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6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sat May 04, 2013 8:39 am Is it good to have the 6th lord (a functional malefic but a natural benefic) in the 6th house? intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by shoemaker Sun May 05, 2013 12:32 am Hii intstud, 6th house is a bad house, moreover it is one of the upachaya house. Malefics(Mars,Saturn,Rahu) do better in 6th house to defeat obstacles, enemies. But Benefics(Venus,Jupiter,Moon) loose their general significations as Venus by(relations with spouse), Jupiter by(money, knowledge) & Moon by(relations with mother, education). However being a (functional malefic but a natural benefic) if these benefics(venus,jupiter,moon) are placed in 6th house in own sign or exalted state, then they will increase the goodness of 6th house(work,service,resistance,health) As functional malefic in malefic house is good. but the general significations of planet may suffer. Regards shoemaker A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma. ~ Sri Yukteswar. shoemaker Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 12:41 am Okay, so, something like Ven in 6th house Lib or Jup in 6th house Pis can actually help defeat/win over enemies? intstud

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun May 05, 2013 12:59 am Venus does really well in the 6th if its one of the trinal lords.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 1:10 am What if it is not a trinal lord (in the above case, Tau asc, it is though)? intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun May 05, 2013 1:17 am 1,5 and 9 cannot harm the native in anyway but parasara says Venus is malefic for Taurus. The 6th house is full of physical activities, duties and very hard work so benefics in general do not have the strength to fully utilize that house.


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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 1:20 am So a functional malefic in the 6th house is actually good? I mean in a general sense, not for Tau lag. Say Jup in 6th house Pis or even Ven in 6th houseTau. intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun May 05, 2013 1:28 am Only natural malefics are good in the 6th house- starting with Rahu. Benefic planets are not moulded to do hard-work, they are there to make you lucky. So if a trinal lord happens to be in the 6th house people tend to get lucky - enemies bring luck, charming professors to give higher grades in exams, swindling load of cash and getting a pardon from the law and all sorts of non-physical luck.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 1:41 am How does a natural benefic function in the 6th (in swa) when it is not a trinal lord? intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun May 05, 2013 1:45 am It does not function very well - no luck or physical strength = failure.

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 1:48 am Isn't the 6th lord supposed to destroy the house it sits in? In that case, wont it destroy the 6th house significations if it sits in the 6th? intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun May 05, 2013 1:52 am Only if the 6th lord is strong. Keep this in mind - the natural benefics cannot do physical activities this is why people with Jupiter in the 10th will have a hard time finding a job that suits them. 6th house is the house of battles, enemies, wars, diseases - many of which require physical power or luck factor.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 1:54 am "Only if the 6th lord is strong."? How do we know this? Isn't the 6th lord in 6th strong? Is Sun a natural malefic or benefic? intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun May 05, 2013 1:58 am Not really, how can you say that without even looking at the chart? Let me give you an example: exalted venus in the 6th house is strong enough to overpower the 6th house. For Virgo 9th lord in the 6th can make you can check the charts of Emma Watson and Chelsea Clinton- you'll come to know how lucky they are. If the 6th lord happens to be a natural malefic we'll have to see how much strength it has- but its generally good. edit: sun is natural malefic.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 2:03 am I have 2 charts in hand, one with Tula lag and Jup in 6th house. Jup is the lord of 3rd and 6th. The other is Dhanu lag, with Ven in Taurus. Ven is lord of 11th and 6th. intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 2:05 am "For Virgo 9th lord in the 6th can make you lucky" So, Ven in Aqu. Is the the same the other way round,as in, 6th lord in 9th? Is it the same for other lagnas too? intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by anuradha Sun May 05, 2013 2:07 am Re: 6th Lord in 6th House by elipsis 050513 Only if the 6th lord is strong. Keep this in mind - the natural benefics cannot do physical activities - this is why people with Jupiter in the 10th will have a hard time finding a job that suits them. 6th house is the house of battles, enemies, wars, diseases many of which require physical power or luck factor. Sh K.N Rao[ retired I.A.A.S] and late Sh H.R Bachchan[Lecturer in Allahabad university and later class one officer in M.E.A] has Jupiter [ exalted] in 10H. . . .

