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PAPER 1 1 The dimension for stress is A M L T -1 Ans: D STPM 2000 2 The dimension for stress where stress = A M L T -1 Ans

: D 3. The dimensions for power is A MLT-1 Ans : D STPM 2001 B MLT-2 C ML2T-2 D ML2T-3 B M L T -2
force is area

B M L T -2

C M L-1 T-1

D M L-1 T -2

C M L-1 T-1

D M L-1 T -2

mgd 2T 2 4. What are the dimensions of the physical quantity where m , g, d, T and l are mass, 16 2 l
gravitational acceleration, width, period and length respectively? A MT2 Ans: B STPM 1990 B ML2 C MLT2 D ML2T2

5. Which of the following errors are systematic errors? A B C D Zero errors Parallax errors Errors caused by non-uniformity in shape Errors caused by changes in the surroundings

Ans : A STPM 1990 6. Which of the following pairs of physical quantities are vectors ? A. displacement , torque B. frequency , velocity D. momen of inersia, acceleration Ans : A STPM 92 C. work , momentum

7. Which of the following physical quantities has dimensions ML2T-1 ? A. Torque B. Energy C. Angular momentum D. Linear momentum

Ans: D STPM 93 8. Which of the physical quantities below have the same dimensions as energy per unit volume ? A Force B Acceleration C Momentum D Pressure Ans: D stpm 94 9. The relationship between pressure p and velocity v at any point in a liquid that is flowing along a horizontal pipe is given by p y

1 v , where y is a dimensional quantity and is 2


the density of the liquid. The dimension of y is given by A. ML-3 T-2 Ans: B stpm 96 B. ML-1 T-2 C. M T-2 D. MLT-2

10. A student uses a milliammeter to measure the current in a circuit. After a series of measurements, the results obtains are as follows : Minimum current = 1.34 mA Mean current = 1.37 mA Maximum current = 1.39 mA It is known that the actual current in the circuit is 1.51 mA. Which of the following causes the value of the mean current to deviate from the value fo the actual current ? A. B. C. D. The number of readings taken by the student is not sufficient. There are parallaxs errors in the readings taken. The milliammeter used is not sensitive enough. The milliammeter has zero error.

Ans: D STPM 97 11. Which of the statements below is true of errors in measurement ? A Zero errors are random errors. B A measurement is accurate if it has very small random errors. C Systematic errors are caused by equipment that are not sensitive enough. D Random errors could be reduced by repeating the measurement. Ans: D stpm 98

PAPER 2 1. (a) State two differences between systematic error and random error

[2] (b) The period of simple pendulum is determined by measuring the time for 20 complete oscillations with the use of stopwatch. State the possible systematic error and a possible random error in the determination of the period of of the stop watch


( STPM 2001 no. 1)

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