless students under the Act. This is a bit of a more involved question involving the intersection of McKinney-Vento and child welfare (and potentially the Fostering Connections Act) wherein my response (about the school itself and the best interest determination issue) may vary based on additional details that I learn from you. If you'd like to discuss this in greater detail, please call me at 336-574-8729. Best, Christina

National Center for Homeless Education at SERVE P.O. Box 5367 Greensboro, NC 27435 Toll Free Help Line: 1-800-308-2145 Fax: 336-315-7457 Web site:

> Jeni Stum OS/28/13 5:43 PM > Hello,


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I listened to your McKinnery Vento webinar and it was extremely helpful. I have some questions and you encouraged me to ask, so here goes. I looking into a shelter in Sonoma County, CA. It is a receiving home for children waiting for a foster home placement. It has an on sight school run by the Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE). Some of the children go to public school but many don't, they go to the school there. The school at the shelter does not allow children from the surrounding area so there are no non-homeless children. Children do not continue at that school when they are placed. The principal does not know why the children are selected to be placed at the shelter school. The McKinney Vento liaison at SCOE has not done a best interest determination in over a year and no child has been provided a surrogate rights holder. She also does not know why the children are placed there. Right now, the best interest determinations for which school the child goes to are being done by Human Services, probably each individual social worker. I've reviewed the statutes carefully and I believe this is a segregated school. Is there a way to confirm a segregated school? Is there any guidance on what constitutes a segregated school? If this is a segregated school, what steps can I take to help rectify the situation? Jeni Stum Foster Youth Advocate


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