, , , , , , : .

anuradha Donor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 2:09 am I think even Emma Watson, has Jup in 10th. I have to recheck though. intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun May 05, 2013 2:11 am anuradha wrote: Re: 6th Lord in 6th House by elipsis 050513 Only if the 6th lord is strong. Keep this in mind - the natural benefics cannot do physical activities - this is why people with Jupiter in the 10th will have a hard time finding a job that suits them. 6th house is the house of battles, enemies, wars, diseases - many of which require physical power or luck factor. Sh K.N Rao[ retired I.A.A.S] and late Sh H.R Bachchan[Lecturer in Allahabad university and later class one officer in M.E.A] has Jupiter [ exalted] in 10H.

Well yeah...I was thinking the same, Jupiter is too strong.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun May 05, 2013 2:26 am intstud wrote:"For Virgo 9th lord in the 6th can make you lucky" So, Ven in Aqu. Is the the same the other way round,as in, 6th lord in 9th? Is it the same for other lagnas too?

Not the other way around....that would be chaotic. And yes, the trinal lords in the 6th is really good....Moon in 6th for Pisces for example. But i'd personally prefer malefics because 6th house represents a wide variety of things so i'd rather have a strong malefic planet.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 2:51 am What about the 11th lord in 6th? Exalted or swa. intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by anuradha Sun May 05, 2013 3:06 am Re: 6th Lord in 6th House by intstud 050513

What about the 11th lord in 6th? Exalted or swa. intstud Frequent Contributor Posts: 293 Joined: 020111

Very good, gives the capacity to fight back. . . .

, , , , , , : . anuradha Donor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 3:07 am Amitabh Bacchan has this, I think. Can this combination mean gains (11th) from enemies (6th)? Anuradha, what is your take on 6th lord in 6th house? intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 7:08 am In this article Vaughn Paul states that 12th lord in 12th, 6th lord in 6th or 8th lord in 8th is a VRY. ... 082206.htm intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 7:12 am He even states that the 11th lord in 6th (when weak, I am guessing) gives Daridra Yoga and 9th lord in 6th gives Durbhagya Yoga. intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun May 05, 2013 7:17 am intstud wrote:In this article Vaughn Paul states that 12th lord in 12th, 6th lord in 6th or 8th lord in 8th is a VRY.

buddy, why don't go and check a few charts yourself for practice. Yogas aren't created like that...merely by placement that is. Only when the 6th house is extremely strong you can see vry manifesting. But 8th house a different story over all.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 7:31 am "Yogas aren't created like that...merely by placement that is." Exactly my point, we cannot ascertain the auspiciousness or in auspiciousness of a chart just by the looking at a single planetary placement.

" For Virgo 9th lord in the 6th can make you can check the charts of Emma Watson and Chelsea Clinton- you'll come to know how lucky they are. If the 6th lord happens to be a natural malefic we'll have to see how much strength it has- but its generally good." 9th lord in 6th, like in the charts you mentioned, is definitely not the/only thing bringing them luck. They have very strong charts in general (lagna and divisional). intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun May 05, 2013 7:36 am intstud wrote:"Yogas aren't created like that...merely by placement that is." Exactly my point, we cannot ascertain the auspiciousness or in auspiciousness of a chart just by the looking at a single planetary placement. We are talking about 6th house- not the yogas in particular. I didn't say anything about yogas, you bought it up. What is VRY? " For Virgo 9th lord in the 6th can make you can check the charts of Emma Watson and Chelsea Clinton- you'll come to know how lucky they are. If the 6th lord happens to be a natural malefic we'll have to see how much strength it has- but its generally good." 9th lord in 6th, like in the charts you mentioned, is definitely not the/only thing bringing them luck. They have very strong charts in general (lagna and divisional).

The auspiciousness of the trinal lords are easily discernible because they really can't harm the native no matter where they are placed. They can be weak but they can't harm.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 7:38 am Yes, but what I meant was the auspiciousness of the whole chart cannot be measured just on the basic of this. No doubt this position is auspicious, but there are several other factors that have made these natives who they are today. intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun May 05, 2013 7:45 am intstud wrote:Yes, but what I meant was the auspiciousness of the whole chart cannot be measured just on the basic of this. No doubt this position is auspicious, but there are several other factors that have made these natives who they are today.

