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SEEK Employment Index: July Release The SEEK Employment Index (SEI), released today shows across Australia

the SEI declined -2.4% for the month of June. The SEI measures the ratio of new job ads placed with SEEK compared to the number of applications for those jobs. The difference between the number of job opportunities and candidates applying was particularly evident in Western Australia, where the labour market continues to feel the impact of reduction in mining related capital expenditure and the associated decrease in new job opportunities. The SEI decreased -5.9%. Conversely Victoria has witnessed an increase in the SEI up 0.7%, most likely driven by the increase in job ad volume, up 2.1% month on month. SEEK Managing Director Joe Powell says Although the large Eastern states of New South Wales and Victoria have benefits from the flow on impacts of the mining sector, to date they have been less affected by the declines in the mining capex. With Victorias SEI increase and New South Wales posting a more moderate decline than other states, they appear more responsive to monetary and fiscal policy at a state and federal level then the likes of Queensland and Western Australia, Mr Powell said. Fastest Moving Jobs (May June 2013) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Media Planners/Buyers up 55% Construction Lawyers up 20% Medical Imagers up 18% Rail & Maritime Transport Professionals up 12% Managers Banking & Finance up 10%

SEEK Employment Index (SEI) The SEEK Employment Index decreased by -2.4% in June across Australia. The SEI decline fell in four of the five big states: New South Wales (-3.2%), Queensland (1.8%), South Australia (-1.6%) and Western Australia (-5.9%). However, SEI rose in Victoria (0.7%). SEEK New Job Ad Index SEEK New Job Ads declined 1.3% in June 2013 The New Job Ads Index fell in most big states: New South Wales (-1.8%), Queensland (1.5%), South Australia (-0.2%), and Western Australia (-6%) but rose in Victoria (2.1%)

For further information please contact: Sarah Macartney 03 8306 0818 ***
About SEEK SEEK is the number one job board in Australia & New Zealand in terms of both job ad and jobseeker numbers. SEEK receives over 23million visitors per month to and currently has over 100,000 job ads live. The SEEK experience is seamless across desktop, mobile and iPad and currently over 40% of all visitors to are via mobile devices. In Australia, SEEK also has the SEEK Learning business which connects people with education and training to advance their career and SEEK Commercial, where people can find businesses and franchises for sale. *Source: Nielsen Online Ratings, Market Intelligence traffic data, monthly, Jun 2013 & SEEK Omniture Data June 2013

About SEEK Intelligence As Australia and New Zealand's leading employment website, SEEK has excellent insight into these labour markets. SEEK regularly researches employment trends and jobseeker sentiment and conducts quantitative and qualitative research of these audiences. Details can be found online at About the SEEK Employment Index Developed in consultation with Victoria University's Centre of Strategic Economic Studies, the SEEK Employment Index (SEI) is the first Australian aggregate indicator to measure the interaction between labour market supply and labour market demand. Specifically, the SEI represents the relationship between demand for workers and jobseeker activity. When the Index increases, it demonstrates a 'tightening' employment market; where advertisers find it harder to fill roles (i.e.: demand outweighs supply). This is favourable for jobseekers, as job opportunities are greater and competition between applicants is reduced. Inversely, as the Index falls, it demonstrates a 'softening' employment market (i.e.: supply outweighs demand) and advertisers find it easier to fill roles. In this instance, jobseekers need to compete for the available jobs.

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