You asked what is the effect of 6th lord in the 6th house, I said malefic is a preferred placement in the 6th house because the planet is physically strong - which is the whole point of the 6th house, extremely strong benefic is ok too but not preferred, trinal lords make you lucky with regard to dealings of the 6th house. I said nothing about the auspiciousness of the entire chart- for that we will have to look the all areas of life. I suggest you study the charts of people i mentioned earlier...check their divisions as well.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 7:56 am

"" For Virgo 9th lord in the 6th can make you can check the charts of Emma Watson and Chelsea Clinton- you'll come to know how lucky they are. " Yes, I get your point, but when you said the above, it sounded like you meant that was the only/main factor creating the luck. Anyway,I have seen Emma Watson's chart and I know exactly how strong it is (including the divisions). Indeed a very lucky/talented woman. intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun May 05, 2013 8:02 am 9th lord in the 6th does make you lucky and in the watson's chart too venus is that planet. Even though I don't like this dasa based predictions- she was in fact running venus dasa when she was auditioned for Harry Potter.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 8:09 am Yes, another element that gives her good luck is her really strong D9 (especially the strength of Sun and Sat). One thing I want to add here is that we can never really be totally sure about a celebrity's birth time , so a strong D9 (strength of planets) can give us a good indication of the luck factor. intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun May 05, 2013 8:13 am intstud wrote:Yes, another element that gives her good luck is her really strong D9 (especially the strength of Sun and Sat). Yes we are talking about good luck regarding 6th house. One thing I want to add here is that we can never really be totally sure about a celebrity's birth time , so a strong D9 (strength of planets) can give us a good indication of the luck factor.[ Well, venus and saturn aren't fast moving planets like moon so change in the timings won't affect D9 much.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 8:19 am "Well, venus and saturn aren't fast moving planets like moon so change in the timings won't affect D9 much." That is precisely what I am saying. A change in time might change her D1 lagna, in which which her 9th lord won't be in 6th, but Sat will remain in Cap and Sun will remain in Aries in D9, continuing to make them varg swa/exalted and showing signs of awesome luck. intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun May 05, 2013 8:23 am I am pretty sure her time of birth is accurate. Mainly because venus would have played a nasty role

for the Leo ascendant.

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 9:01 am I am assuming you are right, her lagna is Vir. But since her dashas won't differ even if the lagna changes to a higher degree of leo, and Ven happens to be the 10th lord and 3rd lord for leo (in 7th house), the Ven dasha triggering a career (10th house) in cinema (Ven and 3rd house related) during it's dasha cannot be hugely surprising. intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun May 05, 2013 9:20 am Venus is a functional malefic planet for Leo ascendant, the benefits of the 10th house cannot manifest at such an early age in the 7th house, it would have happened post-marriage.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 9:35 am Ven is a functional malefic/an evil planet for several other signs like sagi and cancer. If you look at charts of celebs AJ and Catherine Zeta Jones,etc, they flourished/won Oscars durin Ven dasha. intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 9:36 am The other reasoning is fine, I guess. I even heard that Merc has a role to play when it comes to giving an early start in career. This is a general thing, I am not relating this here. intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun May 05, 2013 9:39 am The 10th house is a long road ahead of the ascendant, tbe ascendant (soul) has to pass through several stages before it gets manifested. I'm ending this conversation - I can't discuss 10th house, create another topic and we'll see.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by intstud Sun May 05, 2013 9:45 am Haha, that's okay. intstud Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by Astrodude Mon May 06, 2013 7:00 am Interesting discussion... Last edited by Astrodude on Wed May 22, 2013 3:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

Astrodude Registered User

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by astroleaner Tue May 07, 2013 3:46 pm Elipsis - I've been reading your posts for a while now. Your answers have always been unique and when I applied them to the charts I have, I've been amazed by it! Right from the time you answered my post abt Emma Watson I'm so relieved to read about your view on trinal lord in 6th house because I've been worried about this in my daughter's chart - Pisces Ascendant with moon in 6th house - you had stated exactly the same in your example and your message is like Godsend to me! I'll keep this in mind going forward - Thanks & GodBless! astroleaner Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by arv1987 Wed May 08, 2013 1:00 am I also have similar case. Exalted venus, Jupiter and Rahu in 6th house. Good or bad.??? What are their impacts in my life.?? Thanks... Last edited by arv1987 on Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:37 am, edited 1 time in total. arv1987 Newly Registered User

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by new_astro Mon May 13, 2013 8:14 am what are the results if venus. 6th lord for taurus ascendant is in 6th house with sun (4th lord) also in the 6th house? new_astro Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by Patriot Mon May 13, 2013 9:49 pm elipsis wrote:Venus does really well in the 6th if its one of the trinal lords. Dear Elipsis, I have similar combination with Mercury. Mercury is placed along with mars(11th lord) in 6th house( own house for mercury) for Capricorn lagna being 9th lord it did not effect me much, infact i brought a car for myself & my father brought 2 flats during its AD( in Jup MD). I am wondering is this because of its association with Mars( being 4th & 11th lord) that i was able to buy a car during that AD or because mercury is also a trine lord.

Please explain. Regards, Patriot Patriot Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by sg07 Tue May 14, 2013 3:44 am Dear Astrologers, I'm an Aries ascendant and have my 6th lord Mercury in 6th with Sun...I just wonder if its good or bad?? DOB:19/9/1972 Time:20:19 Place:Delhi rgds SG sg07 Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Tue May 14, 2013 4:07 am Patriot wrote: elipsis wrote:Venus does really well in the 6th if its one of the trinal lords. Dear Elipsis, I have similar combination with Mercury. Mercury is placed along with mars(11th lord) in 6th house( own house for mercury) for Capricorn lagna being 9th lord it did not effect me much, infact i brought a car for myself & my father brought 2 flats during its AD( in Jup MD). I am wondering is this because of its association with Mars( being 4th & 11th lord) that i was able to buy a car during that AD or because mercury is also a trine lord.

Please explain. Regards, Patriot

Well, Mercury in the 6th will help you succeed professionally but its got nothing to do with immovable properties or vehicles. You are right, it might well be because of 4th lord, you can check your d16 and d4 for confirmation.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by chavitarun Tue May 14, 2013 5:12 am sir There is a general rule " Swagrahi planet give good result" is there any exception to the above rule ?

6th Lord in 6th House

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Tue May 14, 2013 5:30 am Not necessarily, for example...12th lord in the 12th house doesn't give good results. Similarly, 6th lord in the 6th house doesn't give good results all the time.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by navall Tue May 14, 2013 8:24 am Dear elipsis ji, i have a chart. with jupiter 9th and 6th lord in 6th house along with mars the yogakaraka for cancer lagna. I think jupiter is here very strong and will good results being the trinal lord also as mentioned in your posts. moreover jup is exalted in navamsa too. 13-10-84 00.30 am Ambala. What is your take on this. Warm Regards, Naval navall Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by new_astro Tue May 14, 2013 6:33 pm To have a vipreet Raja yoga, is it that all the 6th, 8th and 12 th lord should be placed in 6th 8th and 12 th respectively ? or it holds even for any one of the planets in 6th,8th or 12th. i.e 6th in 6th or 8th in 8th and 12th in 12th? new_astro Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by The Lonely Wolf Mon May 20, 2013 7:30 pm 6th in 6th or 12th in 12th does not cause a VRY. However, I have a doubt regarding VRY - does 8th L and 6th L aspecting each other from any of the 6th, 8th, and 12th cause a VRY? Someone answer this.. Regards

The Lonely Wolf Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by new_astro Mon May 20, 2013 7:58 pm Thanks for the reply Sir. I have venus and sun in libra in 6th house for taurus ascendant with venus as the 6th lord. So does it help in way to the native? 8th lord jupiter in aquarius in 10th house and mars is the 7th and 12th lord in 9th house in capricorn. Does it help the native in anyways? 5-11-1986/Mysore/7.45Pm new_astro Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by dendenpatel Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:13 am What about khumbh lagna , 6 th lord in 6 th house ( swa ), functional malefic but dark moon ? dendenpatel Registered User

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by rita Thu Jun 13, 2013 6:58 am Example about a couple I know: Husband - Taurus ascendant, 6th Lord and Ascendant Lord Venus in 6th House with 7th Lord Mars. Wife - Scorpio ascendant, 6th Lord and Ascendant Lord Mars in 6th House. During Moon-Venus dasha, husband had a kidney transplant and the kidney was donated by his wife. My view is that the husband had kidney failure due to 6th Lord Venus in 6th house. And as he has 7th Lord Mars in 6th house, the donor was his wife. Wife had to go through the surgery same time as the husband as she has 6th Lord Mars in 6th house. Any other views? Warm Regards Rita rita Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by surajmohith Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:26 am to elipses for sagittarius ascejdant 8th lord moon natural benefic in 6th house tauras exalted .is it is good?.is it is forming VRY? surajmohith Registered User

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:52 pm 8th lord in the 12th creates a more powerful vry than 8th lord in the 6th for sagittarius. 8th signifies obstacles - so when the 8th lord is weak in a friendly house in 12th you will face very little trouble in life.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by dendenpatel Sun Jun 16, 2013 7:45 pm please guide me , 6 th lord malefic ( dark moon ) in 6 th house but in own sign cancer it is good or bad ? dendenpatel Registered User

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun Jun 16, 2013 7:58 pm Its generally bad.


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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by 2002diksha Thu Jun 20, 2013 4:07 am hello elipsis ji, I have sixth lord mercury placed in sixth how the mahadasa of mercury will go. good or bad. regards 2002diksha Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:19 am You have a strong 6th lord in vagotamma. Maha dasa will be full of trials but you will overcome it.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by surajmohith Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:57 am dear elipses i have 6L MARS(R) in 2H cancer for my gemini lagna . it is also vargottama. is it is forming any yoga. ? is it is good r bad ? if so why? dob 9-2-1978 time 14:15

vishakhapatnam ,andhra pradesh with regards suraj surajmohith Registered User

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by elipsis Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:07 am 2nd lord in the 6th or vice versa in the chart is a good indicator for career, because 2nd and 6th are always friendly to the 10th lord. If the 6th lord is strong then you can expect career to be very fortunate.

elipsis Frequent Contributor

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by explorings Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:48 am elipsis wrote:Venus does really well in the 6th if its one of the trinal lords.

6th house is "Marana Karaka Sthana" for Venus especially if it is poorly disposed... it leads to extended servitude.... this goes against the basic cause of Venus. It also leads to problems in marital life and possibility of celibacy if there are other indications in the chart supporting the same.

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Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by Sree.sree Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:01 pm @Explorings jiUse BRIGU SHATKA DOSHA word for Ven at 6th House. It is one of the Balarista Dosha(Natal death) as per child birth As per Electional Astrology/Muhurtha Sastra that where Ven at 6thH stricktly avoidable. Additionally Death related Houses(Not taken Own,exal..etc) Sat-at Asc. Jup-3rdH Ven-6H Mar (or)Merc-7H Moo-8H Rah-9H Sun-12H Upachayas 6th house Natural benefics like Jup,Ven..not done well. Person become Saint or Satwik means cannt have Combative nature. But Any planet Own,Exalted,Moo.Tri..etc at 6thH done well. --SREEDHARSree.sree Contributor

Posts: 206 Joined: Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:04 pm Top

Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by new_astro Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:41 am Hello Sree Sir, Will 6th lord venus in 6th house in libra for Taurus ascendant do good for the native? Venus is present with 4th house lord sun in libra. new_astro Contributor

Posts: 44 Joined: Mon May 13, 2013 12:53 am Top

Re: 6th Lord in 6th House

by ashtalakshmi Sat Jun 29, 2013 12:40 pm Lagna lord in 8th with the aspect from 12th lord in 12th. Here the 12th lord is retrograde. I am confused whether 12 lord being retrograde is powerful or weak? What will be the impact of its aspect on lagna lord? ashtalakshmi Contributor

Posts: 185 Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:58 am

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